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I am the shrine maiden of paradise, Reimu Hakurei! I'll protect the Barrier, no matter what!
~ Reimu

Reimu Hakurei PC98

Credit to Dairi

There's no way you're getting away from me!! I'll chase you all the way to hell!!
~ Reimu


Reimu Hakurei is the Shrine Maiden of the Hakurei Shrine and the main protagonist of the Touhou series alongside her friend, Marisa Kirisame. She is exceptionally talented and gifted, but her laziness makes her hate training.

Despite that, she resolves incidents anyway, and she's friendly and gets along with everyone, including youkai. This passive attitude towards monsters doesn't sit well with most of the humans in Gensokyo, which means her shrine doesn't get many visitors or donations.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 2-C

Name: Reimu Hakurei

Origin: Touhou Project

Gender: Female

Age: At least in her 20s

Classification: Human, Shrine Maiden

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Danmaku (Made up of ofuda, sealing needles, and spirit energy orbs; much of which homes in on targets), Spirit Manipulation, Magic, Extrasensory Perception (Magic users are sensitive to changes in temperament[1]), Acausality (Types 1 & 4; Unaffected by Keine erasing the human village from history.[2] Exists within the Hakurei Barrier,[3] which created a world with a different flow of time[4] and different physical laws.[5] Could act normally within Eientei,[6] which exists outside of time and causality[7][8]), Accelerated Development & Reactive Evolution (Passive, Abilities, Statistics; Despite being incapable of gaining any lasting benefits from training,[9] Reimu is said to possess Heaven-granted genius that allows her to master skills like martial arts or black magic, even with a complete lack of knowledge,[10] and is stated to possess limitless innate talent.[11][12] Reimu has consistently improved herself in several ways over the years, such as initially requiring time-consuming rituals to summon gods[13] before being able to summon them with just a thought,[14] needing to rely on her turtle, Genji, in order to fly,[15] before learning how to do so on her own, or being affected by the sleep-inducing effects of dream souls[16] before later taking hits from them without issue.[17] Despite Fantasy Nature being the only spell card using a technique she knows from birth, she has gained dozens of other powers and spell cards over the years.[18] Gradually grew to resist Miyoi's ability to[19] erase[20] memories[21] and create illusions[22] that leave their victims paralyzed with fear[23] despite being initially affected,[24] becoming the only one in Gensokyo to resist these techniques. Gained the ability to see in dark locations and become unaffected by night blindness[25] despite not being able to do so before.[26][27] Was affected by Reisen's ability to control wavelengths during the Imperishable Night incident,[28] but was later noted to have possessed wavelengths that were more difficult to manipulate.[29] Was shown to be unable to physically interact with dream selves when first encountering Sumireko's dream self,[30] but could do so[31] against the dream selves she encountered in the Dream World not long after.[32] Despite fearing her being affected by Shion's full power aura, she adapted to resist it within a matter of seconds, and additionally kept up with her even after she began releasing more auras.[33] Initially considered far too weak to face Mima, but could grow to surpass her in power in a short period of time.[34] Could adapt to Sakuya Izayoi's time manipulation over the course of their initial fight, with Reimu being completely unaffected in the case of her victory[35]), Empowerment & Power Modification (When she adapted to Shion's negative aura, Reimu was said to have been drawing near-infinite power from her aura[36]), Statistics Amplification (Can use Spell Power to increase the power of her spell cards), Acrobatics, Energy Projection, Martial Arts (Stated to be trained in martial arts [37]), Soul Manipulation (She is said to have the power to manipulate the spirits of living things,[38] and she can purify spirits), Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm Phantoms and Evil Spirits with her regular attacks, as well as divine beings like Junko[39]), Conceptual Manipulation, Limited Creation (Type 1; Can control boundaries, a technique that Okina directly compared to Yukari's boundary manipulation.