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Necromancy refers to the ability to control the bodies and/or souls of the deceased. This is most frequently depicted as being able to resurrect the dead to varying to degrees, from shambling corpses to conscious zombies to even complete resurrection. More powerful users and directly convert the living into the undead, allowing them to bypass conventional durability by turning an opponent into a mindless zombie at the user's control.

Possible Uses

  • Manipulation of dead bodies: A variation that focuses on organic matter, allowing necromancers to utilize the flesh of the dead for treatment or recovery, and transform it into something else. Also included is the ability to enable and control the undead lifted, to summon the undead to the necromancer, and even wrest control of undead enemies. In addition, it is worth noting that in some cases the necromancer is undead themselves, which may make them have a level of regeneration and/or variants of immortality.
  • Manipulation of souls: A form that targets the soul rather than the body, it allows the necromancer to summon, control, and place the souls of the dead in various objects and living beings. In more advanced versions, the necromancer can manipulate not only the souls of the dead, but still living beings, bringing them under their thrall or killing them by tearing out their soul.
  • Control over life and death: A subset that combines elements of the aforementioned variations, allowing the necromancer to freely transform the living into the undead or resurrect the dead as they please.



Discussion threads involving Necromancy