Mephiles | Game • Archie |
Iblis | Game • Archie |
Solaris | Game • Archie |
“ | That body of light is the sign of a super-dimensional life-form. Standard attacks won't work on him. He eats dimensions for lunch! | „ |
~ Dr.Eggman describing Solaris' existence. |
“ | I am... The Sun. I transcend... time itself. A bridge to.. other worlds! | „ |
~ Cut voice line of Mephiles, seemingly talking from Solaris' perspective. |
Solaris (ソラリス Sorarisu ), the Sun God, is the final boss of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Originally a living flame, Solaris became unstable and was split into two halves during the Solaris Project; a research program at the behest of the Duke of Soleanna, who envisioned Solaris as enabling them to control the flow of time to fix past mistakes as the Flame of Hope. Mephiles the Dark was the malevolent and cunning mind of Solaris, while Iblis represented Solaris' raw power. Both of Solaris' halves were subsequently sealed away ten years prior to the events of Sonic 06.
After being freed a decade later and hatching an elaborate plan, Mephiles was able to kill Sonic the Hedgehog and cause Princess Elise to cry; something that would cause the Iblis Trigger and allowing them to rejoin and recreate Solaris. Immediately upon fusing, Solaris sought to destroy time itself were it not for the combined efforts of Super Sonic, Super Shadow and Super Silver in their battle against it. Solaris was subsequently erased from existence by Princess Elise, ensuring his wrath would never be unleashed on the world.[1]
Powers and Stats
Tier: 1-C, higher in its Phoenix Form
Name: Solaris the Sun God, Flame of Hope (By the Duke of Soleanna)
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006)
Gender: Genderless, referred to as male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Solar Deity, 6-Dimensional Being
Powers and Abilities:[note 1]
All abilities inherited from both Iblis and Mephiles plus:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Immortality (Type 2, Resilient Immortality; Survived attacks that caused damage on the level of decapitation without issue[2])
- Self-Sustenance (Type 3)
- Large Size (Type 1)
- Higher-Dimensional Existence (6-D; Dr. Eggman referred to Solaris' body of light as proof of its extra-dimensional nature, and twice referred to it as an extra-dimensional being despite his knowledge of Void, Lumina, and the Precioustone. Existed across all of time, which means that he existed on the same level as a 6-dimensional hypertimeline)
- Inorganic Physiology (Type 1), Intangibility & Incorporeality (Solaris is a being made of light)
- Absorption (Solaris' body was said by Dr. Eggman to have absorbed various dimensions)
- Supernatural Willpower (Solaris' core holds its unprecedented, overflowing will and was able to take its own attacks being flung back at it)
- Temporal Omnipresence, Multilocation (Type 2) & Acausality (Type 3; Stated to exist in the past, present, and future at the same time,[1] with it necessitating that Sonic, Shadow, and Silver destroy it all at once in order to defeat it[1])
- Invulnerability Negation (Empowered by the Chaos Emeralds, allowing it to negate the invulnerability granted by a Super Form in both phases[2])
- Time Manipulation, Causality Manipulation & Fate Manipulation (Stated by the Duke of Soleanna to control time and alter history, allowing people to correct past mistakes, while Solaris' power is stated to be able to control fate repeatedly)
- Dream Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Concept Destruction: Type 1 [6-D]; Dreams have a fundamental nature within the multiverse due to it being where dreams become reality. The Chaos Emeralds are referred to as the super-substance of dreams,[3] with the power of dreams being capable of awakening Super Sonic,[4] and emotions are necessary for dreams to exist.[4] Dr. Eggman stated Solaris' plan was to swallow all timelines and destroy the very meaning of time itself,[1] which would include Maginaryworld as a whole)
- Mind Manipulation, Physics Manipulation & Empathic Manipulation (Dreams can encompass parts of the mind of the ones dreaming, with some dreams having altered physics.[5] Other dreams exist as negative emotions and ideas, such as lust, monopolization, and domination[4])
- Law Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Soul Manipulation & Information Manipulation (Type 2; The Chaos Emeralds were the very basis of the Ancients' technology, as the gems power all their systems including Cyber Space itself.[6] A realm stated by The End to be a separate reality,[7] referred to by Dr. Eggman as a digital dimension,[8] and with a power to defy the laws of the real world and manifest logical disparities to the bottom of causality.[9] The Ancients even stored information down to the very essences of who they were as a species,[6] an idea supported by how the Elder described it as being able to upload their hopes, dreams, and memories,[10] and even their souls. As Solaris' purpose was destroy all of reality by destroying time,[1] it would include periods when Cyber Space was active in the past and present[11])
- Cosmic Awareness (The eyes of Solaris, referred to as having an unblinking gaze, blink into existence from the rip in the space-time continuum[12])
- Portal Creation, Space-Time Rifts, Death Manipulation & Gravitational Pull (The Eyes of Solaris are said to be space-time rifts[13] that pulls in those near it[14]) and kill them.[15] Red variants of its eyes hurl objects at passersby)
- Summoning (Mephiles can summon objects from other dimensions)
- Attack Absorption (During its second phase, Solaris uses its "eyes" to absorb attacks)
- Enhanced Energy Projection (It can fire a massive laser from itself, described as blasts of pure energy, and fires right of them at once in its second phase[16])
- BFR (Solaris tries sucking the Super Hedgehog in front of him into another dimension during their battle)
- Reality Warping
- Existence Erasure & History Erasure (Would have transformed everything into nothing if not stopped,[17] while still managing to have shattered several timelines[16] due to the light that engulfed everything upon its birth, with Shadow revealing to Silver that Mephiles' true intent was to eliminate all of history[18])
- Creation (Created a time-space rift as a result of its birth[19])
- Immortality (Types 1, 3 & 4), Incorporeality & Regeneration (Low-Godly; Mephiles and Iblis are repeatedly referred to as immaterial, eternal, immortal beings that can manifest different corporeal forms.)
