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I understand your regrets. I feel the same way. However, I cannot allow you to blindly lash out because of those feelings. Your vow wounds the world itself. —That is something I absolutely cannot forgive. Yes, because it is not just. —Justice is my standard. My sword… exists to right wrongs. For that reason, I shall cut you down here and now, O Great Spirit.
~ Reinhard to Puck, when discussing his ideology on justice


Reinhard van Astrea is the current Sword Saint and a member of the Royal Guard, currently acting as Felt's knight.

Reinhard became the Sword Saint at the age of 5, after which he immediately defeated his father, Heinkel Astrea, in a duel. He is extraordinarily powerful and stated to be the mightiest character in the series. When Reinhard inherited the Divine Protection of the Sword Saint, his grandmother Theresia van Astrea lost the Divine Protection, supposedly causing her defeat against the White Whale, leading to her death. His father, Heinkel, had refused to go on the conquest to fight the Whale, so his grandmother did instead. Because of this, Wilhelm van Astrea, his grandfather, always held animosity towards Heinkel for refusing to go and Reinhard for taking away her Divine Protection in battle. As a result, Wilhelm left House Astrea. Over the years, Heinkel's own enmity towards Reinhard due to his son's power and respect grew and led his treatment of Reinhard to become awful. Reinhard's mother, Louanna, was also not in his life as she was afflicted with a condition known as "Sleeping Beauty Sickness" when Reinhard was 2 years old and is still asleep in the present without any changes to her body.

By the time he was 8 years old, the "Reinhard Law" was enacted, which prohibited him from leaving the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica. Reinhard is treated as a weapon of mass destruction, and going to another country would be seen as a declaration of war.

Because of his unbelievable power, he is treated as a knight among knights, a hero, and as such, has to live up to those expectations. A hero protects the people and never loses, which is the reason for his long list of Divine Protections, as Reinhard isn't just trying to be the Sword Saint, but the hero of the world. As a hero, Reinhard follows whatever the world decides; in a war against the whole world, Reinhard would win. However, he would surrender if the world decided that he should, and the author has also stated that if the world decided whom Reinhard should marry, he would have no issue accepting that.

Before the story's beginning, Reinhard was attached to the Lugunican Royal Guard and held in reserve as a weapon of last resort; just having him patrol an area improved its security. As those with power are responsible for using it correctly, he can't set aside the world to look for entertainment. Reinhard isn't powerful because of the Divine Protection of the Sword Saint, as it depends on the individual's talent. He would still be just as powerful without his Divine Protections but would not be able to beat those who are "cheating" and rely on methods that ignore one's power to win.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 6-A, 5-C with Dragon Sword Reid

Name: Reinhard van Astrea

Origin: Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Gender: Male

Age: 19 (Arc 1-4), 20 (Arc 5+)

Classification: Human, Sword Saint, Hero, Knight Among Knights

Powers and Abilities:


Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level+[Note 1] (Even without drawing Reid, Reinhard was able to slash down and counter attacks from Volcanica while the Dragon was weakened to 1/10th of its usual power), Moon level+[Note 2] with the Dragon Sword Reid (Obliterated the Beast of the End and cleared the sky across thousands of kilometers, bringing warmth back to the entire world)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+[Note 3] travel speed (Was sent to the Moon, and jumped off of its surface to come back in minutes), with FTL[Note 4] combat speed (Comparable to Reid Astrea. Superior to Cecilus Segmunt. Al Clauzeria which is a ray of light[35] that flies fast and true like a speeding arrow, and moves at the speed of light,[22] requires "reflexes on par with Reinhard" to dodge. He is able to dodge an unavoidable rain or mist of light[53]), higher reaction speed (Superior to Old Wilhelm, who by reaching a perfect focus can avoid attacks that would normally hit him[35]), far higher perception speed (Superior to child Cecilus, who is able to perceive himself as near-frozen[54])

