“ | True... We were weak. But that weakness was not the sort of which you speak. The weakness that prevented us from seeing our allies as such. We've had enough of a weak guild like that. | „ |
~ Sting to Jiemma |
Sting Eucliffe is the current Guild Master of the Sabertooth Guild, formerly the strongest Guild in Fiore, and is part of the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth. Originally a Dragon Slayer from four hundred years past, Sting was sent to the future to assist in the destruction of Acnologia. When he was a child, he idolized Natsu Dragneel and vowed to defeat him.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 6-C, higher with White Drive, far higher with Dragon Force, even higher when Enhanced by Emotions | 6-C | High 6-A, higher with White Shadow Dragon Force | 5-B
Key: In X791 (Grand Magic Games Arc) | In X791 (Tartaros Arc) | In X792 | In X793
Name: Sting Eucliffe
Origin: Fairy Tail
Gender: Male
Age: 19 (In X791) | 20 (In X792) | 21 (In X793)
Classification: Human, Mage, Dragon Slayer, Sabertooth Guild Member, Master of Sabertooth
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception, Magic, Empowerment (His emotions directly translate into magic power and his strength grows more powerful as said emotions get stronger), Absorption (Can absorb white substances and shadows. All Mages passively absorb Ethernano from the atmosphere to regenerate their Magic Power), Absorption Negation (Dragon Slayers are capable of entirely negating the effects of the Anima, which is capable of absorbing all of someone's magic power and transmuting them into a Larcima Crystal), Awakened Power (Achieved Unison Raid, which is so difficult that even dedicating your entire life to achieving it isn't enough to use it), Multiple Selves (Type 1 and 3. Had Weisslogia dormant inside of him for years until the end of the Tartaros Arc), Light Manipulation, Holy Manipulation, Breath Attack, Statistics Amplification (Via White Drive), Transformation (Via Dragon Force), Dragon Slayer Magic (His Magic is especially effective against dragons and those with dragon-like properties, bypassing their defenses), Magic Resistance Negation (Can use Dragon Slayer Magic to damage characters and objects which are normally immune to Magic), Limited Regeneration Negation (Dragons are unable to heal or regenerate from injuries that come from Dragon Slayer Magic), Shadow Manipulation (Via White Shadow Dragon Force), Status Effect Inducement (Via White Dragon's Claw), Martial Arts, Non-Physical Interaction (Can touch shadows as if they were physical after absorbing Rogue's shadows), Limited Power Mimicry, Resistance to Light Manipulation, Holy Manipulation, Absorption (Dragon Slayers are completely resistant to the effects of the Anima, which is capable of absorbing all of someone's magic power), Transmutation (Dragon Slayers are completely resistant to the effects of the Anima, which is capable of transmuting someone into a Larcima Crystal), Shadow Manipulation (Via White Shadow Dragon Force), and Limited Biological Manipulation (Has antibodies that prevent him from undergoing Dragonization, which causes one's body and internal organs to change into a dragons[1])
Attack Potency: Island level (Far stronger than Max. Comparable to Base Rogue), higher with White Drive (Far stronger than his Base Form), far higher with Dragon Force (At least 3x stronger than his Base Form due to Dragon Force), Island level+ when Enhanced by Emotions (Stated to have surpassed[2] Human Jiemma. One-shot both Human Jiemma and Bacchus) | Island level+ (Should be around 1/2 as strong as Demon Jiemma, as it took the combined power of both him and Rogue defeat him. Traded several blows with a casual Base Mard Geer) | Multi-Continent level (Somewhat fought and matched Larcade, but is overall weaker. Comparable to Rogue), higher with White Shadow Dragon Force (At least 6x stronger than before due to absorbing Rogue's Power and adding to his own and then using Dragon Force) | Planet level+ (Comparable in power to Post-Elentear Base Natsu)
Speed: Sub-Relativistic (Faster than Max), higher with White Drive (Faster than before), far higher with Dragon Force (Faster than before), Sub-Relativistic+ when Enhanced by Emotions (Faster than Human Jiemma. Blitzed Bacchus) | Relativistic (Kept up with Emotion Amped Base Natsu) | Relativistic (Faster than before. Comparable to Rogue), higher with White Shadow Dragon Force (Kept up with Larcade) | Speed of Light (Comparable to Post-Elentear Base Natsu)
Lifting Strength: At least Class M (Far stronger than Max), higher with White Drive (Stronger than before), far higher with Dragon Force (Stronger than before), Class G when Enhanced by Emotions (Stronger than Human Jiemma) | Class G (Comparable to Base Natsu) | At least Class T (Comparable to Base Natsu), higher with White Shadow Dragon Force (Stronger than before) | At least Class T (Matched Post-Elentear Base Natsu in an arm wrestling contest)
