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VS Battles Wiki
Magmin render


Magmin are small fiery elementals that are often summoned by cults of elemental flame. The sole reason these creatures do not explode into fire the second they enter the Material Plane is due to their magma shells which contain their flame. They are chaotic pyromaniacs, who view all that is flammable as kindling for a grand flame to be birthed from. Despite this they are not actively evil, and instead simply do not understand the threat their flames pose to mortals.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 9-B, likely 9-A

Name: Magmin, Magman

Origin: Dungeons and Dragons

Gender: Inapplicable

Age: Varies

Classification: Magma Elemental

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Fire Manipulation (They set anything they touch on fire), Absorption (Magmen can absorb the essences of molten rock by consuming it), Dimensional Travel (Can travel to different planes from their home plane via places of great pressure within the lava pools), Light Manipulation (Magmen glow), Magma Manipulation (They are physically made of magma), Immortality (Types 1 and 9, Magmen require magical weapons to strike them, which implies existing on at least two planes of existence simultaneously- to affect them, you must affect both), Non-Physical Interaction (Can affect intangible, incorporeal, nonexistent, abstract, and conceptual beings), Duplication (They can split into two magmen), Small Size (Type 0), Damage Reduction (Their thick magma hide reduces incoming damage), Enhanced Senses (Magmin can see in total darkness), Heat Aura (The aura of radiated heat from the magmin can harm nearby enemies passively), Self-Destruction (When a magmin dies, it explodes into magma, lava, and flame, damaging all nearby enemies once more), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Extreme Resistance to Heat Manipulation (Magmen consider anything under 1000 degrees to be cold; they can swim in lava with zero threat)

Attack Potency: At least Wall level, likely Small Building level (They're on par with the Rothé)

Speed: Subsonic (Capable of dodging point-blank arrows)

Lifting Strength: Varies from Peak Human (Weak magmin are capable of pushing over 230 kg) to Class 1 (Peak magmin can push almost 700 kg)

Striking Strength: At least Wall level, likely Small Building level

Durability: At least Wall level, likely Small Building level

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Melee, up to several meters with elemental abilities

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Below Average, consistently rated below the human average of 10 Intelligence, and are generally considered "foolish" and "simple"

Weaknesses: Cold-based weaponry, if it is capable of affecting them, deals double damage


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
