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VS Battles Wiki


Dragons were legendary monsters at the top of magical creatures in terms of strength, considered comparable to dark elves. However, like elves dragons are extinct in modern times. Mechanical Dragon is the name used to identify the artificial recreations built by Valhalla by using Legend Summoning to summon a lower class dragon’s soul into a special, 30m long, dragon-shaped Dragoon body developed using Alchemist’s technology.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-C

Key: Wyvern Model | Wyrm Model

Name: Mechanical Dragon

Origin: AntiMagic Academy - The 35th Test Platoon

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Classification: Artificial Dragon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Breath Attack, Flight, Optional Resistance to Magic (Some mechanical wyverns have armor covered in high density blue crystal, the strongest anti-magic substance in the world) | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Breath Attack, Magic, Forcefield Creation

Attack Potency: Building level (Even low-class dragons are considered huge threats, Lapis estimated Takeru’s chances of defeating one alone early on the series would be 0.4 %, its Dragon Breath can easily vaporize a Dragoon and obliterates buildings, in its dying moments its Dragon Breath scattered the clouds in the sky)

Speed: At least Superhuman (Easily catches up to flying Dragoons) | Likely Superhuman

Lifting Strength: Superhuman

Striking Strength: At least Small Building level (Easily crushes Dragoons and wrecks buildings)

Durability: Building level (Its mouth and eye were unharmed by Ouka’s Relic Eater attacks and Takeru’s Witch Hunter form attacks, respectively)

Stamina: Unknown, likely very high

Range: Standard melee range, at least hundreds of meters with breath attack

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Below average, most dragon species have low intelligence so they cannot use magic despite possessing large amounts of magic power | Average, wyrms are smart enough to understand human language and use magic

Weaknesses: If the floating unit on its back is disabled it will fall to the ground | None

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Dragon Breath: The signature dragon technique in which the dragon spits unconverted Dragon-type attribute beam of magic power from their mouth. Though raw magic power normally doesn't have destructive properties, "Dragon" attribute magic power is naturally destructive.

Wyvern: Low-class dragons, these mechanical recreations use floating units to fly through the sky. Some of the wyverns used by Alchemist and Valhalla have blue crystal armor, making them resistant to magic.

Wyrm: Dragons with a snake-like body and without wings. Wyrms are actually smart enough to understand human language and use magic.

  • Ancient Field (王者の領域 (エンシエントフイールド) lit. "Victor’s Area"): A magic unavailable to humans and only possible through the use of the "Dragon" magic property. This magic deploys a barrier that covers a wide area using pseudo-dragon scales, which are difficult to destroy even with modern weapons.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
