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A mysterious young woman, born with the gift of magic, and enslaved by the Gestahlian Empire.
~ in-game description


Terra Branford is the primary protagonist of Final Fantasy VI. The child of the Esper Maduin and a human woman named Madeline, she was discovered and taken away by the Gestahlian Empire to be raised as a living weapon, being controlled through a slave crown placed upon her by Kefka Palazzo.

After being sent to capture the frozen esper Valigarmanda, she is knocked unconscious while her handlers were killed. She is then discovered by Locke Cole, realizing that she cannot remember anything prior to her awakening, later joining the Returners in their quest to free the world from the machinations of Emperor Gestahl and later save it from the wrath of Kefka.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 5-A | 2-C | 2-A

Key: World of Balance | World of Ruin | Dissidia

Name: Terra Branford

Origin: Final Fantasy VI

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Classification: Half-Esper

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 2, 3, and 7; Scales from other Espers, who can live despite being drained of their life energy,[1] can regenerate their body from their Magicites, and can live on despite being dead as a Magicite[1]), Regeneration (Low-Godly; Espers can regenerate their bodies from their Magicites, which is confirmed to be their souls[2]), Shapeshifting (Espers are stated to take many shapes[1]), Summoning, Extrasensory Perception (Mages have shown to naturally possess this[3]), Magic, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2), and Space-Time Manipulation (Magic is shown in the novels to remove concepts and warp space and time itself,[4] like the Devil's road, which the concept of time was lost,[5] and time and space were twisted to the point[6] the past, present and future[7] existed as one[8]), Law Manipulation (Magic is stated to rewrite[9] the natural order of things[4]), Subjective Reality (Magic,[9] in its basest form,[10] is projecting one's inner[11] mind onto reality,[3] and is powered by intelligence and mental strength[9]), Durability Reduction (Magic ignores durability to physical attacks requiring specific resistances to reduce the damage of), Forcefield Negation and Intangibility (Magic negates conventional physical durability, barriers, and armor, requiring specific defense against magic which is powered by the mind and spirit), Power Modification (Including Duplication, Fusionism, Statistics Amplification, Size Manipulation, Homing Attack, Danmaku, Aura, Breath Attack, and Energy Manipulation, Magic users across the games have consistently shown the ability to manipulate the shape and properties of their own magical abilities, with even higher tiers of spells simply being considered stronger versions of the same basic ability), Non-Physical Interaction (Magic as a whole is shown to affect a wide variety of different beings, from intangible/immaterial beings to non corporeal beings, to abstract concepts like Chronodia, who's the flow of time itself ,[12] to Nonexistent beings like Exdeath and Cloud of Darkness), Regeneration Negation (Mid-Godly) and Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, and 7. Was capable of killing God of Magic Kefka, who took the power of the Warring Triad and became the source of all magic and Espers, including Gilgamesh), Limited Durability Negation, Forcefield Negation, and Intangibility (Magic negates conventional physical durability, barriers, and armor, requiring specific defense against magic which is powered by the Mind and Spirit), Absorption (via Runic which absorbs magical attacks), Explosion Manipulation (via Flare), Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation and Matter Manipulation (Sub-Atomic; Can use different levels of Fire and Ice magic. Both Fire and Ice related abilities are stated to affect the target's electrons,[13] being able to even negate durability in the process[13]), Electricity Manipulation and Pain Manipulation (Is able to utilize different levels of Lightning spells, which is capable of attacking the nerves[14]), Statistics Amplification, Absorption, Power Nullification, Poison Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (The Poison spell is stated to Corrode the target[13]), Time Manipulation, Purification (Type 3; via Esuna), Transmutation, Holy Manipulation, Petrification, Disease Manipulation (via Bio), Earth Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Flight, Death Manipulation, Resurrection, Soul Manipulation (via Death and Raise, the Death spell reaps the targets soul; killing them,[1] and the Raise spell can bring back a spirit to a deceased body[13]) Gravity Manipulation (via Gravity magic, the Haste and Slow spells are stated to control gravity[13]), Energy Manipulation, Healing, Sleep Manipulation and Biological Manipulation (via Sleep, which can affect the target's cerebral cortex[13]) Information Analysis and Clairvoyance (Libra is stated to have insight[13]), Madness Manipulation (Type 2) and Morality Manipulation (Can inflict targets with the Confuse status ailment, driving the target insane and attack anyone, even their allies), Teleportation and Spatial Manipulation (via Teleport, which is stated to warp space[13]), BFR (The teleport/Warp spells are capable of banishing targets to the Void, which inflicts the following abilities on the victim: Existence Erasure/Void Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (which includes Madness Manipulation (Type 3), and Perception Manipulation), Space-Time Manipulation, Time Stop, and Corruption (Type 2)), Berserk Mode, Size Manipulation, Attack Reflection Negation (Several spells pierce through reflect such as Tornado, Flood, Drain, Ultima and Gravity spells), Biological Manipulation (The Sleep Spell[13] and the Hold Spell[13] are capable of affecting the brain's fundamental functions), Blood Manipulation (The Death spell is stated to solidify the target's blood to kill them[13])

