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VS Battles Wiki

This is an attemp to calculate the Supergirl's speed showed in the gameplay of Injustice 2, the feat can bee watched here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlRp__ZB0Zg, the scene is around min 2:40.

Supergirl fly around the Sun[]


So, since Supergirl went out of space to the time that she stopped to launch Atrocitus passed 4.004 seconds.


Before angsize, I'll use a specific spot of the sun to scale; so the sun diameter is 3121 px= 1392000 km, and the spot dimention is 89 px= 39694.969 km.


Using the formula: 2artg(tg(35)*(89/907)), I got 7.861 degrees, and using the calculator http://www.1728.org/angsize.htm, the distance between Supergirl and the sun is 647.67 px= 288867.871 km.


To calculate the total distance crossed I used this method (see left pic):

  • The circles showed are the Earth (black) and Sun (red) .
  • The purple line is the distance between the Earth and the Sun plus the Sun radious.
  • The brow line (from the Sun's center) is the radious calculed above.
  • And the blue line is the distance crossed.

So, the first blue line (the straight one) would be squ[288867.871^2+(149597870.7+696000)^2]= 150294148.305 km. With the arch, that is half-circunference, so the distance is pi*288867.871= 907505.181 km. The final distance would be 150294148.305+907505.181= 151201653.486 km.

The speed is 151201653.486/4.004= 37762650.721 km/s= 125.962c.

Supergirl throw her opponent[]


Now, with the Supergirl's speed when she threw her unlucky opponent. Since Supergirl threw Attrocitus to the instant before Attrocitus is struck by the laser, passed 2.502 seconds.


So, before Attro is stuck by the laser, he is a certain distance from the Earth: the Earth diameter is 157 px= 12756.2 km, and the pic height is 360 px, using the formula from above 2artg(tg(35)*(157/360))= 33.962 degrees, and using the calculator I got 257 px= 20881.168 km.

So the speed would be (150294148.305-20881.168)/2.502= 60061257.848 km/s= 200.342c.

Supergirl's heat vision[]


And now with the heat vision speed: since Supergirl shot from her eyes to the time the Attro "landed", passed 3.103 seconds.

The distance has been previously calculed, so the speed would be 150294148.305/3.103= 48435110.636 km/s= 161.562c.


  • 125.962c for flying speed and possible combat speed
  • 200.342c for possible combat speed
  • 161.562 for attack speed

There is no profile for Injustice Supergirl, but if someone is planning in make a profile for Injustice characters (whether from the Videogame or the Comic), this calc can be used if is accepted. Any thoughs?
