“ | Here's what I've learned about magic. Magic knows no master. It belongs to neither gods nor man. It is the in-between. The fraying edge between reality and unreality. A hidden string secretly linking all things that only the adroit may tug free. It's a threshold crossed only be rote or by rites. A clandestine path choosing who among the ceaseless quests fumbling toward divinity are the truly worthy. It is the moon's gentle glissando of tides and all the liminal pools of life it leaves behind – each one glimmering and small and infinitely lonely. It is the place none can follow, and implication lurking behind worlds, the coil of rope before it cinches in purpose – to rescue or ruin. There is magic even in the intent driving a dagger. One may become adept in magic's navigation; but never in its dominion. Because magic rules itself. And mortality simply bears witness. | „ |
There are many types of magic in the vast and complex history of Marvel Comics. However, while all the magic types are different to varying degrees, and some are definitely more well known than others, all share basic elements and powers (as well as basic potency that is likely higher-dimensional due to its connection to the vast cosmology of Marvel), and many magic users in Marvel have access to and/or resistance to multiple types of magic in Marvel.
Of course, the most well-known school of magic is that of sorcery, which consists of 4 different types of magic (3 normal ones and one forbidden to all but the most powerful sorcerers): Ego-centric Magic (which is tapping into one's own spiritual energies), eco-centric magic (tapping into the power of the environment, the elements, and the world around you), exo-centric (calling upon extra-dimensional beings for magic power, which is a powerful but incredibly risky practice), and the forbidden art of necromancy, which is incredibly risky but can also bring great power to a skilled enough wizard despite the terrible price,[1] something also stated here[2] and here.[3]
Magic as an Independent Universal Concept
Magic itself was created both during[4] and by the Fifth Cosmos, also known as the fifth incarnation of the Marvel Multiverse,[5] meaning that it came far before the current incarnation Marvel Multiverse that is Omniversal Eternity (as Omniversal Eternity is the Eighth Multiverse, with the entire pre-2015 Marvel Multiverse being just the Seventh Multiverse). Also, not only is the Fifth Cosmos repeatedly referred to as "The Time[6][7] of Magic",[4] but it came out before the Sixth Cosmos, which is when science was created, which is supported by how it has been repeatedly[8] noted[9] that magic is[10] entirely different[11] and independent[12] from science.[13] Examples include how a gun made by Reed Richards that could nullify every type of scientific energy did absolutely nothing to the magic energy of a Doctor Doom who was wearing the Skin Armor[14] and how magic and science lie on opposite sides of the axis of power in the universe, helping to form and maintain the shape of the universe and the totality of everything.[15] Also, it has been stated that books and scrolls of magic has existed before time itself did[16] (also shown here[17] and here[18]), further supporting the notion that magic is a concept that existed before the universe itself did while also being one of its fundamental elements. Magic is also stated to exist across all realities,[19] with each reality being an alternate variant of Earth-616. Even when the vast majority of the entire High 1-A Marvel multiverse was destroyed[20] by the Beyonders in the 2015 Secret Wars event, this was not shown to have affected magic itself, as Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom both retained[21] their mystic capabilities[22] without any shown issues even before the multiverse was fixed.
Within Universal Eternity itself, the wiki's own Marvel Comics Cosmology explanation page explains how the Mystic Universe is the parallel half of the scientific universe[23] within Universal Eternity, expanding all the way through the High 1-B structure of Subspace. The Mystic Universe is the home of the mystic realms which Doctor Strange mingles with, being separate from the science-based domains, and the fundamental laws and properties of the mystic dimensions within this realm are governed by magical energies as opposed to the laws of physics,[24] something also repeatedly stated here.[25] This division does not extend solely to the Earth's Dimension, and instead spans all of Subspace as well, since Galactus, who routinely manipulates Hyperspace/Subspace (a High 1-B realm) and uses it as a means of fast travel alongside his Heralds,[26] notes that he is incapable of breaching mystic barriers,[27] as travel through nonphysical, mystical space is not his element. Also, the realm of the mystic gods known as the Vishanti, a realm which as explained below is the same as the mystic universe, has endless dimensions.[28] The list of all the mystic dimensions/realms within the Magical Universe can be seen here.[24]
This mystic half of the universe is also a place where none of the laws of the scientific universe work normally,[29] as it completely lacks the concepts of (scientific) logic found within the scientific universe (with magic taking their place)[11] and its outermost realms are made of unscientific and colorful abstractions.[25] Doctor Strange himself has also stated that Eternity, along with being the personification of the entire universe (Earth 616) is also the personification of magic, with Eternity's veins and arteries distributing it throughout the universe,[30] with Marvel's universe of Earth 616 being High 1-B in nature as explained here. Also, as Eternity encompasses both the scientific universe and the mystic universe, the two were returned to the singularity at the origin of his being[31] when destroyed by Galactus, and then brought back into existence when the raw potential in it is unwound by Doctor Strange.
