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VS Battles Wiki
ACO Duelist


The Duelist was a Chinese gladiatrix who was a champion of the gladiator arena of Cyrene in 47 BCE.

That year, she was marked as a target by the newly-founded Hidden Ones in Memphis, Egypt. As a result, the Hidden Ones' leader, Bayek of Siwa, ascended the ranks of the arena to face her in combat, ultimately vanquishing her.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 9-A, higher with Rage Mode and her swords

Name: The Duelist

Origin: Assassin's Creed

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Gladiatrix

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Martial Artist, Master Acrobat, Master Parkourer, Weapon Mastery, Pressure Point Strikes, Stealth Mastery, Poison Manipulation, Rage Empowerment

Attack Potency: At least Small Building level+ (Traded blows with Bayek), higher with Rage Mode (Becomes considerably stronger than her base state) and her swords

Speed: At least Supersonic+ (Could easily run up walls without much difficulty. Bayek had immense trouble keeping up with her), higher with Rage Mode

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Could easily push back Bayek), higher with Rage Mode

Striking Strength: At least Small Building level+, higher with Rage Mode

Durability: At least Small Building level+, higher with Rage Mode

Stamina: Extremely High

Range: Extended melee range by herself, higher with her weapons

Standard Equipment: Twin dao (One dao could infuse itself with poison)

Intelligence: With a combat style heavily rooted in Chinese martial arts, the Duelist was a fierce and agile fighter, frequently employing acrobatic techniques to outmaneuver her opponents. She favored a pair of poisonous twin dao which she wielded with deadly finesse.

Weaknesses: None notable.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
