Articles about Sayaka Miki |
Sayaka Miki • Rampaging Sayaka |
“ | The mermaid witch; it is in her nature to fall in love. Looking for the feeling that moved her so long ago, she moves with the entire concert hall. Her fortune only turns under the weight of memories and no longer moves toward the future. Nothing will reach her any longer. She will come to know nothing more. She simply allows no one to disturb her minions' playing. | „ |
“ | The mermaid witch. Her nature is to fall in love. The witch continues to dream of a guitar resounding in the middle of a concert hall, a deeply moving impression from past days. Repeating within that time with little but sure differences, her wheels of fate move around calmly. | „ |
~ Third timeline description |
“ | The Doppel of falling in love. Its form is a mermaid. The master of this emotion was anguished by love, as many her age are, and chose a fate too cruel to fully bear on one’s own. Her Doppel, too, dreams of love as it swims freely through the air, producing sound from its hollow body for its master’s sake. It can even attack by using its sound waves to fling and manipulate countless swords, but as long as its master continues to use this Doppel, she may well be unable to escape the discontent that she feels deep in her chest. | „ |
“ | The Doppel of romance. Its form is a mermaid. Though the master of this emotion has been anguished by love all the way to the year’s end, she’s positively delighted by this opportunity to don her favorite formal wear. Even so, the unease born out of her unchanging love still lurks within her heart, quietly tormenting its master. Her Doppel has been just as lovesick, but when clad in these auspicious symbols, its confidence soars. Its glow practically seems to bestow good fortune and ward off disaster, and it fearlessly charges forward no matter what obstacles may lay in its path. Those crushed by its sheer force will witness the sun and Mount Fuji in their final moments, and will surely be able to put the sight into a masterful piece of brushwork. | „ |
The best friend of Madoka Kaname and Hitomi, Sayaka was bound to inevitably become a magical girl; even if she had the least potential. Despite being regarded as the weakest magical girl, her regeneration and later ability to control her witch form (as well as others), allowed her to take on witches and magical girls of incredible power and ability. In short, she is not to be underestimated.
Powers and Stats
Tier: At least 7-C | 7-B | At least 7-C, 7-B as Doppel Oktavia | At least 7-B, possibly 6-C
Key: Sayaka Miki | Oktavia von Seckendorff | Magia Record | Law of Cycles Assistant
Name: Sayaka Miki | The Mermaid Witch | Great Detective Sayaka-Chan, Doppel of Falling in Love.
Origin: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Gender: Female
Age: 14 | Existed for a few hours, possibly a day or two. | 14, possibly 15 by Tart's event. | Unknown (Is a part of Ultimate Madoka)
Classification: Magical Girl | Witch | Magical Girl, Doppel Witch | Law of Cycles Assistant
Powers and Abilities:
Puella Magi Physiology, Regeneration (Mid. Stabbed and later regenerated her own heart, healed after having been impaled by tree), Minor Air Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Statistics Amplification (Speed and Attack Potency), Life Absorption, Size Manipulation via Scorpion Spear (Taught to her by Kyoko in Chapter 7 of Homura's Revenge).
All of the above, Witch Physiology, Large Size (Type 2), Immortality (Type 8, dependant on water), Soul Manipulation through her familiar, Homing Attack (Can redirect all her wheels simultaneously against her foes), Metal Manipulation (Can also fire off train tracks to work both as a platform or an attack),
All previous abilities (Witch abilities are only accessable as Doppel Oktavia), except for Self-Resurrection and Immunity to Soul Manipulation; Awakened Power, chance of Empathic Manipulation, Paint Manipulation, and Statistics Amplification (Attack Potency & Durability)
The abilities from the first two forms, Immortality (Type 8. Is a part of the Law of Cycle), Acausality (Type 1. Kept her memories after the universal reset caused by Homura Akemi at the end of Rebellion), Summoning (Can summon Oktavia von Seckendorff), Blessed (From Ultimate Madoka), Cosmic Awareness (Is a part of the consciousness of Ultimate Madoka and shares her awareness of other timelines), Regeneration (Low-Godly, Nagisa Momoe was stated in her Magia Record to be capable of becoming physical from just being a soul, Sayaka as a LoC Assistant should be able to do the same). Resistance to the following: Power Nullification, Power Mimicry, Power Absorption, Power Modification (Her power directly come from Ultimate Madoka), improved Mind Manipulation Resistance (Being a part of the Law of Cycle and share her awareness as well)
Attack Potency: At least Town level (Killed H.N. Elly and collapsed her labyrinth with a single attack) | City level (Somewhat comparable to Kyoko Sakura, despite being weaker) | At least Town level (As of Chapter 10, all the magical girls have been enhanced by Mitama at least once), City level as Doppel Oktavia | At least City level (Is both Oktavia and Sayaka at the same time), possibly Island level (Easily cut through Mami's ribbons, which were capable of restraining Walpurgisnacht temporarily in Magia Record)
Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic (Can outspeed Homura Akemi easily in reactions, even with Homura's Time Stop, in Homura's Revenge) as a regular magical girl, Massively Hypersonic+ as Oktavia and Doppel Oktavia (Far above her magical girl form. Can take on a semi-serious Kyoko Sakura)
Lifting Strength: At most Class 5 (Depicted as physically stronger than Homura Akemi and ranked as 1.5 in strength, which puts her in the same ballpark as Ayame Mikuri) | At most Class 5 (Should be stronger than Ayame Mikuri, but most likely weaker than someone like Felicia Mitsuki) | At least Class 5, possibly Class 50 (Should be stronger than before, and likely comparable to Mami Tomoe)
Striking Strength: At least Town level (Was able to damage Elsa Maria with her bare fists near the end of the fight, stomped Elly) | City level as Oktavia (Somewhat comparable to Kyoko) | At least Town level, City level as Doppel Oktavia | At least City level, possibly Island level
Durability: Town level (Survived attacks from Elly. Regeneration makes her hard to kill) | City level (Superior to her previous form, her regeneration makes it practically impossible to kill her without AoE attacks. Should be able to tank her own attacks. Required Kyoko's strongest attack to be defeated) | At least Town level, City level as Doppel Oktavia | Unknown as Sayaka, At least City level, possibly Island level as Oktavia
Stamina: Extremely High (Has shown to blitz witches even without a limb or two, kept fighting for days without cleaning her Soul Gem, even while she was falling into despair and abusing her regeneration powers, accelerating the corruption further. As a normal magical girl, she will transform into a witch if her stamina were to deplete, however) | Likely Limitless as a witch | Extremely High, her stamina is restored every time she reverts from her doppel transformation
Range: Extended Melee Range, several hundreds of meters with Stinger and Sleep Manipulation. Her soul gem possesses her body up to 100 meters. Interdimensional with Extrasensory Perception (All magical girls can detect witches location from outside of their barriers) | Several tens of meters physically (Even her head alone overshadowed the height of Kyoko with Sayaka), Interdimensional (Every witches are capable affecting people outside of their own labyrinth, which located on different dimension from the real World), several kilometers with other abilities (Upon being born, her barrier already encompassed an entire sky) | Same | Same, with several tens of Kilometers with sheer production of familiars
Standard Equipment: A soul Gem, a fire hydrant, and several cutlasses | Ultimate Madoka's powers/memories
Intelligence: Initially slightly Below Average (Has shown to be very emotional and often puts herself at risk for no reason, however she is still a capable fighter able to take on witches), Above Average as of Homura's Revenge (Trained under Kyoko Sakura and took tips from Kyubey, managed to trick Homura Akemi into believing she was dead twice) | Lower as Oktavia | Above Average (Has steadily gained experience through the course of Magia Record, with one of her first fights being against Holy Mami) | Extremely High (As of becoming an assistant of Madoka, she has knowledge of previous and present timelines, making her exceptionally skilled and intelligent to a Superhuman degree)
Weaknesses: Stubborn, impulsive, considered to be the weakest Magical Girl. Pain Nullification dulls senses and decreases reaction time by some degree, destroying her Soul Gem would kill her immediately | None notable | The doppel transformation only lasts for a few moments | None Notable
- As a magical girl she withstood several fatal hits and regenerated it from it rather quickly.
- Capable of deflecting bullets from Holy Mami, who notably drowned the Memory Museum within a bullet hell.
- Barely deflected a Tiro Finale from Holy Mami straight on.
- As a witch she could regenerate quicker than Kyoko can see. (Note that Kyoko is the fastest magical girl).
- Due to her connection to the Law of Cycles, she is able to take on characters such as Homura Akemi and even surprise Mami Tomoe through sheer skill, despite being referred to as the weakest magical girl.
- As a witch, she required the Scorpion Spear attack from Kyouko to kill due to her regeneration powers.
- Quite literally stabbed her own heart out to summon Oktavia through the water in her blood, shook it off and regenerated like it was nothing.
- As part of the Law of Cycles, she seemingly has the ability to even create other witches' barriers, such as Elsa Maria's.
- Given that barriers are the reflection of the mindscape of a witch, it may mean Sayaka also has the souls of other magical girls, although it is unconfirmed.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Connect: A Puella Magi's ability to bestow other magical girls abilities in the midst of combat.
