For detailed information about this series, visit Touhou Wiki or the Touhou FANDOM Wiki.
Touhou Project (東方 Project) is a franchise consisting of several 2D scrolling shooting games and 2D fighters created by Team Shanghai Alice headed by a man named ZUN. It follows the various misadventures of Reimu and Marisa, a shrine maiden and a magician in the magical land of Gensokyo that's inhabited by all manner of spirits, demons, and aliens. Each game focuses on an incident causing trouble for the denizens of Gensokyo, and the incident resolvers naturally resolving these.
Power of the Verse
Despite its outward appearances, Touhou Project is a verse where some characters possess hax such as Soul Absorption across interdimensional ranges, the ability to become immune to harm by floating outside of reality, or mastery over time and space. Characters vary greatly in physical power, with even the weaker characters in the verse being City Block level, with those above them ranging from City level to Multi-Continent level. The top tiers and god tiers are solidly Low Multiverse level, being able to consistently affect multiple space-time continuums of infinite size. Several characters have even shown the ability to cross these infinitely-sized locations, moving infinitely fast in doing so.
Important Pages
- Cosmology (Out of date)
- Characters Physiology
- Spirit Manipulation (An explanation for an in-universe Universal Energy System)
- Cirno creates a big ice block then throws it - 33,969.7 Joules (Wall level)
- Sumireko pulls down radio towers - 3.7651268745 MegaJoules (Wall level)
- Yukari makes trains explode - 0.7568335363 Tons (Building level)
- Cirno creates an ice hill - 49.836513790392 Tons (City Block level)
- Nitori creates a tsunami - 4.7984383287504784 Kilotons (Small Town level+)
- Nitori creates a water dragon - 16.299310767069 Megatons (City level)
- Utsuho creates a Subterranean Sun - 2.93 ExaTons (Multi-Continent level)
- Yumemi puts the Moon in Geosynchronous orbit - 109.69 Zettatons (Planet level)
- Suika creates and throws small black holes at Sub-Relativistic+ speed - 726.07 Quettatons (Star level+)
- Byakuren rotates the entire sky - 28.465 Foe (Solar System level)
- Cirno throws a big ice block - 1,103.166 Kg (Class 5)
- Marisa and Kanako lift onbashira - 61.09085 to 1343.9987 Metric Tons (Class 100 to Class M)
- Suiki moves all the water in Gensokyo - 3.17970652926e10 Metric Tons (Class T)
- Suika throws small black holes - 7.790582e+26 Kg (Class Y)
- Byakuren rotates the entire sky - 9.942e+33 Kg (Multi-Stellar)
- Suika creates and throws small black holes - 0.069c (Sub-Relativistic+)
- Sunny Milk deflects a light attack - 0.8c (Relativistic+)
- Cirno outspeeds light particles - 4.2758620689655172c (FTL)
- Youmu outspeeds light particles - 214.08c - (Massively FTL)
Knowledgeable Members
- Saikou The Lewd King (Mainly the games)
- LuckyEmile (Mainly Windows games and Silent Sinner in Blue)
- Udlmaster
- Saikou The Lewd King
- Uninown
- Andykhang
- Jiangshi1
- Theglassman12
- Megamangohan
- Not Icarus
- Sans2345
- CrimsonStarFallen
- OnsokunoSonic
- Guardian Doge
- Hecatia Gaming
- Shmooply
- Kirbonic Pikmin
- Shiroiyo
- Ciruno Fortes
- EMagoIorSouI
- Kisaragi Megumi
- Apex Predator GX
- Brak (Moral Support)
- Divine Spirit: Divine Spirits are deceased souls who became gods through the faith they received after their death. Although usually considered distinct from the Eight Million Gods, they share enough characteristics to be considered as just another variety of gods.
- Eight Million Gods: The Eight Million Gods are the immaterial and nameless beings that existed before creation itself and shaped the world into what it is today. These gods initially did not have names, existing solely as shapeless beings without any identifications. These nameless forms have little presence in the setting itself, save for their single act of creating the world. Most of them gained a name in recent years, becoming all of the gods. They feed on faith, similarly to how youkai feed on fear, and need it in order to manifest. While a god wouldn't die without faith, they would be unable to manifest without it, effectively resulting in a kind of death.
