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Ripper Raiden slices Armored Vehicle[]

Context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NlTh4vGRe0&feature=youtu.be&t=320

At the end of his fight with monsoon Raiden slices a vehicle in half while the raindrops are motionless, for this I will use a method similar to the one used here to find Kinetic Energy.

Raindrops typically have a terminal velocity of 9-13m/s since most sources claim 9m/s i'll go with that, which gives us a time dilation of 9/.001 = 9000x slower than real time.


  • The vehicle is a Boxer which has a width of 2.99 meters
  • 324px= 2.99m
  • 229px/324px = 0.70679012346
  • 0.70679012346*2.99 = 2.11330246915 meters



  • 2.11330246915/0.26666666667 = 7.92488425921 m/s}
  • 7.92488425921 m/s multiply by 9000x for for time dilation = 71,323.95833289 m/s


  • 0.5*24,000 kg*71,323.95833289^2 = 61045284387261.95 joules or 14.590~ Kilotons of TNT, Town level

Should scale to Armstrong and the like since he can casually snap Raiden's HF blade which can resist the force of blows on this level.

Armstrong Destroys Metal Gear Excelsus[]

Context: https://youtu.be/mALkd3DG6HA?t=1570

Pretty simple, though what is important to note is the fact that Metal Gears (and really just about every enemy you encounter in the game) at the time of Metal Gear Rising are built with CNT aka Carbon Nanotube Fiber

According to wikipedia carbon nanotubes have shear strengths ranging between a "few" Gigapascals, 17 Gigapascals and 60 gigapascals, taking "few" to mean at least more than two we have three values to measure the destruction of the machine 3,000 joules/cc, 17,000 joules/cc and 60,000 joules/cc which I'll use for low mid and high ends.


  • This was calculated in NF
  • Armstrong busted the main body and part of the legs, I'll just utilize the volume of the body which according to the aforementioned blog is Gear Body Volume = 5,087.827 m^3
  • 5,087.827 m^3 multiply by 1,000,000 to get volume in cm3 = 5087827000 cm3

Low end

  • 5087827000*3,000 j/cc = 15263481000000 joules 3.648~ Kilotons, Small Town level+

Mid end

  • 5087827000*17,000 j/cc = 86493059000000 joules 20.672~ Kilotons, Town level

High end

  • 5087827000*60,000 j/cc = 305269620000000 joules 72.961~ Kilotons , Town level+

Not too sure about this one, but could be useful to have values for CNT destruction considering there are scifi verses that use them for futuristic vehicles.

High-High end

Based on the discussion in this thread it seems 100 GPa of shear strength is fine to use, therefore:

  • 5087827000*100,000 j/cc = 508782700000000 joules 121.601983747611 Kilotons, Large Town level

Note from Twellas[]

A little piece of information for people confused by the fact that the "High-High end" is what is displayed on the profiles. In this thread the entirety of the MGS knowledgeable members list along with a few calc members and mods agreed that 100 GPas was the most likely value due to the verse's futuristic status. If you have any doubts just ask.