Striking Strength: Island level (Far stronger than Max. Comparable to Base Rogue), higher with White Drive (Far stronger than his Base Form), far higher with Dragon Force (At least 3x stronger than his Base Form due to Dragon Force), Island level+ when Enhanced by Emotions (Stated to have surpassed Human Jiemma. One-shot both Human Jiemma and Bacchus) | Island level+ (Should be around 1/2 as strong as Demon Jiemma, as it took the combined power of both him and Rogue defeat him. Traded several blows with a casual Base Mard Geer) | Multi-Continent level (Somewhat fought and matched Larcade, but is overall weaker. Comparable to Rogue), higher with White Shadow Dragon Force (At least 6x stronger than before due to absorbing Rogue's Power and adding to his own and then using Dragon Force) | Planet level+ (Comparable to Post-Elentear Base Natsu)
Durability: Island level (Far more durable than Max. Comparable to Base Rogue), higher with White Drive (Far more durable than his Base Form), far higher with Dragon Force (At least 3x more durable than his Base Form due to Dragon Force), Island level+ when Enhanced by Emotions (Comparable to his Attack Power) | Island level+ (Comparable to his Attack Power. Took attacks from Demon Jiemma, but is overall weaker) | Multi-Continent level (Took attacks from Larcade, but is overall far weaker. Comparable to Rogue), higher with White Shadow Dragon Force (At least 6x more durable than before due to absorbing Rogue's Power and adding to his own and then using Dragon Force) | Planet level+ (Comparable to Post-Elentear Base Natsu)
Stamina: Superhuman (Fought with Jiemma for long periods of time even after fighting Mard Geer. Defeated Larcade even after he left him with a terrible hunger, impaled him, and hit him with a deadly drowsiness, while his stamina was also likely being drained by his transformation. He can also eat white substances and other magics to restore his magic power and stamina)
Range: Kilometers
- Dragon Slayer Lacrima
Intelligence: Above Average (A skilled combatant)
Weaknesses: Sting suffers from motion sickness as a result of his Dragon Slayer Magic, which causes him to become severely nauseous while riding transportation. Sting cannot eat the white substances created from his own Dragon Slayer Magic to replenish his stamina.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
White Dragon Slayer Magic: A form of Dragon Slayer Magic which allows Sting to transform the physiology of his body into that of the White Dragon, allowing him to generate and manipulate light to his every whim. The White Dragon Slayer's element has been described as being holy, with Sting remarking that his opponents suffer the "judgement of the holy white." While Dragon Slayers have the ability to consume their Magic's element to replenish their strength; for unknown reasons, Sting was able to eat a metal arrow, despite his Magic's element being light. As a Third Generation Dragon Slayer, Sting derives his Magic from two sources: the teachings of the Dragon named Weisslogia and from the Dragon Lacrima implanted in his body.
- White Dragon's Roar: Sting's signature "Dragon's Roar" takes the form of a, comparatively, small laser with effects not unlike it; it slices the ground it strikes, creating a linear explosion in its wake. After, through unknown means, devouring a metal arrow that was fired at him, Sting was shown using a different Dragon's Roar, this one consisting of a powerful, larger whirlwind which pierced through several buildings with ease, leaving a clean, round hole in each of them.
- White Drive: A technique which, according to Mavis Vermilion, amplifies Sting's Magic abilities, completely cloaking his body with an aura of bright light, allowing him to better employ his Dragon Slayer Magic whilst at the same time seemingly enhancing his physical prowess to a degree, particularly his speed. According to Sting himself, White Drive harnesses "the power that kills Dragons", and it indeed allowed the White Dragon Slayer to momentarily overwhelm Natsu Dragneel, who had him completely outmatched beforehand. This state either grants Sting the ability to perform new spells or makes them stronger, as the Sabertooth Mage has been shown employing several skills only while in said Drive.
- White Dragon's Iron Fist: Sting engulfs one of his fists in light and punches the target, causing sheer blunt damage.
- White Dragon's Claw: A close range spell which is described as being a "holy attack", Sting performs White Dragon's Claw by generating a sphere of light around one of his hands and then firing it at the target. If said blast connects with the body of the target, it tears through clothing and blackens the struck area, leaving a light, complex marking on it (A so-called "Stigma") which, according to Sting, takes away the body's movement, thereby leaving the foe open to the White Dragon Slayer's subsequent attack. It is currently unknown how much said spell limits the target's freedom, as Natsu Dragneel was able to burn the symbol away with his own Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, exploiting one of its seeming weaknesses: fire. A stigma is a supernatural mark of faith found in Christianity, living up to the holy theme of White Dragon Slayer Magic.