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1 & 2; Neither Mephiles nor Iblis require air to breathe or food to eat)
- Barrier Creation (Both Mephiles and Iblis can create/bestow barriers, the former doing so for himself and the latter doing so for its minions. Solaris' own barriers can withstand Spears of Light, Arrows of Light, and its own attacks when its defenses are up)
- Transformation (Both Mephiles and Iblis have multiple forms)
- Life Creation (Mephiles and Iblis are both able to create minions, a trait which Solaris showcases)
- Breath Attack (Iblis is able to breathe fire from its mouth and direct it as an attack,[20] with Mephiles being capable of the same in his monster form in the form of a laser)
- Time Manipulation, Time Travel, Dimensional Travel & BFR (Sent Silver, Blaze, and himself into the past during a time when Sonic was still alive.[21] Sent Shadow and Rouge forward in time by 200 years with a similar method, something Shadow said felt similar to his Chaos Control, and which was also described by Eggman as sending Sonic,Tails, and Knuckles to a different dimension entirely when he activated a device with similar power of the Solaris Prototype. Mephiles also used it to retreat after Shadow and Omega fought him together)
- Darkness Manipulation & Power Mimicry (Mephiles is capable of sinking into someone's shadow and copying their traits.[18] Additionally, he often merges into shadows in order to avoid being attacked while still attacking himself)
- Limited Self-Destruction (Mephiles is able to create a legion of minions, which will cling to Shadow and eventually detonate[18])
- Duplication (Can create several clones of himself and up to hundreds with 2 emeralds)
- Energy Manipulation
- Aura (Emitted a dark aura when he transformed)
- Shockwave Generation (With a Chaos Emerald, Mephiles can hit enemies with shockwaves directly or send them out with less power but greater area of effect[22])
- Light Manipulation (Used a Chaos Emerald to blind Sonic and Elise,[1] and Solaris' immediate transformation engulfed reality in a blinding light[1])
- Energy Projection (Able to fire blasts of energy of varying sizes[18])
- Weapon Creation (Can create an energy blade to impale his target)
- Genius Intelligence (Mephiles exists as his conscience)
- Portal Creation & BFR (Mephiles is capable of sending others through time)
- Fusionism (Using the seven Chaos Emeralds, Mephiles and Iblis fused and resulted in Solaris coming into being[1])
- Intangibility (Elemental; His His Monster Form is composed of shadows)
- Clairvoyance (Caused Silver to see Sonic at the heart of the Flames of Disaster after he glanced into a Chaos Emerald.[21] Showed Shadow the fate of his future self, trapped in containment)
- Hammerspace (Can put and pull Chaos Emeralds into and out of nowhere)
- Absorption (Of Rings)
- Additional Limbs (For Phase 1)
- Fire Manipulation (Attacks with waves of flames[23])
- Magma Manipulation (Iblis exerts control over molten rock[23])
- Danmaku & Bodily Weaponry (Unconventional; Can hurl out swathes of molten rocks from its body.[20] Phase 2 also uses its body to attack)
- Minor Weather Manipulation (Silver described the world as a wasteland with a sky that never clears since even before his birth.[21] Upon Iblis being sealed within Blaze in another dimension, the sky immediately cleared once again)
Resistance to:
- Extreme Heat & Magma (Iblis can freely swim in magma, while Mephiles was unbothered by the ambient temperatures located within a volcano in Flame Core)
- Sealing (Due to absorbing Shadow's power, Mephiles could not be sealed away again by the Scepter of Darkness)
- Law Manipulation, Causality Manipulation & Information Manipulation (Type 2), Dream Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Concept Destruction: Type 1; Can survive attacks from Super Sonic at his maximum power, which have said effects. Can also survive its own attacks being thrown back at it by Super Silver)
- Cyber Corruption (Type 1) & Information Manipulation (Type 2 [6-D], 2 Layers; When Sonic transformed into his Super State, his Cyber Corruption, which was able to affect him despite resisting similar abilities previously, was halted, though it did not cure him outright)
Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse level (Used the Chaos Emeralds to complete its form. Dr. Eggman stated that it would consume all existing timelines and annihilate the meaning of time itself, turning everything into nothing,[17] and was stated to be destroying all of space-time.[24] This would include Maginaryworld, an infinite-sized 4-D spatial realm with a temporal component and countless dream worlds, as well as a multiverse with potentially infinite realities.[25] Super Sonic, Shadow, and Silver can't withstand many of Solaris' attacks due to its strength[26][Statistics Values 1]), higher in its Phoenix form (Solaris' second form is stated to be even stronger[27] with fierce offense[27])
