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VS Battles Wiki
Sledgehammer by wanizame-d5kjek3

Credit to wanizame


A sledgehammer is a construction tool used to break stuff like rocks, walls, ceilings and ground tiles.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-C

Name: Sledgehammer, mallet

Origin: The Real World

Age: Unknown (It is based off war-hammers from hundreds of years ago)

Length: 50cm to 1 meter

Weight: 4.5-9.1 kg

Classification: Hand tool

Prerequisites: Average human lifting strength, and a wide enough arm span

Wielders: Construction workers, criminals

Attack Potency: Street level (An especially powerful strike can shatter a human skull to the point it has very few remains of it, as well as easily destroy cinder blocks and even smash through walls, trees and other sturdy objects. Despite all this, no human can swing it fast enough to reach kinetic energy of at least 15000 joules)

Speed: Below Average Human (Taking its normal users in to consideration, it would require tremendous strength to swing it faster than 4 m/s)

Durability: Street level (Normally unbreakable by human means), Wall level for the mallet itself

Range: Extended Melee Range

Weaknesses: Extremely heavy which makes it difficult to use by non-trained humans


Discussion threads involving Sledgehammer