[40] The process of creating a spell card requires giving it a 'name' to define its form and power, not unlike how the gods gave 'names' to everything at the beginning of reality to give them form from nothingness, albeit on a much smaller scale[41][42][43]), Further Power Modification (Spell card users are capable of changing the traits of any attack or ability by naming it, being able to turn ordinarily lethal attacks into nonlethal ones, or severely restricting the potency of an ability by 'gameifying' it[44][45]), Forcefield Creation (Specializes in the creation of barriers, using them both offensively and defensively. She passively creates a barrier around her when she's stunned[46]), Sealing (Sealed away Mima. Her spell cards Dream Sign "Evil-Sealing Circle" and Fantasy Seal are designed for sealing their targets[47][48]), Aura, Space-Time Manipulation (She can turn space inside out, open dimensional rifts and barriers, and prevent enemies from approaching her while making projectiles miss her automatically. All spell card users are shown to possess magic circles, which have the properties of slowing anything within their radius down to a near stop. Via the ability to name their spell cards, spell card users are able to distinguish things within space and time[49]), Teleportation (Can do so via skill cards like Dimensional Rift and Demon Sealing Dimensional Rift, and she can even teleport without realizing it), Can create doubles of herself, Intangibility & Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Spatial & Type 1; By floating above everything that exists,[50] she becomes effectively untouchable,[51] so most attacks simply pass through where she appears to be harmlessly), Physics Manipulation, Probability Manipulation and Fate Manipulation (By using the "memory" within all things, she can alter the probability of something happening, even if it goes against the laws of physics, as the "memory" layer of the world exists beyond the mental one, which in turn exists beyond the physical one, which is controlled by the laws of physics[52]), Summoning (Can summon gods to inhabit her body, granting her access to their powers), Perception Manipulation (Her spell card Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-" can cause people to see multiple copies of herself), Dimensional Travel (Brought her physical body to Hell.[53] Implied to have entered the Land of the Back Door unassisted[54]), Holy Manipulation (As a shrine maiden, she can perform exorcisms and blessings), Light Manipulation (Her Fantasy Seal is described as being made up of light bullets[55]), Divination, Empathic Manipulation (Capable of performing accurate fortune telling,[56] which requires manipulating emotions[57]), Passive Power Nullification (4D; Can destroy magical seals[58][59] and nullified the barrier separating Gensokyo and the Netherworld.[60] This ability is seemingly passive, as Reimu believed there simply never was a barrier blocking the entrance to the Netherworld to begin with,[61] implying it was nullified before she was even aware it existed. This was noted to have thinned the barrier between worlds, making travel between the two possible,[62][63] with the Netherworld having formerly been treated as an Otherworld and therefore a different space-time.[64][65][66][67] Reimu's ofuda can nullify enemy projectiles,[68] revert tsukumogami back to their original forms,[69] or prevent objects from turning into tsukumogami entirely[70]), Portal Creation, BFR (She can create gaps which act as portals that allow her to teleport freely.[71] In Urban Legend in Limbo, her last word can banish her opponent inside one of these gaps), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Aware that she is playing the demo version of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and directly speaks to the player in the manual of Story of Eastern Wonderland), Limited Mind Manipulation (Her ofuda do large amounts of mental damage[72]), Weather Manipulation (Can control the boundary between seasons), Astral Projection (Can act independently even when her soul is separated from her body), Vibration Manipulation (All characters in Immaterial and Missing Power are capable of generating shockwaves to push their opponent back), Paralysis Inducement (Divine Arts "Demon Binding Circle takes one's body's freedom of movement away), Instinctive Reaction (Can attack even when completely unconscious), Platform Creation (Can create footholds in midair with Floating Wall Jump), Weapon Control (Can make her gohei spin on its own as an attack), Subjective Reality (Can form barriers solely from her willpower), Status Effect Inducement (Can stun opponents with Cautionary Border), Afterimage Creation (Can create afterimages while flying), Hammerspace (Can store giant Yin-Yang orbs "who-the-heck-knows-where"[73]), Enhanced Senses (Saw Kasen's non-existent true form.[74] Was able to see through an illusory moon and a tanuki's illusory disguise.[75] Can see in dark locations easily, and is not affected by night blindness[76]), Transmutation (Can turn enemy projectiles into water by grazing them[77]), Regeneration Negation (Mid-Godly; Reimu was able to kill the Fortune-teller after he turned into a youkai merely by cleaving his skull,[78] despite the fact that youkai are made of Spirit[79] and can recover from complete bodily destruction[80][81][82]), Limited Pain Manipulation (Fujiwara no Mokou, who has adapted to living her life in constant agony,[83] had to give up while fighting her due to the pain caused by her attacks[84]), Limited Deconstruction (Her Yin-Yang Orb instantly disintegrates youkai on contact[85]), Water and Organic Absorption, Self-Healing (Can absorb water to heal herself, and can do the same with oil), likely many more (Stated to possess "various mysterious powers" that she has never showcased or mentioned[86])

