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CloverDragon03 CloverDragon03 22 days ago

Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Anos Moves the Moon

Full mask off, the reason I'm doing this is because I was poking around at MGK profiles because my trust for the verse's quality control is at an all-time low. Unfortunately, that's just my firm belief, regardless of who likes it or not.

Anyways, I'm recalcing this feat, where Anos moves the Moon to create a solar eclipse. I can kinda get the rational for how this feat was calculated, but there's a much easier way to do it: we legit see the Moon's movement, so we can pixel scale it instead of making assumptions. So that's what I'll do.

Moon Diameter = 3474800 meters = 765 px

3474800 / 765 = 4542.22 meters per px

Distance Traveled = 586.6 px = 2664466.25 meters

The time between the initial point and the final point is 3 seconds.

Speed = 2664466.2…

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CloverDragon03 CloverDragon03 25 days ago

Tekken: Paul and Law Stop a Meteor

So in a Tekken ending, Paul and Law (I think that's Law?) are able to stop a meteor. I'll be calculating their Attack Potency and Lifting Strength.

Meteor Diameter = 303177 meters = 141 px

303177 / 141 = 2150.19 meters per px

Distance Traveled (Blue Line) = 152.88 px = 328721.05 meters

The video is 30 FPS and the meteor travels this distance in 23 frames.

Timeframe = 23 / 30 = 0.7667 seconds

Speed = 328721.05 / 0.7667 = 428747.95 m/s

KE = 0.5 * 4.8880111e+19 * 428747.95^2 = 4.4926884e+30 Joules

Force = Energy / Distance

Force = 4.4926884e+30 / 328721.05 = 1.3667176e+25 Newtons or 1.3936641e+24 kg (Class Y)

Paul and Law Stop a Meteor:

  • Attack Potency = 1.07 zettatons; Small Planet level (Low 5-B)
    • Individual AP = 536.89 exatons; Small Planet level (Low 5-B)
  • Li…

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CloverDragon03 CloverDragon03 29 December 2024

BlazBlue: Take-Mikazuchi Fires a Laser

Recalcing this because the calc doesn't account for planet curvature scaling. Basically, Take-Mikazuchi fires a laser and it causes a big boom, so I'mma calc its yield.

Earth's Diameter = 12742000 meters = 2423 px

Panel Height = 1057 px

Corrected Planet Diameter = sqrt(1-(tan(35)*(planet diameter in pixels/panel height in pixels))^2/((tan(35)*(planet diameter in pixels/panel height in pixels))^2+1))*planet diameter

Corrected Planet Diameter = sqrt(1-(tan(35)*(2423/1057))^2/((tan(35)*(2423/1057))^2+1))*12742000 = 8630552.46 meters

True Diameter = 8630552.46 meters = 2423 px

8630552.46 / 2423 = 3561.93 meters per px

Explosion Diameter = 177.89 px = 633631.73 meters

Explosion Radius = 633631.73 / 2 = 316815.865 meters

Ground level explosion formula is…

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CloverDragon03 CloverDragon03 7 December 2024

Black Clover: Nozel Reflects Ray of Divine Punishment Recalc

So in chapter 199 of Black Clover, Nozel reflects Ray of Divine Punishment, a spell that moves at the speed of light. I'll be calculating his speed.

I've done this before, and so as KingTempest, but I found another way to go about it that I think makes sense.

Panel Height = 378 px

Yuno's Height = 1.72 meters = 60 px

1.72 / 60 = 0.028667 meters per px

Distance Mercury Needed to Travel = 31 px = 0.889 meters

This is the minimum distance the mercury needed to have traveled to cover Asta and Yuno.

Laser Width = 2.69 meters = 218.68 px

2.69 / 218.68 = 0.012301 meters per px

Horizontal Laser Distance = 572.63 px = 7.04 meters

Vertical Laser Distance = (2.69 * 378) / [218.68 * 2tan(70/2 deg)] = 3.32 meters

Laser Distance = sqrt(7.04^2 + 3.32^2) = 7.78 meter…

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CloverDragon03 CloverDragon03 21 November 2024

Black Clover: Gauche Reflects Ray of Divine Punishment

Doing this again for some reason...

So in chapter 50 of Black Clover, Gauche reflects Patry's Ray of Divine Punishment, a spell that is stated to be light speed and is reflected appropriately by mirrors. I'll be calculating Gauche's speed.

Gauche Height = 1.81 meters = 527 px

1.81 / 527 = 0.0034 meters per px

Arm Length = 191 px = 0.65 meters

He brings his arms up at about a 90-degree arc, so I’ll use this length as the radius of a circle for circumference, then divide by 4 to account for the movement being 90 degrees rather than 360.

Distance Arm Traveled = (2 * pi * radius) / 4 = (2 * pi * 0.65) / 4 = 1.02 meters

Speed of Light = 299792458 m/s

Gauche's Speed = (1.02 * 299792458) / 11.24 = 27205365.41 m/s

Gauche Reflects Ray of Divine Punishment =…

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