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New sinestro render
On blackest day, on brightest night,
Beware your fears made into light.
Let those who try to stop what's right,
Burn like my power, Sinestro's might!

Parallax Sinestro
You may have controlled your past hosts, Parallax. But not me. I now control Parallax. I control fear. All of it


Thaal Sinestro was once the greatest member of the Green Lantern Corps, being lauded by the Guardians of the Universe for his many deeds. He mentored and inspired many Green Lanterns, including Hal Jordan, who would later uncover Sinestro's more unsavory traits.

Obsessed with order, unhinged by conflict on his homeworld of Korugar, and corrupted by his own power, Sinestro became a tyrant and one of the greatest threats the galaxy had ever seen.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Varies, up to 3-C, 2-C at his peak | Varies, up to 3-C, 2-C at his peak | 2-C, higher with the Fear Engine

Key: Green Lantern | Yellow Lantern | Parallax

Name: Thaal SInestro

Origin: DC Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Alien, Yellow Lantern

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Energy Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Telepathy, Forcefield Creation, Weapon Creation | All previous abilities, Summoning (Sinestro can release Parallax to attack his opponents)

Attack Potency: Varies (A Green Lantern's powers depend on willpower and concentration[1]), up to Galaxy level (Was considered the greatest Green Lantern during his time[2][3][4], which should make him superior to the likes of Driq, who's restrained and contracted an evil galaxy[5], which would be this powerful, and standard Green Lanterns, each of which could, together contain an explosion which would destroy the galaxy[6][Note 1]), Low Multiverse level at his peak (Fought on comparable terms with a bloodlusted Post-Crisis Hal Jordan before ultimately losing[7][Note 2]) | Varies, up to Galaxy level (Matched a combined blast from Hal Jordan and Star Sapphire[8][Note 3]), Low Multiverse level at his peak (Went toe-to-toe with a serious, albeit rusty, Hal Jordan before ultimately losing[9]. Defeated base Kyle Rayner[10] and later defeated Ion Kyle Rayner, pulling Ion out of him[11]. Killed Uncle Sam, who had just taken attacks from Black Adam[12]. Could damage and overpower Lobo[13]. Staggered Black Lantern Spectre (Crispus Allen)[14] and briefly restrained Parallax Hal Jordan[15]. A clone of Sinestro who was unskilled with his ring staggered and restrained Pre-Clayface Wonder Woman[16][Note 4]) | Low Multiverse level (Being that Sinestro was the only one capable of controlling Parallax's power[17], he should be superior to base Parallax Hal Jordan. Briefly overpowered Volthoom, and fared much better against him than the likes of White Lantern Kyle Rayner[18][Note 5]), higher with the Fear Engine (The Fear Engine made Sinestro much more powerful than before[19], bringing his power up to 1000%[20])

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Constantly shown as comparable to Green Lanterns such as Hal Jordan) | Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+

Lifting Strength: Stellar (Should be comparable to Green Lanterns who can contain beings rivaling Kryptonians in raw strength with their constructs) | Stellar | At least Multi-Stellar, possibly higher

Striking Strength: Varies, up to Galaxy level, Low Multiverse level at his peak | Varies, up to Galaxy level, Low Multiverse level at his peak | Low Multiverse level, higher with the Fear Engine

Durability: Varies, up to Galaxy level, Low Multiverse level at his peak (Could take attacks from Post-Crisis Hal Jordan[7]) | Varies, up to Galaxy level (Blocked attacks from Hal Jordan[21]), Low Multiverse level at his peak (Tanked constructs from Ion Kyle Rayner[11]. Mostly unharmed from Lobo slamming him with his own construct[13]. Took attacks from Atrocitus[22]) | Low Multiverse level (Capable of withstanding an attack from Hal Jordan[23]), higher with the Fear Engine

Stamina: Unknown | Unknown

Range: Interplanetary (around 40 AUs) | Low Multiversal

Standard Equipment: GL Ring, GL Power Battery (which is used to recharge the ring and is stored in another dimension, however they usually don't carry it around with them)

Intelligence: Genius (Has lots of experience in his years as a Green Lantern. Designed the yellow power rings)

Weaknesses: Sinestro is very arrogant, and his ring cannot be wielded correctly if the wearer is under the influence of drugs or if there is an involvement of neural interference.

Note: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.

Notable Matchups





  1. 57.43 ZettaFoe
  2. 52 Universes
  3. 57.43 ZettaFoe
  4. 52 Universes
  5. 52 Universes


  1. Countdown Vol. 1 #33, September 2007
  2. Green Lantern: Rebirth Vol. 1 #4, March 2005
  3. Green Lantern Vol. 4 #31, July 2008
  4. Green Lantern Vol. 4 #32, August 2008
  5. Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 #219, December 1987
  6. Green Lantern Vol. 4 #25, January 2008
  7. 7.0 7.1 Green Lantern Vol. 3 #50, March 1994
  8. Green Lantern Vol. 4 #46, November 2009
  9. Green Lantern: Rebirth Vol. 1 #5, April 2005
  10. Green Lantern: Rebirth Vol. 1 #4, March 2005
  11. 11.0 11.1 Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special, August 2007
  12. Infinite Crisis Vol. 1 #1, December 2005
  13. 13.0 13.1 Green Lantern Vol. 4 #55, August 2010
  14. Green Lantern Vol. 4 #50, March 2010
  15. Green Lantern Vol. 4 #51, April 2010
  16. Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #110, June 1996
  17. Sinestro Vol. 1 #5, October 2014
  18. Green Lantern Vol. 5 #20, July 2013"
  19. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 #7, December 2016
  20. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 #6, December 2016
  21. Green Lantern Vol. 4 #53, June 2010
  22. Green Lantern Vol. 4 #48, January 2010
  23. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 #7, December 2016


Discussion threads involving Thaal Sinestro (Post-Crisis)