The story of Overwatch starts in a highly fictionalized version of future Earth, where humans and robots known as the Omnics existed together. The peace did not last; the omniums producing the omnics went rogue and began constructing militarized robots to stage an uprising. To fight back, the United Nations found the most elite soldiers from around the world and formed the peacekeeping force known as "Overwatch".
Their job was to save earth from the rogue omnics, which they did quite successfully. Over the next 30 years, Overwatch grew to be a vast coalition of the world's top soldiers and scientists. Though it was revered across the planet, as time went on accusations of human rights abuses and internal conspiracy tore the organization apart. Now, with terrorism rampant, inequality commonplace, and corrupt companies unchecked, one thing is clear: the world needs heroes.
Overwatch is a 6v6 team based shooter and was released on May 24, 2016.
Power of the Verse
Overall, the verse is pretty unexplored, having only Cinematics and Comics to scale from mostly. Most character range from Small Building level with the regular heroes, to Small Building level+ with the more impressive and physically fit characters, the maximum is Advanced Units such as Titans, Colossal Omnic, etc. at Multi City-Block level. Verse also vary with characters having different abilities.
- Widowmaker Tanks a Shockwave - .0016000078 Tons of TNT, Wall level+
- Junkrat tanks his own Explosions - .006 Tons of TNT, Small Building level
- Soldier 76 tanks a Grenade Explosion - .008 Tons of TNT, Small Building level
- Reinhardt's Hammer Swing - .0123 Tons of TNT, Small Building level
- Doomfist Creates large crater - .23 Tons of TNT, Small Building level+
- Talon Heavy Assault Lands - .237179427961281 Tons of TNT, Small Building level+
- Wrecking Ball KE - 5.019 Tons of TNT, Large Building level
- Junkrat Blows Up a Skyscraper - 42 Tons of TNT, City Block level
- The Titan Omnic's Gun - 455 Tons of TNT, Multi-City Block level
- D.Va's Mekka Self-Destruction - 2.5 Kilotons of TNT, Small Town level
Knowledgeable Members
- WeeklyBattles
- Oleggator
- DemiiPowa (Only Overwatch 2)
- DaReaperMan
Overwatch members
Overwatch Agents | |||||
Tracer | Winston | Genji | Mercy | Mei | Echo |
Cassidy | Baptiste | Brigitte | D.Va | Lúcio | Pharah |
Bastion | Zarya | Sojourn |
Original Strike Force
Original Strike Force | |||
Ana | Reinhardt | Soldier: 76 | Torbjörn |
Talon | |||||
Doomfist | Moira | Reaper | Sigma | Sombra | Widowmaker |
Mauga |
Others | |||||
Ashe | Hanzo | Junkrat | Orisa | Roadhog | Symmetra |
Kiriko | Junker Queen | Ramattra | Wrecking Ball | Zenyatta | Lifeweaver |
Illari | Venture | Juno |
Races/Factions | |||||
Omnics | Null Sector |
Discussion threads involving Overwatch |