Resistance to Madness Manipulation (Was unaffected by the true Moon, which can drive humans insane and kill them if they look at it), Space-Time Manipulation, Durability Negation, Power Nullification, Petrification, Statistics Reduction (Unaffected by the effects of Keine's spell card Reincarnation "Ichijou Returning Bridge", which is stated to reverse time. Unaffected by the magic circles possessed by characters like Flandre and Urumi, which passively slow things down to a crawl. Via scaling to ability cards, these magic circles should also possess the ability to destroy anything in their radius like Flandre's ability to destroy anything, including energy-based projectile attacks, as well as Urumi's ability to cause things nearby to turn to stone and lose speed upon being freed), Time Stop (Can move inside Eientei unrestricted[87] despite it having a frozen flow of time.[88] During her initial fight with Sakuya Izayoi, Reimu was stated to have been completely unaffected by her time stop after winning[89]), Probability Manipulation (Managed to defeat Shion, whose misfortune aura is strong enough to cause her opponents to instantly lose), Status Effect Inducement, Illusion Creation, Paralysis Inducement, & Fear Manipulation (Could snap herself out of a drunken and half-asleep state at a moment's notice, immediately recognizing that she was stuck in an illusion after the fact.[90] Said illusions are able to leave one's body paralyzed with fear[91]), Memory Manipulation (Despite Miyoi passively erasing the memories of anyone she encounters,[92] Reimu could still remember Miyoi's appearance,[93] their previous conversation,[94] and it's said that Reimu is the only one in Gensokyo unaffected by her powers[95]), Poison Manipulation (Unaffected by Remilia's scarlet mist, which sickens humans. Can withstand the effects of the Forest of Magic, which is filled with poisonous spores in the air.[96] Can survive in Former Hell, where the air is more toxic than that of a geyser emitting poisonous air[97]), Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation (Unaffected by being near phantoms, which can passively change the emotions or slowly destroy the minds of anybody they come near[98]), Sleep Manipulation, BFR, Soul Manipulation (Can withstand getting hit by dream souls in Doremy's Antinomy of Common Flowers route, which can instantly put a person to sleep and send their soul to the Dream World[99]), Transmutation, Purification (Can survive unscathed in Hell, which slowly crystalizes and purifies one's soul[100]), Transformation (Unaffected by the Forest of Magic, which has the power to change the nature of anything living there[101]), Extreme Heat (Fought Utsuho in the Remains of Blazing Hell, which is so hot that the things that burn there don't even leave ashes behind[102]), Perception Manipulation (Unaffected by the Forest of Magic, which is filled with mushrooms that cause hallucinations in whoever comes near them[103]), Power Mimicry (Reimu's techniques are unique to her, and cannot be copied or used as reference[104]), Death Manipulation (Can survive being near Yuyuko, whose mere touch can cause death and who passively causes all living things near her to die[105][106]), Soul Absorption (Survived Tenshi absorbing the souls of all living things across Gensokyo and various Otherworlds such as the Netherworld), Limited Resistance to Possession (Can recognize if she is being possessed, and can temporarily break free of its effects, though she can only do so for a very short amount of time[107])

