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VS Battles Wiki


Snowy (Снежка, Snezhka) is thoughtful, silent, calm, delicate, she prefers not to interfere in the girls’ internal conflicts. She is slightly childish and enthusiastic, she takes everything at its face value. Snowy is deeply attached to her "childhood friend"– a plush bunny.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: Snowy

Origin: Fantasy Patrol

Gender: Female

Age: 11-12

Classification: Wizard, Fantasy Patrol member

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Transformation, Magic, Ice Manipulation, Attack Reflection, Can breathe and swim underwater (By transforming into a mermaid), Resistance to Ice

Attack Potency: Wall level+ (Comparable to Helena, whose magic staff generated this amount of energy)

Speed: Superhuman (Comparable to Valery, which can attack and fly on this speed)

Lifting Strength: Average Human

Striking Strength: Human level

Durability: Wall level+ (Survived an explosion, which was generated by Helena's magic staff)

Stamina: Average

Range: Extended melee range

Standard Equipment: Magic staff

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Freezing: Snowy can attack with cold balls by using her magic staff. Faced with the object, they turn into snow or ice.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