- This is where I come in!: Gives another magical girl incredible regenerative powers and heightens their attack potency.
- Thank you for one more year this year!: Increases Attack Potency and a chance to ignore the durability of their enemies.
- Prestissimo Agitato: Slashes at her opponent several times over before taking a step back and proceeding with a finishing blow.
- Allegro: Speeds up herself and her allies.
- Squartatore: Rapidly attacks her enemies with three slashes.
- Shooting Stinger: Fires off her sword like a pistol at her enemy.
- Splashing Stinger: Fires off hordes of blades at her enemy, leaving little time to dodge.
- Typhoon: Spins with her swords out causing a miniature typhoon, dealing damage to all enemies surrounding her.
- Neverending Melody: Increases the rate at which her regeneration functions.
- Healing Tune: Heals allies who hear the ability.
- Purification Tune: Heals status alignments.
- Scorpion Spear: A variation of Kyoko Sakura's signature attack using her swords, Sayaka copied this technique from Kyoko in Homura's Revenge.
- Memoria:
- Changing into Swimsuits: Chance of charming an enemy and reducing attack potency.
- Different Story: Rookies: Passively increase her Magic when she performs an Accele attack (Basically a standard slash).
- A Duo's Battlefront: Passively increases the attack potency of Prestissimo Agitato.
- Embrace your Hopes and Dreams!: Passively adds to her regenerative powers.
- For my Treasured Ones: Gives a massive boost to her regenerative powers and increases her durability even more.
- It's not a Stuffed Animal, Is it?: Increases her attack potency.
- Just a Small Bite: Same as Different Story: Rookies, but to a higher extent.
- Magical Girls Who Entwine Fates With Madoka: Same as A Duo's Battlefront, but to a higher extent.
- No Regrets: Increases the attack potency of her AoE attacks.
- Protective Hearts: Gives a hefty boost to Sayaka's durability.
- Splash Party!: Reduces damage dealt to Sayaka by a significant amount.
- Summer Impact!?: Passively increases attack potency and reduces her durability.
- Admiration of Many Colors: Charged attack potency and blast attacks have an increase in attack potency.
- These Thoughts Must End!: Passively increases attack potency and grants an additional boost whenever Sayaka is fully healed.
- A Love of Brushwork: Increases damage output and reduces damage taken.
- New Year's Sincere Heart: Increases attack potency and grants an additional level of regeneration.
- Telekinesis: On top of creating weapons, they can also control their weapons in the air and with no limit to how much at a time. The same applies to many weapons that they have enhanced.
- Fusionism: When two opposing magical abilities (Like Fire Manipulation and Ice Manipulation) or opposing main abilities (Like a magical girl who wished for Creation and another who wished for Existence Erasure) combine their attacks, the result is an attack the multiplies in power. In addition, if two soul gems were to harbor the same body, the result can be them swapping control or fusing into one magical girl, albeit temporarily.
- Extrasensory Perception: Magical Girls were shown to be capable of detecting despair and magic from within their cities as well as being able to telepathically communicate with one another. As of Magia Record, it is shown that their abilities extend well into other cities and is not limited to emotions or magic.
- Doppel Witch Transformation: In the light of a new miracle, magical girls have now gained the ability to become a half-witch whenever their soul gem reaches maximum corruption, resulting in a Doppel Witch. Unlike normal witches, both the witch and the magical girl are in control of their respective bodies and in a short time will revert back into a magical girl. However, older magical girls have been stated to keep traits of their Doppel form even after reverting, and the same for magical girls who use the transformation for too long.
- Wheels of Fate: Oktavia summons several giant wooden wheels, seemingly with their own minds, as hinted by their targeting of Madoka and Oktavia's third timeline description.
- Holger's Orchestra As a witch, Oktavia can summon Holger, a familiar that when performing, will take the souls of those who listen
Holger, a familiar with potent soul removal hax
- Unknown Technique: Can summon an entire army capable of filling about half of False Mikihara City composed of familiars from other witches as well as her own.
- Law Of Cycles Witch Summoning: Basically can now exist as both a magical girl and witch separately, allowing both forms to summon their respective other forms.
Note: Despite having Ultimate Madoka's memories and powers, she did not demonstrate anything near her capabilities and was not a crystallized magical girl herself. Thus, it is unlikely that she can actually manifest said memories as power, as explained in Wraith Arc.
Notable Matchups
Aelin Galathynius (Throne of Glass) Aelin's Profile (Base Sayaka and Magic Unrestricted Aelin were used, speed was equalized)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) Luffy's Profile (7-C forms were used and speed was equalized)
Discussion threads involving Sayaka Miki |