Lifting Strength: Class T[Note 5] (Can exert enough force to jump from the Moon back to the planet)

Striking Strength: Multi-Continent level+, Moon level+ with the Dragon Sword Reid

Durability: Multi-Continent level+ (Can fight against Satella in an endless battle)

Stamina: Superhuman (Knights are trained to be able to endure serious injuries and keep fighting.[22] Superior to Puck and Roswaal, who can battle for days. Transcendents such as Reinhard and Cecilus can fight and kill not only entire armies, but even an entire country.[22] Can stalemate Satella in an endless battle)

Range: Tens of Kilometers[Note 6] (Was able to kill Miles,[24] despite him being at an altitude equal to the clouds.[24] Superior to Wilhelm), Thousands of Kilometers[Note 7] with the Dragon Sword Reid

Standard Equipment:

Dragon Sword Reid blade unsheathed
  • Dragon Sword Reid: A sword used by the first Sword Saint and passed down by successive Sword Saints. The sword can only be drawn against opponents it deems worthy for it to be used against. It is the most famous blade in the world; there is no blade more holy than it, none more magical than it. It is the strongest, the sharpest, and the most beautiful in all the lands. It is an enchanted blade that has drunk the blood of the thousands of dragons it butchered. It is a sacred blade, bearing a Divine Protection bestowed by the Sword God. It is a blade thoroughly honed, forged by an anonymous swordsmith, and the finest steel tempered by the finest skill. It was gifted to the Sword Saint by the Divine Dragon, and it's claw-shaped engravings were created by it.

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (His intelligence is stated to be average, but his intuition is incredible,[28] so even while taking a test, he’ll get full marks from answering normally, even if it’s not multiple choice. With his intuition, he can tell the physical condition of his opponents in battle by how their bodies feel when he hits them with his sword. His natural talent is such that he can quickly learn things he was previously inexperienced in,[14] and is mentioned to be perfect in the field of music,[15] and even if he wasn't, a Divine Protection would make him so. He can weave through a barrage of water droplets and grains of dirt, with each projectile being deadly, even in extreme close-quarters,[13] as well as run through a rainstorm while avoiding every raindrop.[55] He is a natural genius[56] who is master of martial arts, swordsmanship, and countless other styles.[56] Reinhard’s sword technique captures every ounce of performance that can be extracted by any weapon he uses, even a throwaway sword at its end of life, sleeping away in a cellar, shines like some treasured sword passed on by legend across generations.[30] Reinhard's swordsmanship is unparalleled even when compared to past Sword Saints such as Theresia van Astrea, who stood at the pinnacle of swordsmanship, and saw flaws in even the most polished fighting styles. Wilhelm van Astrea stated that despite being able to surpass Theresia in swordsmanship, which is ordinarily impossible even with a lifetime or eternity of training, Reinhard's skill is not even remotely in the realm of achievable,[3] in a different world from everyone and everything else. Far superior to Wilhelm whom, Theresia's ability to intuitively grasp her opponents most vulnerable point, and see white lines which inevitably leads to death, had no effect on,[57] as he constantly severed her lines. Other far less skilled individuals can; can brush off magic which severs all of their senses[56] with skill, fight even with all of their senses severed,[58] react to and dodge invisible attacks on instinct,[22] and easily deflect countless attacks with sheer battle instinct[30])

