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VS Battles Wiki
Articles about Starfire
Comics Pre-Flashpoint
Movies DC Animated Movies
Shows Teen Titans
Games Injustice
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Titans Go!
~ Starfire cries out to her team


Princess Koriand'r, also known as Kori, is a princess of the planet Tamaran. After a coup by her sister Komand'r, Koriand'r was exiled and eventually made her way to Earth. She ran into Robin and the Teen Titans who helped her fight off the Gordanian forces pursuing her. After the battle, Koriand'r elected to stay on Earth with the Titans, becoming the superhero known as Starfire. After Dick Grayson's departure from the Titans, she took over his role as their leader.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-C

Name: Koriand'r, Kory, Starfire

Origin: DC Animated Movies

Gender: Female

Age: Early 20's

Classification: Tamaranean Princess, Leader of Teen Titans

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Energy Absorption, Energy Projection, Omnilingualism (Can learn foreign languages through physical contacts, such as kissing), Weapon Mastery, Cyborgization (As of Apokolips War)

Attack Potency: Building level (Damaged Titan Tower while fighting Wonder Woman and even staggered the latter, albeit she lost to her. Harmed Brother Blood, who had all of the powers of the Titans)

Speed: Supersonic (Faster than other Titans like Robin)

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Stronger than Robin)

Striking Strength: Building level

Durability: Building level (Survived hits from Brother Blood who had all the powers of the Titans. Survived attacks that created large craters)

Stamina: Superhuman (Able to fight Brother Blood despite having most of her powers drained)

Range: Standard melee range; Tens of meters with starbolts

Standard Equipment: Staff

Intelligence: Somewhat smart. Stated by Nightwing to be the only one smart enough to lead the team.

Weaknesses: Somewhat clumsy and usually relies on others for ideas

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Starfire (DC Animated Movies)