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VS Battles Wiki


So, in this blog, I will be compiling other major feats from the series in an attempt to quantify them. This way, I can void making several threads ad just have one compilation, or a few. Either or.

Calc #1:Adventure Time: Frost and Fire[]

Calc requested by Ultima Reality


Calculation requested by Ultima. In the episode Frost and Fire, FP and Ice King do some crazy biz.


Now before I do the calculation, I'll make a few things clear.

  • It's not explicitly stated that the Ice King did this, however, given the fact Ice King has demonstrated wide scale weather manipulation before (See: Holly Jolly Secrets), I believe that a massive storm brewing from an otherwise sunny day during a battle with a guy with weather manipulation powers is most likely his doing.
  • Building on the last point, the storm is centered around Ice King's Castle, which again, implies he did it.
  • The storm is not just dramatic effect. Princess Bubblegum even comments on it, and is shocked that such a wicked storm brew in the matter of seconds, albeit in German.

With that said, here we go.

Step #1 Dimensions of the Storm[]

The storm affected the places as far away as the Candy Kingdom.

Candy Kingdom


Anyway, on to the official Ooo map.

Ice King 2

As mentioned in an older calc, Ooo has been described as a continent by both Word of God and in-series characters (Bubblegum to be specific). The shortest diameter of Australia is 1843.113 Kilometers and will serve as the Diameter of Ooo.

559 = 1843.113 km

559 / 49 = 11.40816326530612

1843.113 / 11.40816326530612 = 161.5608890876566 km

Assuming the Storm is in a Circle shape due to its spiral pattern.

Ice Storm Spiral

Ach, mein Glöb!

161.5608890876566 / 2 = 80.7804445438283 km

C = pr2

pi * 80.7804445438283^2 = 20500.4007225 km^2 (20,500,400,722.5 m^2)

I'll be using a thickness of 12,000 Meters

Volume = area * depth

20,500,400,722.5 * 12,000 = 2.4600481e+14 m^3

Density of Clouds is 1.003 kg/m^3

2.4600481e+14 * 1.003 = 2.4674282e+14 kg

Step #2 Time[]

Ice King v Flame Princess

The storm begins to cover the sky at 37.11 and stops at 38.79

38.79 - 37.11 = 1.68 Seconds

KE = m * 0.5 * v^2

2.4674282e+14 * 0.5 * 48,083.5979^2 = 2.852387e+23 Joules

68 Teratons. Country level+.

Outlier? Considering the City level feat they scale off of in Seasons 7 and onward was done without much effort, who knows.

Low End[]

For the low end, I will be using the horizon.

Ice Storm Spiral

So we see Bubblegum in her tower as she reacts to the storm. Now, I forget if we ever see what tower she sleeps in, but I'll assume she's at least 7 stories in the air given how much larger the towers are compared to the houses.

7 Stories = 23 Meters

The distance to a the Horizon at 23 Meters is 17.1 Kilometers

C = pr2

pi * 8.55^2 = 229.658276959 km^2 (229,658,276.959 m^2)

229,658,276.959 * 12,000 = 2,755,899,323,508 m^3

2,755,899,323,508 * 1.003 = 2,764,167,021,478.524 kg

17.1 km / 1.68 seconds = 10,178.5714 m/s

2,764,167,021,478.524 * 0.5 * 10,178.5714^2 = 1.4318843e+20 Joules

34 Gigatons.

Island level

Calc #2: Matilda: Miss Trunchbull Throws a Girl[]

Calc requested by Skodwarde The Almighty

Step #1: Angsizing[]

Feat can be found here.

Matilda Swing Feat

It's hard to make out, but the green line represents the height of the girl she threw. According to the wiki, Matilda is 6 and a half. I'll assume the girl thrown is the same age as well. Average height of a girl her age would be 42 inches, or 1.0 Meters

She is 99 Pixels long. The screen is 412 Pixels.

2atan(tan(70/2)*(99/412)) = 0.226730762512 Radians.

0.226730762512×180°/π = 12.990715778° Degrees

Plugging that into the angsizing calculator yields: 4.3916 Meters

Step #2: Timeframe[]

I took the screenshot at 51.68, and she throws the girl at 51.28

51.68 - 51.28 = 0.4 Seconds

4.3916 / 0.4 seconds = 10 m/s

Kinetic Energy[]

Weight of a girl her age is around 22.6796 kg.

22.6796 * 0.5 * 10^2 = 1133.98 Joules, or 1.133 Kilojoules.