Weaknesses: Reinhard possess what many call a "defective" Gate— the organ which takes in and expels Mana in one's body— which can only absorb the mana in his environment and cannot release the Mana inside his body into the atmosphere. His Gate and total lack of any affinity for Magic make him unable to use it. The Divine Protection of the Sword Saint cannot read the future attacks of an individual who does not believe they are performing an attack. Reinhard can only gain whichever Divine Protection he feels he needs in a specific moment, whether it exists or not, he cannot simply manifest any ability he desires. Reinhard's Divine Protections will work as long as he does not "de-activate" them. He can choose to "de-activate" and even "delete" them altogether, which would make him vulnerable. He is also vulnerable against Authorities, unique abilities granted by Witch Factors that were held by the Witches of Sin and now the Sin Archbishops of the Witch Cult, as they will never lose to a Divine Protection. Although, his many Divine Protections grant him a much higher chance of survival and victory in a battle against Authority users. Reinhard's very nature causes the mana in his surroundings to blindly follow him, rendering anyone near him, friend and foe alike, who relies on the mana in the atmosphere, such as spirits and spirit art users, effectively powerless.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Reinhard abilities cleaned
  • Divine Protections: Reinhard is loved by the World itself and is able to gain any Divine Protection— rare powers sometimes granted to those born in the world— he feels he needs and wishes for. He is confirmed to possess the following list of Divine Protections, but is stated to have over 100:
Reinhard's Divine Protections
  • Divine Protection of the Sword Saint: His skill in swordsmanship is supernaturally increased to the limit of his theoretical natural talent, making him a genius in combat– be it swords, spears, or axes, so long as it is connected to battle he understands their strengths and weaknesses completely. It gives him the ability to draw the Dragon Sword Reid, and it lets him cut that which cannot be cut. He also receives flawless battle instincts, and can see floating white rays of battle drawn out by the Sword God that he need only trace with his sword to unquestionably kill his opponent.
  • Divine Protection of the Phoenix: Upon death, he is granted a one-time "Continue?" so long as his soul is intact, resurrecting his body and cleansing him of negative effects. He has already used this Divine Protection when he was killed in his fight with the Sin Archbishop Regulus. While this Divine Protection could only be used once and he can't receive the same benefit a second time, he will acquire a new Divine Protection with a similar effect, Divine Protection of the Phoenix – Next, and if that Divine Protection is used, he will acquire Divine Protection of the Phoenix – Next Next, and so on endlessly, as the World won't let him die.
  • Divine Protection of Anti-Magic: He has immunity against magical buffs, magical debuffs, and Curse Arts.
  • Divine Protection of Fire Avoidance: Makes him cut 80% of the damage of Fire Magic.
  • Divine Protection of Water Drainage: Allows him to reflect 80% of Water Magic.
  • Divine Protection of Wind Absorption: Lets him absorb 80% of Wind Magic.
  • Divine Protection of Mud Slipping: Decreases the effect of Earth Magic on him by 80%.
  • Divine Protection of Darkness Nullification: Causes him to nullify 80% of Yin Magic.
  • Divine Protection of Light Disentanglement: Permits him to split the transfer of 80% of Yang Magic to another target.
  • Divine Protection of Projectile Evasion: All ranged attacks, such as thrown weapons, will change their trajectory to miss him, effectively making it impossible to hit him from afar.
  • Divine Protection of Projectile Striking: All of his ranged attacks will automatically hit their target.
  • Divine Protection of Initiative: His first attack on an opponent always lands, and he can never fall victim to surprise attacks.
  • Divine Protection of First Sight: He will instinctively know how to counter or dodge attacks that he is experiencing for the first time, including surprise attacks, and he will be awakened should he be sleeping. But if he is unable to physically avoid or counter the attack, the Divine Protection will not activate.
  • Divine Protection of Second Sight: He will intuitively respond to attacks that he experiences twice or more with a vastly greater speed, including surprise attacks, and he will be awakened should he be sleeping. This effectively causes attacks to not land on him, making it an effective ability against formidable opponents.
  • Divine Protection of Swift Running: He is permitted to move at unusually swift speeds.
  • Divine Protection of Poison Nullification: He is resistant to all types of poison.
  • Divine Protection of Panacea: He is immune to all diseases.
  • Divine Protection of the Child of Wind: He is prevented from becoming sick.
  • Divine Protection of Anti-Malignence: He can resist the effects of Miasma.
  • Divine Protection of Wind Evasion: He is unaffected by the wind and does not encounter any wind resistance while running. The effect also applies to the passengers he may carry or transport. After activation, there is a cool down period before he can use it again.
  • Divine Protection of Training: He is made to have a keen insight into training not only himself, but also other people.
  • Divine Protection of Instruction: He can assist with a student's performance when teaching.
  • Divine Protection of Handling: He knows how to use and master any item he holds.
  • Divine Protection of the Weapon God: He is able to use any weapon masterfully.
  • Divine Protection of Unarmed Combat: He is very strong with his bare hands.
  • Divine Protection of Judgement: He is able to able to know of any Divine Protections that another individual has.
  • Divine Protection of Doubt: He is able to know if someone is up to no good.
  • Divine Protection of the Lightning Cloud: Lightning can never strike him.
  • Divine Protection of Telepathy: He can communicate telepathically with anyone in a certain range.
  • Divine Protection of Vehicle Riding: He can ride any kind of vehicle.
  • Divine Protection of Animal Riding: He can ride any kind of animal.
  • Divine Protection of Lakes: He can choose to walk upon water as if it were solid ground, or to sink normally.
  • Divine Protection of Clouds: He can walk upon clouds as if they were solid ground.
