The Simpsons is an animated comedy series created by Matt Groening, that revolves around a dysfunctional American family; the Simpsons family. It is set in a town called Springfield. Currently, the show has 34 seasons, making it both the longest-running American sitcom, and the longest-running American scripted primetime television series in terms of seasons and number of episodes.
Power of the Verse
Most of the characters in this verse are at least Small Building level + to Building level and possess Toon Force. Most of the characters, including Homer Simpson, have skills in Martial Arts and using weapons. Homer also has other handy abilities such as broadway force, Resurrection, Regeneration and there are numerous occasions throughout the series of characters breaking the fourth wall. Radioactive Man is strong enough to blow up with the force of a 100 megaton bomb, and he was able to lift an asteroid.
Attack Potency/Durability:
- Homer falls faster than sound 0.003429 Tons of TNT (Wall level+)
- Wiggum's Cadillac Gage-based APC blows up 0.09505 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)
- Homer's beer explosion 0.15 Tons of TNT (Small Building level+)
- Arnie Pye's Helicopter crash 0.21 tons of TNT (Small Building level+)
- Frank Grimes's silo explosion 0.68 Tons of TNT (Building level)
- Homer dodges a cannonball 174.58 m/s (Subsonic+)
Knowledgeable Members
Character Profiles
Simpson Family
Minor/Supporting Characters
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