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It ain't magic if it ain't flashy. Danmaku's all about firepower.
~ Marisa Kirisame

Marisa Kirisame PC98

Credit to Dairi

If it's going to bring me a boring life, I'd rather die!
~ Marisa


Marisa Kirisame is an "ordinary" human magician specializing in flashy heat and light-based magic, and the secondary protagonist of the Touhou Project. She is a notorious and proud thief and has built herself up as a great magician through nothing but hard work and dedication to her craft.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 2-C

Name: Marisa Kirisame, Black-White

Origin: Touhou Project

Gender: Female

Age: At least in her 20s

Classification: Human Magician/Thief/Youkai Hunter

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Magic, Enhanced Senses (Can see invisible beings such as Junko), Extrasensory Perception (Magic users are sensitive to changes in temperament.[1] Sensed a strange power from Junko, and sensed the magic flowing out of Narumi's back), Acausality (Types 1 & 4; Unaffected by Keine erasing the human village from history.[2] Exists within the Hakurei Barrier,[3] which created a world with a different flow of time[4] and different physical laws.[5] Could act normally within Eientei,[6] which exists outside of time and causality[7][8]), Danmaku, Spirit Manipulation, Limited Creation & Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; The process of creating a spell card requires giving it a 'name' to define its form and power, not unlike how the gods gave 'names' to everything at the beginning of reality to give them form from nothingness, albeit on a much smaller scale[9][10][11]), Power Modification (Spell card users are capable of changing the traits of any attack or ability by naming it, being able to turn ordinarily lethal attacks into nonlethal ones, or severely restricting the potency of an ability by 'gameifying' it[12][13]), Aura, Space-Time Manipulation (Can create a magic circle that passively slows down and damages anything that enters its radius.[14] This circle can be projected outwards, but it takes a few moments to recharge. All spell card users, via naming their spell cards, are able to distinguish things within space and time[15]), Acrobatics, Martial Arts, Forcefield Creation (Created a forcefield to block an attack from Kanako,[16] and passively establishes a barrier around her when she's stunned), Statistics Amplification (Can use Spell Power to increase the power of her spell cards), Light Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation (Many of Marisa's spell cards and skill cards generate large explosions), can steal others' techniques, Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm Phantoms and Evil Spirits with her regular attacks, as well as divine beings like Junko[17]), Water Manipulation (Summoned a hot spring under her house), Cloth Manipulation (Summoned clothes for Reimu in Silent Sinner in Blue), Summoning with Urban Legend, Ice Manipulation (With Love Sign "Master Spark Frozen"), Gravity Manipulation (With Black Magic "Event Horizon"), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Is aware of the existence of game mechanics such as lives, continues,[18] and bosses.[19] and directly speaks to the player in the manual of Story of Eastern Wonderland), Vibration Manipulation (All characters in Immaterial and Missing Power are capable of generating shockwaves to push their opponent back), Fungus Manipulation (Can cause mushrooms to sprout up from the ground as an attack), Weapon Mastery (Able to effectively utilize her broomstick as an improvised weapon, even while simultaneously using it for flight), Weapon Control (Able to control her broom at a distance which Marisa used to push Reimu out of the room[20] or have it follow her[21]), Telekinesis (Controlled her Mini-Hakerro on the ground at a distance, recalling it back to her[22]), Afterimage Creation (Illusion Laser creates an afterimage that continues damaging its target), Sealing (Sealed away one of her own spell cards), Damage Boost, Size Manipulation, Limited Invulnerability (Via Three Tiered Embellishment Magic, which will either increase the damage of her next attack, increase its range, or grant Marisa temporary invulnerability every three attacks[23]), Stealth Mastery (Snuck into Eientei undetected while it was heavily guarded[24][25][26]), Absorption, Power Nullification, Transmutation (Can absorb magic from her enemies, or transmute their attacks into Spirit Power. Can turn enemy projectiles into water by grazing them[27]), Limited Pain Manipulation (Fujiwara no Mokou, who has adapted to living her life in constant agony,[28] had to give up while fighting her due to the pain caused by her attacks[29]), Water and Organic Absorption, Self-Healing (Can absorb water to heal herself, and can do the same with oil), Possibly Transformation (Stated that she could probably transform herself with magic, but considers it too risky[30]), and Passive Probability & Fate Manipulation (Her Mini-Hakkero supposedly works as a charm for good fortune,[31] with fortune measuring one's control over the memory layer, which controls probability and fate[32])

