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Nagato Alive
Peace… I don't know how to get there… but… but someday I'll break the curse. If there's such a thing as peace, I will find it!
~ A young Nagato to Jiraiya

Nagato skinny render naruto ol by maxiuchiha22 de8yynm
Dying like trash… never ending hatred… pain that never heals… that is war… Naruto… this… is what you must face… The book… and you… It's like… someone… set this all up… Or… maybe… this… is… the hand of the real God… My role is over now… Naruto… you… can really—
~ Nagato's last words to Naruto before dying

Edo Nagato Uzumaki Naruto132
Naruto… I'll be returning to where our master is, so I can see your story… If you ask me… You're the third part that concludes the series… The first part was Jiraiya… He was flawless… But… The second part was me, an almost complete failure… I couldn't even get our master to acknowledge me… Ending the series is the third part… The final work will settle it all! Become such a masterpiece that that failure will be like it was cancelled altogether… Naruto!
~ Nagato's last words to Naruto before being sealed

Six paths of pein render by xuzumaki-d49n8go
We're both of the same breed, after all… motives for war are of no concern. Religion, ideology, resources, land, grudges, love, or just because… No matter how pathetic the reason, it's enough to start a war. War will never cease to exist… Reasons can be thought up after the fact. Human nature pursues strife
~ Pain to the rest of the Akatsuki
Even a foolish child can grow up in a right way, when he learns what pain is. Knowing pain controls ones thoughts and decisions
~ Pain to Jiraiya

Naruto six paths pain
You think you're the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you… this hatred binds us together. I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain
~ Pain to Tsunade
We are but men, drawn to act in the name of revenge that we deem to be justice. But... if there is justice in revenge, then that same justice will breed only more revenge... and trigger a cycle of hatred.
~ Pain to Naruto


Nagato Uzumaki (うずまき なが Uzumaki Nagato?) is a member of the Akatsuki from Amegakure. After being orphaned by war, Nagato helped form the Akatsuki to promote an end to warfare. After his friend and leader, Yahiko, was killed for preaching peace, Nagato lost hope in this approach. He adopted the alias of Pain and, partnered with Konan, began leading a new Akatsuki that would sow despair and force the world to change its violent ways.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Varies from 7-B to 6-C, possibly Low 6-B, higher with Shinra Tensei, far higher with Chaotic Shinra Tensei, at least 6-C, possibly 6-B with Chibaku Tensei | At least 6-C, possibly Low 6-B, higher with Shinra Tensei, far higher with Chaotic Shinra Tensei, at least 6-C, possibly 6-B with Chibaku Tensei

Key: Six Paths of Pain | Edo Tensei Nagato

Name: Nagato Uzumaki (alias Pain)

Origin: Naruto

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Classification: Human, Shinobi, Leader of Akatsuki

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

All previous abilities, except Acrobatics plus:

All previous abilities enhanced plus:

  • Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 & 8; Edo Tensei are corpses possessed by a soul brought back from the Pure Land. They are incapable of feeling pain along with being able to survive grievous injuries such as bisection[49] and dismemberment.[50] Edo Tensei will keep coming back so long as their soul remains bound to the Edo realm[51][52])
    • Regeneration (Low-Godly; Edo Tensei are capable of regenerating from the complete destruction[53]of their bodies].[54] It's stated that as long as the soul remains, the Edo Tensei will keep coming back to life][51][52])
  • Inorganic Physiology (Type 1; Edo Tensei bodies are comprised of dust and ash enveloping an already deceased corpse shaping it into the revived person the caster chooses[55])
  • Self-Sustenance (All Types; The Edo Tensei are the souls of the dead the caster wants to reanimate, the caster uses an already dead body to house the revived soul][50])
  • Instinctive Action (Edo Tensei are programed to automatically counter enemy jutsu[56] along with their bodies moving of its own accord][57])

Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Varies (Pain's power varies depending on how many bodies are active at a time and how far they are from Nagato[35] [26] [32]) from City level+ (Even with 6 bodies active and being far away from Nagato, Pain can easily overpower Kakashi, Chōza, and Choji with his Shinra Tensei. With less bodies active, he was able to trade blows with base Naruto,[38] although he wasn't at full capacity yet[Statistics Values 1]) to Island level,[Statistics Values 2] possibly Small Country level+ (His Rain Tiger at Will technique is this powerful, and he can easily maintain it for long periods of time over Amegakure without draining himself. Casually caught a punch from Sage Mode Jiraiya.[37] Sage Mode Jiriaya admitted that the three Pains he was facing could kill him if he fought them simultaneously.[60] The Animal Path could stab and wound Sage Mode Jiraiya,[19] and his dog and bird summons were capable of matching Gamaken,[61] who's equal to Gamabunta[62][Statistics Values 3]), at least Island level,[Statistics Values 4] possibly Small Country level+ with Shinra Tensei (He easily dissipated Sage Mode Naruto's Rasenshuriken with 3 bodies active,[38] and later replicated the feat with one body active while heavily exhausted.[63] He easily sent Sage Mode Naruto and his clone flying, which caused the clone to disperse and the original to groan in pain, with a casual Shinra Tensei.[42] Casually one-shot Gamabunta and Gamaken with a massive Shinra Tensei,[42] sending both flying outside the village and breaking all of their bones[64][Statistics Values 3]), far higher with Chaotic Shinra Tensei (When Nagato focuses his power on the Deva Path, his Shinra Tensei is dramatically enhanced[32]), at least Island level (His Chibaku Tensei is this powerful[Statistics Values 5]), possibly Country level with Chibaku Tensei (It was capable of overpowering KN6 Naruto and his Tailed Beast Bomb[31][Statistics Values 6])

Attack Potency: At least Island level,[Statistics Values 2] possibly Small Country level+ (Easily overpowered KCM Naruto and Killer B, who needed Itachi to save their lives. Naruto stated that Nagato's power and Jutsu were far greater than Pain's because he wasn't acting through six bodies anymore[43][35][Statistics Values 3]), at least Island level,[Statistics Values 4] possibly Small Country level+ with Shinra Tensei (Easily blew Nine-Tails Chakra Mode Naruto away[43][Statistics Values 3]), far higher with Chaotic Shinra Tensei, at least Island level,[Statistics Values 5] possibly Country level with Chibaku Tensei (Stronger than the Chibaku Tensei he used through Pain[Statistics Values 6])

Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Can keep up with and overwhelm Sage Mode Naruto in terms of speed. Can tag Kakashi before he can hit him, who intercepted lightning[Statistics Values 7]) | At least Massively Hypersonic+ with Sub-Relativistic reaction speed (Able to react to and capture Killer B. Reacted to Nine-Tails Chakra Mode Naruto)

Lifting Strength: At least Class G (Comparable to Sage Mode Naruto) | At least Class G (Stronger than the Six Paths of Pain)

Striking Strength: Varies from City level+ (He was able to stab Kakashi.[18] Traded blows with base Naruto) to Island level, possibly Small Country level+ (With two Pains left, the Preta Path was able to hurt Sage Naruto with a punch.[42] Once he was the last Pain remaining, the Deva Path was able to pull and stab Pa, who was previously capable of trading blows and sparring with Sage Mode Naruto.[3] He then easily overpowered and stabbed base Naruto, who was previously capable of trading blows with him when more Pains were active.[64] The Asura Path ripped off Sage Mode Jiraiya's arm[65]) | At least Island level, possibly Small Country level+ (Far more powerful than the Six Paths of Pain. He was overpowering Nine-Tails Chakra Mode Naruto in a soul tug of war, and easily held down Killer B)

Durability: Varies from City level+ (Scales from his striking strength and his peak, where he could somewhat withstand his own Shinra Tensei) to Island level, possibly Small Country level+ (He withstood a kick from Sage Mode Naruto while having 3 bodies active, albeit he was sent flying by it.[38] He later survived a kick from Sage Mode Naruto while extremely low on chakra and fatigued. The Human Path survived a kick from Sage Mode Jiraiya, albeit his eyes were permanently injured, and later on casually caught a punch from Jiraiya. The Preta Path momentarily caught Jiraiya's Massive Rasengan before absorbing it.[37] He withstood the recoil of his own Shinra Tensei, and even the partial explosion of KN6 Naruto's Tailed Beast Bomb[66]) | At least Island level, possibly Small Country level+ (Even while frail and sickly, he easily the initial impact of V2 B's Lariat before absorbing it[43])

Stamina: Superhuman (Has a large reserve of chakra), Infinite (Edo Tensei have an infinite chakra supply,[67] that is to say their chakra reserves will refill indefinitely and continuously, meaning that they can keep fighting[68] without fail or succumbing to physical limitations like fatigue, pain, or debilitating injuries)

Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Tens of Meters to Thousands of Kilometers with ranged attacks.

