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VS Battles Wiki
Optimus Primal evolution
Now that's just prime!
~ His trademark quote


Optimus Primal is the leader of the Maximals. He is their best fighter and one of the few of them that can fight evenly with Megatron.

He is the successor of Optimus Prime, and it shows, being heroic and selfless.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 7-C | At least 7-C | At least 7-C

Key: Season 1 | Transmetal 1 | Optimal Optimus

Name: Optimus Primal

Origin: Transformers

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Cybertronian, Maximal

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Regeneration (Low-Mid), very good at planning, Weapon Mastery (Pistols, Can shoot missiles from his back), Expert Pilot, Transformation (Into a gorilla), Self-Sustenance (Types 1 & 3), Energy Projection | Same as before | Same as before although he turns into a jet and a truck

Attack Potency: Town level (Superior to Waspinator. Can fight evenly with Megatron and Dinobot) | Town level (Has fought and defeated Rampage and defeated Inferno, who survived an explosion that devastated a mountain) | At least Town level (Easily defeated Transmetal Megatron and Rampage)

Speed: Subsonic on foot (Runs at 60 kilometers per hour), Hypersonic via flight (Flies at mach 7) | Subsonic, Hypersonic via flight | Subsonic, Hypersonic via flight

Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Lifted a rock bigger than himself)

Striking Strength: Town level | Town level | At least Town level

Durability: Town level (Survived the attacks of Megatron and Waspinator) | Town level (Has taken hits from Transmetal Megatron and Rampage) | At least Town level (Easily blocked attacks from Rampage and Transmetal Megatron)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Several Meters

Standard Equipment: His missile launcher and pistols | A jetboard | Same as his season 1 equipment

Intelligence: Above Average (Very good at ambushes, stealth and attacks)

Weaknesses: Nothing notable

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Optimus Primal