Precognition and Immortality (Type 5) with the Ultramarine Orb Elixir (Removes the user's impurity of death and allows them to see the immediate future by experiencing it, and then reversing time), Abilities offered from Player System Cards and the ability cards in Unconnected Marketeers and 100th Black Market, including Statistics Amplification (Ringo-Brand Dango, Law of the Survival of the Fittest, Sutra of Dharmatic Power, Gale Geta, Reliable Tanuki Apprentice, Great Tengu's Barley Rice, Physical Enhancement Jizo, Left-Handed Folding Fan, and Control Rod), Ice Manipulation (Ice Fairy and Frozen Frog), Portal Creation (Back Door), Supernatural Luck (Lucky Rabbit's foot), Resurrection (Death Avoidance Elixir, Money Is The Best Lawyer In Hell, and possibly Phoenix's Tail), Accelerated Development (With Gluttonous Centipede and Indomitable Meathead), Explosion Manipulation (Safe Return Amulet, Bursting Red Frog, Life Explosion Elixir), Intangibility (Pebble Hat), Invulnerability (Gale Geta, Smelt's Scales, Three Heavenly Drops, and Divine Raiment of the Dragon Fish), Self-Sustenance (Type 1 with Sky-Blue Magatama), Teleportation & Breaking the Fourth Wall (Screen Border), Transmutation (Miracle Mallet, Life Explosion Elixir, and Offensive Jeweled Pagoda), Fire Manipulation (Underground Sun), Summoning (Item Season and The Rabbit That Landed), Sound Manipulation (Heavy Bass Drum), Attack Reflection and Telekinesis (Psychokinesis), Mind Manipulation & Empathic Manipulation (Half-Half Ghost and Kiketsu Matriarch's Threat), Animal Manipulation (Safe Return Amulet and Shed Snakeskin Amulet), Clairvoyance (Money Comes and Goes on its Own), Limited Resistance to Spirit Manipulation (Reliable Tanuki Apprentice and Pebble Hat), Homing Attack (Yin-Yang Orb), Existence Erasure (Esteemed Authority, Too-Honest Signpost, and Hasty Detour of the Three Crossings), Subjective Reality (Sheep You Want to Count), Bodily Weaponry (Stimulating Scales), Radiation Manipulation (Offensive Jeweled Pagoda and Control Rod), Durability Negation, Limited Power Nullification (Beauty of Destruction), Petrification, Statistics Reduction (Drenched Giant Snake), Empowerment (Drunkenly Whimsical Ibuki Gourd), Social Influencing (Pristine Self-Confidence), Time Stop (Stopwatch), Soul Manipulation (Soul Torch and Spell-Breaking Drug), Air Manipulation (Tengu Fan), Poison Manipulation (Spell-Breaking Drug), Power Nullification (Spell-Breaking Drug), Space-Time Manipulation (Yesterday's Money), Weather Manipulation (Sword of Scarlet Perception), Healing (Illness Recovery Charm), Chi Manipulation (Dragon Star)

Multiple Selves (Type 1; When Reimu summons a god, they inhabit her body and act as an alternate personality[108]), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Can summon Ama no Iwato Wake no Mikoto to manipulate the fundamental boundaries between everything and the conceptual borders that exist between two things; it's been stated that without boundaries, everything would exist as a singular, massive object, not unlike the state that the world was in before Gods separated everything by giving names and concepts to them[109][110]), Illusion Creation (Summoned Ama no Iwato Wake no Mikoto to create an illusory hole in the ground[111]), Creation, Metal Manipulation (Can summon Kanayamabiko no Mikoto to create palladium alloy,[112] and likely other metals as well), Death Manipulation (Summoning Oomagatsumi-no-Kami would have allowed her to bring death to the entire Lunar Capital[113]), Can summon divine spirits to answer questions similarly to a ouija board[114]

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Defeated Shinki, who created Makai, an otherworld stated to be infinite in size,[115] fought against and eventually overpowered an unsuppressed Shion. Marisa can only barely keep up with her through constant training even though Reimu is lazy and rarely practices, and according to Marisa, she can one-shot almost any youkai with Fantasy Seal. She, alongside Yukari in the Barrier Team's extra scenario in Imperishable Night, inflicted so much pain onto Mokou to where she couldn't fight anymore despite her immortality.[116] She should be somewhat comparable to Toyosatomimi no Miko and the other religious figures)

Speed: Infinite (Flew to the end of of Kaguya's corridor,[117] which is composed of infinitely-linked pieces of the space-time continuum and is repeatedly stated to be infinite and endless.[118][119][120][121][122] Raced against and ultimately caught up to the Palanquin Ship, which could fly to the edge of the infinitely-sized Makai without stopping or slowing down.[123][124][125] Crossed the infinite width of the Sanzu River in order to reach Hell[126][127][128][129][130])

