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Maria Shadow Cosmology

Prime World


The main universe where the majority of the series takes place[1] housing countless[2] planets and stars[3] within it. The future of this world isn't set in stone and is prone to changing[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15].

The Shatterverse

Shatterverse Gateways

A “strange new multiverse[16] created by the shattering[17] of the Paradox Prism, a crystalline artifact of immense reality-warping power. The Shatterverse houses five distinct worlds[18] where Sonic never existed,[1] with alternate versions of Sonic's “home” (Green Hill Zone) and friends. The inhabitants of each world have consequently lived entirely different lives, and Green Hill has met a different fate in each world.

  • New Yoke City, a mechanized world under the autocratic rule of the Chaos Council.
  • Boscage Maze, an overgrown jungle-themed world that overshadows the land below.
  • No Place, an overflooded pirate-themed world where the peaks of mountains act as islands.
  • The Grim, an empty world devoid of any form of life and only hexagonal crystal structures.
  • Ghost Hill, an unique world that is a ghostly counterpart to Green Hill, showing only phantoms of Sonic's friends.

Upon being shattered, the Paradox Prism “fractured”/“splintered”[1] the Prime World into a set of parallel dimensions[19] dubbed "Shatterspaces" with emphasis being put on the fact that the Prime World wasn't simply altered, it was "broken", with it ceasing to exist[18] entirely. Separate[1] from the multiverse, each Shatterspace is a distorted version of the Prime World (i.e. the original universe). Shatterspaces contain their own celestial bodies, such as suns, moons, and stars,[20][21] and entire universes of their own.[22] Additionally, time is shown to flow differently within different Shatterspaces.[23] Interdimensional travel between Shatterspaces is shown to only be possible via the space-time manipulating properties of the Paradox Prism’s “Prism Energy”,[1] which enables teleportation/portal creation.[24]

The Void

Sonic Prime Void darkness

The space between the Shatterverse realities created by the Paradox Prism, filled with innumerable crystal-like shards of “debris” floating within it, serving as a short of nexus points between. The Void is shown to contain an “eternity of darkness” that “decays all life”, with other official translations implying that it means "infinite". That aside, the Void is of immense cosmic scope due to being large enough to encompass and house the five Shatterspaces.[18][24][20]

Thus the Prime World is 2-C due to its smaller fragments after its destruction being enough to create 6 universal Space Times + all Cyberspaces created by Eggman that are contained inside of it, plus the Prime World would also be Infinite in size due to its smaller broken fragments creating an infinite space (The Void)

Artificial Worlds

Spatial-Displacement Trap

Spatial-Displacement Trap

During IDW, Dr. Eggman created 2 dimensional traps named the "Spatial-Displacement Trap". The 1st model makes the targets fall into another dimensional plane where they become completely unable to interact with the world even when they are technically in it[25][26]. The 2nd model is an upgraded version that, besides the aforementioned effects, can scatter/displace one's atoms to oblivion[27].

Eggman Maze

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A pocket dimension created by Dr. Eggman with the intend of testing his new Quasi-Badniks, a space that continuously changed around the ones inside[28] due to a spatial warping effect[29], capable of doing so as the doctor bent the laws of physics themselves to his will[30] in order to create a space that circumvents spatial laws, allowing him to construct an autonomously tessellating, proportionally expansive structure with no limitations[29], with it even a starry sky and a tesseract inside of it[28](which is inherently 4-D spatially) showing that this is a space with 4 spatial dimensions. Eggman could also freely control gravity within this space[31].




Cyber Space is a reality[32] made of information created by the alien civilization of The Ancients more than tens of thousands of years ago. Being a prominent part of their society it served as a short of mega collection of everything regarding them, their hopes, dreams, memories[33], souls[34] and the very essence of who they were,[35] serving as a mega server to all information regarding them as a way to pass on their legacy to the future generation, on top of it being a macrocosm of dreams it is also said be a dream in of itself. The amount of information in Cyber Space is said to be beyond quantification[36] by Dr. Eggman, additionally saying that it is more advanced than the digital dimensions he has developed, which would include renditions of the Modern cyberspaces used by him, also said to exist in a different dimensional plane in comparison to the prime universe and is another[37] space[38] separated from the Prime World.[note 1]


Digital Circuit (G.U

Similar in concept constructs used by the modern society, working as a "information highway system[39]". Modern digital worlds exist as separate spaces[40][41][39][42][43][44][45] from the normal space where the universe is, with some of them being infinite in size[39][42][46]. They can be created[47][48][49] & manipulated[50] by either technological or supernatural means. Their purpose can vary from data storage[51], sealing powerful artifacts for safe keeping[43], creating simulations of people[52] and locations[50] etc.

