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During the end of Toriko around the time when the Gourmet Eclipse is occurring, the GBE of the planet gets so big that the planet will collapse and explode akin to a supernova, but releasing even more energy than a core collapse supernova. I'm going to blog that value for usage on character profiles. This is already accepted on the profiles, but they use the wrong values, and I figured having it blogged would make it easier for placing on profiles without bogging down the AP justifications.


Core collapse supernova release energy around 10^46 joules or 100 foe. As quoted above, given that planet in Toriko exploding is likened to a supernova, it is reasonable to assume that mechanically it is the same/very similar. In which case for core collapse supernova, they arise from the gravity of the star being too strong for the pressure to oppose and thus the star collapses, which eventually leads to the giant explosion we call a supernova. Therefore, for the Toriko planet to release greater energy via similar processes, it would have to have a GBE beyond that of those huge stars, wherein the energy of the explosion comes from the energy from gravity.

Gourmet Eclipse Toriko Planet GBE = 10^46 joules


Gourmet Eclipse Toriko Planet GBE = 100 foe (4-B)

This is rather consistent considering top/god tier characters in Toriko scale to and above characters who have destroyed countless stars.