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Roughly comparable to that of Tenshi)

Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level (She can harm youkai with kicks and fought Byakuren in close-quarters combat)

Durability: Low Multiverse level (Survived a blow from Kasen that was most likely meant to be lethal[131]). By using Fantasy Nature, she becomes extremely hard to harm, as she floats outside of existence

Stamina: Superhuman. She maintained the summon of the Sumiyoshi Gods for twelve days straight during the events of Silent Sinner in Blue, which required constant prayers and concentration, and she can fight against youkai all day. Tired out and outlasted Flandre in their Spell Card Battle

Range: Extended Melee Range, at least Tens of Meters with Danmaku (Her firing range should be comparable to Sakuya's, who can throw knives at least 36 meters), far higher with Oomagatsumi no Kami's summoning (She was going to taint all of the Lunar Capital), Low Multiversal with Spatial Manipulation (Managed to bring her physical body to hell), Multiversal with Fantasy Nature (When using Fantasy Nature, Reimu floats above everything that exists, becoming untouchable to everyone in Gensokyo,[132] including those whose powers span all of existence like Yukari Yakumo.[133][134][135] Reality in Touhou possesses "countless worlds beyond",[136] and the Dream World, which is the opposite side of the same coin as reality[137])

Standard Equipment: The Yin-Yang Orb, gohei, ofuda, and sealing needles.

  • Yin-Yang Orb: The go-shintai of the Hakurei Shrine. As the Shrine's blessing is youkai extermination, they are incredibly effective against youkai, instantly destroying Kasen's artificial arm when she tried to pick it up. Reimu uses it in combat, both as a projectile, either firing or swatting it at her opponents, and as a shield. In Subterranean Animism, Yukari also turned it into a communication device. In PC-98, only a blood member of the Hakurei clan may use them, and as the last living Hakurei, it is a weapon only Reimu can use. It also constantly absorbs Reimu's energy, storing it within so it can be used all at once as a mighty blast before continuing the cycle. In Story of Eastern Wonderland, depending on the ending, Genjii states its true power; either the ability to eat sweets and never get fat, the ability for the user to smell like whatever they want, or the ability to turn into a cat whenever the user chooses.
  • Optional Equipment: The Ultramarine Orb Elixir, a drug that removes the user's impurity of death and allows them to see the immediate future by experiencing it. Abilities offered from Ability Cards and Player System Cards.

Intelligence: Reimu is a skilled fighter with knowledge on many youkai, gods, and other spiritual beings. She is also extremely perceptive. She has an innate knack for using her powers, even those she doesn't fully understand, weaving them into her movements and attacks without fully realizing or intending to do so. She is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to barriers, and is capable of analyzing and dismantling barriers that neither Marisa or Patchouli could understand. While she is exceptionally talented, she is also very lazy

Weaknesses: Reimu is incredibly lazy and thus hasn't reached her true potential, instead of relying on her sheer talent. She hasn't mastered the ability to summon gods yet, for example. Her ofuda are weaker against oblivious people, and are less effective in wind and rain.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Fantasy Seal: Is one of Reimu's signature ability, a technique used to seal youkai using light bullets that homes to the opponent, the sealing works by sealing their power away to the point they just disappear into dust. It has been stated that Reimu's Fantasy Seal is capable of ignoring the laws of physics. Marisa notes that Reimu's Fantasy Seal is incredibly painful to handle in one of her dialogue.

Fantasy Seal but GIF

Fantasy Seal on LoLK

Extreme Luckiness: Reimu is noted to be extremely lucky by Rinnosuke Morichika and Marisa Kirisame, to the point that the outcome of everything seems to always side with her, this power can be used to makes bullet miss, making one comes out victorious at the end, and outright stop any lethal blows that is meant to kill Reimu. Luckiness, is associated with the third layer of the world that moves with probability and fate, the explanation for this can be found within this page.