Standard Equipment:

  • Black Receivers (くろじゅしん Kuroki Jushinki?)

Intelligence: Gifted (Was the original leader of Akatsuki, [but was manipulated by Tobi for a good portion of that time] and is an able tactician, able to control all Six Paths with such skill that he single-handedly demolished the entire Leaf Village with little resistance, killing famed shinobi such as Kakashi in the process)

Weaknesses: The puppet bodies can only perform a handful of abilities. Their effectiveness is implied to be decreased the further they are from Nagato, as his control range is limited. When operating individually, the bodies also demonstrate diminished effectiveness, underscoring the importance of collaborative combat. Deva Realm's standard Shinra Tensei requires a 5-second cooldown before it can be employed again. Chou Shinra Tensei demands an extended recovery time, disables all other bodies, and reduces Nagato's lifespan. Meanwhile, Chibaku Tensei needs a massive chakra expenditure and closer proximity between Nagato and the Deva Realm to effectively transmit the "signal" for using the jutsu | None Notable.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Rinnegan (りんがん?, lit. "Saṃsāra Eye"): Said to be the most powerful of the Three Great Dōjutsu, the Rinnegan is admired for bringing forth all ninjutsu. The holder of these eyes can completely master all five fundamental nature transformations that form the basis of ninjutsu. It also allows the user to use all of the six paths techniques and the seventh path - "beyond life and death."

  • Six Paths Jutsu (六道りくどうじゅつ Rikudō no Jutsu?): The power granted by the Rinnegan to manifest the various abilities of the Six Paths. Nagato created the Six Paths of Pain to utilize these techniques using six separate corpse bodies implanted with chakra receivers. These chakra receivers, which take on the appearance of piercings, allow Nagato to control the bodies of Pain freely and utilize a single path ability per body. Each figure has been given its own set of Rinnegan eyes, linking its vision to help eliminate blind spots.
    Six Paths Of Pain by omote erosennin