Also, this "mystical universe"[32] is both governed and inhabited by Lord Chaos and Master Order themselves and is also the home of the Vishanti,[33][34][35] two of the Universal Abstracts who are a crucial part of the substance of Universal Eternity and the three mystic gods of sorcery, respectively. This realm of theirs is stated to lie between the polarities of actuality and between fact and fiction,[36] being a universe of dualities[37] where all dichotomies blend together and cease to exist, and be the fulcrum of existence, from which all that is springs forth,[38] and contains "strange, myriad dimensions" and "inconceivable realities".[38] Some magic races even claim to draw their power from the realm of[39] Lord Chaos and Master Order, and when Doctor Strange himself called upon them to defeat the In-Betweener, their own power amplified the magical forces of his spells, indicating a similarity between their powers and Strange's own magic.[40]
The five elements of magic are also noted as the five elements of "all-that-is",[4] something which is later mentioned in the same story by Universal Eternity itself.[41] Magic is also believed by in-universe scholars to be the basis of M-Theory, a real-life theory of eleven-dimensional physics.[42] Similarly, it is stated that everything that is consists of two halves: science and magic,[43] with magic and science lying on opposite sides of the axis of power in the universe, helping to form and maintain the shape of the universe and the totality of everything,[15] and it is stated that that the two forces of science and magic are intertwined within all things.[44] Even Gamma Radiation, a Type 1 Concept of its own, contains magic[43] as part of its very nature. Magic is even stated to be a conceptual system that allows an individual to control the natural world (including events, objects, people, and physical phenomena).[3] Magic is also simultaneously outside the concepts of logic yet can also replace them.[11] It is also stated that magic "is the in-between, the fraying edge between reality and unreality. A hidden string secretly linking all things that only the adroit may tug free. It is a threshold crossed only by rote or rites, a clandestine path choosing along the ceaseless quests fumbling towards divinity are the truly worthy. It is the moon's shifting of tides and all the pools of life said tides leave behind. It is the place none can follow, an implication lurking behind words, the coil of rope before it cinches in purpose, to rescue or ruin. There is magic even in the intent driving a dagger. One may become adept in navigating magic, but never in dominating it. Because magic rules itself, and mortality simply bears witness".[45] It is also stated to be irrationality embodied as part of its nature.[46]
Magic is also stated to "not make sense" and is "symbolism weaponized",[47] with Wiccan stating magic to be "metaphor" that causes symbols and reality to be the same thing.[48] In relation to this, the connection between magic and symbolism itself is also important to understanding the basic elements of magic. The basis of all the various types of symbols was summed up by the genius scientist Paul, who states that: "Reality...all matter, is information. Math, physics, quantum mechanics... all attempts to symbolize the information so it can be manipulated. We wondered if we could compress the information into a higher form of symbology", and that once Paul and his fellow scientists discovered how to use this symbology, "Imbued with the right symbology, a piece of tech could create matter or achieve perpetual motion. We'd found the cheat code to reality." [49] The connection between magic and symbology is also noted by both Doctor Strange and Stygmata (the ruler of the 2nd dimension, an abstract 2-dimensional realm of living ink where drawings come to life), with the latter stating that drawings and tattoos are both symbols, and because of that they have meaning, which is just another way of saying that they have magic. Doctor Strange then agrees and mentally notes that that symbols and sigils are the tools of sorcerers.[50] Magic was also stated here to be symbol, metaphor, and also signifiers of power, with magic turning symbols and metaphors into the true reality.[51] Even a hero's name possesses magical power,[52] something also stated here[53] and here.[54]
