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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
It is the belief of Richard and his late brother Maurice that all children deserve happiness, warmth, and a chance at life. Family should be kept together. Ronald can become the symbol of hope to those children in need, if only we let him. If only we help guide him.


SCP-4486 is an amalgamated thought-form entity, otherwise known as a tulpa, created by the McDonald brothers and Ray Kroc to help them expand their business. He manifests as a tall clown and possesses the ability to retroactively create McDonald's restaurants.

SCP-4486 was raised like a son by Richard, who had never a proper son. While he quickly became an important part of the company, he eventually became more and more distant towards his "family". After committing an unspecified unforgivable act, SCP-4486's entourage attempted a ritual to send him back in the psychosphere. This attempt failed, causing the death of many members of the company before SCP-4486's disappearance.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-C physically, at least 8-C through reality warping | High 1-A, 9-C in real space, at least 8-C through reality warping

Key: Article Canon | Extended Universe

Name: SCP-4486, "Happy Is Relative," Ronald McDonald, Ronnie

Origin: SCP Foundation

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Classification: Keter Class Anomalous Entity, Tulpa

Powers and Abilities:

  • Reality Warping (Can alter local reality to create McDonald's, making it as if this McDonalds was always there)
  • Teleportation (Can teleport to any McDonald's or any McDonald's-related event)

Same as before, plus:

Attack Potency: Street level physically (Can easily punch through human beings), at least Building level through Reality Warping (Can create entire McDonalds) | High Outerverse level (Exists as an idea in the Noosphere), Street level in real space (Can easily punch through human beings), at least Building level through reality warping (Can create entire McDonalds)

Speed: Average Human | Unknown, Average Human in real space

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown

Striking Strength: Street level | Unknown, Street level in real space

Durability: Street level | High Outerverse level, Street level in real space

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Tens of Meters through Reality Warping; likely Planetary through Teleportation | High Outerversal; Tens of Meters through Reality Warping, likely Planetary through Teleportation

Standard Equipment: McDonalds

Intelligence: At least Average (Likely has enough skill and knowledge to help run the company)

Standard Tactics: Often uses his reality warping abilities, although has mainly used physical attacks when against defenseless opponents

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

SCP-2740 (SCP Foundation) SCP-2740's Profile (Article Canon SCP-4486 used)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving SCP-4486