Resistance to Absorption (Can harm Kefka with magic after he absorbs the goddess statue which is stated and shown to absorb magic[1]), Subjective Reality, Magic, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2), and Space-Time Manipulation (Characters are capable of surviving and resisting magical abilities, Which is[9] shown to[10] project one's inner[11] mind onto reality,[3] and as shown with the creation of the Devil's road,[4] remove entire concepts[5] and warp space and time[6] to where the past, present, and future[7] exists as one[8]), Law Manipulation (Resists magic, which can rewrite[9] the natural order of things[4]), Dream Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (Is unfazed by the dream stooges ability to go into dreams and take their souls[1]), Hellfire Manipulation (Via Ifrit), and Absolute Zero (Via Shiva. Her ice and aura are stated to reach absolute zero including Diamond Dust), Power Mimicry (Her Desperation Attacks cannot be copied by Mimics)

Weapon Mastery (Via the Merit Award which allows the user access and skilled use to almost any form weapon), Acrobatics (via the Dragoon Boots), Immortality (Type 7, the lich ring turns the wearer into an undead having healing spells harm them but harmful spells such as death heal them), Damage Boost (The Gigas Glove and Earring boost the physical and magical damage of the user's attacks), Statistics Amplification (Several relics enable constant Protect, Shell, and Haste), Regeneration (Mid-Low) (via Miracle Shoes and Angel Ring, which grant a constant Regen status), Attack Reflection (Reflect Ring generates a constant Reflect status), Homing Attack (Via Sniper's Eye, allows attacks to always hit their target) and Accelerated Development (The Growth Egg doubles the rate of growth)

Resistant to the Following: Status Effect Inducement (can resist a wide variety of status ailments in the game), Darkness Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (Can resist the darkness status ailment via various equipment, which would render the target blind[15]), Poison Manipulation, Disease Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (Can resist the Poison and bio spell, which is stated to corrode the target,[13] and inflict the target with a disease respectively), Berserk Mode (Can resist the Berserk status effect), Death Manipulation and Blood Manipulation (Can resist the Death spell, which is even stated to solidify the victim's blood,[13]), Necromancy (Can resist the Zombification status effect), Transmutation (Can resist the Imp status effect), Power Nullification (Can resist the Silence status effect, which render one's abilities null), Madness Manipulation (Type 2) and Morality Manipulation (Can resist the Confuse status ailment, which drives the target insane and attack anyone, even their allies), Sleep Manipulation and Biological Manipulation (Can resist the Sleep spell, which can affect the target's cerebral cortex[13]), Life Manipulation (Can resist the Sap status effect)

Summoning (Can summon Meteors via the Stardust Rod), Healing (via the Healing Rod), Air Manipulation (via the Air Knife, Kazekiri, and Sakura), Death Manipulation (Via the Assassin's Dagger, Wing Edge, Viper Darts, Death Tarrot, Ichigeki, Zantetsuken, and Soul Sabre), Damage Boost (Man-Eater boosts damage against humans while Valiant Knife boosts damage the weaker the user becomes), Durability Negation, Instinctive Reaction (Swordbreaker, Mutsunokami, and Murasame parries attacks automatically), Holy Manipulation (Via Gladius, Lightbringer, Holy Lance, Dragon Claw, Godhand, Kaiser Knuckle, Holy Rod, and Excalibur), Sleep Manipulation (via Zwill Crossblades), Fire Manipulation (via Flametounge, Burning Fist, and Flame Rod), Ice Manipulation (Via Icebrand and Ice Rod), Electricity Manipulation (Via Thunder Blade and Thunder Rod), Petrification (via Stoneblade), Absorption (via the Blood Sword and Soul Sabre, and various armors and shields such as the Paladin's Shield and Gaia Gear), Matter Manipulation (via Ragnarok), Water Manipulation (Via Trident), Time Manipulation (via Kagenui), Poison Manipulation (via Poison Rod, Scorpion Tail, and Venom Claw), Gravity Manipulation (via Gravity Rod), and Mind Manipulation (Via Angel Brush), Power Nullification (Several shields and armors nullify various elements such as the Paladin's Shield)