  • Divine Protection of Fog: His view cannot be hindered by fog.
  • Divine Protection of Airdashing: He can kick and fly through the air.
  • Divine Protection of Sandplay: He won't sink into sand.
  • Divine Protection of Blue Skies: He becomes stronger when under blue skies.
  • Divine Protection of Teary Skies: He becomes stronger when under rainy skies.
  • Divine Protection of New Skies: He becomes stronger when under the morning sky.
  • Divine Protection of Night Skies: He becomes stronger when under the night sky.
  • Divine Protection of Shedding Blood: He becomes stronger as he sheds more blood.
  • Divine Protection of Drafts: He knows where any escape route is.
  • Divine Protection of Earth Spirits: As long as his feet are on the ground, the earth's power pours Mana into him. He has a tough guard of earth on his body, can manipulate the earth, and accelarate recovery of his wounds and stamina.
  • Divine Protection of ??? Spirits: He likely possesses the other 5 elemental variations of the Divine Protection of Earth Spirits; Fire, Water, Wind, Yin, and Yang.
  • Unnamed Anti-Nuke Divine Protection: If a tactical nuke was used against him, it wouldn't go off.
  • Divine Protection of Salt Reasoning: He never mistakes salt with sugar.
  • Divine Protection of Fried Food: He excels in making fried food.
  • Divine Protection of Steamed Food: He has supreme skill in making steamed food.
  • Divine Protection of Roasted Food: He has supreme skill in making roasted food.
  • Divine Protection of Boiled Food: He has supreme skill in making boiled food.
  • Divine Protection of Baked Food: He has supreme skill in making baked food.
  • Divine Protection of Fresh Sashimi: He has supreme skill in making fresh sashimi.
  • Divine Protection of Flavour King: He has the ability to make delicious food regardless of the cooking process.
  • Divine Protection of Plating:He excels at serving foods.
  • Divine Protection of Photo-Realism: He excels in painting or drawing to the point that his artwork can be mistaken for photographs.
  • Divine Protection of Fashion:He can be a charismatic clothing designer.
  • Divine Protection of Hairdressing: He can be a charismatic hairdresser.
  • Divine Protection of Gardening: He has an easier time with gardening, turning the process into trial and error.
  • Divine Protection of Vegetation: He can restore and revive damaged plant life.
  • Potentially:
    • Divine Protection of Mind-Changing: He can change the mind of the person he targets with the Divine Protection. Due to its potency, this Divine Protection has been renowned as being dangerous to the rule of nations throughout history, and is powerful enough to turn an anti-nobility freedom fighter into the Captain of the Royal Guard. He willingly deactivated and deleted this Divine Protection at the age of 4.
    • Divine Protection of Wind Indication: He can read the wind and see invisible things just like the wind. He can also use it to read the situation of others' emotions, making him able to tell if someone has lied. Those who are skilled at hiding their emotions cannot be accurately read.
    • Divine Protection of the Sun: He gets stronger during the day, and increases the effects of buffs.
    • Divine Protection of Durability: The power of this Divine Protection can be engraved into objects such as armour, vastly increasing it's durability so long as the person using the object does not run dry of Mana.
    • Divine Protection of the Soul of Language: Enables him to be able to understand the meaning of sounds produced by any living creature to convey meaning, and speak with said living creature in turn. This even allows him to understand the nuance of words, so an unknown term such as "gasoline" would sound like "special oil that burns well". However he speaks in the language of the creature they're talking with, which can make him look shady to others. This Divine Protection is dangerous to the user, as the influx of voices can drive one mad akin to a hellish cradle, and overusing it's power causes swelling of the brain.
    • Divine Protection of Gathering Spirits: Spirits are naturally attracted to him, feeling a great sense of adoration. Lesser and Quasi Spirits are effected immediately, while developed Spirits only feel the attraction but aren't overwhelmed by it.
    • Divine Protection of the Death God: Slashes imbued with the Divine Protection's power leave wounds that are unable to be healed, even by cellular regeneration. The power of the Divine Protection increases the closer he is to the target, and he can even reopen wounds others have if they are close enough and were originally inflicted by him. If the wound expands so does the effect of the Divine Protection, if the wound was a light cut on the finger and the target cut off said finger this new wound becomes the target of the Divine Protection. The effects disappear if the user dies.
    • Divine Protection of Evaluation: He can determine if an item is of good or bad quality, and if the item is in front of him, he can evaluate its condition and quality with perfect accuracy. However, if he is evaluating an item he's never seen before, he can only know if it's of good or bad quality, and gains no knowledge of how it's used or how much it's worth.
    • Divine Protection of Empathy: He can read the feelings of any person he touches, and is capable of making two people understand each other by simply touching them and standing inbetween them.
    • Divine Protection of Bedroom Wiles: He is extremely skilled in bed.
    • Divine Protection of Distant Vision: He can see the precise location of a target and closely observe opponents that fulfill specific conditions, regardless of distance or obstructing objects.
    • Divine Protection of Ambushing: He becomes difficult to find or notice, and his presence is concealed from being detected by others. However, sounds and smells are not concealed.
    • Divine Protection of Morale: The more excited or motivated he feels, the more his physical abilities increase in response. However, the Divine Protection is a double-edged sword, since because it is affected by his mood, it also diminishes his abilities if he feels sad or enters a depressive state.
    • Felt's Unnamed Divine Protection: He can use an ability, related to the wind, that seemingly allows him to move faster than he otherwise could, accelerate to top-speed in an instant, and parkour through cityscapes.
    • Divine Protection of Insensitivity: He can't be interfered with by any outside influences, whether it be magical enhancement or impairment.

