My Hero Academia (僕のヒーローアカデミア Boku no Hīrō Academia) is a manga written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi and is published in Weekly Shonen Jump. The first chapter was published on July 7, 2014, in issue 32 of Weekly Shonen Jump. The manga is very Westernized, having a similar style to American Comics.
People are not born equal, a realization that a 4-year-old Izuku Midoriya faced when bullied by his classmates who had unique special powers. Izuku was one of the rare cases where he was born with absolutely no unique powers. This did not stop Izuku from pursuing his dream, a dream of becoming a great hero like the legendary All Might. In order to become the hero he always wanted to be, he will now join the ranks of one of the highest-rated hero academies in the country, U.A. High School.
Quirk: A Quirk (個性 Kosei, lit. "Individuality") is a special, superhuman ability an individual can possess. Quirks are usually unique to their user and are classified into multiple categories:
- Emitter: Emitter-type Quirks can release certain substances or alter the materials around them in particular ways. Generally, Emitter Quirks require a conscious effort to activate (such as Explosion, Half-Cold Half-Hot, Navel Laser, and Electrification), and some even need large amounts of concentration to remain active (such as Erasure).
- Transformation: Transformation-type Quirks causes the user to have a temporary alteration. Transformation Quirks allow the user to "transform" their body in various ways, sometimes by enhancing existing features (such as Hardening, Beast, and Pump Up) or perhaps by adding new features to the body (Tool Arms).
- Mutant: Mutant-type Quirks (also called Heteromorphic) can have a wide variety of characteristics and abilities depending on the individual, but the common similarity seems to be that these Quirks are part of the user's anatomy, causing the user to exhibit distinctive body features that generally have some kind of purpose to them. As a result, Mutant Quirks are always active and the easiest to spot.
- Accumulation: Accumulation-type Quirks have accumulated power, energy, or mass as a prerequisite condition to function correctly. Quirks such as One For All, which possesses the crystallized power of multiple people, are classified as Accumulation Quirks.
This verse has many super-powered heroes and villains with exceedingly dangerous types of Quirks. Still, most of the stronger ones usually have a weakness. The majority of fighters possess Multi-City Block level+ attack potency, with Supersonic+ to Hypersonic combat speed, and have access to one or two special skills that increase their damage output.
High-ranking heroes in training and experienced Pro Heroes have feats ranging from Multi-City Block level+ to Large Country level+, with most of the characters being able to move at Hypersonic+ to Relativistic+ speeds. In his prime, All Might was Multi-Continent level and moved at the Speed of Light, while both Deku and Shigaraki have managed to surpass him.
- 5% Deku's Attack Potency - 711.97 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level+)
- Awakened Shigaraki's Durability - 10.08 Kilotons of TNT (Town level)
- Dynamight's Strongest Explosion (U.A. Beginning Saga) - 140.74 Kilotons of TNT (Large Town level)
- Dynamight's Durability (Endeavor Agency Arc) - 545.80 Kilotons of TNT (Large Town level)
- Shoto's Half Cold Attack Potency (U.A. Beginning Saga) - 575.26 Kilotons of TNT (Large Town level+)
- Dynamight's Howitzer Impact (Endeavor Agency Arc) - 2.15 Megatons of TNT (Small City level)
- Deku's Final Smash Attack Potency - 42.37 Petatons of TNT (Multi-Continent level)