Speed: Temporal Omnipresence (Solaris is stated to exist across the past, present, and future at the same time, with its defeat in the present meaning nothing[1] as Sonic, Shadow and Silver needed to travel to different time periods in order to strike it throughout all points in time simultaneously. It's existence as a superdimensional, temporal being means its existence permeated throughout both time and hypertime)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Used the Chaos Emeralds to complete its transformation and absorbed several dimensions into itself)
Striking Strength: Complex Multiverse level (It's attacks can harm and wound Super Sonic, Shadow, and Silver each[Statistics Values 1]), higher in its Phoenix state
Durability: Complex Multiverse level (Solaris' core is located underneath the cosmic armor with plating on the chestplate that must be broken through first[26] to reach it, durable enough to cause Super Sonic harm when he uses non-charged attacks. Managing to do so and attacking the core only reveals a second, stronger form[27][Statistics Values 1]), far higher in its Phoenix form (After it transformed, Solaris was no longer able to be harmed by their attacks and instead had to be defeated by attacking the will in its core, which is referred to as his Achilles Heel. Said core is able to withstand its own attacks being hurled back at itself by Super Silver[1]) and with forcefields (Solaris' forcefields are able to easily withstand its own attacks, along with Super Shadow's Spears of Light and Sonic's Arrow of Light with little issue[1] and are potentially even more durable than his already nigh-indestructible body). Temporal Omnipresence makes him very difficult to kill by conventional means (It is likely a necessity for non-omnipresent beings that he be attacked in all time periods to kill or, at the least, defeat him through conventional means[1])
Stamina: Infinite
Range: Tens of Meters; Complex Multiversal with physiology, attacks and abilities (Is considered super/hyper/ultra-dimensional even when compared to Illumina and Maginaryworld, which are 5-D constructs[Statistics Values 1])
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Genius (Mephiles, who represented his mind, created a scheme that manipulated the entire Sonic cast across the span of 210 years)
Weaknesses: Finding and snuffing out his original form in the past and defeating him in the past, present, and future simultaneously. The red core in the center of its body is a weakspot
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Unique Physiology: One of Solaris' defining characteristics is its form, that of an extra-dimensional being. It exists throughout all of time, existing within the past, present, and future simultaneously.
- Beam Attack: An attack unleashed directly from Solaris, it's a beam of pure energy that can harm and briefly stagger even the Super hedgehogs. When pushed into its second form, Solaris will unleash several of them at once in various directions.
- Eyes of Solaris: Solaris creates rifts in time and space which can suck objects into oblivion (blue) or spit them out as projectiles (red). The eyes instantly kill anyone who touches them.
- Wings of Light: Solaris creates a blue forcefield of light to protect his body from harm.
Notable Matchups
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Last Episode
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Last Episode (Vs Solaris Phase 2)
- ↑ Sonic Chaos JP Manual
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Sonic Shuffle
- ↑ Sonic Dream Team: Official Concept Art
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Sonic Frontiers: Chaos Island
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers: Vs The End
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers: Kronos Island
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers (JP): Introduction Cutscene
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers: Rhea Island
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Official Game Guide pg. 314
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): End of the World (Tails) Ring Hint
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): End of the World (Omega)
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Official Game Guide pg. 310
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Official Game Guide pg. 322
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Official Game Guide pg. 319
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Shadow's Episode
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Official Game Guide pg. 310
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Silver's Episode (Vs Iblis Phase 1)
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Silver's Episode
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Shadow's Episode (Vs Mephiles Phase 2)
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Silver's Episode (Vs Iblis Phase 3)
- ↑ Sonic Encyclo-speed-ia pg. 163
- ↑ TailsTube #4 (feat. Amy Rose).
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Official Game Guide pg. 320
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Official Game Guide pg. 321
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Discussion threads involving Solaris (Game) |