Thus the Ancient's Cyberspace is Low 1-C (5-D) for being a macrocosm of innumerable dreams (thus having a 5-D axis by default) and also also being said to be infinite (as it is said to be superior to Modern Cyberspaces and gathers data fragments of them) while also being far more advanced than anything Eggman made by the time of Frontiers, which includes his 4 Dimensional Maze (accepted in this thread) and some of said Cyberspaces.

The Multiverse


The cosmology has multiple[53] alternative universes[54] throughout[55] the[56] series, with[57] the[58] alternative[59] realities created[60] with every possibility of what could have happened. The total[61][62][6][63][64][65][66][67][68] number of realities being "possibly[69] infinite[70]".

Parallel worlds are only possible due to the "Power of the Stars", an energy that exists between them all, although the exact mechanics of this are yet to be elaborated[71].

Thus the regular (All alternate universes) multiverse is 2-B, possibly 2-A.

Special Stages

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Surreal alternate universes as backed up by the presence of[72] asteroids, moons[73], planets[74], stars[75] and[76] nebula[77] in several of them. This is where the Time Stones, Chaos Emeralds[78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85] and Super[86] Emeralds[87] usually reside in, working as traps once one gets inside, only being able to be escaped once the gemstone or the Goal Block has been reached.[88] There are several gateways[89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98] that grant access to these spaces.

Aqua Planet Zone

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This is an aquatic planet located in another dimension[99] that is filled with submerged temple-like terrains. Used as a base by Dr. Eggman during the events of Sonic Chaos.

Sol Dimension

Blaze's Dimension

First introduced in Sonic Rush, the Sol Dimension is a reality that is inexplicably yet closely linked to Sonic's own. This is showcased primarily by the existence of the Sol Emeralds, but also through Blaze as a direct parallel to Sonic and Knuckles[100]. In fact, Dr. Eggman and Dr. Eggman Nega even elaborate that their worlds are indeed parallel[71].

Sonic Runner's Universe

Sonic Runners poster

This auto endless runner mobile game, while taking several elements from the main series, is actually revealed in the game story that it takes place in an alternate timeline, as the Sonic from Sonic Runners doesn't recognize the events and characters from canonical games like Sonic and the Secret Rings, while equally the events of said games are said to have happened and a "blue savior" is said to have defeated Erazor Djinn in the past, a clear reference to mainline Sonic and characters in it recognize Sonic as the said "blue savior" while the Sonic in Sonic Runners doesn't seem to recognize as himself, clearly pointing that another Sonic is the savior, aka the Sonic from the Prime World.[101] Other elements that are different in this alternate universe are: Sonic not meeting[102] Merlina and Chip being a regular friend of Sonic that can stay in the open[103] unlike his mainline counterpart.

Chaotic Inferno Zone

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First introduced in Sonic Rivals 2, Chaotic Inferno Zone is a separate dimension from the main universe, bearing resemblance to the apocalyptic Crisis City from Silver's future and the home of the Ifrit. The key to opening the dimensional rift[104] from a mysterious mansion[105] leading to this dimension are the 7 Chaos Emeralds[106] and its lock[9] is a switch inside said dimension[59].

Storybook Worlds

These unique type of alternate universes are ones originated of stories, being fundamentally made of texts/manuscripts[107] and narratives[108], with the the[109] words written[110] being the story[111] and creators of the world itself[112], with all the characters following a set plot as their law and destiny[113]. We have only seen 2 of this type of reality so far[note 2].

Arabian Nights

Arabian Nights

The setting where Sonic and the Secret Rings takes place, this reality follows the stories of the "1001 Nights" containing histories such as of Aladdin & the Magic Lamp[107], Ali Baba[114] & the 40 Thieves[115], Sinbad the Sailor[116] etc.

World of Camelot

World of Camelot

The setting where Sonic and the Black Knight takes place, this reality follows the stories of the Arthurian legend[117], following the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table[118]. Besides the living world, there also exists the eternal underworld that is said to be a separate realm in this Storybook World.

The Spaces Between and Others

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Spaces that exist in-between realities and other unique places of the cosmology.



