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VS Battles Wiki

For detailed information about this series, visit the Pizza Tower Wiki.


Pizza Tower is a fast-paced 2D platforming game developed by indie developer Tour De Pizza. The game launched on January 26, 2023, although previous demos had been released as early as 2018-2019.

The story follows an Italian pizza chef named Peppino Spaghetti, who runs a struggling pizzeria in the middle of nowhere. One day, an adversary named Pizzaface announces his intention of eradicating his restaurant with laser atop the titular Pizza Tower. With little choice and on borrowed time, Peppino quickly embarks on a journey to destroy the tower, traversing through its labyrinths while facing many foes along the way.

Power of the Verse

The bosses scale to a base Peppino, who sits at Small Building level. At the end of the game, the final boss is around Building level, with an enraged Peppino upscaling further due to stomping the former as well as every other boss he had fought. With Environmental Destruction and Reality Warping, an enraged Peppino created a City level thunderstorm during his fight, whereas the final boss performs a Multi-Continent level feat of instantly restructuring the moon's surface.

In terms of speed, characters are Supersonic with their consistent feats of casually reacting to bullets. Peppino's eponymous "Mach Run" can also significantly outpace bullets.

Ability-wise, most characters consistently display Afterimage Creation, Acrobatics, Weapon Mastery, etc. Furthermore, Peppino's various transformations and tools bestow him additional powers, such as Flight, Intangibility, Fire Manipulation, and Invulnerability, among others.







Main Characters

The Pizza Tower


Discussion threads involving Pizza Tower