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MB100 PB Mob
What do I want to do… Do I have anything I want to do? Does everyone else have something? Something enjoyable? Something I’m envious of?

100% Mob

Credit to sino_1ko

I may have powers, but they don't fix everything, and honestly, that's fine with me. I still have a choice, and I control my own destiny. I get to be the protagonist, it's my life. That's why I chose to be here. No matter how much I dislike you, I can't just leave you here to suffer on your own. That would be too sad, and that's why I'm staying.

Question Mark Shigeo
What is "Normal"? And are you going to keep denying my very existence like that? You always did that, convincing yourself you understood. And it always put me at a disadvantage. If you crumble into nothing like this... I won't have to hold back anymore. I'll get to do as I please.


Shigeo Kageyama, also known as Mob, is the protagonist of the manga/anime series Mob Psycho 100.

He is an esper; a wielder of vast psychic power that he can use to interact with spirits, perform telekinesis, and various other mind-based abilities. Working under his mentor/boss Reigen at Spirits and Such Consultation, he helps deal with harmful spirits and later other espers as he struggles to achieve popularity within Salt Middle School.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 8-C | 6-C | 6-B, higher with stronger 100% states, possibly High 6-A | At least 6-B, possibly High 6-A

Key: Base BoS | Base Post-World Domination Arс | 100% Mob | ???%/EoS

Name: Shigeo Kageyama, Mob, White T-Poison, Psycho Helmet

Origin: Mob Psycho 100

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Classification: Human, Esper

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Telekinesis, Danmaku, Psychic Energy Manipulation (Allows him to grant it to other people and project it), Empowerment/Rage Power, Aura, Forcefield Creation, Levitation, Explosion Manipulation, Limited Paralysis Inducement (Can immobilize people through telekinesis), Extrasensory Perception (Can sense spirits and psychic auras), Non-Physical Interaction, Purification (Type 2 and 3. Can remove curses), Regeneration Negation (Up to High) of ghosts/spirits through exorcism (Could presumably permanently exorcise Dimple if he desired, who could come back from being reduced to raw energy and lone molecules), Resistance to Spiritual Possession (All Espers naturally resist being possessed), Mind Manipulation/Empathic Manipulation (Has resisted and negated Dimple's powers on a number of occasions, even in his Psycho Helmet form. Reflected a mental attack back at an esper hard enough to fry his brain), Memory Manipulation (Gained back his memories with help from Dimple after Mogami removed them), Soul Manipulation (Survived and regenerated from his spiritual self being reduced to shreds)

All previous abilities, Power Mimicry (Developed his control over plants after seeing a spirit do it once and learned how to project his soul out of his body after remembering seeing an esper doing it once), Plant Manipulation (Can grow and control plants with his energy), Astral Projection (Can will his soul/spirit out of his body), In his astral state he has; Incorporeality, Shapeshifting (Could briefly change his form in Mogami's world[1]). Regeneration (High. Came back from being ripped to shreds by Mogami's spirits. Should scale above powerful spirits like Dimple, who could come back from raw energy and molecules), Invisibility and Immortality (Types 1 and 3), Possession (Showcases the ability to enter people's bodies like a spirit and can potentially possess them)

All previous abilities enhanced to an extreme degree, Psychic Energy Absorption and Attack Reflection (Can absorb psychic energy directly from other espers and feel their emotions as a result), Limited Mind Manipulation/Empathic Manipulation (Can share his emotions and memories with others by sharing his energy with them), Healing/Regeneration (High-Low physically. Healed allies and himself in a large radius around him, repairing wounds such as broken arms), Smoke Manipulation (Generated a massive cloud of smoke that blocked out Toichiro's view of him)

Attack Potency: Large Building level (Casually sent Tsuchiya through several walls and One-Shot someone described as stronger than her. Defeated Koyama and Terada, the latter of whom could uproot and shatter trees. His aura was considered as extremely powerful by Shimazaki.) | Island level (Instilled fear in God Dimple and intended to perform the former's feat himself if need be) | Country level (Created massive clouds over the whole city merely by entering his 100% state. Scales down from Toichiro's full power, being comparable to his 20% state at his weakest 100% emotion), higher for his stronger 100% states (Fought evenly with Toichiro until Toichiro used 80% of his power. Broke Suzuki's arm and twisted him apart with 100% Resignation. Accidentally broke through Toichiro's barriers and almost killed him, despite being unable to previously), possibly Multi-Continent level (Caused this level of destruction in Mogami's mental world while at 100% Courage, his strongest emotion) | At least Country level+ (Does not perceive Toichiro Suzuki as a proper threat and Suzuki himself noted an unimaginable gap in their strength), possibly Multi-Continent level (One of his casual attacks was enough to give Suzuki back some of his strength, which is the same power he used to annihilate Mogami's World)