The place where all dreams[119] from all other dimensions are assembled and become real[120], becoming universes/dream worlds shaped by one's desires and aspirations of both positive[121][122] and negative influences[123] depending upon the person.[124][note 3] Thus the number of dreamworlds would be equivalent to the population of the rest of the multiverse (2-B, possibly 2-A), additionally Cyberspace would also be assembled in Maginaryworld due to the Ancient's dream of preserving their legacy with it[125] and the Egg Field due to Dr. Eggman's dream to rewrite the world with it, due to the multiverse creating alternate realities based on possibilities, it would also exist innumerable, possibly infinite amounts of Cyberspaces and Egg Fields, making Maginaryworld scale to both on a larger scale (higher, possibly infinite Low 1-C/5-D).

Sleeping Egg Zone


A Dream World created by Dr. Eggman[99] from Sonic Chaos, where he made a base of operations in an island in the skies of it, supposedly shut down after Sonic's success in beating him in there.[126]

Nightmare Zone

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Wizeman used Sonic's own dream[127] against him, turning it into a World of Nightmares[128].

Reverie Haven

Reverie Haven

A special dream world[129][130] guarded by a Dreamweaver called Ariem, housing several dream worlds within itself[130][131][132][133], it is said that those deemed pure of heart by Ariem can make their dreams reality to the real world once a in a millennia.[134]

4th Dimension Space

Fourth Dimension Space icon

The higher plane of Maginaryworld, dreamed into existence by the goddess of Dreams; Illumina. It encompasses all other Dream worlds, seeing them as nothing but flat images on a screen[135]. It is also described as a infinite 4-dimensional space[136] and has a time component in it[137].

Thus the totality of Maginaryworld is countless, possibly Infinite Low 1-C (5-D) for containing all the Higher-Dimensional Dreams like Eggfield and Ancient Cyberspace and being an infinite 4 Dimensional Space with a time component (Accepted in this thread)



After passing Selection Markers and maintaining light-speed[138], travelers will reach the Time Warp, which allows them to transcend space-time thus make time travel possible[139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146]. On the other hand experts of Chaos Control have access to a space-time gap, a dimension that grants them space-time movement. This allows the user to warp or hide from enemies while uninteractable and surprise attack them. Meanwhile masters of Chaos Control can even use this for phasing or occupy 3 spaces at once.[147][148][149][150][151]

End of the World

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After the revival of the Superdimensional being Solaris, it immediately started consuming everything and destroying spacetime[152], with dimensions being absorbed into its body and used in combat[153] thus leaving a void behind, a space-time rift[6]. Incidentally, it caused a momentary fractured reality[152] composed of locations from the Prime Universe's present and future. With the defeat of Solaris and the timeline being reset, all the damage to reality was undone.


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This is the Extra Zone of the final battle from Sonic Rush, directly said to be the space between dimensions[154], also called a collapsing dimensional rift[154]. This is where Dr. Eggman and Dr. Eggman Nega planned to create their Eggman Land of dreams that surpasses all dimensions using the power of the Chaos Emeralds and Sol Emeralds[155].

Lost Prologue

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The space between the Storybook Worlds and the normal reality[156][157] which visitors cross before fully entering the Storybook Worlds[158]. The scattering of pages in this realm, alarms that the Storybook World is in some form of danger.

Night Palace

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Erazor Djinn's realm[159] in the Arabian Nights Storybook World, a time-shifting palace[160] with a crystal corridor[161] with dream-like properties[162] that stretches into an infinite space and maelstroms that act as portals. Parts of the palace exits in the spiritual world called the Astral Plane. It's an otherworldly space with its own celestial bodies[163][158][164], hourglasses that can teleport visitors in different areas & alter time, certain rooms that spin position & gravity and it is connected to the real world. The Night Palace also has a door that can be opened only with the 7 World Rings. In addition to the World Rings, if the bringer is sacrificed, it'll also open up a portal between worlds[161].

White Space

White space green hill

The main hub world of Sonic Generations and Shadow Generations, it's stated twice[165] to be a dimension between realities, also being timeless void[166] where all of the space time continuum was removed.[167][168][169][170][171][172][69][63][173][174][175][63][176][177][178][179] It holds numerous realities within it such as Prime World[180]; Stardust Speedway, an alternative "Bad future"[181]; Crisis City[181] "an alternative timeline/an universe that never was[165]" and several Special Stages.[182] It is a realm that all realities become[181] once they have been erased by the Time Eater, making it an non-existent in nature, lacking all aspects from the rest of the multiverse, as the Time Eater's erasure extended to all[181] of it[69]. Thus as it can contain all of the normal multiverse erased inside of it, including Maginaryworld, it is 1 layer above it range wise (higher, possibly infinite Low 1-C [5-D]). It should be noted this dimension[183] existed prior to the erasure of all reality and exists independently of Time Eater as it continued to do so after its death.[note 4]