Resistant to the Following: Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, and Matter Manipulation (Sub-Atomic; Is capable of resisting the Fire and Ice spell, which is capable of affecting the[13] target's electrons[13]), Electricity Manipulation and Pain Manipulation (Is able to resist the Lightning spells, which is capable of attacking the nerves[14]), Earth Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Holy Manipulation (via Several armors and shields)

Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (Via Zalera, the Death Serpah, who was going to absorb the souls of every living being on the planet), Corruption & Body Puppetry (Due to their light, Warriors of Materia can dispel attempts to control them), Empathic Manipulation, and Madness Manipulation (Type 3; Resistant to the effects of the True Moon, which is capable of affecting the hearts and minds of all living beings on the planet[3]), Gravity Manipulation (Unaffected by the gravitational pull of the True Moon, which even the Lunar Whale couldn't escape from[3]), Spatial Manipulation, Deconstruction, and BFR (Can withstand the attacks of Atomos, who manipulates space,[3] crush enemies down to a molecular level,[21] and can warp them into another dimension[21]), Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations (Can fight and survive on the moon), Absolute Zero (Can survive Shiva's ice attacks,[22] including Diamond Dust), Memory Manipulation & Dream Manipulation (Diabolos can enter dreams and alter memory[17])

Hellfire Manipulation (Via Ifrit, Phoenix, Rubicante, and Marilith), Intangibility (Ifrit can become smoke or flame[16]), Ice Manipulation and Absolute Zero and Duplication (Via Shiva who's Ice and aura are stated to reach Absolute Zero including her Diamond Dust, Shiva can duplicate herself[22]), Water Manipulation (via Kraken, Cagnazzo, and Leviathan), Necromancy (Via Lich), Spatial Manipulation, Deconstruction, and BFR (via Atomos, who manipulates space,[3] crush enemies down to a molecular level,[21] and can warp them into another dimension[21]), Death Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulation (Via Odin, who's Zantetsuken instantly kills an enemy and opens a rift in space time to take their remains[16]), Matter Manipulation and Radiation Manipulation (via Megaflare, which is stated[23] numerous times to be a nuclear power[24]), Attack Reflection (via Carbuncle), Poison Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (The Poison status effect, which is also stated to corrode the target[13]), Darkness Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (The darkness status ailment via various equipment, which would render the target blind[25]), Power Nullification (The Silence status, which would render the target's ability to use magic null), and Petrification (Via Malboro's Bad Breath), Resurrection (Phoenix can revive fallen party members), Light Manipulation and Holy Manipulation (Via Alexander), Explosion Manipulation and Self-Destruction (Via Bomb), Healing (Via Sylph and Asura), Earth Manipulation (Via Titan), BFR (via Typhon), Soul Manipulation (Via Zalera, the Death Seraph, who was going to abosrb all souls on the planet[26]), Memory Manipulation & Dream Manipulation (Diabolos can enter dreams and alter memory[17])

Attack Potency: Brown Dwarf level (Is able to take on Typhon, who is able to flip the Planet upside down with its power) | Low Multiverse level (Is able to take on and defeat Gilgamesh) | Multiverse level+ (Is comparable to the other Warriors of Materia and draws power from the gods of the cycle. Participated in the defeat of Shinryu)

Speed: Massively FTL (Is comparable to Mog, who can utilize Sun Bath, which is calced to being this fast) | Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with Gilgamesh) | Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with the other Warriors of Materia, was able to tag Shinryu)

Lifting Strength: Class K (Is comparable to Sabin, who suplexed a train) | At least Class P, likely higher (superior to Master Duncan, who during the Apocalypse was swallowed by a pair of fissures that opened in the ground and proceeded to pry them both back open upon closing[1]) | Immeasurable (Is superior to Neo Exdeath and Enuo)