- Deku's Speed (Joint Training Arc) - Mach 1.44 (Supersonic)
- Shoto's Half-Cold Speed (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - Mach 2.58 (Supersonic+)
- Ingenium's Recipro Burst Speed (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - Mach 6.97 (Hypersonic)
- Deku's 5% Speed - Mach 7 (Hypersonic)
- Dynamight's Combat Speed (Joint Training Arc) - Mach 16.34 (Hypersonic+)
- Dynamight's Speed (Endeavor Agency) - Mach 22.87 (Hypersonic+)
- Overclock's Speed Multiplier - Mach 25.76 to Mach 206.12 - (High Hypersonic to Massively Hypersonic)
- Star and Stripe's Speed - 79.57% SoL (Relativistic+)
- Deku's Lifting Strength (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - 84 Tons (Class 100)
- Hitoshi Shinso's Lifting Strength (Joint Training Arc) - 394 Tons (Class K)
- Deku's 8% Lifting Strength - 418 Tons (Class K)
- Deku's 10% Lifting Strength - 1,498 (Class M)
- Giant Villains' Lifting Strength - 3,242 Tons (Class M)
- Dark Shadow's Ragnarok Lifting Strength - 5,707,400 Tons (Class G)
- Flect Turn's Lifting Strength - 21,282,169 Tons (Class G)
- Shoto's Half-Cold Lifting Strength - 2,499,845,105 Tons (Class T)
- Weakened All Might's Lifting Strength - 165,963,555,342,544 Tons (Class P)
- Star and Stripe's Lifting Strength - 863,691,811,168,928 Tons (Class P)
- Sports Festival Landmines - 0.00019 Tons of TNT (Wall level)
- Uravity Resists An Explosion From Dynamight - 0.0012 and 0.0037 Tons of TNT (Wall level+)
- Victory Bot Breaks Wall - 0.012 Tons of TNT (Small Building level)
- Ingenium Destroys Steel Wall - 0.36 Tons of TNT (Building level)
- Garvey's Attack Potency - 0.61 Tons of TNT (Building level)
- Dynamight First Great Explosion - 0.63 Tons of TNT (Building level)
- Base Rikiya Katsukame's Attack Potency - 0.67 Tons of TNT (Building level)
- Earphone Jack's Attack Potency (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - 0.80 Tons of TNT (Building level)
- Wolfram's Durability - 1.29 Tons of TNT (Building level+)
- Lady Nagant Resists An Internal Explosion - 1.30 Tons of TNT (Building level+)
- Earphone Jack's Attack Potency (With Amplifier Jack) - 1.73 Tons of TNT (Building level+)
- Nine Destroys A Landslide - 3.44 Tons of TNT (Large Building level)
- Deku Crater Fall - 3.55 Tons of TNT (Large Building level)
- Deku Crushed By Steel Bars - 3.76 Tons of TNT (Large Building level)
- Dynamight's Attack Potency (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - 5.13 Tons of TNT (Large Building level)
- Dynamight's Grenadier Bracers Attack Potency (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - 6.68 Tons of TNT (Large Building level+)
- Can't Stop Twinkling's Attack Potency (Joint Training Arc) - 6.76 Tons of TNT (Large Building level+)
- Executor Bot's Attack Potency - 7.40 Tons of TNT (Large Building level+)
- Dynamight's Attack Potency (Joint Training Arc) - 8.12 Tons of TNT (Large Building level+)
- Dynamight's Attack Potency (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - 10.51 Tons of TNT (Large Building level+)
- Leviathan Smashes The Ground - 14.28 Tons of TNT (City Block level)
- Red Riot Creates An Earthquake - 15.08 Tons of TNT (City Block level)
- Dark Shadow's Ragnarok Destroys A Massive Wall - 22.58 Tons of TNT (City Block level)
- Bombers Self-Detonation Potency - 26.41 Tons of TNT (City Block level)
- Gran Torino's Attack Potency - 28.02 Tons of TNT (City Block level)
- Grand's Vibrate Attack Potency (Dark Hero Arc) - 31.97 Tons of TNT (City Block level)
- Nine's Lightning Bolt - 39.44 Tons of TNT (City Block level)
- Dynamight's Attack Potency (Joint Training Arc) - 41.11 Tons of TNT (City Block level)
- Deku Survives A Shock Wave - 47.21 Tons of TNT (City Block level)
- Giant Villains' Attack Potency - 82.95 Tons of TNT (City Block level+)