  • Swordplay of the Astrea Family: As the world's current greatest swordsman, Reinhard possesses transcendant abilities with the sword. While wielding a rusted, shabby sword at the end of its life, he utilized such divine technique that the blade shined like a treasured sword spoken of for generations. With a single serious sword-strike, he releases a flash that rumbles the atmosphere, splits space itself in two, and is capable of vaporizing most opponents, in exchange for the blade's demise.
    • Swordplay with the Dragon Sword Reid: Upon drawing the enchanted sword that refuses to be unsheathed before unworthy foes, Reinhard's swordplay reaches its full potential as this legendary blade will not break even in the hands of the Sword Saint. The sword-flash released by Reinhard upon drawing Reid was described as shattering the earth, splitting the sky, sending cracks through the atmosphere, and causing the world to slide along the arc of his sword— followed by an immediate correction in the world, the shattered earth repairing, the split sky healing, the cracked atmosphere returning to its proper state. The opponent bathed in this attack is completely obliterated from the world without a trace, the very idea that a battle took place seeming to be no more than a dream.
  • Precognitive Intuition: He has keen senses which, through his intuition, alerts him of danger and distinguishes all attacks in advance, even if invisible or in large numbers. An attack performed without intent can overcome this skill, though his Divine Protections would normally alert him in such an instance, effectively nullifying this flaw.
  • Excess Mana Circulation Constitution: Reinhard's physical constitution causes all Magic in his presence to completely unravel in composition, reducing any spells into pure, simple Mana, which he can then absorb with his unique Gate.


