“ | Know me as the first son of Perpetua, brother to the ones you call Monitor and Anti-Monitor...the one who creates form from idea, and hammers everything into existence...I am the World Forger. And this Multiverse is my masterpiece. | „ |
The World Forger, real name Alpheus, is one of the three sons of Perpetua, created when she tore pieces from the Overvoid to shape into her children. He existed before the first version of the DC Multiverse was finished being created, and was made in order to populate the Orrery with universes, working in the World Forge within the Dark Multiverse.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 2-C | 1-B
Key: Within the Multiverse | True State
Name: Alpheus, World Forger
Origin: DC Comics
Gender: Male
Age: 20 billion years from the perspective of the multiverse; exists completely beyond time
Classification: The World Forger, First Son of Perpetua
Powers & Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Immortality (Types 1 and 4), Creation and Conceptual Manipulation (Makes universes by creating form from idea and hammering everything into existence which contain entities like Nekron, the Life Entity and the New Gods; Created Barbatos), Physics Manipulation (Writes the rules for each reality he makes), Space-Time Manipulation and Life Manipulation (Uses the Crisis Anvil to replace realities destroyed in Crises with new versions, transferring the life energies of those with a place in the new version of existence), Energy Manipulation (Altered Mxyzptlk's portal to allow the Justice League to go through; Can redirect universal energy), Life Force Absorption (Can absorb life force), Telepathy (Contacted Mxyzptlk from the Sixth Dimension), Mind Manipulation (Forced his way past Martian Manhunter's psychic defenses and held the League's minds captive; Could have ripped the League's minds apart and reshaped them), Illusion Creation (Can make images of light), Shapeshifting (Can transform by recreating others forms cell by cell), Teleportation (Can teleport himself and others), BFR (Can forcefully send others across dimensions), Law Manipulation (Wields the Dimensional Superstructure, which governs all things imaginable and unimaginable), Portal Creation (Can create portals), Empathic Manipulation (Can read feelings), Precognition (Can see every future possibilities), Limited Fusionism (Merged with his brothers), Enhanced Senses (Has sensed Perpetua launching a planet from Earth-44) Resistance to Telepathy (Disguised his real mind from Martian Manhunter), Antimatter Manipulation (He and his brothers can avoid being destroyed by antimatter)
All previous abilities to a much greater degree, plus: Incorporeality (Exists beyond the Fifth Dimension, aka imagination, whose inhabitants have been described as "imaginary thought-constructs"), Higher-Dimensional Existence, Large Size (Type 10), Acausality (Type 1; Is not affected by the changes brought by crises as normal beings generally are), Precognition (Can peer into the possible futures), Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Controls the architectural superstructure of the multiverse - can locate suns and parallel universes in the space-time continuum and have full control over the Timestream), Creation, Life Manipulation (Can create parallel universes and use the Life Entity to energize them), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Uses the embodiment of the Living Light bestowed upon the universe that triggered existence itself to energize all created parallel universes with life), Law Manipulation (Writes every universal rule in any created reality), Regeneration (Mid-Godly - Possesses the same regeneration as Mar Novu), Size Manipulation and Dimensional Travel (Can alter both his scale and pitch to enter lower dimensions and traverse the Multiverse)
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Should be the Monitor and Anti-Monitor) | Hyperverse level (The Brothers Three are three of the four most powerful known beings in the Sixth Dimension, superior to Mister Mxyzptlk.[1] Claims to have built Hypertime.[2] Created his Multiverse with its own version of Apokolips that is hundreds of times larger than the original,[3] and through his negotiations with Mister Mxyzptlk to unwrite the existing one, a "crisis anvil" would appear before him to strike with his hammer so that his Multiverse would descend to replace the vanished one[4])
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Should be comparable to the Monitor and Anti-Monitor) | Unknown
Lifting Strength: At least Multi-Stellar, possibly higher | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level | Hyperverse level
Durability: Low Multiverse level (Should be equal to his own power) | Hyperverse level
Stamina: Likely Infinite (Should be comparable to his brothers, Mar Novu and Mobius)
Range: Low Multiversal | Hyperversal
Standard Equipment: Hammer
Intelligence: Supergenius (Comparable to The Monitor. Is intelligent enough to properly create all the laws of physics and rules of reality when making new universes)
Weaknesses: The World Forger needs his hammer to forge things into existence and if weakened to the point he cannot strike his hammer with enough might to spark creation, the World Forger cannot create either unless he finds an alternative.
Notes: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics. For information on the cosmological scaling that informs the tiering, please refer to the DC Comics Cosmology page.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving The World Forger |