- Captain Celebrity's Attack Potency - 112.07 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Dynamight's Howitzer Impact (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - 113.71 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Deku Creates A Tornado - 127.53 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Shoto's Flashfreeze Heatwave Attack Potency (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - 129.33 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Dabi Vaporizes An Ice Glacier - 154.71 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Geten Destroys City Blocks - 163.91 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Grand's Tremoring Earth Attack Potency (Provisional Hero License Exam Arc) - 266.74 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Dynamight's Attack Potency (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - 270.30 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Demoralized Gigantomachia's Attack Potency - 344.59 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Gigantomachia Causes An Earthquake - 483.37 Tons of TNT (Multi-City Block level)
- Dynamight's Attack Potency (Endeavor Agency Arc) - 418.88 Kilotons of TNT (Large Town level)
- Star and Stripe's Quirkless Durability - 1.66 Megatons of TNT (Small City level)
- Shoto's Half-Cold Half-Hot Attack Potency (U.A. Beginnings Saga) - 10.94 Megatons of TNT (City level)
- Shigaraki Disperses The Clouds - 236.22 Megatons of TNT (Mountain level)
- Deku And Dynamight Destroy Part Of A Storm - 3.49 Gigatons of TNT (Large Mountain level+)
- Deku And Dynamight Obliterate A Supercell Storm - 114.37 Gigatons of TNT (Large Island level)
- Star and Stripe's Cloud Split - 139.35 Gigatons of TNT (Large Island level)
- Near High-End Nomu's Durability - 557.41 Gigatons of TNT (Large Island level+)
- Weakened All Might's Attack Potency - 877.51 Gigatons of TNT (Large Island level+)
- Intercontinental Cruise Punch - 4.33 Teratons of TNT (Small Country level+)
- Intercontinental Cruise Punch's Attack Potency - 8.67 Teratons of TNT (Country level)
- Mount Lady's Running Speed - Mach 0.34 (Subsonic)
- Rocketti's Horn Speed - Mach 3.16 (Supersonic+)
- All Might Travels From Might Tower To Tokyo Sky Egg - Mach 26.24 (High Hypersonic)
- 45% Deku Reacts to Bullets - Mach 32.52 (High Hypersonic)
- Deku's 100% Attack Speed (Joint Training Arc) - Mach 66.55 (High Hypersonic+)
- Deku Outspeeds A Sniper Bullet - Mach 100.60 (Massively Hypersonic)
- Lady Nagant's Bullet Speed (Dark Hero Arc) - Mach 5941 - (Massively Hypersonic+)
- Lady Nagant's Bullet Speed (Final War Arc) - 1.9% SoL (Sub-Relativistic)
- Spinner's Lifting Strength - 27 Tons (Class 50)
- Sir Nighteye's Lifting Strength - 105 Tons (Class K)
- Helical Scythe's Lifting Strength - 108 Tons (Class K)
- Mount Lady's Weight - 135 Tons (Class K)
- Uravity's Zero Gravity Lifting Strength - 152 Tons (Class K)
- Chimera's Lifting Strength - 3761 Tons - (Class M)
- Captain Celebrity's Lifting Strength - 248,834 Tons (Class M)
- Normal Gigantomachia's Lifting Strength - 3,707,403 Tons (Class G)
- All Might Holds Massive Steel Bars - 2,899,098,500 Tons (Class T)
- Complete Shigaraki's Mighty Jump - 6,274,634,164 Tons (Class T)
- The lower 8-A's like Phantom Thief and the Victory Bots are scaling three times below 8% Deku. (237.32 Tons of TNT)
- The middle 8-A's like Stain and Knuckleduster are scaling to 5% Deku's drop kick from Two Heroes. (711.97 Tons of TNT)
- The highest 8-A's like Nejire Chan and Ryukyu are several times superior to the Giant Villains, as Nejire could harm them with only 30% of her power. (791.06 Tons of TNT)
