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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
Kindhearted one, your heart aches with worry for your people, does it not? It is true that not all will be safe, even in a world under His rule. Those who do not repent breaking His teachings will suffer His judgement. But, man has continuously chosen to walk a fool’s path. When the unjust kill the just, and the righteous shed tears, can all truly be forgiven?


One of the Seven Archangels that serve God, Remiel is Archangel tasked with the guidance of all of humanity, and of those who will not be condemned at Judgement Day. He is the Watcher who observes humanity and strikes down all demons who attempt to enter Heaven. He is the only angel who truly cares for humanity and it’s free will.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Low 1-C, At least Low 1-C, likely 1-A with God’s Thunder | 1-A

Key: Base | Archetype

Name: Remiel, Thunder of God, Mercy of God

Origin: Megami Tensei

Gender: Male

Age: Inapplicable. Demons exist beyond the concept of Time, and have always existed since the beginning of creation in spite of having been created by Human belief and Observation

Classification: Demon. Herald, Archangel, Seraphim

Powers and Abilities:

Cognitive Physiology (Mid-Tier), Energy Manipulation, Forcefield Creation / Attack Reflection (Capable of shielding himself and his allies from physical attacks and energy drains), Elemental Manipulation (Fire, Lightning and Wind), Statistics Amplification and Reduction (Capable of vastly increasing his own power while greatly diminishing that of his foes, being capable of making someone stronger or equal to him become a weakling), Existence Erasure (Can use the "Megido-" skill line from Megidola, which is said to exert control over the light of destruction that engulfs all in its range into the "annihilation beyond death," leaving no trace of the opponent behind), Absorption (Absorbs all physical blows)

All previous abilities to an unfathomably higher level, plus Cognitive Physiology (Archetype)

Attack Potency: Low Complex Multiverse level (One of the most powerful servants of YHVH and thus should be comparable or superior to the likes of Gabriel). At least Low Complex Multiverse level, likely Outerverse level with God’s Thunder (A powerful weapon of Heaven, responsible for keeping Demons out of Heaven, which is the divine wrath of YHVH. A threat to Abel, who can obliterate every demon and tamer in the Yamanote Line) | Outerverse level (Exists as an Archetype, a primordial formless image which is a fundamental unit of the Collective Unconsciousness, that resides within the Atziluth, a realm that is beyond the very concept of dimensions)

Speed: Immeasurable (Demon Gods exist beyond time and physics altogether, being native to the Expanse, a conceptual realm of pure thought which exists beyond Time across the Multiverse) | Omnipresent (Those who inhabit the unconscious, archetypal world are untied from space and time and diffused throughout all of existence, experiencing "all dimensions and possibilities")

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiverse level | Outerverse level

Durability: Low Complex Multiverse level | Outerverse level

Stamina: Infinite | Infinite

Range: Low Complex Multiversal | Outerversal

Standard Equipment: Flute

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient (Knows all Heavenly and Celestial phenomena, and will eventually judge all of humanity for its sins and oversee the individual destinies of every human, be them resurrection or eternal damnation, on the Day of Judgement)

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

  • Hama: A light-based skill which can bring instant death to two foes.
    • Mahama: A version of Hama which hits all foes.
  • Megiddo: A Almighty Skills which ignores all resistances, barriers, and innate abilities to do damage.
  • Samrecarm: A skill which fully revives any deceased ally.
  • Mediarma: A skill which heals him and all allies by a large amount.
  • Blood Wine: A skill which sacrifices his health to replenish his magical energy.

Buffs and Debuffs: A set of skills that, as the name implies, allows the caster to greatly amplify their own physical attributes and reduce that of their foes, thus allowing one to stand up to much stronger opponents by closing or even reversing the gap in power between them. Outside of gameplay limitations, they can be stacked indefinitely, and sufficient usages of buffs allow the caster to survive attacks that would otherwise obliterate them with only minor injuries and amplify their speed to the point of completely outspeeding opponents that could previously predict all of their movements, while debuffs have a directly proportional effect on the enemy's statistics.

Almighty Attacks: The highest class of spells in the Megami Tensei franchise, consisting largely of powerful non-elemental attacks that have the special property of completely bypassing any resistances or immunities that a target may possess, be them innate or magically enforced, the latter of which including anything from reflective barriers to items that distort the very laws of the universe in order to protect the user from all forms of damage, and they are likewise unable to blocked, drained or generally defended against.

  • Megidolaon: Unleashes a wave of destructive energy which deals heavy damage to all foes, tapping into the pale light of divinity that reigns over destruction itself and engulfing them in "the complete annihilation beyond death."


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Ramiel (Shin Megami Tensei)