Striking Strength: Brown Dwarf level | Low Multiverse level | Multiverse level+

Durability: Brown Dwarf level (Able to take hits from Typhon) | Low Multiverse level (Can tank blows from Gilgamesh | Multiverse level+

Stamina: Superhuman (Fights through gauntlets of monsters regularly and defeated powerful beings like Kefka and Espers like Leviathan for prolonged periods)

Range: Extended Melee Range with weapons, Multiversal+ with magic (Magic as a whole is shown to affect omnipresent beings such as Exdeath when he's become one with the Void itself, which spans across the entire Final Fantasy Multiverse, can even banish foes into the Void with the Teleport ability)

Standard Equipment: A wide Variety of Magicites, Relics, Equipment that have a varying arsenal of abilities and resistances to use.

Intelligence: Gifted. As a Half-Esper, Terra is extremely adept and gifted in the use of magic, wielding several of the games most powerful spells and having one of the highest magic stats in the game. Though she is initially fearful of her powers and confused due to being rendered an amnesiac by the Empire's experiments, she later gains the resolve to use them to her fullest potential, allowing her to fight on par with Kefka who had become the God of Magic by that point of the story.

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attack/Techniques

  • Esper Form/Trance: When Terra absorbs enough magic from her surroundings, she is able to change into her Esper Form, doubling her attack potency and cutting all magical damage taken in half.
  • Riot Blade: Terra's Desperation Attack and her EX Burst in Dissidia, she charges magical energy in her arms before unleashing several blades of magical energy that decimate targets struck. In the arcade edition of Dissidia, she is able to use this attack as a counter move, defending against attacks with a magical shield before countering with an x-shaped blade of energy.

  • Firaga: Terra ignites her target in a fiery explosion.
  • Blizzaga: Terra fires a giant shard of Ice that can split into smaller shards to home in on their target. Alternatively, she can use multiple shards to revolve around herself.
  • Thundaga: Terra calls down contracting Lightning Bolts around her foe.
  • Holy: Terra fires orbs of holy magic at her foe that home in on their location.
  • Flare: Terra induces nuclear fusion in her target's location, causing a concentrated thermal explosion.
  • Meltdown: Terra releases ultra-hot flame that envelops everything. Alternatively, she can fire off an orb of superheated magic.
  • Poison: Terra poisons his target
  • Bio: Terra fires a cloud of noxious gas to poison her target.
  • Quake: Terra opens up a rift in the earth to swallow up her foes.
  • Tornado: Terra summons multiple tornadoes to assault her foe.
  • Flood: Terra summons a stream of water at her target's location.
  • Drain: Terra absorbs her target's life energy to heal herself.
  • Break: Terra petrifies her target, allowing her to break and shatter them at her leisure.
  • Death: Terra reaps the target's soul and solidifies their blood, killing them instantly.
  • Graviga: Terra conjures a dome of gravity over her foe, crushing them under the gravity and reducing 3/4s of their HP.
  • Banish: Terra banishes her target to the void.
  • Meteor: Terra hails down meteors that ignore defense.
  • Ultima: Terra conjures the ultimate black magic, causing an expanding explosion that ignores defense.
  • Libra: Terra scans her target to check their hp, mp and current weaknesses.
  • Curaga: Terra heals herself and allies a large amount of HP
  • Rasp: Terra damages the target mp, draining it.
  • Silence: Terra silences the target preventing them from using abilities.
  • Protect: Terra raises a magical shield around her target that doubles physical defense.
  • Shell: Terra raises a magical shield around her target that doubles magical defense.
  • Reflect: Terra places a barrier around her target that reflects magic back at the caster.
  • Hastega: Terra manipulates time to speed up himself and allies.
  • Slowga: Terra manipulates time to slow down her targets
  • Imp: Terra transforms her target into an imp.
  • Float: Terra casts a spell that allows her to levitate in mid-air.
  • Vanish: Terra casts a spell that allows her to become invisible.
  • Teleport: Terra casts a spell that enables her to teleport.
  • Quick: Terra stops time for everyone in her range.
  • Sleep: Terra casts a spell to make her target fall asleep.
  • Confuse: Terra casts a spell on her target that causes them to become unable to differentiate friend from foe and attack allies.
  • Berserk: Terra casts a spell that can drive her target berserk.
  • Dispel: Terra cancels out the effects of abilities.
  • Valor: Terra doubles the damage of the next attack of the target.