Asides from being pure symbology at its core, another crucial part of the nature of magic is that it is based on stories as part of its very concept. The most notable example of this is Loki stating that "Magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly ",[55] and those stories that become magic then echo through space and time back to the start of all things, mixing with the All-That-Was and sparking something new, such as the mythical Gods of the Marvel Universe as well as the 10 Norse Realms (each of which is its own universe), becoming so big and mad and brilliant that they go back in time and change other stories, especially as "maybes" and "might-bes" such as "I dunno.", "I can't remember.", and "What if?" are just magic words that make anything possible.[56] In further support of this, magic at its core is stated to be the practice of making the universe bend to one's will by speaking words of power,[57] and magic is stated again to be just a way of telling the universe to bend to your will.[58] Also, Doctor Doom tells Loki that magic is essentially a higher narrative into the flow of events, imposing a narrative upon reality, imposing a story, a fiction into reality and willing it to become true. To be a creature of magic is to be a creature of story. Right after this, he states that he himself is a creature of magic, which makes him a creature of story.[59] Magic is also stated to create beings of story and metaphor, and to be immeasurable, unpredictable, and not bound by any laws or rules.[43] The nature of magic being tightly connected to that of stories is also greatly explored here.[60]
This connection between magic and stories even extends to the very gods of Marvel themselves,[61] as they themselves are creatures of story that aren't "real" like physical beings are.[62] In fact, Gods in their true forms are even stated to be entirely abstract in nature, and are "stories", stories which can only be interacted with and affected by other Gods of a similar cosmic standing,[63] or by being affected on the symbolic level.[64] As mentioned above, the Gods themselves are stated to be stories so good that they became magic, and those stories proceeded to echo through space and time back to the start of all things, mixing with the All-That-Was and sparking something new, such as the mythical Gods of the Marvel Universe as well as the 10 Norse Realms (each of which is its own universe), becoming so big and mad and brilliant that they go back in time and change other stories.[56] Also, Doctor Doom tells Loki that magic is essentially a higher narrative into the flow of events, imposing a narrative upon reality, imposing a story, a fiction into reality and willing it to become true. To be a God is to be a creature of magic, which is to be a creature of story.[59] The Elder Gods themselves were created by the Demiurge Primordial as literal aspects[65] through a mystical birth.[66] Amora the Enchantress even states that the nature of Gods as stories leaves them vulnerable to the story-based nature of raw and pure magic.[67] Words are ideas cast down from the platonic firmament, and the stories created from those words turn into things that last for eternity. Magic is also described as an ethereal concept that relies on faith and conviction. The magical essence of something is also stated to be the same as the very idea of it[68], and the beings known as the Faltines, described as abstract in nature, are entirely made of magic. Dormammu himself, a being described as a literal concept, is made from a combination of the magical Flames of the Faltine as well as the mystical energies of the Dark Dimension, further establishing the conceptual nature of magic.
This notion of magic being connected to the laws of the universe is further stated as such: "The first step to mastering the Arcane Arts is recognizing the patters that others don't see. (...) The second step to mastering the Arcane Arts is recognizing that patterns can change", with the patterns in question largely including the laws and concepts of the universe. For example, a pattern noted is the standard numerical pattern of "1,2,3,4", but the scan notes that to change the pattern is to change it to "1,2,3, π".[69] In higher realms, magic force is all that matters, and in higher dimensions, magic supersedes physical laws and is the only energetic medium that can effect change.