Abilities offered from the ability cards in Unconnected Marketeers and 100th Black Market, including Statistics Amplification (Ringo-Brand Dango, Law of the Survival of the Fittest, Sutra of Dharmatic Power, Gale Geta, Reliable Tanuki Apprentice, Great Tengu's Barley Rice, and Physical Enhancement Jizo), Ice Manipulation (Ice Fairy), Portal Creation (Back Door), Supernatural Luck (Lucky Rabbit's foot), Resurrection (Death Avoidance Elixir, Money Is The Best Lawyer In Hell, and possibly Phoenix's Tail), Accelerated Development (Gluttonous Centipede and Indomitable Meathead), Explosion Manipulation (Safe Return Amulet, Bursting Red Frog, Life Explosion Elixir), Intangibility (Pebble Hat), Invulnerability (Gale Geta and Smelt's Scales), Self-Sustenance (Type 1 with Sky-Blue Magatama), Teleportation & Breaking the Fourth Wall (Screen Border), Transmutation (Miracle Mallet, Life Explosion Elixir, and Offensive Jeweled Pagoda), Fire Manipulation (Underground Sun), Summoning (Item Season and The Rabbit That Landed), Sound Manipulation (Heavy Bass Drum), Attack Reflection and Telekinesis (Psychokinesis), Mind Manipulation & Empathic Manipulation (Half-Half Ghost and Kiketsu Matriarch's Threat), Animal Manipulation (Safe Return Amulet and Shed Snakeskin Amulet), Clairvoyance (Money Comes and Goes on its Own), Limited Resistance to Spirit Manipulation (Reliable Tanuki Apprentice and Pebble Hat), Homing Attack (Yin-Yang Orb), Existence Erasure (Esteemed Authority, Too-Honest Signpost, and Hasty Detour of the Three Crossings), Subjective Reality (Sheep You Want to Count), Bodily Weaponry (Stimulating Scales), Radiation Manipulation (Offensive Jeweled Pagoda), Durability Negation, Limited Power Nullification (Beauty of Destruction), Petrification, Statistics Reduction (Drenched Giant Snake), Empowerment (Drunkenly Whimsical Ibuki Gourd), Social Influencing (Pristine Self-Confidence)

Resistance to Madness Manipulation (Was unaffected by the true Moon, which can drive humans insane and kill them if they look at it), Space-Time Manipulation, Durability Negation, Power Nullification, Petrification, Statistics Reduction (Unaffected by the effects of Keine's spell card Reincarnation "Ichijou Returning Bridge", which is stated to reverse time. Unaffected by the magic circles possessed by characters like Flandre and Urumi, which passively slow things down to a crawl. Via scaling to ability cards, these magic circles should also possess the ability to destroy anything in their radius like Flandre's ability to destroy anything, including energy-based projectile attacks, as well as Urumi's ability to cause things nearby to turn to stone and lose speed upon being freed), Time Stop (Can move inside Eientei unrestricted despite it having a frozen flow of time), Poison Manipulation (Unaffected by Remilia's scarlet mist, which sickens humans. Can withstand the effects of the Forest of Magic, which is filled with poisonous spores in the air.[33] Can survive in Former Hell, where the air is more toxic than that of a geyser emitting poisonous air[34]), Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation (Unaffected by being near phantoms, which can passively change the emotions or slowly destroy the minds of anybody they come near[35]), Sleep Manipulation, BFR, Soul Manipulation (Can withstand getting hit by dream souls in Doremy's Antinomy of Common Flowers route, which can instantly put a person to sleep and send their soul to the Dream World[36]), Transmutation, Purification (Can survive unscathed in Hell, which slowly crystalizes and purifies one's soul[37]), Transformation (Unaffected by the Forest of Magic, which has the power to change the nature of anything living there[38]), Extreme Heat (Fought Utsuho in the Remains of Blazing Hell, which is so hot that the things that burn there don't even leave ashes behind[39]), Perception Manipulation (Unaffected by the Forest of Magic, which is filled with mushrooms that cause hallucinations in whoever comes near them[40]), Metal Manipulation (Her Mini-Hakkero is composed of metal that is immune to rusting[41][42]), Death Manipulation (Can survive being near Yuyuko, whose mere touch can cause death and who passively causes all living things near her to die[43][44]), Soul Absorption (Survived Tenshi absorbing the souls of all living things across Gensokyo and various Otherworlds such as the Netherworld), Limited Resistance to Possession (Can recognize if she is being possessed, and can temporarily break free of its effects, though she can only do so for a very short amount of time[45])

Precognition and Immortality (Type 5) with the Ultramarine Orb Elixir (Removes the user's impurity of death and allows them to see the immediate future by experiencing it, and then reversing time), Abilities offered from Player System Cards including Statistics Amplification (Left-Handed Folding Fan, and Control Rod), Ice Manipulation (Frozen Frog), Invulnerability (Three Heavenly Drops, and Divine Raiment of the Dragon Fish), Summoning (Catfish's Great Earthquake), Time Stop (with Stopwatch), Soul Manipulation (with Soul Torch and Spell-Breaking Drug), Air Manipulation (with Tengu Fan), Poison Manipulation (with Spell-Breaking Drug), Power Nullification (with Spell-Breaking Drug), Space-Time Manipulation (with Yesterday's Money), Weather Manipulation (with Sword of Scarlet Perception), Healing (with Illness Recovery Charm), Chi Manipulation (with Dragon Star), Radiation Manipulation (with Control Rod)

