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Articles about Superman (Clark Kent)
Comics (Canon) Golden AgePre-CrisisPost-CrisisNew 52Rebirth
Comics (Alternate Realities) Earth OneAll StarRed SonKingdom ComeJust ImagineTurma da MônicaAt Earth's EndMillerverse
Movies DonnerverseSuperman vs. The EliteDCEUDC Animated MoviesTomorrowverse
Shows FleischerSuper FriendsDCAUDCAU (Justice Lord)SmallvilleArrowverseSuperman and LoisJustice League ActionYoung JusticeMy Adventures With Superman
Games Injustice
Rebirth Superman render
Every day, the most powerful man in the world puts a coat over his cape and goes to work. He could be anyone... and chooses to be kind. I honestly don't know why. Maybe because he knows what it's like to be lonely. To be the only one left. And he doesn't want anyone else to feel that way... So he helps. Never looking for praise. He just helps because he cares. And no one else ever sees, what kind of sad world doesn't see Clark Kent.
~ Lois Lane


Superman, also known as Clark Kent and Kal-El, is a Kryptonian superhero. Though born of the planet Krypton, he was sent away in a spaceship as a baby to save him from his home planet's destruction. His spaceship landed on Earth in Smallville, Kansas where he was found and adopted by Jonathan and Martha Kent. Raised to a high moral standard, Superman uses his powers to protect innocents and safeguard his adopted home. He is husband to Lois Lane and the father of Superboy.

This version of Superman is unique, being a combination of two versions of the character, sharing most of their memories and history.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Varies, usually 3-C, 3-B via Super Flare, 2-C at his peak, higher when Sundipped | At least 2-C, possibly far higher, higher when Sundipped, even higher via Super Flare

Key: Post-Rebirth | Post-Warworld Apocalypse

Name: Kal-El, Clark Kent, Superman

Origin: DC Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, but at least 35-40 years

Classification: Kryptonian

Powers and Abilities:




Resistances to:

Attack Potency: Varies (Superman can mentally control his power levels. According to Darkseid, in order for Superman's powers to work at their peak, he needs his full active brain otherwise he won't be as powerful[8]. His fluctuations in solar energy storage depend on emotional state[9]), usually Galaxy level (He is a merger of his Post-Crisis and New 52 counterparts[10], and as such should be comparable to the former's usual level. Damaging Cyborg Superman[11], who is capable of matching Rebirth Supergirl[12][Note 1]), Multi Galaxy level via Super Flare (The Superflare is thousands of time more powerful than Heat Vision[Note 2]), Low Multiverse level at his peak (Separated two worlds[13], which are actual[14] realities[15], and one shot Auteur.io[16], who created an archive of realities[17], which he could destroy if he wanted[18]. Punched out Barbatos[19], shook the Phantom Zone[20], an Anti-Universe[21] consistently stated to be infinite, endless, or limitless[22][23][24][25][26][27], even stating he could destroy it, and Mr. Terrific, who was certain Wally West had infinite and incalculable power, wasn't certain he's more powerful than Superman, implying he considers Superman to also have infinite power[28]. Capable of harming Hal Jordan[29], defeated Darkfather, who has the power of Darkseid and the Anti-Life Equation [30], and should scale off his Post-Crisis counterpart, as he's a merge of him and his New 52 counterpart[10][Note 3]), higher when Sundipped (Should function the same as his Post-Crisis self | At least Low Multiverse level, possibly far higher (Repeatedly stated to be stronger than ever[31][32][33][34][35], even stating that concepts like weight and Spacetime have largely lost their meaning to him[33]. Defeated an Orphan Box amplified Metallo[36], with Orphan Boxes being powered by the Source and transcending Life, Death, Space, Time, Entropy, and the Infinite Paths[37][Note 4]), higher when Sundipped

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Comparable to his Post-Crisis incarnation) | At least Massively FTL+

Lifting Strength: Stellar (Comparable to his Post-Crisis incarnation) | At least Stellar

Striking Strength: Varies, usually Galaxy level, Multi Galaxy level via Super Flare, Low Multiverse level at his peak (Capable of harming Barbatos[19], Hal Jordan[29], and could shake the Phantom Zone[20]), higher when Sundipped | At least Low Multiverse level, possibly far higher (Stronger than before), higher when Sundipped

Durability: Varies, usually Galaxy level, Multi Galaxy level via Super Flare, Low Multiverse level at his peak (Capable of enduring attacks from the likes of Doomsday[38][39], Damage[40], who could send Wonder Woman flying[41], Ultra-Violet Sinestro[42][43][44], who was superior to his prior states[45][46], and Rogol Zaar[47][48][49][50][51], who one-shot Zod[52]), higher when Sundipped | At least Low Multiverse level, possibly far higher (More durable than before), higher when Sundipped

Stamina: Superhuman (Capable of engaging in constant physical activity and protracted battles as long as his solar reserves hold out)

Range: At least Planetary

Standard Equipment: None notable.