Summoning: As a shrine maiden, Reimu is capable of summoning gods, by using her body as a vessel for the god, Reimu can use the power of the god as much as she want. In Silent Sinner in Blue, Reimu was shown to require extreme chanting to summon the god she wanted, but later on in Forbidden Scrollery (which takes place after the event of Silent Sinner in Blue), she was shown to be capable of summoning with a mere thought, signifying she has learned how to summon gods efficiently.

Ability to Float: While flight is widespread among inhabitants of Gensokyo, Reimu's ability extends beyond that, encompassing not only more complex techniques but her behavior in life. She merely casually floats through life and is so in touch with her surroundings that she has been likened to a hermit. As long as she "goes with the flow," she showcases both incredible intuition and luck, though she loses her edge when she is distracted or acting on selfish desires. She has been observed to dodge attacks as if she were made of air, while, from her perspective, the projectile swerved away from her, and she has walked across a river unknowingly without getting wet by stepping on fish as they leaped from the water. More notably, it allows her to accomplish things such as circling an enemy by moving in a straight line, appearing from the least probable places with no real reason, on top of teleporting short distances.

  • Fantasy Nature: The ultimate expression of Reimu's ability to float. By merely floating away from existence, she becomes untouchable by normal means. It's been stated that no one in Touhou could hit her while she's using Fantasy Nature, but this is likely hyperbolic. She can use this ability indefinitely, and it's not a spell card, but instead, an innate power of Reimu's that was named by Marisa and given a time limit for use as a spell card. While she uses it, danmaku automatically fires at her opponent. In Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, she uses it differently, instead of surrounding herself with seven Yin-Yang Orbs that light up as she damages her opponent. Once all seven have been fully charged, it causes a gigantic explosion that envelops Reimu's surroundings.

Aura Manipulation: In the omake.txt of the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Reimu is said to be capable of manipulating the spirits of living things, but this ability has never been mentioned again or displayed at all.

Barrier Creation: Reimu is incredibly well-versed in the use of barriers, having an in-depth knowledge of how they work that allows her to analyze and take down barriers that not even Marisa or Patchouli can understand with ease, such as the Netherworld's barrier. As she explains to Marisa, a barrier acts as a border between things. On top of using them for protective purposes, Reimu can also utilize them as attacks, opening them up at short distances to injure her opponents and knock them back.

Shrine Maiden Powers: As the Hakurei Shrine Maiden, Reimu can handle the Yin-Yang Orb, along with the other duties of the Shrine Maiden, such as performing exorcisms and blessings. She can invoke the Native Gods of Gensokyo into her body for various effects, but she has not practiced this ability very much and has thus not come anywhere close to mastering it.

Skill Cards:

  • Ascension Kick: Reimu jumps up and performs a simple somersault kick. She can instead slide into the kick if she desires.
  • Binding Border: Reimu crates two barriers around her enemy, limiting their movements.
  • Cautionary Border: Reimu creates a long-lasting barrier with her ofuda.
  • Demon-Sealing Dimensional Rift: Reimu teleports and throws a wide arc of sealing needles.
  • Dimensional Rift: Reimu teleports to her opponent and instantly attacks them.
  • Floating Wall Jump: Reimu creates a barrier and jumps off of it to slam into her opponent.
  • Frontal Defense Talisman: Reimu throws ofuda forwards, which proceed to split into more, smaller ofuda that spread out over a greater area.
  • Hakurei Amulet: Reimu throws a barrage of homing ofuda.
  • Instant Dimensional Rift: Reimu creates a body double out of ofuda and disappears. If the double is attacked, it releases a burst of amulets.
  • Quick-Witted Consecration Talismans: Reimu throws out four ofuda and creates a barrier, with the ofuda acting as the corners.
  • Permanent Border: Reimu makes a permanent barrier at her feet; those who step on it will be briefly paralyzed so that Reimu can attack them.
  • Rain Dance: Reimu jumps above her opponent and creates a damaging barrier beneath her.
  • Spread Amulet: Reimu throws a greater barrage of non-homing ofuda.
  • Yin-Yang Shot: Reimu throws a slowly bouncing Yin Yang orb at her opponent.
  • Youkai Buster: Reimu quickly throws a barrage of ofuda forwards.