  • Silver Spectacles: Silver Rimmed glasses that protect against blind
  • Star Pendant: Star Shaped pendant with a jewel in the center that protects against poison.
  • Jeweled Ring: A ring with a large gem that protects against petrify.
  • Fairy Ring: Ring imbued with a fairy's magic that prevents poison and blind.
  • Peace Ring: Ring that soothes the user's mind, protecting them from Berserk and Confuse
  • Amulet: Protective Charm that prevents Zombification, Poison, and Blind
  • White Cape: Flowing white cape that protects against Silence and Impification
  • Safety Bit: A small sphere that spins around the user's hand, that protects against petrification, zombification, and death.
  • Memento Ring: A ring blessed by the love of a passed mother that protects against petrification, zombification, and instant death.
  • Ribbon: A silk ribbon that protects against all status ailments, including Sleep and Sap.
  • Protect Ring: A ring that automatically enchants protect on the user.
  • Reflect Ring: A silver ring that automatically enchants Reflect on the user.
  • Angel Wings: Rumored Angel Wings that automatically enchants float on the user.
  • Angel Ring: Ring encrusted with Angel Wings that automatically enchants Regen on the user.
  • Hermes Sandals: Winged Sandals that automatically enchant Haste on the user.
  • Guard Bracelet: Bracelet that automatically enchants the user with Protect and Shell.
  • Miracle Shoes: Marvelous Shoes that enchant a bevy of enhancements on the user such as Haste, Protect, Shell and Regen.
  • Soul of Thamasa: A gembox that enables dualcast, allowing the user to cast 2 separate spells at once.
  • Dragoon Boots: Steel boots made for Dragoons enabling the user to use High Jump.
  • Dragon Horn: Horn with the Spirit of the Dragon that enhances the user's jump ability.
  • Mythril Glove: A glove made of mythril that casts protect automatically when the user's life is in danger.
  • Barrier Ring: A ring enchanted with a version of Shell that automatically casts when the user's life is in danger.
  • Knight Code: A book with details on knighthood, allowing the user to cover allies in danger.
  • Black Belt: A cloth belt that allows the wearer to automatically counter attacks.
  • Gold Hairpin: A gold hairpin filled with magic, it halves the costs of all spells.
  • Terratriad: A star shaped necklace that reduces all spell costs to 1.
  • Lich Ring: Turns the user into an undead, allowing spells such as death to heal them but leaves them vulnerable to curative items and spells, and also reverses the effects of absorption abilities.
  • Alarm Earring: Earrings that alert the wearer to ambushes and sneak attacks.
  • Gigas Glove: Increases physical damage by 25%
  • Earring: Increases magic damage by 25%
  • Hero's Ring: Increases all damage by 25%
  • Sniper Eye: Scope that allows the user to avoid missing attacks.
  • Growth Egg: An egg that increases the rate of development of the user.