Street level.

I was expecting low end Wall level. Hm.

Try 2[]

Using a different shot.

Matilda Swing 2

Screenheight is 412 Pixels and Miss Trunchbull is 95.

2atan(tan(70/2)*(95/412)) = 0.21764357448 Radians

0.21764357448×180°/π = 12.470058256° Degrees

According to the Villains wiki, Trunchbull is 170 cm, so 1.70 Meters. Seems reasonable.

So plugging that into the angsizing yields: 7.7801 Meters. I took the screenshot at 54.93 seconds inwards.

54.93 - 51.28 = 3.65 seconds.

7.7801 / 3.65 seconds = 2.1 m/s

22.6796 * 0.5 * 2.1^2 = 50 Joules

Barely Human level.

Holy crap.

Calc #3: Hero 101: Island Eater[]

Calc requested by Cumberjung

Scaling and Mass[]


So the palm tree is 19 Pixels (Note: I drew the line to short so this is my own count).

The average Pine Tree is 32 to 50 feet tall, so I'll use 40 Feet (12.192 Meters)

The height of the Island is 59 Pixels.

59 / 19 = 3.105263157894737

12.192 * 3.105263157894737 = 37.85936842105263 Meters

The diameter of the Island is 116 Pixels.

116 / 19 = 6.105263157894737

12.192 * 6.105263157894737 = 74.43536842105263 Meters / 2 = 37.21768421052632 Meters

Volume: Cone

Cone = (pi × r2 × h)/3

r = Radius

h = Height

(pi × 37.21768421052632^2 × 37.85936842105263)/3 = 54,916.2250185 m^3

Density of Continental Crust is 2,700 kg/m^3

54,916.2250185 * 2,700 = 148,273,807.54995 kg

The diameter of the second Island (Dark Blue) is 121 Pixels.

121 / 19 = 6.368421052631579

12.192 * 6.368421052631579 = 77.64378947368421 Meters / 2 = 38.82189473684211 Meters

The height of the Island (Yellow) is 56 Pixels.

56 / 19 = 2.947368421052632

12.192 * 2.947368421052632 = 35.93431578947369 Meters

(pi × 38.82189473684211^2 × 35.93431578947369)/3 = 56,714.1533835 m^3

56714.1533835 * 2,700 = 153,128,214.135 kg

And lastly the smallest island

The diameter of the smallest Island is 56 Pixels.

56 / 19 = 2.947368421052632

12.192 * 2.947368421052632 = 35.93431578947369 Meters / 2 = 17.96715789473684 Meters

And the height of the Island is 36 Pixels.

36 / 19 = 1.894736842105263

12.192 * 1.894736842105263 = 23.10063157894737 Meters

(pi × 17.96715789473684^2 × 23.10063157894737)/3 = 7,809.28442191 m^3

7,809.28442191 * 2,700 = 21,085,067.939157 kg

21,085,067.939157 + 153,128,214.135 + 148,273,807.54995 = 322,487,089.624107 kg

Step #2: Angsizing[]

As I mentioned before, the Island is 59 Pixels and the height is 37.85936842105263 Meters and the screen height is 768 Pixels.

2atan(tan(70/2)*(59/768)) = 0.07276753119 Radians.

0.07276753119×180°/π = 4.1692724228° Dergrees. That yields a distance of: 520.05 Meters

Hero 108 Calc 12

The Island is 35 Pixels and the screen height is miraculously still 768 Pixels.

2atan(tan(70/2)*(35/768)) = 0.04317952737 Radians

0.04317952737×180°/π = 2.4740046797° Degrees

The height is 37.85936842105263 Meters

That gives us as distance of 876.65 Meters.

876.65 - 520.05 = 356.6 Meters

Step #3: Timeframe and Kinetic Energy[]

I took the screenshot at 322.98 and the Islands started getting "sucked" in at 322.02

322.98 - 322.02 = 0.96s

356.6 / 0.96s = 371.458333 m/s

322,487,089.624107 * 0.5 * 371.458333^2 = 2.2248593e+13 Joules.

29 Kilotons. Town level

Final Tally[]

Ice Kings Storm (High End): 68 Teratons (Country level+)

Ice Kings Storm (Low End): 34 Gigatons (Island level)

Miss Trunchbull throws a girl (High End): 1.133 Kilojoules (Street level)

Miss Truncbull throws a girl (Low End): 50 Joules (Human level)

A Monster Eats some Islands: 29 Kilotons (Town level)