Spell Cards:

  • Barrier "Expanding Barrier": Reimu creates a square barrier that quickly ripples, spreading across her surroundings to hit opponents.
  • Divine Arts "Omnidirectional Demon-Binding Circle": Reimu creates a large, powerful barrier around herself. It binds both humans and youkai, limiting their movements, so they're caught in the full force of the attack.
  • Divine Arts "Sky-Conquering Wind God Kick": Reimu performs a series of quick Ascension Kicks.
  • Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal": One of Reimu's most powerful spell cards, and perhaps her signature technique, forcibly sealing her target with homing bullets of light that ignore the laws of physics. According to Marisa, she can exterminate any youkai in Gensokyo with this, and it is much more powerful when used against youkai than humans.
  • Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier": A spell card that utilizes barriers to create a world with no boundaries and turn space inside out.
  • Dream Sign "Evil Sealing Circle": Reimu creates a powerful, but short-ranged and brief, border from her core, limiting her opponent's movements with charms.
  • Holy Relic "Yin-Yang Demon God Orb": A very large and powerful Yin-Yang Orb made out of spiritual energy, that slowly floats forwards.
  • Jewel Sign "Orbs of Light, Cast into Shade": Reimu fires a series of long-lasting, bouncing Yin-Yang Orbs forwards.
  • Spirit Sign "Fantasy Orb": Reimu fires a barrage of homing spirit orbs at her opponent.
  • Treasure Sign "Yin-Yang Treasured Orb": Reimu fires a burst of energy from her hand at close range.
  • Untitled "Flying Mysterious Shrine Maiden": A desperate, rarely-seen spell card that Reimu utilizes subconsciously, firing a barrage of omnidirectional danmaku with no blind spots even though Reimu has her eyes closed.