  • Air Knife: Knife imbued with the power of wind.
  • Assassin's Dagger: Dagger that can kill an enemy in one hit.
  • Valiant Knife: Knife that increases in strength as the user weakens.
  • Man-Eater: Knife that deals more damage against humans.
  • Swordbreaker: Allows the user to automatically deflect attacks.
  • Gladius: Knife imbued with Holy magic.
  • Rune Blade: Sword that uses the user's MP to increase critical damage.
  • Flametounge: Sword imbued with flames that can cast Fire Magic.
  • Icebrand: Sword imbued with ice that can cast Blizzard Magic.
  • Thunder Blade: Sword imbued with lightning that can cast Thunder Magic.
  • Stoneblade: Sword imbued with break that can cast Break Magic.
  • Blood Sword: Sword that absorbs life from it's target.
  • Soul Sabre: Sword imbued with death and can cast death magic and allows the user to absorb the targets MP.
  • Zantetsuken: Sword allowing the user to dispose of the target in one hit and rend dimensions in a single Slash.
  • Ragnarok: Sword imbued with Flare that can cast Flare Magic.
  • Apocalypse: Sword that consumes MP to allow the user to deal critical damage.
  • Lightbringer: Sword imbued with Holy Magic that allows the user to cast Holy.
  • Ultima Weapon: A legendary sword that ignores defense and increases in response to how healthy the user is.
  • Trident: A three pronged spear imbued with water.
  • Holy Lance: A lance imbued with Holy that can cast Holy Magic.
  • Sakura: A ninja blade imbued with the power of wind.
  • Ichigeki: A ninja blade imbued with death that can kill an enemy in one hit.
  • Kagenui: Ninja blade capable of casting stop on an enemy.
  • Kazekiri: A katana that is imbued with wind, enabling them to use the wind slash.
  • Murasame: A katana that allows the user to automatically reflect attacks.
  • Mutsunokami: A katana that allows the user to automatically reflect attacks.
  • Flame Rod: A rod imbued with flames allowing the user to cast Fire Magic.
  • Ice Rod: A rod imbued with ice allowing the user to cast Ice Magic.
  • Thunder Rod: A rod imbued with thunder allowing the user to cast Thunder Magic.
  • Poison Rod: A rod imbued with poison allowing the user to cast Poison Magic.
  • Gravity Rod: A rod imbued with gravity allowing the user to cast Gravity Magic.
  • Holy Rod: A rod imbued with holy allowing the user to cast Holy Magic.
  • Healing Rod: A rod imbued with cure allowing the user to cast Cure Magic.
  • Kaiser Knuckle: Spiked Knuckles imbued with Holy energy.
  • Venom Claws: Claws imbued with poison allowing the user to cast Poison Magic.
  • Burning Fist: Fists imbued with flames, allowing the user to cast Fire Magic.
  • Dragon Claws: Claws infused with Holy power.
  • Godhand: Legendary Gauntlets imbued with Holy Might.
  • Scorpion Tail: Flail shaped like a Scorpion Tail and imbued with Bio Magic.
  • Wing Edge: Boomerang imbued with death.
  • Viper Darts:Darts imbued with death magic.
  • Death Tarot: Deck of Cards capable of casting death magic.
  • Angel Brush: Brush made from an angel's quill capable of inflicting confuse.
  • Force Shield: Shield that only defends against magic, grants resistance to fire, ice, lightning, wind, earth and water magic, also teaches Shell to the user and passively grants it.
  • Flame Shield: A shield containing fire magic that nullifies Ice and absorbs fire magic, alongside teaching the user fira and granting them access to Firaga.
  • Ice Shield: Shield containing Ice Magic, that absorbs Ice and nullifies fire while allowing the user to learn Blizzara and cast Blizzaga.
  • Thunder Shield: Shield containing thunder magic allowing the user to absorb thunder while nullifying wind. It is also resistance to both ice and fire, and teaches Thundara while also casting Thundaga.
  • Aegis Shield: Allows the user to repel magic attacks.
  • Paladin's Shield: A paladins shield that allows the user to absorb fire, ice, lightning and holy while nullifying wind, water, poison and earth. Also teaches Ultima to the user.
  • Tortoise Shield: A turtle shield that absorbs water and teaches imp.
  • Mirage Vest: Vest that creates illusionary images of the wearer.
  • Gaia Gear: Armor that enables the user to absorb earth magic.
  • Red Jacket: Armor that nullifies fire damage.
  • Tabby Suit: Cat suit that negates poison damage.
  • Minerva Bustier: A breastplate that provides nullification of fire, ice, lightning, and wind while providing resistance to earth, water, poison, and holy magic and increases her physical stats and mana.
  • Chocobo Suit: A chocobo suit that allows the user to negate poison.
  • Moogle Suit: Negates poison and lets the user look like a moogle.
  • Force Armor: Armor that resists fire, ice, lightning, wind, and earth.

  • Notable Matchups





    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Final Fantasy 6
    2. Final Fantasy I-VI Ultimania
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
    4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 5, page 198
    5. 5.0 5.1 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 5, page 199
    6. 6.0 6.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 1, page 67
    7. 7.0 7.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 1, page 73
    8. 8.0 8.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 3, page 147
    9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 1, page 29
    10. 10.0 10.1 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 3, page 107
    11. 11.0 11.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 2, page 109
    12. Final Fantasy I
    13. 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 Final Fantasy IV Settings Guidebook
    14. 14.0 14.1 Final Fantasy IV Volume 2 Novel, chapter 7, page 54
    15. Final Fantasy V GBA Manual
    16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
    17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 World Of Final Fantasy
    18. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 270
    19. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 271
    20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
    21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Dissidia Final Fantasy
    22. 22.0 22.1 Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
    23. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 270
    24. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 271
    25. Final Fantasy V GBA Manual
    26. Final Fantasy XII


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