- The 7-C's like Twice and Toga are scaling to Shigaraki's durability from the Meta Liberation Army Arc. (10.08 Kilotons of TNT)
- The lower High 7-C's like Kendo Rappa and Fat Gum are scaling to Dynamight's strongest explosion from Two Heroes. (140.74 Kilotons of TNT)
- The middle High 7-C's like Serpenters and 10% Deku are scaling to Dynamight's durability from World Heroes' Mission. (545.80 Kilotons of TNT)
- The highest High 7-C's like Chimera and Leviathan are scaling to Shoto's Half-Cold attack potency from Two Heroes. (575.26 Kilotons of TNT)
- The Low 7-B's like 20% Deku and Flect Turn are scaling to Dynamight's Howitzer Impact from World Heroes' Mission. (2.15 Megatons of TNT)
- The lower High 6-B's like 45% Deku and Ryukyu are downscaling to baseline High 6-B+. (430 Teratons of TNT)
- The highest High 6-B's like the High-Ends and Endeavor are scaling sixty times below Prime All Might. (706.30 Teratons of TNT)
- The 6-A's like Gigantomachia and Rewind All For One are scaling 1.5x above Re-Destro's 100% attack potency. (1.05 Petatons of TNT)
- The High 6-A's like Prime All Might and Quirkless Complete Shigaraki are scaling to Deku's feat from the Final War Arc. (42.37 Petatons of TNT)
- The Supersonic+'s like Base Deku and Grape Juice are scaling to the speed of Shoto's ice. (Mach 2.58)
- The Hypersonic's like Stain and Knuckleduster are scaling to Number 6's base speed. (Mach 8.58)
- The lower Hypersonic+'s like Nine and 8% Deku are scaling to Dynamight's feat from Heroes Rising. (Mach 16.34)
- The highest Hypersonic+'s like 10% Deku and Serpenters are scaling to Dynamight's feat from World Heroes' Mission. (Mach 22.87)
- The High Hypersonic's like Overhaul and Lemillion are scaling to Overclock's three times speed. (Mach 25.76)
- The Relativistic+'s like Incomplete Shigaraki and 45% Deku are scaling to Star and Stripe's speed. (79.57% SoL)
- The Speed of Light's like Prime All Might and Complete Shigaraki are upscaling due to Deku's Faux 100% being vastly superior Lady Nagant's fastest bullets. (100% SoL)
- The Class 100's like Ingenium and Shoto are scaling to Base Deku's feat from the U.A. Sports Festival. (84 Tons)
- The lower Class K's like Uravity and Toga are upscaling to baseline Class K. (100 Tons)
- The middle Class K's like Anima and Eraser Head are scaling to Shinso's feat from the Joint Training Exercise. (394 Tons)
- The highest Class K's like Fused Overhaul and Lover Mode Gentle are scaling to 8% Deku's feat from the U.A. School Festival. (418 Tons)
- The Class M's like Nejire Chan and Ryukyu are scaling to the Giant Villains' weight. (10,806 Tons)
- The lower Class G's like Re-Destro are scaling to Dark Shadow Ragnarok's feat from the All-Out War. (5,707,400 Tons)
- The highest Class G's like 20% Deku are scaling to Flect Turn's feat from World Heroes' Mission. (21,282,169 Tons)
- The Class T's like Chimera and Leviathan are scaling to Shoto's feat from Two Heroes. (2,499,845,105 Tons)
- The Class P's like the USJ Nomu and Muscular are scaling to All Might's feat from Two Heroes. (165,963,555,342,544 Tons)
- The Class E's like Prime All Might and Complete Shigaraki are upscaling to Class E from Star and Stripe's Lifting Strength. (1,000,000,000,000,000 Tons)
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- IMadeThisOn8-1-2017
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- CloverDragon03
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- Shadow x007x
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- VersusJunkie54
- Andytrenom
- Nico-v11
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- CCMac27
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Heroes in Training
Pro Heroes
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