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Should be somewhat comparable to Reimu, as she occasionally wins their frequent duels.[46] Defeated Shinki, who created Makai, an otherworld stated to be infinite in size[47] Almost murdered Seiga by accident. She, alongside Alice in the Magic Team's extra scenario in Imperishable Night, inflicted so much pain onto Mokou to where she couldn't fight anymore despite her immortality. Both she and Alice were stated to be on a similar level to members of the Lunar Capital by Kaguya[48])

Speed: Infinite (Flew to the end of of Kaguya's corridor,[49] which is composed of infinitely-linked pieces of the space-time continuum and is repeatedly stated to be infinite and endless.[50][51][52][53][54] Raced against and ultimately caught up to the Palanquin Ship, which could fly to the edge of the infinitely-sized Makai without stopping or slowing down.[55][56][57] Crossed the infinite width of the Sanzu River in order to reach Hell[58][59][60][61][62])

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Likely comparable to Tenshi)

Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level

Durability: Low Multiverse level (Survived a serious attack from Kanako Yasaka[63])

Stamina: Superhuman (Climbed the entirety of Youkai Mountain)

Range: At least Tens of Meters with regular Danmaku (Her firing range should be comparable to Sakuya's, who can throw knives at at least 36 meters), Planetary with Master Spark (Commented that her laser would "turn up a few heads on the Earth" when it was reflected by Yorihime on the Moon towards the Earth) to Interplanetary with Magic Space "Asteroid Belt" (This spell card can pull away two large planets).

Standard Equipment: Her broomstick, the Mini-Hakkero, and a variety of potions. As of 100th Black Market, she has collected and hoarded every ability card from both that game and Unconnected Marketeers, making them standard.

Intelligence: Marisa is an intelligent, skilled magician who works incredibly hard to continually grow stronger. Her mastery of magic is unusual for a human, and she is remarkably skilled at copying the techniques of other magicians and using them for herself.

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Magic: Marisa is an average human with no innate abilities, but she has trained herself in magic, using exotic mushrooms as ingredients and her Mini-Hakkero as a power source. The majority of her spells rely on power over finesse and are themed after stars and other astronomical phenomena. Despite her best spiritual affinity being with water, her preferences lead her to rely mostly on light and heat magic. As a result of her research, Marisa is also knowledgeable in explosives. Marisa is an Eastern magician who takes a Western approach to magic, the opposite of Patchouli Knowledge. Many of Marisa's best-known spells are replicas of spells used by other characters that fit her tastes, though she has also experimented with them to create improved versions.

Skill Cards:

  • Bosky Sweeper: Marisa launches herself into the air with a magically enhanced sweep of her broom.
  • Devildom Torch: Marisa throws a potion that explodes into a scattering of flames.
  • Grand Stardust: Marisa pulls an explosive flask from her dress and throws it at her opponent.
  • Green Spread: Marisa fires a series of scatter lasers that converge to form a sphere of magical energy.
  • Luminary Shot: Marisa shoots a bunch of small magic missiles from the tip of her finger.
  • Magical Waste-Recycling Bomb: Marisa throws a bouncing explosive that detonates with great force.
  • Meteonic Debris: Marisa fires a series of small, star-shaped magic missiles at her target.
  • Miasma Sweep: Marisa grabs onto her broom as it flies up into the air.
  • Narrow Spark: Marisa fires a piercing laser forwards.
  • Radial Strike: Using her broom as a rifle, Marisa fires bullets at her opponent.
  • Stellar Missile: Aiming upwards, Marisa fires a large, explosive magic missile.
  • Strato Fraction: Marisa fires a series of star-shaped bullets into the sky, which then rains down on her surroundings.
  • Sweep Aside: Marisa twirls her broom around and knocks her opponent away with it.
  • Up Sweep: Marisa spins as she rises into the air, propelled by her broom.
  • Witching Blast: Marisa uses her broom as a gun barrel and fires a single, high-power bullet at her opponent, which explodes on contact.
  • Witch Leyline: Marisa charges her broom with magical energy and then charges forward.