Speed: Subsonic+ (Kept track of Teruki's movements, who could move faster than the human eye could see. Could react to attacks from Serizawa, a member of the Ultimate 5 who should be as fast as Shimazaki) | At least Massively Hypersonic (Comparable to God Dimple and could react to the latter's moves) | Massively Hypersonic+ (His psychic power offers increase in general physical attributes and at this point in time is comparable to Toichiro Suzuki, who was far above his base state even while at less than 3% power) | At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Much faster than before)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 25 (Should be superior to Teruki, who could lift over 10 cars into the air. Superior to an esper who can uproot several trees at once. Can upheave and shake a large portion of ground he was standing on) | At least Class G (Surpasses the likes of Dimple and Psycho-Helmet and did not perceive the raising of the Divine Tree as something serious) | Class T (Lifted a huge ball of hundreds of buildings a few kilometers up and launched it into the ground) | At least Class T (Stronger than his strongest 100% forms. At least 20% stronger than the 100% form that threw hundreds of buildings)

Striking Strength: Large Building level | Island level (Can enhance his physical strength with his psychic powers) | Country level, higher for his stronger 100% states, possibly Multi-Continent level | At least Country level+, possibly Multi-Continent level

Durability: Large Building level (Mostly unharmed after Teru rammed him through a number of walls. Undamaged from this explosion. Took attacks from a serious Minegishi's plants) | Island level (Tanked the Divine Dimple's attack without harm, even when he did not calculate the strength and hit too hard) | Country level (Blocked an attack from Suzuki which flattened a large number of buildings behind him. He was in the epicenter of huge explosions that scattered the clouds. Blocked the attacks of Evil Spirits that melted huge landscapes), higher for his stronger 100% states (Briefly took in and redirected the energy of Toichiro's self-destruction. Took hits from 100% Toichiro, who was many times stronger than himself), possibly Multi-Continent level (Could withstand the destruction of the astral world) | At least Country level+ (Dwarfs 100% in power. Toichiro broke his hands trying to harm him. Absorbed a combined attack from Toichiro and Sho with no visible effort. Toichiro opted against redirecting Shigeo's energy like Mob did to stop his self-destruction), possibly Multi-Continent level (Vastly surpasses espers who can do this)

Stamina: Average physically (Ranked on average in a race when pushing himself to the limit. Vice President of the Body Improvement Club by the end of the manga), Superhuman with powers (Consecutively fought high-ranking members of Claw on multiple occasions before fighting Suzuki for an extended period, repeatedly going into 100% mode), much higher in his astral form (Took no effort in defeating all the spirits in Mogami's mental world and came back from being ripped into shreds at full power)

Range: Tens of Meters (His powers should have a superior range to Teruki, whose whips can reach 60 meters) | Tens of Kilometers (Created and moved massive clouds from the horizon. Pulled buildings from over a kilometer beneath him. Extended the range of his extrasensory perception to 20 kilometers) | Tens of Kilometers (Shook the entire mental world with his power. Shook the entirety of Spice City and its neighboring cities)

Standard Equipment: Had a packet of broccoli seeds in his pocket

Intelligence: Average (Although highly knowledgeable in using his esper powers. Charismatic, going as far as to convince a high-ranking member of Claw to abandon his leader in the middle of a fight and causing said leader to question his morals and thus changing him)

Standard Tactics: ???% Mob is naturally Bloodlusted

Weaknesses: Formerly refrained from killing or harming others with his esper abilities, especially women, although he loses this later in the series. Has to experience strong emotions to enter 100% mode and can be knocked out/incapacitated before reaching it | None notable | Can be reverted by Mob himself through him coming to terms with his alter ego, although this doesn't apply much to combat

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Mob Psycho 100

Esper Abilities: Mob has a tremendous potential for psychic power, even among other espers. This psychic power is the primary source for any of the other given abilities he demonstrates. However, due to self-imposed restraints, he cannot usually tap into the maximum output of his powers without being forced into a situation where he feels strong emotions, which are where his powers are derived from.