    Six Paths Jutsu

    • Deva Path (天道てんどう Tendō?): This path allows the user to manipulate gravity to repel or attract objects, using their body as a center point. However, these techniques cannot be used in quick succession and require a recharge time equal to the power of the previous attack.
      • Shinra Tensei (しん天征てんせい?): Deva Path emits a large shock-wave of gravity capable of large-scale destruction. If Nagato cuts off chakra to all the other bodies and focuses it through the Deva Realm, this technique is capable of city-level destruction. The normal Shinra Tensei has a five-second cooldown, while the maximum output has a much longer one that will shorten Nagato's life, as it causes a massive strain on his main body.
      • Banshō Ten'in (ばんしょう天引てんいん?): This ability allows Deva Path to manipulate the force of attraction of an object by controlling its gravitational pull. Unlike Shinra Tensei, which pushes objects away, Banshō Ten'in attracts objects toward the caster.
      • Chibaku Tensei (爆天星ばくてんせい?): Deva Path launches a dark-colored gravity-generating sphere into the air. The orb tears up the local landscape and forms the rocks, dirt, trees, etc., into a mountain-sized ball around it, trapping and crushing anyone on the scene. The technique will be canceled if the spherical body at the center is destroyed.
    • Animal Path (ちくしょうどう Chikushōdō?) This path allows the Rinnegan user to gather various gigantic immortal creatures into battle. This summoning technique doesn't require the blood of the caster. Each of Pain's summoned creatures also has the Rinnegan, granting them a shared vision.
      • Summoning Jutsu (くちせのじゅつ Kuchiyose no Jutsu?): The Animal Path can summon various giant creatures, including a chameleon that can turn invisible, a dog that multiplies when attacked, a rhino, a bull, a bird, and a panda with high durability properties. He can also assemble all of the Pain bodies and even subordinates, such as Konan, at any time. Nagato himself can also convene the Gedo Mazo.
    • Human Path (人間道にんげんどう Ningendō?): Grants a Rinnegan user the ability to read a target's mind by placing their hand on the target's head. As a result of this ability, the target's soul is ripped from their body, killing them.
      • Soul Absorption Jutsu (きゅうこんじゅつ Kyūkon no Jutsu?): A soul-sucking technique that rips the soul out of a target's body once Human Path places his hand on the victim's head. Ideal for gathering information as it reads the target's memories; however, the target is killed during the process.
    • Preta Path (餓鬼がきどう Gakidō?): This path grants the Rinnegan user the ability to absorb chakra. This power can suck the chakra out of ninjutsu, thus rendering such forms of offense futile.
      • Jutsu Absorption (ふう術吸じゅつきゅういん Fūjutsu Kyūin?): An advanced sealing technique that absorbs all chakra types, including nature transformations, and drains chakra from a target upon contact. Edo Nagato can utilize absorbed chakra to regenerate his weakened state and return to his prime condition.
    • Asura Path (しゅどう Shuradō?): This path bestows the user with robotic and cyborg-like features, transforming them into mechanical bodies. It also enables access to advanced weaponry through these augmentations, allowing further body transformations, such as sprouting extra limbs.
      • Chakra Propulsion Cannon (チャクラほう Chakura Hō?): The Asura Path allows the user to transform a part of their body into a laser cannon. Asura Path can open up his head to reveal a laser apparatus that can destroy an area at least as large as a city block. Edo Nagato can use this ability to transform one of his arms into a laser cannon.
      • Asura Path Missiles: The Asura Path stores various missiles throughout his body, such as a dozen in his right arm and one near his back. Once fired, these missiles can lock on to a target via a homing mechanism and can cause massive building-level explosions once detonated.
      • Arm Cannon: Due to his body augmentation attributes, Asura Path can detach his lower arm and fire it with incredible force and speed. The power is enough to level a large building, and the detached arm can be called back and reattached via chakra.
      • Mecha Augmentation: The mechanized portions of Asura Path allows him to transform his body into a shape best suited for combat. This path can grow to six arms, three faces, and a two-meter-long razor blade tail with serrated edges.
    • Naraka Path (獄道ごくどう Jigokudō?): A path in which its powers allow the user to call forth the King of Hell. The entity known as the King of Hell takes the shape of a large head surrounded by dark flames and also sports the Rinnegan, giving it a shared vision among the rest of Pain's bodies and summons.
      • Mind Violation Judgment: To initially cause the King of Hell to appear, Naraka Path must first grab his target. Once the King of Hell is in the presence of the victims, they will succumb to paralysis, leaving them open to interrogation, pulling out their life essence in the shape of an elongated blob. The King of Hell will open its mouth and extend a long, tentacle-like arm to grab onto the victim's life force and pass judgment.
      • Naraka Path Revival Technique: Naraka Path can repair damage to any of the bodies of the Six Paths of Pain, which have been rendered unusable. The King of Hell will ingest and restore them quickly.
    • Outer Path (どう Gedō?): The seventh path, an ability granted to a wielder of the Rinnegan, allows the user to control the flow of life and death. The user can also perform the Outer Path Chains (ぞうくさり Mazō no Kusari?) technique, which manifests extraordinary chains made of chakra that are powerful enough to bind several tailed beasts. The most exceptional ability of this path is the Gedo Art of Rinne Rebirth, which can resurrect the dead.
      • Gedo Art of Rinne Rebirth (りん転生てんせいじゅつ Rinne Tensei no Jutsu?): This ability bridges the gap between life and death, harnessing the King of Hell's power to infuse life force energy into deceased beings. It revives souls from the afterlife and returns them to their physical bodies, demanding immense chakra to execute. A weakened Nagato resurrected many Konoha villagers following his grueling battle with Naruto, leading to his death shortly after due to the intense physical strain.
  • Water Style (水遁すいとん Suiton?): A fundamental elemental technique that enables users to control or generate water. Creating water requires higher skill than manipulating existing sources. As one of the five essential chakra natures, Water Release offers shape and state changes versatility.
    • Water Style: Raging Waves (水遁すいとん水乱みずらっ Suiton: Mizurappa?): The user of this Jutsu gathers water-infused chakra and expels it from their mouth. This wave is shaped like a crashing waterfall, blasting toward the target.
  • Wind Style (風遁ふうとん Fūton?): One of the five fundamental elemental nature transformations involves sharpening and thinning chakra. Primarily short to mid-range offensive techniques, it delivers cutting and slashing damage through brute force and precision. Wind techniques typically involve air circulation generation and can be enhanced accordingly. Channeling wind-natured chakra into blades boosts their cutting power and range.
    • Wind Style: Gale Palm (ふうとんれっぷうしょう Fūton: Reppūshō?): Nagato can perform this technique by clapping his hands together, causing the air to compress and form a destructive gale. The force of this wind chakra can increase the effectiveness of ranged weapons such as shuriken and kunai by increasing their travel speed.
  • Sensory Jutsu (かんじゅつ Kanchi no Jutsu?): A skill used by sensor-type shinobi to detect a person's chakra signal.


