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Sokka Render
That's all I got. It's pretty much my whole identity. Sokka, the meat and sarcasm guy.

Warrior Sokka Render

Adult Sokka Render
In my years I've encountered people born with rare and unique bending abilities. I once bested a man with my trusty boomerang who was able to firebend with his mind.


Sokka was a Water Tribe warrior of the Southern Water Tribe and the son of Chief Hakoda and Kya.

Following the death of his mother and his father's departure for war, Sokka was raised by his grandmother Kanna along with his younger sister, Katara.

Despite his inability to bend, Sokka became the strategist of the group, constantly trying to prove himself to be a great warrior like his father. He attempted to train the younger children of the Southern Water Tribe in fighting. Sokka was also the "matter of fact" guy in the group and did not believe in spirit magic, as he openly mocked it. His leadership skills improved during his travels with the Avatar, culminating with his masterminding the plan for the invasion of the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun. His humor and his ability to organize and plan became imperative to the group on their travels.

By the conclusion of the Hundred Year War, Sokka became a master swordsman and a great warrior like his father.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-A physically, higher with sword

Name: Sokka, Wang Fire (While in the Fire Nation), Captain Boomerang (in North and South by Toph Beifong)

Origin: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Gender: Male

Age: 15 in The Last Airbender, 16-17 in The Promise, 17-18 in The Search

Classification: Human, Chief of Southern Water Tribe, Map Reader, Southern Water Tribe representative and Chairman of the United Republic Council

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsMaster Combatant, Master Swordsman, Non-Physical Interaction (Should be able to interact with spirits but only while in the Spirit World), Expert Marksman, Resistance to Blood Manipulation and Body Puppetry (Every human has a chi field that makes taking control of their body difficult to accomplish).

Attack Potency: Small Building level physically (Comparable to Suki, who fought Ty Lee. Noticeably weaker than but somewhat comparable to Zuko physically), At least Small Building level with "Space Rock Sword" (Cut a rock statue in half easily)

Speed: Peak Human with Massively Hypersonic+ combat speed and reactions (Can keep up with Masters at his prime)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human

Striking Strength: Small Building level. At least Small Building level with his sword

Durability: Small Building level (Endured a large fall. Was kicked around by Zuko)

Stamina: Above Average

Range: Standard Melee Range, Standard Melee Range to Extended Melee Range with his weapons

Standard Equipment: His Trademark Boomerang, Clubs, Jaw Blade, Machete, Spears and Space Sword

Intelligence: Gifted (Sokka shows a remarkable proclivity towards science. He is adept at creating weapons from a variety of materials, and learned how to construct amateur explosives from his father, which he once used to simulate firebending. In another instance, Sokka used trickery and optical illusions to help his sister Katara fake the ability to earthbend. Sokka showed his incredible intellectual potential, capacity to learn, and critical thinking skills all throughout the friends' journey. He absorbed information quickly and completely and solved problems at an alarming rate. An example of this can be seen when he solved the dilemma of the hot air balloon, which stumped even the mechanist, shortly after having the concept explained to him. He incapacitated Wan Shi Tong by using the element of surprise and attacking him from above. In that particular encounter, Sokka's wit succeeded where Aang and Katara's bending had failed. It was Sokka who discovered that a solar eclipse disables a firebender's ability to bend and his idea to travel to Ba Sing Se and inform the Earth King. When Ba Sing Se and the Earth Kingdom fell, Sokka devised a new invasion plan to strike the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun with a group of their friends and allies they had made, rather than Earth Kingdom's armies. On the day of Sozin's Comet, he came up with a strategy that allowed himself, Suki, and Toph to bring down the entire Fire Nation airship fleet. Perhaps his greatest triumph, however, was his nearly single-handed defeat of Combustion Man by using his boomerang to hit the tattoo on his forehead to block the latter's chi flow. This action ultimately resulted in Combustion Man's demise, something that the combined efforts of all his friends failed to do. Sokka's leadership skills also evolved as the war ended)

Weaknesses: Can be clumsy at times


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Sokka