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Articles about Reverse-Flash
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EobardThawne (The Flash 88) (Enhanced)
You hurt me. Like you hurt everyone, Flash. And I'm going to keep taking people from you until you learn to make time for the people who matter in your life. Maybe then you'd finally see who your real friends are.
~ Eobard Thawne


Professor Eobard Thawne, otherwise known as the Reverse-Flash, Professor Zoom, or simply Zoom, was the curator of the Flash Museum in the 25th Century who was obsessed with Barry Allen, the Flash. Having gained the powers of a Speedster, Thawne traveled through time in order to spend time with his idol, by ruining Barry's life until he learned to appreciate him.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Varies with Speed, up to 2-C

Name: Eobard Thawne, Reverse-Flash, Professor Zoom

Origin: DC Comics

Gender: Male

Classification: Human

Age: 30s

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Social Influencing, Negative Speed Force Aura, Time Manipulation (Can freely alter the timeline[1], mastered manipulating time[2] to where Tempus Fuginaut consider that he almost rivals him[3]), Regeneration (At least Mid-Low; Briefly got a batarang impaled in his foot but didn't appear to be bothered by the damage, having presumably quickly healed from it[4], possibly Low Mid; possibly comparable to that of the Flashes), Statistics Amplification and Self-Perception Manipulation (Can slow down his perceptions to view things in slow motion[2]), Vibration Manipulation (Can create shockwaves with a snap of his fingers[5] or clap[4]), Durability Negation and Intangibility (Can phase through things by vibrating[6], and leave some parts of his body solid while inside targets[7]), Time Travel (As seen here[8]), Sound Manipulation (Via thunderclaps[4]), Age Manipulation (Can accelerate the age of targets on contact[8]), BFR (As seen here[9]), Portal Creation (As seen here[7]), Mind Manipulation (Can speak at a hypnotic frequency to push people to do things they would never do otherwise[1]), Possession (Can possess people when vibrating at just the right frequency[10]), Electricity Manipulation (Can fire bolts of electricity from his hands[1]), Limited Air Manipulation (Can create vortexes by spinning his arms around[1]), Technology Manipulation (His lightning fries the Batcave's surveillance equipment like an EMP[11]), Energy Projection and Energy Absorption (Via his lightning rod[12]), Dimensional Travel (Escaped Paradox's dimension[2]), Afterimage Creation (As seen here[13]), Electro-Magnetism Manipulation (Uses it to form his suit[13]), Surface Scaling and Free Movement (As seen here[8]), Power Bestowal and Corruption(Gives Barry the Negative Speed Force, turning him into Negative Flash[14]), Summoning (Can summon Flash villains from different time periods to help fight for him[9]), Explosion Manipulation (As seen here[15]), Limited Earth Manipulation (Causes seismic patterns via running[16]), The same powers and resistances as his Post-Crisis version (As he kept his memories and is portrayed as the same, like how he created the Negative Speed Force)

Attack Potency Varies with Speed (A Speedster's power varies depending on how[21] fast[22] they're[23] moving[24]. Flashes often hold back their full speed, otherwise they may kill someone while going too fast[25]), up to Low Multiverse level (Consistently shown to be superior to Barry Allen, with it being stated twice Thawne to be superior to Barry[26][13]. Should be as capable as Barry is, as he had received his powers from Barry's suit[13]. Fought a fully bloodlusted Barry Allen, but ultimately lost[27][Note 1])

Speed: Varies, up to Massively FTL+ (Comparable to Barry Allen), Immeasurable at his peak (by running through time and both the Speed Force & its Negative counterpart).

Lifting Strength: At least Class 1 (Snapped Godspeed's neck)

Striking Strength: Varies with speed, up to Low Multiverse level

Durability: Varies with speed, up to Low Multiverse level (Can tank the recoil of his own attacks. Constantly takes hits from the Flash whilst running, and survived many blows from a bloodlusted Barry)

Stamina: Superhuman (Comparable to Speed Force users)

Range: Standard Melee Range (Most of his powers are melee-based, but he can use ranged Negative Speed Force effects several meters away), up to Several Kilometers with whirlwinds and such.

Standard Equipment: Nothing notable

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Keeps his memories from his Post-Crisis version, harnessed the Speed Force by analysing it using only leftovers from Barry's suit[13], built the prison that housed Paradox[12])

Weaknesses: As he doesn't have enhanced durability without running at superhuman speed and he either still remains his peak speed & reactions or holds much lower ones, when not running, which got him tagged by Batman, killed by Flashpoint Batman, and by Iris West blasting him at unknown speeds, all through sneak attacks while he was distracted or going easy. However, the great majority of the time this is a non-issue though.


Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Flash Vol 1 #761
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Flash Vol 1 #755
  3. Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Batman Vol 3 #22
  5. The Flash Vol 5 #22
  6. Batman Vol 3 #21
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Flash Vol 5 #24
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Flash Vol 5 #27
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Flash Vol 1 #760
  10. The Flash Vol 1 #758
  11. The Flash Vol 5 #21
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Flash Vol 5 #754
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 The Flash Vol 5 #25
  14. The Flash Vol 5 #26
  15. Deathstroke Vol 4 #24
  16. Deathstroke Vol 4 #26
  17. The Flash Vol 5 #19
  18. 18.0 18.1 The Flash Vol 1 #753
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Flash Vol 5 #22
  20. The Flash Vol 5 #23
  21. Dark Crisis: Big Bang, December 2022
  22. JLA Vol 1 #3
  23. The Flash Vol 2 #148 May 1999
  24. Convergence: Speed Force #2
  25. DC Rebirth, The Flash Vol 5 #7, November 2016
  26. The Flash Vol 5 #23
  27. The Flash Vol 5 #27


  1. 52 Universes


Discussion threads involving Reverse Flash (Rebirth)