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Mosasaurus hoffmanni life

Most recent reconstruction of Mosasaurus. Artist credit


The Mosasaurus was a genus of mosasaurs, marine reptiles that lived during the Cretaceous period. They grew up to 17 meters and weighed 15-20 tons.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B, higher via piercing damage

Name: Mosasaurus

Origin: The Real World 

Gender: Varies 

Age: Varies

Classification: Mosasaur

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 1), Natural Weaponry (Teeth), Enhanced Senses

Attack Potency: Wall level (Could hunt dinosaurs), higher via piercing damage

Speed: Peak Human (Could grab dinosaurs before they could react and chase down its prey)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Could overpower its prey, which could reach this size, with ease)

Striking Strength: Wall level

Durability: Wall level (Could withstand hits from members of their own species)

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Extended Melee Range due their sheer size

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Animalistic

Weaknesses: Can't fight on land and must surface for air


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Mosasaurus (Real World)