These emotions filling Mob up are portrayed as a % out of 100, indicating how close he is to an explosion of power and strength from an emotion. This explosion of psychic power is referred to as 100% Mode.

The emotions Mob has experienced to go into 100% Mode include anger, sadness, hostility, gratitude, rejection, courage, tenacity, friendship, ecstasy, shame, compassion, kindness, resignation, and almost on one occasion 'killing instinct'.

When Mob is under extreme stress and suddenly loses control or is knocked out, ???% Mode emerges. ???% is Mob's raw, unfiltered psychic power that he has been suppressing that even has a personality that antagonizes Mob when he confronts it for the first time. This is because 'Mob' is an alter ego Shigeo Kageyama created in response to rejecting his powers, with Shigeo being his unfiltered id. Currently, Mob has come to terms with this half of him and has accepted it, stabilizing the transformation, although what levels of power he can access after this is unknown.

  • Telekinesis: Mob is one of the most talented users of telekinesis in the series. He can move objects with his mind as large as buildings, restrain targets and send people flying, create forcefields, gain flight, augment his physical strength and speed, and has enough fine control to reassemble objects torn into shreds.
  • Psychic Energy Absorption: Mob possesses the ability to drain energy from other espers, energy-based attacks aimed at him, and even the environment around him and add it to his own. So far, Mob only exhibited this ability while at 100% or???%. When absorbing energy that originated from other espers, he can also absorb some of their emotions. This is shown when Mob absorbed Katsuya Serizawa's attack and felt his sadness. It is even possible for the emotion that he absorbs to overwhelm him to the point that he feels that emotion at 100%, such as when he absorbed Toichiro Suzuki's attacks and entered Ecstasy 100% due to his influence. Mob has been shown to subconsciously exhibit this ability while in ???% mode, even draining energy from non-esper/spiritual sources such as the environment around him.
  • Psychic Energy Transference: Mob can energize others with his power, both espers, and non-espers. In the case of the latter, it bleeds out quickly since their bodies can't contain his power for very long, and is of limited use unless the person already knows how to use psychic powers. However, even a non-esper has basic abilities such as a protective field of energy shielding them from other psychic powers for the duration of this effect. This is first shown when he reaches Gratitude 100% and temporarily relinquishes his powers to Reigen. He is also able to transfer his memories and emotions along with energy, as shown when Mob relayed his feelings of friendship to Katsuya Serizawa. Later on, Mob is shown using this technique without being at 100% when he recharged Sho Suzuki's energy after the latter's fight against his father.
  • Astral Projection: Mob can will his soul/spirit to leave his physical body. He can also enter the bodies and minds of others, showcased when he entered Minori Asagiri's body to exorcise a spirit that was possessing her. This even allows him to act without a physical vessel.
  • Chlorokinesis: Another signature ability of Mob's, which he developed after defeating the scarecrow spirit. He can command and control plant life, even from other espers, and cause them to rapidly grow, restrain enemies, or form large fists he can attack with. In his 100% Mode, he even caused a pack of Broccoli seeds to grow into a massive towering tree that absorbed the energy Toichiro would have released from his self-destruction.
  • Extrasensory Perception: Mob can sense the psychic energy of spirits and other espers. He can widen his "antennae" up to 20 kilometers to sense the presence of other nearby espers.

Notable Matchups


Son Goku (Dragon Ball) (Dragon Ball) Goku's Profile (Post-World Domination Arс Mob and General Blue Saga Goku were used. Speed was equalized)

Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscle) Mash's Profile (???% and Mash with Unlimited Physical Mode restricted were used. Both were 6-B and speed was equalized. Initial distance was 100 meters. The battle took place in Spice City)

Sailor Moon (PGSM) (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon) Sailor Moon's profile (???% Mob and Princess Sailor Moon were used. Speed was equalized)


Diavolo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Diavolo's Profile (Both were High 8-C and 100%/???% were restricted for Mob. Speed was equalized)

Yami Ichika (Black Clover) Ichika's Profile (Dark Cloaked Black Musha Ichika and ???% Mob were used. The battle took place in a Cyberpunk-themed arena with the 2 combatants starting 40 meters away from each other. Speed was equalized)



  1. Chapter 65, page 35-36
  2. Chapter 100.1 page 52-81
  3. chapter 100.1, page 79
  4. Chapter 100.2, page 42


Discussion threads involving Shigeo Kageyama