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VS Battles Wiki


Sorcerimon is Wizardmon's comrade who came from "Witchelny", the Digital World of another dimension. It is adept in the sorcery (high-level programming language) of light and ice, and when it offers prayer, it can heal wounds with holy power.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 6-C

Name: Sorcerimon

Origin: Digimon

Gender: Genderless, but treated as Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Champion level Vaccine Attribute Demon Man Digimon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Digimon Physiology, Holy Power, Darkside Power, Ice Manipulation, Summoning, Weather Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Holy Manipulation, Healing, Information Manipulation via Magic (Magic in Digimon is high level programming language), Forcefield Creation, Hacking, Fire Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Water Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation.

Attack Potency: Island level (Comparable to Seadramon who made great storms throughout the Middle East with his presence. Should be comparable to Meramon who could vaporize a lake and dried up all of Southeast Asia. Comparable to Frigimon who could cause a snowstorm with its presence)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ with Relativistic reactions (Comparable to Wizardmon and other Champion level Digimon)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Island level

Durability: Island level

Stamina: Very High

Range: A few kilometers with projectiles

Standard Equipment: Magic Wand

Intelligence: Like Wizardmon, Sorcerimon is a highly skilled user of Magic and a strategic fighter.

Weaknesses: Data Digimon

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Overwrite: All Digimon can rewrite their data, so that they are able to react to various situations that were once problematic for it. This usually causes a gigantic increase in power, durability, speed and sometimes new skills and resistances to be gained. However, the more emotional the Digimon is, the more violent the overwrite becomes and thus can lead to negative effects.

  • Crystal Cloud: Summons snow clouds with its staff, causing a massive blizzard.
  • Aquarius Fill: Uses magic from the water to fill the place with magical water that raises its parameters very slightly or shoots a jet of water at its enemy.
  • Ice Illusion: Creates a blizzard.
  • Dark Fire: Sends a ball of fire made from darkness at the opponent.
  • Night of Fire: Shoots flames of darkness from its hand.
  • Dash Night of Fire: Shoots flames of darkness while running.
  • Kuuchuu Night of Fire: Shoots flames of darkness while jumping through the air.
  • Machine Gun Kick: Strikes with small continuous midair kicks.
  • Dark Song: Screams to lure the enemy to death or release darkness that stuns them.
  • Pillar of Fire: Creates a wall of flames.
  • Night of Blizzard: Attacks the enemy using a dark blizzard or shards of ice.
  • Summon: Summons spirits of fire and/or ice, sometimes combining them to create a ball of ice and fire or a sphere of darkness to shoot at the enemy.
  • Idle Bubble: A magic water attack that puts the foe to sleep.
  • Nightmare: Blast the foe with Dark Energy.
  • Bubble Barrier: Encases self in a shield made of a water bubble, which repels attacks and hurts foes.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
