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Up and Atom!
~ Radioactive Man


Radioactive Man (also known as Claude Kane III) is a comic book superhero who acquired his powers after surviving an atomic bomb explosion. His sidekick is Fallout Boy. He is a member of the Superior Squad (an Avengers- and Justice League-like organization).

Powers and Stats

Tier: 7-A

Name: Claude Kane III, Radioactive Man

Origin: The Simpsons (Non-Canon)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Superhero, Millionaire

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Enhanced Senses (His atomically-enhanced vision allows him to scan houses and perceive things on a cellular level. Can locate people by the scent of cigars, hear a faint ticking sound from a time bomb, people cheering for him on Earth while in outer space and cries for help in the middle of a jungle. Scoped out Fallout Boy's location inside a cave), Flight, Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can survive in the vacuum of space), Nuclear Heat Vision, Fire Manipulation (Set his opponent's pants on fire with his nuclear heat vision), Heat Manipulation (Can use his nuclear vision to heat up a burrito and melt things like super-powered tambourines and guns), Light Manipulation (Can emit light from his body by using his nuclear power. Lighted up a darkened room with his nuclear vision), Radiation Manipulation and Absorption (Can turn himself into a nuclear reactor to absorb radiation from a mutant spider and the resulting radiation from the detonation), Underground Mobility (Tunneled deep into an alien planet's core), Extrasensory Perception (His lightning rod can pick up radio signals, allowing him to tune into Fallout Boy's wavelength in order to locate him), Explosion Manipulation and Status Effect Inducement (His nuclear vision caused a small mushroom cloud explosion that blinds nearby civilians), Transformation Nullification (Reversed a chemical reaction that transformed a delivery body into a human-food monster), Resistance to Radiation, Lava (Bathed in hot lava) and Cold (As shown here)

Attack Potency: Mountain level (Can explode with the force of a 100 megaton bomb)

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: At least Class P (Lifted an asteroid)

Striking Strength: Mountain level

Durability: Mountain level (Survived and absorbed an explosion that would affect an entire city)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range, Several Meters with nuclear heat vision. Tens of Kilometers with radiation (Is city-ranged)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Genius (Built a functioning and complex machine based on Radioactive Ape's notesManually reprograms a robot by fiddling with its wiring. Gave a lecture to worried civilians about nuclear powerCrafted a giant, mechanical mother lizard costume to lure Roargo into the freezing arctic with his knowledge of science and psychology)

Weaknesses: Claude's personality is permanently stuck in a conservative 1950s outlook on everything, no matter what the time era in question was. In order to preserve his secret identity, Claude is constantly wearing various types of hats, in order to conceal the lightning bolt-shaped shrapnel sticking out of his head.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Radioactive Man