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Superman possesses most, if not all, of his memories and experiences from Post-Crisis on top of his experiences after Flashpoint)

Weaknesses: Kryptonite (various varieties), he is entirely dependent on the Stellar Radiation of a Yellow Star to sustain his powers (if he's deprived of Sunlight, he slowly loses his powers), the Stellar Radiation of a red star (weakens him due to red Stellar Radiation having less energy than that of a yellow or blue star), Magic (susceptible to it instead of weak against it, since he resisted a magical blast which could destroy a planet to some extent), he cannot see through lead.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Kryptonian Physiology: Superman's cellular structure is much more dense, resilient, and biologically more effective than human tissue. He does not possess superhuman strength levels despite his enhanced cellular ability without his cellular structure charged with yellow solar energy. Without such charging, his physical capabilities are identical to a human of his height and weight who engages in regular physical activity. As an alien, he possesses several organs whose functions are not yet disclosed or understood but are believed to be part of or the source of his bio-matrix force field and reclamation aura. Superman's body also stores energy actively within his bio-cellular matrix as an energy pattern that is linked to his body's electromagnetic field. This energy powers most of his abilities such as flight, heat vision and other solar-based abilities while supplementing his physical abilities to superhuman levels.
    • Stellar Radiation Absorption: As a Kryptonian, his cells function like a super battery, hyper metabolizing specific wavelengths of radiation as fuel to enable living functions and/or superhuman abilities. Different wavelengths of radiation have different effects on Superman's physiology and well being, but his cells cannot absorb or utilize all types of radiation. The wavelength of his home star system's red sun enables his body to function on an identical level of a healthy human while the solar radiation on Earth, in both its raw and filtered state through the Earth's atmosphere, acts as fuel to enable all of his powers. Every time Superman uses any of his superhuman abilities, his body expends absorbed sunlight and he is capable of utilizing any of them to various degrees through controlled circumstances. The stellar radiation of a foreign blue star proved to increase his known abilities under a yellow sun to a higher degree and enabled additional powers.
    • Superhuman Strength: Superman has the ability to physically lift massive levels of weight, and deliver blows which have the force of trillions of gigatons of TNT explosives.
    • Superhuman Speed: Superman has the ability to move and fly incredibly fast. He possesses the ability to achieve speeds faster than light. While not as fast as the Flash, Superman can move at speeds faster than light. He can use this power to disarm opponents, catch bullets or shrapnel and cross vast distances in mere seconds.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Superman’s Kryptonian physiology allows him to exert himself to peak capacity for an undetermined amount of time. In the presence of a yellow star, his solar reserves are constantly replenished. In an environment without the light of a yellow star, his solar reserves gradually decrease as he exerts himself.
    • Superhuman Durability: Superman is immensely durable, able to easily withstand bullets, missiles, bombs and other weapons without a scratch. His body is nigh-invulnerable due to his immensely dense cellular and anatomical structure as well as his radiating bio-electrical aura. Superman is under some circumstances resistant or immune to different forms and levels of lacerations, blunt force trauma, energy-based assaults, falls from great heights, explosions, the cold void of space, toxins and all known diseases on Earth. His supercharged bio-electric "aura" acts as an invisible "force field" radiating within a few millimeters from his skin.
    • Flight: When Superman's body is charged with solar energy, he is able to emit a gravitational field that enables him to defy gravity and fly. He has extreme mobility while he is in flight, allowing him to fight, change course, and also carry great weights air-borne.
    • Superhuman Vision: Superman possesses a superior sensory arrangement of visual capabilities.
      • X-Ray Vision: The ability to see through anything except lead. Since it is passive, this ability would not generate harmful radiation in the same manner as a focused projection of hard X-rays.
      • Telescopic Vision: Superman has the ability to focus his vision to see something at a great distance, with equal clarity of visual perception.
      • Microscopic Vision: Superman has the ability to see extremely small objects and images down to a molecular level.
      • Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: Superman can see all of the EM Spectrum. He can see and identify radio/television and any and all broadcast/transmitted frequencies, allowing him to avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods.
  • Superhuman Hearing: Superman has incredible hearing at extreme variances of sound and pitch frequency, allowing him to pick up noises from across the globe. He has shown enough control to block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source/frequency.
  • Superhuman Olfaction: On various occasions, Superman has demonstrated that his sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the point he can smell odors across the entire planet.
  • Stellar Radiation Expulsion: Superman can also release his stored energy directly.
    • Heat Vision: Superman can accurately target things smaller than human beings from orbit and use either a narrow or wide-area beam. The heat intensity can be greater than that of the sun and can be modulated to deliver different frequencies and types to best affect his opponent. His heat vision is invisible at lower temperatures, but blinding at higher temperatures.
  • Superhuman Breath: Superman is able to inhale and exhale huge volumes of air with great force, and capable of extinguishing large fires and moving heavy objects with his breath alone. This ability also allows Superman to hold his breath for extended periods in airless environments.
    • Freeze Breath: Superman can freeze his opponents by using his Super Breath to do release a large volume of air. This is due to the Joule-Thomson effect (see detailed description here).
  • Radar-Sensing Capabilities: Superman, as of Action Comics #49, has the ability to sense transmissions, energy waves, and signals spanning all across the globe; giving him the ability of also being a "super antenna".
  • Torquasm-Vo: A Kryptonian psychic discipline that involves the control of one's consciousness, and allows two practitioners to mentally battle one another.
  • Invisibility/Intangibility: Superman can manipulate his atoms to phase through attacks and turn invisible.
  • Infinite Mass Punch: Superman vibrates his body and travels under light speed, so his punch can hit with the force of a white dwarf star.


  • Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics.
  • After discussion and consideration, we have concluded that Superman shouldering the burden of Atlas by lifting the heavens is not a proper lifting feat, since it was intended to be metaphorical and powered by hope, confirmed by the writer of the story.
  • We do not consider Superman's ability to harm The World Forger after an unknown number of sun dips to be an outlier. However given that the power-up in question required so extremely situational circumstances, with Superman first being elevated to a higher level of existence and then supercharged on top of that, the statistics for it are not listed in this profile page, due to our rules regarding such situational and temporary amplifications listed here.

Notable Matchups



Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog (Main Continuity)) Sonic's Profile (Sonic Frontiers Sonic and Post-Warworld Apocalypse Superman were used. Sonic had access to his Cyber Corruption. Speed was equalized)



  1. Superman: Man of tomorrow #7
  2. Action Comics 2016 #1050
  3. Dark Crisis #5
  4. 4.0 4.1 Action Comics 2016 #1054
  5. Justice League 2018 #2
  6. Superman 2016 #29
  7. 7.0 7.1 Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army
  8. Action Comics Vol. 1 #586, March 1987
  9. Adventures of Superman Vol. 1 #636, March 2005
  10. 10.0 10.1 Supergirl Vol. 7 #8, June 2017
  11. DC Cybernetic Summer, September 2020
  12. Action Comics Vol. 1 #983, September 2017
  13. Batman/Superman Vol. 2 #21, October 2021
  14. Batman/Superman Vol. 2 #17, June 2021
  15. Batman/Superman Vol. 2 #20, September 2021
  16. Batman/Superman Vol. 2 #21, October 2021
  17. Batman/Superman Vol. #19, August 2021
  18. Batman/Superman Vol. 2 #17, June 2021
  19. 19.0 19.1 Dark Nights: Death Metal Trinity Crisis, November 2020
  20. 20.0 20.1 Superman (2018) #6, February 2019
  21. Action Comics Vol. 2 #11, September 2012
  22. The Phantom Zone Vol. 1 #2, February 1982
  23. Superman Vol. 2 #214, April 2005
  24. Adventure Comics Vol. 2 #11, July 2010
  25. Action Comics Annual Vol. 1 #11, July 2008
  26. Action Comics Vol. 1 #846, February 2007
  27. JLA Vol. 1 #39, March 2000
  28. The Flash Vol. 1 #775, December 2021
  29. 29.0 29.1 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 #30, December 2017
  30. Dark Nights: Death Metal Vol. 1 #3, October 2020
  31. https://www.dc.com/comics/action-comics-2016/action-comics-1047
  32. Action Comics Vol. 1 #1049, January 2023
  33. 33.0 33.1 Action Comics Vol. 1 #1050, February 2023
  34. https://www.dc.com/comics/action-comics-2016/action-comics-1051
  35. Action Comics Vol. 1 #1052, April 2023
  36. Action Comics Vol. 1 #1054, June 2023
  37. Action Comics Vol. 1 #1044, August 2022
  38. Action Comics Vol. 1 #958, August 2016
  39. Action Comics Vol. 1 #961, October 2016
  40. Damage Vol. 2 #12, February 2019
  41. Damage Vol. 2 #3, May 2018
  42. Action Comics Vol. 1 #1018, March 2020
  43. Action Comics Vol. 1 #1021, May 2020
  44. Action Comics Vol. 1 #1022, August 2020
  45. The DC Book: A Vast and Vibrant Multiverse Simply Explained, November 2021
  46. Justice League Vol. 4 #3, September 2018
  47. The Man of Steel Vol. 2 #3, August 2018
  48. The Man of Steel Vol. 2 #5, August 2018
  49. Superman Vol. 5 #2, October 2018
  50. Superman Vol. 5 #4, December 2018
  51. Superman Vol. 5 #6, February 2019
  52. Superman Vol. 5 #14, October 2019


  1. 57.43 ZettaFoe
  2. 824.15772 Yottafoe
  3. 52 Universes
  4. 52 Universes


Discussion threads involving Superman (Post-Flashpoint)