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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

Credits go to KaijuD[]

Part 1: Deadpool vs Asteroid[]

Deadpool vs Asteroid

Red = 57.1141 px = 1.88 mts

Purple = 823.5927 px = 27.1098 mts

Orange = 584.9658 px = 19.255 mts

Volume = 10499.167924914642 m^3 = 10499167924.914642 cm^3

Violent Fragmentation = 69 j/cc

Energy = 7.244425868191103*10^11 Joules = 173.145933752177414 Tons of TNT = Multi-City Block Level

Part 2: Deadpool vs Explosion[]


Purple = 693.1183 px = 18.0166 mts

Green = 893.7276 px = 23.2312 mts

Yellow = 403.4476 px = 10.4871 mts

Blue = 72.3256 px = 1.88 mts

Volume = 2292498109.321703 m^3

Pulverization = 214.35 j/cc

Energy = 4.9139696973310704*10^11 Joules = 117.4466944868802677 Tons of TNT = Multi-City Block Level