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Articles about the RPC Authority
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For more detailed information about this verse, visit the RPC Authority website.

Mankind must remain ignorant of our existence. Though we act within a community of peers of different cultural and political alignments, our unifying goal has always been, and will always remain, to act as mankind's bulwark against the strange, the impossible, and the corrupting. We stand firm, so that chaos and madness cannot triumph.
~ The Directorate


The RPC Authority is a collaborative fiction website centering around anomalous objects, beings, and weapons contained by the extra-governmental titular organization. The RPC Authority's goal is to research anomalies for potential beneficial uses, protect the world and anomalies from each other, and contain these anomalies lest they fall into the hands of tyranny.

Power of the Verse

This verse's power varies widely. The most dangerous anomalies are Black-rated, which significantly threaten humanity. For example, RPC-548 is a neutron star moving towards Earth at relativistic speeds that possesses sapience and beams insulting messages in Morse Code to anyone who cares to observe it, RPC-287 is a towel capable of soaking up the entirety of Earth's oceans, and RPC-600 refers to a pair of tennis rackets that are capable of disintegrating an entire arm of the Milky Way. Less powerful anomalies exist, such as RPC-286, an immortal squirrel with a penchant for mass murder, and RPC-082, a humanoid predator mimicking Barney the Dinosaur to lay its eggs inside children.


Every RPC receives a Containment Rating and a Lethality Rating based on how hard to contain they are and how much of a threat they pose to normality.

The three main Containment Ratings are Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Alpha denotes an RPC that is handily and safely containable, Beta signifies an RPC with unreliable or costly containment procedures, and Gamma indicates an exceedingly difficult anomaly to contain. Other Containment Ratings, such as Omega (extremely difficult to contain or uncontainable, more so than Gamma) or Epsilon (behaves above humanity's perception or is interdimensional), exist but are not commonly used.

Lethality Ratings use a color scale from White to Black. White-rated RPCs are either entirely beneficial or pose no threat of lethality. Yellow-rated RPCs have easily avoidable and/or situational lethal conditions. Orange-rated RPCs have the capacity for lethality but are not guaranteed to display it. Red-rated RPCs are actively hostile. Purple-rated RPCs can destroy life or populations en masse, and Black-rated RPCs could making humanity extinct or cause an apocalyptic scenario.

Containment Ratings and Lethality Ratings are then combined to create an Object Class. For example, an Alpha-White anomaly is easily containable and poses no threat of lethality. A Beta-Red anomaly is somewhat hard to contain and is actively hostile. A Gamma-Purple anomaly is immensely challenging to contain and could kill life en masse. An Omega-Black anomaly is extremely difficult or impossible to contain and poses a significant threat to humanity.

RPCs typically receive a list of Hazard Types to prime the Authority on what threats they may pose during containment or testing. For example, RPC-082 is an Aggression Hazard, a Grouped Hazard, and a Sentient Hazard, meaning it's hostile, operates within a group and demonstrates awareness of its surroundings.






Alpha-Class Anomalies

Beta-Class Anomalies

Gamma-Class Anomalies

Omega-Class Anomalies


Discussion threads involving RPC Authority