- Fairy: Fairies are beings distinct from humans and youkai who embodies part of nature. They exist everywhere nature is and grow in strength relative to how strong or present the aspect of nature they embody is. They are also remarkably difficult to kill, being able to regenerate from being cut into pieces or automatically resurrecting upon their death.
- Gensokyo: Gensokyo is the Otherworld where most of the series takes place in. It is separated from the Outside World via the Great Hakurei Barrier. While it is geographically identical to its Outside World location, it does not follow the same laws of physics as the former.
- Great Hakurei Barrier: The Great Hakurei Barrier is the barrier that separates Gensokyo from the Outside World. It is neither a physical or regular barrier, as while it separates space-time and prevents sentient beings from approaching its edge, it allows non-sentient objects and natural phenomena to travel through it freely. Moreover, beings and ideas forgotten in the Outside World tend to go through the barrier more easily.
- Name: A name is roughly equivalent to the concept of an object. Its name defines its characteristics and separates it from the rest of the world, making it an independent object. An object without a name has no defined characteristics, melding into everything else. A large portion of gods, including all dragons, do not have any name to begin with.
- Otherworld: An Otherworld is a small Brane World that is roughly linked to the main world. These worlds possess their own space-time and, occasionally, their own laws of physics. Accessing these worlds can be done via a number of ways depending on the Otherworld in question or through sheer range. Gensokyo, Hell, the true Lunar Capital, the Dream World, Heaven, Makai, and Senkai are all examples of Otherworlds.
- Outside World: The Outside World refers to anything outside of the Otherworlds mentioned above, roughly corresponding to the "real world". All of Earth, and presumably the entire regular universe, is in the Outside World. Youkai and gods are extremely rare in this environment, as humanity in general no longer believes in them.
- Phantom: Phantoms are the embodiments of the spirit found in all things. They are roughly to spirit what fairies are to nature, although phantoms are far more volatile than fairies. They are strictly distinct from ghosts, as ghosts are simply the soul of a dead human, while phantoms can be generated by anything, whether it is dead or alive.
- Spell Card rules: The Spell Card rules are a special set of rules in Gensokyo that dictates most duels between two individuals. Duels fought under these rules are subject to a number of limitations, but the most important one is that duels must be won with meaning and beauty, not sheer strength. They were created specifically to allow non-lethal fights between humans and youkai in a way that wouldn't result in a one-sided match due to the humans being too strong. Thus, it allows youkai to keep "attacking" human without actually killing them. Nearly every fight featured in the series are subject to this rule, including those fought outside of Gensokyo.
- Youkai: Youkai are the main race inhabiting Gensokyo. They are beings born out of humanity's fear of the unknown, often taking the form of supernatural explanations behind unknown phenomena. Due to this, they need humans to fear and believe in them in order to exist. Most pure youkai do not exist fully in a physical form, with the core of their existence being mental and existing beyond the laws of physics.
Touhou PC-98
Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil
Perfect Cherry Blossom
Imperishable Night
Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Mountain of Faith:
Subterranean Animism
Undefined Fantastic Object
Double Spoiler
Ten Desires
Double Dealing Character
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Hidden Star in Four Seasons
Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Urumi Ushizaki
Yachie Kicchou
Mayumi Joutouguu
Saki Kurokoma
Touhou Gouyoku Ibun
Unconnected Marketeers
[[Mike Goutokuji
Takane Yamashiro
Sannyo Komakusa
Misumaru Tamatsukuri
Tsukasa Kudamaki
Megumu Iizunamaru
Chimata Tenkyuu
Momoyo Himemushi
Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost
Son Biten
Enoko Mitsugashira
Chiyari Tenkajin
Hisami Yomotsu
Zanmu Nippaku
Fighting Games
Print Works
Miyoi Okunoda
- Mini-Hakkero
- Occult Balls
- Roukanken and Hakurouken
- Sword of Hisou
- Ultramarine Orb Elixir
- Yin-Yang Orb
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General Discussion
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