- Holy Ray: Sting first joins the open palms of his hands together, with all the fingers on one hand in contact with the corresponding ones on the other hand, and then separates his palms while keeping the fingers in contact through their tips. Light is generated in the hollow part between his hands, expanding from the holes between Sting's fingers. At this point, the White Dragon Slayer completely separates his hands, extending them horizontally at his body's sides as the light he generated takes the form of a large sphere, from which a number of white rays are fired towards the target(s), leaving their starting point in a curved trajectory to strike them. Foes are thus bombarded by a barrage of beams which inflict heavy damage, striking them in rapid succession. Sting was shown using this spell on Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox while the latter two were in midair.
- White Dragon's Holy Breath: A seemingly stronger, more potent version of his White Dragon's Roar, Sting jumps over his target and releases a large, extremely powerful burst of light from his mouth; such a spell was shown capable of easily reducing the Domus Flau's arena to rubble, creating a large, almost cavernous hole in the ground in the process.
- Holy Nova: A spell which Sting described as "the best of his best", and which he initiates by bending his right arm backwards, the fist clenched, and extending frontwards a mildly bent left arm with tiny streaks of light gathering before the outstretched fingers from the surrounding area. He then rushes towards the target and punches them with his right hand, which is now covered in a very massive, horizontal column of light. This spell creates a large, impressive explosion on contact, which leaves Sting unharmed, but is seemingly lethal to the target. The true power of the White Dragon Slayer's most powerful spell, however, remains unknown, as Natsu Dragneel stopped it with a single hand and emerged unscathed from its blast. However, Orga Nanagear and Rufus Lore's shock at such a feat hints at the highly destructive capabilities Holy Nova possesses.
Dragon Force: Being a product of the Third Generation of Dragon Slayers, Sting is capable of entering the most advanced state a Dragon Slayer can achieve at his will, without the need to consume strong, external sources of Magic. Such a feat greatly surprised several individuals who have intimate knowledge of Dragon Slayer Magic. Upon entering this state, Sting's body becomes much more akin to an actual White Dragon's, with his whole body becoming cloaked in an aura of light even more brilliant than that generated by White Drive, and with pure white scales appearing to cover the outer edges of his face and extending down from the side of his neck to the rest of his body. These are shown to be more and more uniform as they get farther from the central portion of his body, which instead bear several scattered, distinct scales, elongated and placed diagonally.
White Shadow Dragon Force: After devouring the remnants of Rogue Cheney's Magic Power in the form of the Shadow Dragon Slayer's element, Sting gained the ability to use his White Dragon Slayer Magic enhanced with shadows. As he combined this mode with his own Dragon Force, which he activated after unleashing Rogue's shadows, Sting's appearance in this mode differs somewhat from the usual use of these two elements: the white markings on the left side of his body, representing scales of a Dragon, are painted black as per the powers of shadows that Sting ingested. After entering the mode, Sting also releases a huge amount of Magic, as both light and shadows ooze from him. In spite of this, Sting has shown to have troubles with the signature ability of a Shadow Dragon Slayer: entering and moving within the shadows, being capable of doing so only after Rogue's instruction and Kagura's magical intervention.
- White Shadow Dragon's Flash: Sting focuses the powers of a White Dragon Slayer and a Shadow Dragon Slayer in his left and right hands respectively; putting his hands together, he then combines those two elements to create a powerful blast made of light and shadows that is shot towards the enemy, damaging both the target and their surroundings.
- White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk: Even though Sting was previously capable of unleashing this spell in combination of Rogue, while possessing the powers of a Shadow Dragon Slayer himself, Sting is able to perform this spell on his own. Similar to its previous version, Sting unleashes thin beams of light and shadows, which shoot through the target from multiple directions, causing heavy injuries
Unison Raid: Sting possesses the ability to perform a Unison Raid, which is an extremely powerful ability that allows two Mages to unite two kinds of Magic similar in nature together, thereby creating an even stronger attack. Sting has performed a Unison Raid with only Rogue so far.
- Holy Shadow Dragon's Flash Fang: Sting and Rogue combined their respective Dragon Slayer Magics together for a more powerful and destructive attack. By releasing a large amount of shadows and white light from their fists, the Twin Dragon Slayers merge their Magic and release it as a combined burst of the aforementioned light and shadows.
- White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk: A spell that Sting is able to use together with Rogue, synchronizing his White Dragon Slayer Magic with Rogue's Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic. The two Dragon Slayers release thin beams of light and shadow from their fingertips respectively, which pierce through their target and heavily damage them.
Notable Matchups
Ditto (Pokémon) Ditto's Profile (White Shadow Dragon Force Sting was used and Ditto started off transformed)
Discussion threads involving Sting Eucliffe |