Notable Matchups



  • Jiraiya (Naruto) Jiraiya's Profile (Sage Mode Jiraiya and Six Paths of Pain were used. Battle took place in Hidden Rain Village. Jiraiya had prior knowledge of the Six Paths of Pain)



  1. Naruto, Chapter 668: "The Start of a Crimson Spring"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Naruto, Chapter 375: "Two Great Sages"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Naruto, Chapter 419: "Raid!!"
  4. Naruto, Chapter 666: "The Two Mangekyo"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Naruto, Chapter 674: "Sasuke's Rinnegan"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Rin no Sho, Page 220
  7. Rin no Sho, Page 176
  8. Rin no Sho, Page 197
  9. Naruto, Chapter 24: "Speed!!"
  10. Naruto, Chapter 71: "The Insurmountable Wall...!!"
  11. Naruto, Chapter 18: "Training Day"
  12. Naruto, Chapter 90: "What About My Training?!"
  13. Sha no Sho, Page 301
  14. Naruto, Chapter 6
  15. Naruto, Chapter 54: "Sakura and Ino"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Naruto, Chapter 374: "Advancement!!"
  17. Naruto, Chapter 580
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Naruto, Chapter 420: "Battlefield, Konoha!!"
  19. 19.0 19.1 Naruto, Chapter 381: "True Identities...!!"
  20. Naruto, Chapter 435
  21. Naruto, Chapter 661: "A Failed World"
  22. Naruto, Chapter 444: "The Response"
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Naruto, Chapter 428: "Discourse"
  24. 24.0 24.1 Naruto, Chapter 421: "Recall Naruto!!"
  25. Naruto, Chapter 565: "Jinchūriki vs Jinchūriki!!"
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Naruto, Chapter 429: "Know Pain"
  27. 27.0 27.1 Naruto, Chapter 422: "Kakashi vs. Pain!!"
  28. Naruto, Chapter 423
  29. Naruto, Chapter 549
  30. 30.0 30.1 Naruto, Chapter 696: "Naruto and Sasuke, Part 3"
  31. 31.0 31.1 Naruto, Chapter 439: "Catastrophic Planetary Construction"
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 Naruto, Chapter 430
  33. Jin no Sho, page 254
  34. Naruto, Chapter 426: "Naruto & Konoha!!"
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 Naruto, Chapter 551
  36. Naruto, Chapter 424
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 Naruto, Chapter 377: "Honored Sage Mode!!"
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Naruto, Chapter 433: "Sage Jutsu, a Mistake...?!"
  39. Naruto, Chapter 560
  40. Naruto, Chapter 578: "The Weak Point of Despair!!"
  41. Naruto, Chapter 612
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 Naruto, Chapter 434
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 Naruto, Chapter 550: "The Kotoamatsukami"
  44. Naruto, Chapter 697: "Naruto and Sasuke, Part 4"
  45. Naruto, Chapter 673
  46. Naruto, Chapter 580
  47. Naruto, Chapter 449: "The Blossom of Hope"
  48. Jin no Sho, page 251
  49. Naruto, Chapter 523
  50. 50.0 50.1 Naruto, Chapter 520: "Secrets of the Edotensei"
  51. 51.0 51.1 Naruto, Chapter 120: "Hokage vs. Hokage!!"
  52. 52.0 52.1 Naruto, Chapter 518: "Battle of the Commando Units!!"
  53. Naruto, Chapter 517 page 8 and 9
  54. Naruto, Chapter 561: "Power of a Name"
  55. Naruto, Chapter 119
  56. Naruto, Chapter 547: "Valued Treasures!!"
  57. Naruto, Chapter 548: "Naruto vs. Itachi"
  58. Naruto, Chapter 119 Page 16
  59. Naruto, Chapter 522: "We Died."
  60. Naruto, Chapter 378
  61. Naruto, Chapter 375
  62. Sha no Sho, page 65
  63. Naruto, Chapter 441
  64. 64.0 64.1 Naruto, Chapter 435
  65. Naruto, Chapter 379
  66. Naruto, Chapter 438
  67. Naruto, Chapter 591
  68. Naruto, Chapter 662


  1. 53.15 Megatons
  2. 2.0 2.1 4.3 Gigatons
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 Teratons
  4. 4.0 4.1 5.68 Gigatons
  5. 5.0 5.1 46.65 Gigatons
  6. 6.0 6.1 14.9 Teratons
  7. Mach 2,225.09004


Discussion threads involving Nagato (Pain)