Time Eater's Lair

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This dimension[165] appears immediately after Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic repair the portal mechanism using the 7 Chaos Emeralds thus escaping the White Space. This and the following dimension remained unaffected by the destruction of all of[181] time[69] and[165] space across all of reality made by the Eggmen and their Completed Time Eater, thus it is further away from the rest of the cosmology than Whitespace, being thus 2 layers above it range wise (higher, possibly infinite Low 1-C [5-D]).

Infinite Tunnel Dimension

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This is the dimension where the battle with Time Eater took place, separate from the previous one[184], objects from other dimensions may drift here and it goes on forever as it is infinite[165]. It is implied to be a time[181] dimension[185] as flying through it is treated as the same as flying through the end of time, even when the space-time of the rest of the multiverse was erased, making it a different time dimension than the rest of cosmology. Additionally the Time Eater could alter its flows[184] to even slow down both of the Super Sonics[165] despite previously Sonic being able to freely move when the flow of time was put to a complete stop[186] or outright removed, cross an infinite distance within a finite time and Super States doing this while time was distorted and are able to travel through it[153].

Thus the Infinite Tunnel Dimension is 1-C (6-D) due to it being a Hypertimeline that encompasses all the rest of the cosmology[note 5].

Phantom Ruby Dimensions

Special dimensions created by the virtual reality weapon itself, the Phantom Ruby.

Egg Reverie Zone

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A location first shown in Sonic Mania and Sonic Mania Plus, it is a crystalline void[187] where time is constantly distorted[188] leaving base-level characters helpless while in the Egg Reverie, causing them to float aimlessly. Super form-level characters can traverse across this space[188].

Null Space

Null Space

A location first shown in Sonic Forces when used by Infinite to trap Sonic and the Avatar/Rookie. It is a unique world that is said to be "an endless void of nothingness closed off from all other dimensions"[189], where no one could communicate or detect it[190] those who were inside of it, even when they had technology capable of doing so with the Infinite Tunnel Dimension[184] and Reverie Haven[191], making it so beyond the range of the rest of the cosmology, as even people who could reach the higher realms of it couldn't reach it. Later when used by the Death Egg Robot, it was housing many stars & nebulas[192] inside itself.

Egg Field

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The Egg Field is described as an infinite super other-dimensional space, even after Dr. Eggman had created his maze, supported by the fact that it could hold several dream worlds inside of it which would've brought to reality Dr. Eggman's desired world as the "truth" if it hadn't been destroyed. People in it will have false memories implanted in their mind while inside it while having their existence rewritten by Dr. Eggman's desires.[70]

Thus the Egg Field is Low 1-C (5-D) due to it containing several universes/dream worlds inside of it (making it have a 5-D axis by default) while also being infinite and of different dimensionality from the Prime Universe (meaning either superior or inferior in dimensionality, since it is also said to be "super" dimensional, it must be superior)(accepted in this thread)


  1. For a more in depth look into the mechanics and aspects of the Ancient's Cyber Space, look at this blog
  2. For a more in depth look into the mechanics and aspects of the Storybook Worlds, look at this blog
  3. For a more in depth look into the mechanics and aspects of MaginaryWorld, look at these blogs
  4. For a more in depth look into the mechanics and aspects of White Space look at this blog
  5. For a more in depth look into the mechanics and aspects of the Infinite Tunnel Dimension, as well as an exploration of why it is a Hypertimeline, look at this blog