Notable Matchups



Ainz (Overlord) Ainz's Profile (Ainz had prior knowledge and a day of preparation. Speed was equalized)

Gremmy Thoumeaux (Bleach) Gremmy's Profile (Speed was equalized)


Death (Final Destination) Death's Profile

Kamen Rider Saber (Kamen Rider) Saber's Profile (Reinhard with the Dragon Sword and Saber with Resonated Rekka and Fully Amp Elemental Dragon were used. Speed was equalized)


  1. Arc 8, Chapter 28
  2. Sword Demon Battle Ballad
  3. 3.0 3.1 Volume 20, Chapter 4
  4. Bond of Ice, Chapter 1
  5. 5.0 5.1 Volume 19, Chapter 3
  6. 6.0 6.1 Volume 20, Chapter 5
  7. Arc 7, Chapter 98
  8. Reinhard Q&A 1/2
  9. 9.0 9.1 Volume 20, Chapter 7
  10. Volume 17, Chapter 2
  11. 11.0 11.1 Golden Lion & the Sword Saint/Riot in Flanders
  12. Volume 1, Epilogue
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 Volume 19, Chapter 1
  14. 14.0 14.1 Reinhard's Birthday 2018
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Reinhard's Birthday 2019
  16. Arc 6, Chapter 62
  17. Arc 6, Chapter 60
  18. Bond of Ice: Prologue
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Volume 18, Chapter 4
  20. Oni Sisters of the Hidden Village, Chapter 4
  21. 21.0 21.1 Volume 20, Chapter 3
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 Ex Novel 4, Diplomacy By Bloodshed
  23. 23.0 23.1 Ex Novel 3, The Silver Flower Dance of Pictat
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Ex Novel 1, Felix Argyle's Curse
  25. Volume 21, Chapter 3
  26. Volume 9, Chapter 2
  27. Assassin Sisters Diary
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Reinhard Q&A 2/2
  29. Author's 10 Year Anniversary Space
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 Volume 1, Chapter 5
  31. Volume 15, Closing Chapter
  32. Volume 12, Chapter 2
  33. Sword Identity
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 Volume 12, Chapter 5
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Volume 20, Prologue
  36. Volume 8, Chapter 2
  37. 37.0 37.1 Volume 15, Chapter 3
  38. Volume 8, Chapter 3
  39. Ex Novel 4, The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning
  40. Re:Zero Lost in Memories IF
  41. 41.0 41.1 Volume 8, Chapter 2
  42. Re:Zero kara Kasaneru Isekai Seikatsu
  43. 43.0 43.1 Volume 11, Chapter 5
  44. Volume 10, Chapter 2
  45. Arc 8, Chapter 49
  46. Volume 19, Chapter 5
  47. Arc 7, Chapter 104
  48. Volume 20, Chapter 1
  49. Meili's Witchbeast Observation Record
  50. Volume 17, Chapter 1
  51. Re:Zero's Detailed Story & Alternative Routes Q&A
  52. Ex Novel 5, Crimson Shadow
  53. Arc 8, Chapter 74
  54. Arc 8, Chapter 57
  55. Felt's Birthday Q&A 2018
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 Volume 20, Chapter 1
  57. Volume 20, Chapter 5
  58. Volume 11, Chapter 2


Discussion threads involving Reinhard van Astrea