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Nianzol Anime Render
Who'dja say is being insolent again? You lot are the ones who're really being insolent here. As if to prove it, look how all your attacks are bending and twisting all out of shape.
~ Nianzol


Nianzol Weizol (ニャンゾル・ワイゾル, Nyanzoru Waizoru) is a Quincy and a member of the Wandenreich's Sternritter with the designation "W" - "The Wind".

Powers and Stats

Tier: Likely at least 6-B, likely High 6-B with Blut Arterie

Name: Nianzol Weizol

Origin: Bleach

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Quincy, Sternritter

Powers and Abilities: Soul Physiology and Quincy Physiology (Soul: High-Tier/Quincy: Sternritter-Tier), Spatial Manipulation, Teleportation, Instinctive Reaction and Durability Negation (With "The Wind" - Nianzol can physically bend away space to avoid attacks from his opponents and swipe to warp them apart[1]. The Wind can also be used to warp space to teleport[2]. The Wind's ability works on an instinctual level[3])

Attack Potency: Likely at least Country level (Keywords state that Sternritter possess fighting power beyond that of the Captains[4], thus Nianzol is likely superior to weaker Captain level Lieutenants like Hisagi[Statistics Values 1]), likely Large Country level with Blut Arterie (Blut provides a Bankai level increase[5], which is 5x, and Blut Arterie amplifies attack power[6][Statistics Values 2])

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown (Has no physical feats)

Durability: Likely at least Country level (Likely more durable than Hisagi[Statistics Values 3]), likely Large Country level with Blut Vene (5x more durable with Blut Vene[Statistics Values 4])

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Unknown

Standard Equipment: Medallion

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: Blut Vene and Blut Arterie use two different reishi systems, so they cannot be used at the same time. Nianzol cannot counter any attacks that are swift enough to escape his notice. When using medallion, its user need to be suficiente powerful to wield it and the power stolen by medallion is weaker than the original unless the Quincy in question takes the time and effort to master it.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

The Wind Anime

Nianzol using The Wind

The Wind: W - The Wind is Nianzol's Schrift and is most easily explained as being able to physically bend away the space of any attack he perceives to be as coming from an opponent. This means that it is impossible to assault him directly, even with sneak attacks.

Hirenkyaku: Essentially the Quincy version of the Shinigami Shunpo and Arrancar Sonido. The Quincy creates platforms of Reishi under their feet to swiftly move around the battlefield.

Blut: An advanced Quincy technique which grants one inhuman defensive and offensive capabilities, however it can't boost both offensive and defensive simultaneously.

  • Blut Vene: The defensive form of Blut, which grants the user a boost in defense by strengthening their skin in a similar fashion to an Arrancar's Hierro. Additionally, Blut Vene can be used to stop blood loss due to injury.
  • Blut Arterie: The offensive form of Blut which grants the user inhuman attack power. This technique is the only thing capable of ensuring a Quincy's attacks can significantly damage a Bankai-wielding Shinigami.

Sklaveri: Vollständig's basic Reishi Absorption ability pushed to the absolute limit. This allows the user to absorb the Reishi that composes spiritual and living beings, an absolute subordination of Reishi. Destroying the Stern Ritter's Halo is the only way to stop it.

Ransōtengai: An advanced Quincy technique created for injured/old Quincy in order to control their limbs with strings of Reishi like a puppet. Broken bones and severed tendons mean nothing to this as the strings will control the limbs until the body/limb is entirely destroyed.

Shadow: A teleportation ability used by members of the Wandenreich, this technique can be used by manifesting the user's shadows in front of them, creating a portal that acts as a gate between the Schatten Bereich and other dimensions. The size of these portals can be extended to allow many others to pass through.

Medallion: A device possessed by select members of the Wandenreich military, including all Sternritter which allows one to steal a Shinigami's Bankai or any power that is fundamentally similar to a Shinigami's Bankai.[7]

Notable Matchups





  1. Bleach Chapter 598
  2. Bleach Chapter 597
  3. Bleach Chapter 598
  4. Bleach TYBW Episode 4
  5. Bleach TYBW Episode 7
  6. Bleach TYBW Episode 4
  7. Chapter 552


  1. 38.94 Teratons
  2. 194.7 Teratons
  3. 38.94 Teratons
  4. 194.7 Teratons


Discussion threads involving Nianzol Weizol