Spell Cards:

  • Comet "Blazing Star": Marisa flies off into the distance on her broom and charges her opponent from there at high speed.
  • Light Sign "Earthlight Ray": Marisa litters the battlefield with magical bombs that explode and fire lasers into the sky.
  • Light Sign "Luminous Strike": Marisa uses her broom as a rifle and fires large, high-speed bullets of light.
  • Love Sign "Master Spark": Marisa's signature attack, a giant magical laser fired from the palms of her hands and powered by the Mini-Hakkero. While it is more associated with Marisa, she stole the technique from Yuuka Kazami.
  • Love Sign "Non-Directional Laser": Marisa fires a series of concentrated, powerful lasers at her opponent.
  • Magicannon "Final Spark": A variation on Marisa's Master Spark that covers a greater area with a higher power.
  • Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie": Marisa charges at her opponent on her broom at high speed and with great power.
  • Magic Space "Asteroid Belt": An asteroid belt that is strong enough to pull two large planets away.
  • Magic Waste "Deep Ecological Bomb": Marisa's most powerful bomb, which explodes after a short delay with extreme force, leveling her surroundings.
  • Perverse Love "Easily-Fruitful Master Spark": Using a narrow beam to conduct the power of a Master Spark, Marisa can greatly amplify the power of her Master Spark and fire it with immense power.
  • Ritual Sign "Orreries Sun": Marisa surrounds herself with little magical crystals that float and fire lasers at her target.
  • Star Sign "Dragon Meteor": From the air, Marisa fires a powerful laser-targeted at her opponent's location.
  • Star Sign "Escape Velocity": Marisa's broom shoots up into the sky with her holding on.
  • Star Sign "Gravity Beat": Marisa uses her broom as a rifle and fires an explosive magical bullet into the sky, which then falls onto her opponent.
  • Star Sign "Meteonic Shower": Marisa fires a large amount of star-shaped bullets forwards.
  • Star Sign "Satellite Illusion": Marisa surrounds herself with satellites that automatically attack opponents who get too close.
  • "Sungrazer": Marisa flies straight into her opponent while riding on her broom at extremely high speeds.


Notable Matchups





  1. Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Patchouli's Scenario
  2. Imperishable Night, Stage 3
  3. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 25
  4. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 19
  5. Dr. Latency's Freak Report
  6. Imperishable Night, Magic Team's Scenario
  7. Cage in Lunatic Runagate, Chapter 2
  8. Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Eientei
  9. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Draft of Spell Card Rules
  10. Imperishable Night, Afterword
  11. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 15
  12. Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia, Essay: Marisa Kirisame
  13. The Grimoire of Marisa, Reimu Hakurei's spell cards
  14. 100th Black Market, Manual
  15. Shoot the Bullet, Afterword
  16. Cheating Detective Satori, Chapter 20
  17. Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
  18. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Marisa's extra scenario
  19. Mountain of Faith, Marisa's route
  20. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 4
  21. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 8
  22. Lotus Eaters, Chapter 22
  23. Hopeless Masquerade, Marisa's Profile
  24. Cheating Detective Satori Chapter 13
  25. Cheating Detective Satori, Chapter 14
  26. Cheating Detective Satori Chapter 15
  27. Touhou Gouyoku Ibun, Manual
  28. Urban Legend in Limbo, Mokou's Scenario
  29. Imperishable Night, Magic Team's Extra Scenario
  30. Strange Creators of Outer World, Imperishable Night Cross Review
  31. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 7
  32. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 27
  33. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Forest of Magic
  34. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 28
  35. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Phantom
  36. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 29
  37. Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 28
  38. Hidden Star in Four Seasons, Narumi Yatadera's Profile
  39. Subterranean Animism, Marisa's Stage 6
  40. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Forest of Magic
  41. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 6
  42. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 7
  43. Strange Creators of Outer World, Who's Who of Humans & Youkai in Gensokyo, Yuyuko Saigyouji and Youmu Konpaku
  44. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Ghost
  45. Wily Beast and Weakest Creature, Marisa's scenario
  46. Curiosities of Lotus Asia, Chapter 3
  47. Unidentified Fantastic Object - Marisa A Scenario
  48. Imperishable Night, Magic Team's Good Ending
  49. Imperishable Night, Magic Team's scenario, Final Stage A
  50. Urban Legend in Limbo, Reisen's scenario, Stage 3
  51. Imperishable Night, Barrier Team's scenario, Final Stage A
  52. Imperishable Night, Magic Team's scenario, Final Stage A
  53. Imperishable Night, Scarlet Team's scenario, Final Stage A
  54. Cheating Detective Satori, Chapter 15
  55. Undefined Fantastic Object, Marisa's A scenario
  56. Undefined Fantastic Object, Sanae's A scenario
  57. Undefined Fantastic Object, Reimu's A scenario
  58. Wily Beast and Weakest Creature, Marisa's scenario
  59. Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Marisa's scenario
  60. Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, Ran's article
  61. Touhou Goyouku Ibun, Kanako's scenario
  62. Touhou Goyouku Ibun, Flandre's scenario, Stage C3
  63. Cheating Detective Satori, Chapter 20


Discussion threads involving Marisa Kirisame