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 What's NEW In Sonic Prime? Everything to Know! 🦔🌀 Sonic Prime | Netflix After School
  2. Sonic Frontiers: The End's Monologue
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog Official Japanese Twitter
  4. The History of Sonic the Hedgehog 2012
  5. Sonic 06: Silver's Story
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Sonic 06 Prima Guide
  7. Sonic Channel Coverstory 2021
  8. Sonic Rivals: Silver's Story
  9. 9.0 9.1 Sonic Rivals 2: Silver and Espio's Story
  10. Sonic Colors DS Missions
  11. Sonic Forces Test Stress
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog #8
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog #25
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog #31
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog IDW 2022 Annual
  16. Wildbrain website "new releases: Sonic Prime"
  17. Sonic Prime Season 1 Episode 1 "Shattered"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Sonic Prime Season 2 Episode 1 "Avoid the Void"
  19. Sonic Prime Netflix Summary
  20. 20.0 20.1 Sonic Prime Season 1 Episode 4 "Escape From New Yoke"
  21. Sonic Prime Season 1 Episode 7 "It Takes One to No Place"
  22. Sonic Prime Season 1 Episode 6 "Situation: Grim"
  23. Sonic Prime Season 1 Episode 5 "Barking Up The Wrong Tree"
  24. 24.0 24.1 Sonic Prime Season 1 Episode 3 "Unwelcome to the Jungle"
  25. Sonic the Hedgehog #57
  26. Sonic the Hedgehog #58
  27. Sonic the Hedgehog #58
  28. 28.0 28.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #37
  29. 29.0 29.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #38
  30. Sonic the Hedgehog #40
  31. Sonic the Hedgehog #39
  32. Sonic Frontiers: VS The End
  33. Sonic Frontiers: Rhea Island
  34. Sonic Frontiers (Another Story) Amy and Sage Side dialogue
  35. Sonic Frontiers: Chaos Island
  36. Sonic Frontiers: Kronos Island
  37. Sonic Frontiers: Chaos Island
  38. Sonic Frontiers Idle Dialogue
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 Shadow the Hedgehog (2005): Digital Circuit
  40. Weekly Famitsu Magazine: Sonic Superstars
  41. Shadow The Hedgehog Saikyou Kouryaku Guidebook
  42. 42.0 42.1 Shadow the Hedgehog (2005): Mad Matrix
  43. 43.0 43.1 Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) Summaries
  44. Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) Expert Mode
  45. Sonic Riders Saikyou Kouryaku Guidebook
  46. Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) Prima Guide
  47. Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia: Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)
  48. Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic Advance 3
  49. Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic Battle
  50. 50.0 50.1 Sonic Riders
  51. Shadow the Hedgehog (2005): Stage 4-4 Mad Matrix
  52. Sonic Battle: Emerl's Story
  53. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
  54. Sonic the Fighters
  55. Sonic Mania Plus
  56. Sonic Superstars
  57. Sonic Adventure
  58. Sonic Rivals
  59. 59.0 59.1 Sonic Rivals 2
  60. Sonic Frontiers Final Horizons
  61. Sonic Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic CD
  62. Shadow the Hedgehog Prima Guide
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 Sonic X Shadow Generations Japanese Website
  64. Welcome to the World of Sonic 2018
  65. Sonic Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic Mania
  66. Sonic Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic Forces
  67. Sonic Forces
  68. Sonic Mania+ Manual
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 Tailstube #4
  70. 70.0 70.1 Otherworld Comedy Act 12 Poll [SonicOfficialJP]
  71. 71.0 71.1 Sonic Rush Adventure
  72. Sonic Heroes
  73. Sonic 3D Blast
  74. Sonic the Hedgehog CD
  75. Sonic Advance
  76. Sonic Advance 3
  77. Sonic Lost World (Nintendo 3DS)
  78. Sonic the Hedgehog Koushiki Guide Book
  79. Sonic Chaos Manual
  80. Sonic Chaos Website
  81. Sonic-City Website
  82. Sonic Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic 3D Blast
  83. Sonic Encyclospeedia: Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble
  84. Weekly Famitsu Magazine: Sonic & Tails 2
  85. Sonic Lost World Website
  86. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
  87. Sonic Frontiers: 123 Rapid-Fire Questions With Takashi Iizuka
  88. Sonic the hedgehog-16 bit English Manual
  89. Sonic 3D Flickies' Island Japanese Manual
  90. Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble Manual
  91. Sonic Chaos Japanese Manual
  92. The History of Sonic the Hedgehog 2012
  93. Sonic Mania Manual
  94. Sonic Superstars Manual
  95. Sonic Advance Manual
  96. Sonic Advance 2 Manual
  97. Sonic Advance 3 Manual
  98. Sonic Rush Manual
