“ | Ah, I don't usually remember every single face of the small fries I encounter. | „ |
~ Mima |
Mima (魅魔) is a vengeful spirit that haunts the area around the Hakurei Shrine in the PC-98 canon. Though she is called an evil spirit, she is not the same variety as the ones that appear in Subterranean Animism and Wild and Horned Hermit. She is, in reality, extremely strong, and she is very confident in her combat and magical abilities. Originally, she is sealed in the hokora attached to the shrine, but she manages to repeatedly break free of the seal.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 2-C
Name: Mima
Origin: Touhou Project
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Classification: Evil Spirit, Ghost
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Acrobatics, Magic, Extrasensory Perception (Magic users are sensitive to changes in temperament[1]), Immortality (Unknown, possibly type 7 and 8, based on her corpse), Danmaku, Acausality (Type 4, Exists within the Hakurei Barrier,[2] which created a world with a different flow of time[3] and different physical laws[4]), Incorporeality (Due to her nature as a ghost), Death Manipulation (Ghosts in Touhou are capable of causing those around them to die, even touching a ghost can result in death[5][6]), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Notifies the player if they are playing the trial version of the game), Spirit Manipulation, Teleportation (As seen here), Transformation (Can transform into a winged version of herself), Empowerment (Strengthened by the moon), Resistance to Sealing (Broke free of Reimu's sealing)
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Defeated Shinki)
Speed: Infinite (Could keep up with the likes of Reimu and Marisa)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level
Durability: Low Multiverse level
Stamina: High, fought through the forces of Makai easily
Range: Tens of Meters with Danmaku (Her firing range should be similar to Sakuya's, who can throw knives at least 36 meters)
Standard Equipment: A knife and her staff
Intelligence: Unknown
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Mima |