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VS Battles Wiki


Shapes of Fire are powerful undead that result from powerful creatures perishing by the hottest flames in existence. They are the literal manifestation of flame and malice, appearing as a humanoid shape of pure white fire, with piercing red eyes.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least Low 6-B, possibly 6-B

Name: Shape of Fire

Origin: Dungeons and Dragons

Gender: Inapplicable

Age: Varies

Classification: Fiery Undead

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Incorporeality, Flight, Transmutation via Create Spawn (Capable of transforming enemies slain by their Blightfire transform into Lavawights), Fire Manipulation/Statistics Reduction (Those touched by Blightfire burn, reducing their maximum health permanently until they die), Weather Manipulation (Can generate storms of flame and clouds of gaseous heat), Heat Manipulation, Aura via Heat Aura, Enhanced Senses, Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, and 7), Damage Reduction, Non-Physical Interaction (Of the likes of conceptual, abstract, intangible, incorporeal, and nonexistent beings), Extreme Resistance to Fire Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Statistics Reduction, Disease Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Magic, Holy Manipulation, and Reality Warping

Attack Potency: At least Small Country level+, possibly Country level (Can harm creatures easily capable of surviving attacks from beings on the level of Father Llymic)

Speed: At least FTL (Superior to those who can dodge light based attacks and react to solar beams), with FTL+ reaction speed (Can tag people with the Great Cat's Dodge ability)

Lifting Strength: Unknown (Can only physically interact with creatures as incorporeal as itself)

Striking Strength: At least Small Country level+, possibly Country level

Durability: At least Small Country level+, possibly Country level

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Hundreds of meters

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: At least Extraordinary Genius; comparable to the likes of a Elder Brain

Weaknesses: Cold damage deals double damage to them


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Shape of Fire