  99. 99.0 99.1 Sonic Chaos Japanese Manual
  100. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) European Website
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  102. Sonic Runners: Windy Hill in Spring Event
  103. Sonic Runners: Birthday on Windy Hill Special Stage
  104. Sonic Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic Rivals 2
  105. Sonic Rivals 2 - Sonic And Tails' Story
  106. Sonic Rivals 2 - Shadow And Metal Sonic's Story
  107. 107.0 107.1 Sonic and the Secret Rings: Intro Cutscene
  108. Sonic & the Black Knight: Dark Hollow Cutscene
  109. Sonic and the Secret Rings: Ending Cutscene
  110. Sonic and the Black Knight: Ending Cutscene
  111. Sonic & the Secret Rings: Lost Prologue Cutscene
  112. Sonic and the Black Knight: Queen of the Underworld Boss
  113. Sonic and the Secret Rings: Night Palace Cutscene
  114. Sonic & the Secret Rings: Sand Oasis Cutscene
  115. Sonic and the Secret Rings: Skeleton Dome Cutscene
  116. Sonic and the Secret Rings: Levitated Ruin Cutscene
  117. Sonic and the Black Knight: Misty Lake
  118. Sonic and the Black Knight: Gallery
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  120. Sonic Shuffle Intro Cutscene
  121. Sonic Shuffle Emerald Coast
  122. Sonic Shuffle Fire Bird
  123. Sonic Shuffle - Sonic Dialogue
  124. Sonic Shuffle
  125. Sonic Frontiers: Rhea Island, after shutting down the fourth tower
  126. Sonic Chaos
  127. Sonic Lost World Website: Nightmare
  128. Sonic Lost World DLC
  129. Sonic Dream Team: Intro Cutscene
  130. 130.0 130.1 Sonic Dream Team: Scrambled Shores
  131. Sonic Dream Team: Dream Factory
  132. Sonic Dream Team: Nightmare Maze
  133. Sonic Dream Team: Ego City
  134. Sonic Dream Team: Final Cutscene
  135. Sonic Shuffle 4th Dimensional Space
  136. Dreamcast Magazine
  137. Sonic Shuffle: Final Frontier Minigame
  138. Sonic CD Japanese Manual
  139. Game Flyer - Sega - Sonic the Hedgehog CD / Shining Force 2
  140. Sonic The Hedgehog CD Japanese Promo
  141. Sonic CD Japanese Box Art
  142. Sonic CD Japanese Guidebook
  143. Sonic CD Official Guide
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  145. Sonic Gems Website
  146. Sonic Gems Japanese Manual
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  149. Sonic Battle Japanese Website
  150. Sonic Battle
  151. Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) Black Doom Boss Fight
  152. 152.0 152.1 Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia
  153. 153.0 153.1 Sonic 06: Last Story
  154. 154.0 154.1 Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic Rush
  155. Sonic Rush: Last Story
  156. Sonic & The Secret Rings Special Book: Lost Prologue
  157. Sonic and the Secret Rings Saikyou Kouryaku Guide: Lost Prologue
  158. 158.0 158.1 Sonic and the Secret Rings Special Book: Big's Travel Diary
  159. Sonic and the Secret Rings Opening Cutscene
  160. Sonic & The Secret Rings Prima Guide: Night Palace
  161. 161.0 161.1 Sonic and the Secret Rings Stage 9: Night Palace
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  163. Sonic & The Secret Rings Special Book: Night Palace Image
  164. Sonic & The Secret Rings Mission 9: Diehard Challenge
  165. 165.0 165.1 165.2 165.3 165.4 165.5 Sonic Generations Official Strategy Guide
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  167. Game News: First Look and Details for Sonic Generations 3DS
  168. Sonic Generations Strategy Guide Page 8
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  171. Sonic Encyclo-speed-ia Page 236
  172. BumbleKast for August 15th, 2022 - Priority Q&A Podcast with Ian Flynn
  173. Gamertag Radio: Sonic X Shadow Generations Takashi Iizuka Interview
  174. GAMINGbible: Takashi Iizuka on making Sonic x Shadow Generations and Year of Shadow
  175. IGN: Shadow Is Doomed in Sonic x Shadow Generations | gamescom 2024
  176. Polygon: Shadow Generations Hands On Preview
  177. VGC Interview: Sonic Team on how looking back helped Sonic move forwards
  178. [TGS24] SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS Developer Interview: New Powers, Nostalgia, and Shadow’s Evolution
  179. Gamescom2024 Interview: Your SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS Questions Answered!
  180. Sonic Generations Manual
  181. 181.0 181.1 181.2 181.3 181.4 181.5 Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic Generations
  182. Sonic Generations (3DS)
  183. Sonic Generations Website
  184. 184.0 184.1 184.2 Sonic Generations (VS Time Eater)
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  186. Sonic Adventure 2: Cannon's Core
  187. Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia: Sonic Mania
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  191. Sonic Dream Team
  192. Sonic Forces Death Egg Robot: Phase 3