Notable Matchups





  1. Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Patchouli's Scenario
  2. Imperishable Night, Stage 3
  3. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 25
  4. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 19
  5. Dr. Latency's Freak Report
  6. Imperishable Night, Barrier Team's Scenario
  7. Cage in Lunatic Runagate, Chapter 2
  8. Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Eientei
  9. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 5
  10. Immaterial and Missing Power, Afterword
  11. Who's Who of Humans and Youkai in Gensokyo, Marisa Kirisame
  12. Ten Desires, Reimu's Endings
  13. Silent Sinner in Blue, Chapter 1
  14. Forbidden Scrollery, Chapter 27
  15. Story of Eastern Wonderland, Prologue
  16. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 29
  17. Antinomy of Common Flowers
  18. The Grimoire of Marisa, Reimu Hakurei's Spell Cards
  19. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 2
  20. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 3
  21. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 5
  22. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 32
  23. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 4
  24. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 1
  25. Strange Creators of Outer World, Subterranean Animism Cross Review
  26. Imperishable Night, Barrier Team's Scenario
  27. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Reimu's Scenario
  28. Imperishable Night, Barrier Team's Scenario
  29. Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Reisen's Win Quotes
  30. Urban Legend in Limbo, Reimu's Final Ending
  31. Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, Reimu's Scenario
  32. Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, Music Comments
  33. Antinomy of Common Flowers, Yukari and Reimu's Scenario
  34. Story of Eastern Wonderland, Regular Stages
  35. Gensokyo Geography, Case 1
  36. Antinomy of Common Flowers, Yukari and Reimu's Scenario
  37. Highly Responsive to Prayers, Manual
  38. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, omake.txt
  39. Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
  40. Hidden Star in Four Seasons, Reimu's extra scenario
  41. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Draft of Spell Card Rules
  42. Imperishable Night, Afterword
  43. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 15
  44. Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia, Essay: Marisa Kirisame
  45. The Grimoire of Marisa, Reimu Hakurei's spell cards
  46. Urban Legend in Limbo
  47. Imperishable Night
  48. The Grimoire of Marisa, Reimu Hakurei's Spell Cards
  49. Shoot the Bullet, Afterword
  50. Imperishable Night - Spell Cards
  51. Grimoire of Marisa - Reimu Hakurei
  52. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 27
  53. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 48
  54. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 24
  55. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 50
  56. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 23
  57. Forbidden Scrollery, Chapter 25
  58. Forbidden Scrollery, Chapter 17
  59. Oriental Sacred Palace, Chapter 15
  60. Perfect Cherry Blossom, Marisa's B Ending
  61. Perfect Cherry Blossom, Reimu's Scenario
  62. Perfect Cherry Blossom, Reimu's Endings
  63. Strange Creators of Outer World, Basic Knowledge of Fantastic Worlds 2015
  64. Wily Beast and Weakest Creature, Youmu's Ending (Wolf)
  65. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 47
  66. Urban Legend in Limbo, Miko's Scenario
  67. Strange Creators of Outer World, Introduction to Previous Works, Undefined Fantastic Object Overview
  68. Highly Responsive to Prayers, Manual
  69. Forbidden Scrollery, Chapter 12
  70. Forbidden Scrollery, Chapter 39
  71. Forbidden Scrollery, Chapter 51
  72. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 27
  73. The Grimoire of Marisa, Reimu Hakurei's Spell Cards
  74. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 48
  75. Oriental Sacred Palace, Chapter 11
  76. Strange Creators of Outer World, Subterranean Animism Cross Review
  77. Touhou Gouyoku Ibun, Manual
  78. Forbidden Scrollery, Chapter 25
  79. Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Eirin's Interview
  80. Touhou Gouyoku Ibun, Flandre's Endings
  81. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 50
  82. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Beast Youkai
  83. Urban Legend in Limbo, Mokou's Scenario
  84. Imperishable Night, Barrier Team's Extra Scenario
  85. Oriental Sacred Palace, Chapter 17
  86. Perfect Cherry Blossom, omake.txt
  87. Imperishable Night, Barrier Team's scenario
  88. Cage in Lunatic Runagate, Chapter 2
  89. Gensokyo Geography, Case 1
  90. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 32
  91. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 4
  92. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 1
  93. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 2
  94. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 3
  95. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 5
  96. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Forest of Magic
  97. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 28
  98. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Phantom
  99. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 29
  100. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 28
  101. Hidden Star in Four Seasons, Narumi Yatadera's Profile
  102. Subterranean Animism, Reimu's Stage 6
  103. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Forest of Magic
  104. The Grimoire of Marisa, Reimu Hakurei's Spell Cards
  105. Strange Creators of Outer World, Who's Who of Humans & Youkai in Gensokyo, Yuyuko Saigyouji and Youmu Konpaku
  106. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Ghost
  107. Wily Beast and Weakest Creature, Reimu's scenario
  108. Silent Sinner in Blue, Chapter 6
  109. Silent Sinner in Blue, Chapter 1
  110. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 15
  111. Silent Sinner in Blue, Chapter 1
  112. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 2
  113. Silent Sinner in Blue, Chapter 17
  114. Forbidden Scrollery, Chapter 27
  115. Unidentified Fantastic Object - Marisa A Scenario
  116. Imperishable Night, Barrier Team's extra scenario
  117. Imperishable Night, Barrier Team's scenario, Final Stage A
  118. Urban Legend in Limbo, Reisen's scenario, Stage 3
  119. Imperishable Night, Barrier Team's scenario, Final Stage A
  120. Imperishable Night, Magic Team's scenario, Final Stage A
  121. Imperishable Night, Scarlet Team's scenario, Final Stage A
  122. Cheating Detective Satori, Chapter 15
  123. Undefined Fantastic Object, Reimu's A scenario
  124. Undefined Fantastic Object, Marisa's A scenario
  125. Undefined Fantastic Object, Sanae's A scenario
  126. Wily Beast and Weakest Creature, Reimu's scenario
  127. Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Marisa's scenario
  128. Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Ran's article
  129. Touhou Goyouku Ibun, Kanako's scenario
  130. Touhou Goyouku Ibun, Flandre's scenario, Stage C3
  131. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 49
  132. Imperishable Night, Spell Card Comments
  133. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Yukari Yakumo
  134. Antinomy of Common Flowers, Official Website
  135. Who's Who of Humans and Youkai in Gensokyo, Yukari Yakumo, Ran Yakumo, and Chen
  136. Dr. Latency's Freak Report
  137. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 33


Discussion threads involving Reimu Hakurei