The Thought Robot is a remnant of Science Monitor Dax Novu, the extension of Monitor-Mind the Overvoid that examined the Multiverse and split in two. It was left floating next to creation in the Void, until the Monitor Sphere formed around it and it became incorporated into the story of the Monitor race. In their legends, it was a weapon left behind by the Radiant One, Dax Novu, whose purpose it was to combat the greatest threat to the Multiverse, Mandrakk the Dark Monitor.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 1-B
Name: The Thought Robot, Cosmic Armor Superman
Origin: DC Comics
Gender: Inapplicable, Male in appearance
Age: Inapplicable
Classification: Piece of Monitor-Mind the Overvoid
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Higher-Dimensional Existence (12-D)
- Large Size (Type 10; Dwarfs Comic Book limbo in size)
- Self-Sustenance (All Types)
- Abstract Existence (Type 2; Is part of an extension of the Overvoid)
- Incorporeality & Intangibility
- Higher-Dimensional Existence (12-D)
- Genius Intelligence
- Cosmic Awareness (Instinctively sensed the truth about the nature of reality)
- Reality Warping
- Flight
- Heat Vision (Possesses Superman's heat vision on an unfathomably greater scale)
- Accelerated Development (Adapts instantly to counter any threat; Continually evolved to counter Mandrakk's growing power)
Resistance to:
Attack Potency: Hyperverse level (Dwarfs Comic Book Limbo in size, which appears as an infinitesimal disk from its perspective. Exists in the archetypal Monitor world of Nil as pure thought, the "good" side of every dichotomy.[Statistics Values 1] Traded blows with Mandrakk the Dark Monitor)
Speed: Unknown
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Hyperverse level
Durability: Hyperverse level (Took attacks from Mandrakk the Dark Monitor)
Stamina: Infinite
Range: Hyperversal
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Is controlled by the mind of Superman, with additional cosmic awareness regarding the nature of reality)
Weaknesses: None notable
- Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.
- For information about the cosmological scaling that informs the tiering, please refer to the DC Comics Cosmology page.
Notable Matchups
- ↑ 12-D
Discussion threads involving The Thought Robot |