In addition, magic has been stated repeatedly to be greatly interconnected with time, timelines, and time travel.[70][71] showing how magic is connected in Marvel to not just the spatial aspect of the universe but also time itself within the universe. Not just that, but should the rules of magic itself be changed, the changes would reverberate forward and backwards across time and across all realities.[19]
Magical energy is everywhere, and lies within many places, such as the bodies of magical users, the Earth, and the air.[72] To understand and use magic, you must "become one with all things",[16] and magic can exist on any planet where there is life.[73] Once, when Doctor Strange had lost virtually all of his standard magic, he regained some of his magic back through drawing upon the magic energy from the very Earth itself.[74] Also, there is a ley system of magic ley lines that spans across the entire globe, which is described here.[3] The Ancient One once told Doctor Strange that "a world without magic would be no kind of world at all",[75] a claim supported by how when the Earth itself was stripped of its magic by the Empirikul, it briefly resulted in global chaos and collapse[76][77] (with Strange sensing beforehand that the entire Earth was full of magic but was being bled dry of said magic),[78] yet even then the magic[79] gradually returned to the Earth (and the other dimensions that the Empirikul had attacked)[80] as time passed,[81] which was accelerated by Loki using Earth's own hidden reserves of remaining magic (which also further confirms that magic was not totally drained from Earth, just severely reduced). Magic is in all things and can be collected from them, if you know where to look, even simple trinkets and objects.[82] Magic can also be found in realms between dimensions, such as the Nexus Point known as Fandazar Foo (which was described as overflowing with magic until it was attacked by the magic-destroying forces of the Empirikul).[83] Even the very sun itself is largely mystical in nature,[84] something which is also indicated here.[85][86]
In short, Magic is a Metaphysical Aspect of the Marvel Universe and is also a Type 1 (Independent Universal) Concept, giving all those who can use even basic magic in Marvel Type 1 Concept Manipulation. As magic is also pure symbology and story at its core, this makes magic an Abstract (Type 1: Stories, Symbols, and Concepts), further supported by the notion that all forms of magic are represented by aspects/incarnations that embody them,[87] such as the Mindless Ones being expressions of magical energy and vibrational patterns between magical dimensions.[88] Not to mention, since the Realm of Lord Chaos and Master Order, which is repeatedly[39] stated[37] to be[39] a realm made[33][34][35] of magic,[89] is stated to lie between the polarities of actuality as well as between fact and fiction,[36] being a universe of dualities where all dichotomies blend together and cease to exist,[38] this would make innate magic (which makes up the entirety of this realm) a Nondual (Type 2) energy. This is supported by how magic is stated to be the in-between, the fraying edge between reality and unreality.[45]
As for its potency, there is the above statement that the five elements of magic are also as the five elements of "all-that-is",[4] something which is later mentioned in the same story by Universal Eternity itself,[41] not to mention that the magical universe is the 2nd half of Universal Eternity itself, parallel to the High 1-B scientific universe of Earth 616. In addition, magic as a whole within the universe exists within Universal Eternity, who along with personifying the entire Earth-616 universe is also the personification of magic, with Eternity's veins and arteries distributing it throughout the universe[30] (and Marvel's universe is High 1-B, as explained here).
However, one of the best statements for Marvel Magic scaling in potency to the 1-A Marvel Universe of Earth 616 (aka Universal Eternity) comes from Loki's statements about magic, as he states that magic is "Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly ",[55] and those stories echo through space and time back to the start of all things, mixing with the All-That-Was and sparking something new, such as the mythical Gods of the Marvel Universe as well as the 10 Norse Realms (each of which is its own universe).[56] Similarly, Doctor Doom states that magic is essentially a higher narrative into the flow of events, imposing a narrative upon reality, imposing a story, a fiction into reality and willing it to become true.[59] Both of these statements indicate that a fundamental part of basic magic is altering the underlying foundation of Earth-616. In further support of this, magic is stated to be the practice of making the universe bend to one's will[57] by speaking words of power.
Also, The realm of Lord Chaos and Master Order, who are the heart of Eternity himself, being the forces that grant him form and movement respectively, and without which Eternity could not exist,[90] with their realm being stated to be the fulcrum of existence, from which all that is springs forth,[38] is repeatedly[39] stated[37] to be[39] a realm made of magic[89] where sorcerers draw their power from.[91] In addition, the demonic realm of Limbo, which is pan-dimensional[92] and is described as a realm that transcends all realities and all planes of existence, and interfaces with all of creation,[93] as well as a plane where all times are one,[94] is stated to be both forged and shaped by magic[95] and is described as a magical domain.[96] Similarly, the realm of Otherworld (also called Avalon), which is beyond[97] space and time (yet still has a location able to perceive and access Eternity itself),[98] the heart of creation, the special corner of the omniverse known as the core continuum, the point where all possibilities converge, where the boundary vanishes what humankind think of as reality and imagination,[99] and the nexus of all realities[100] is stated to be made of magic[97] and is magical by nature.[25] Also, one of the many mystical dimensions in the mystical universe, all of which are governed by magical energies, is the Astral Plane,[24] which along with being the realm of the mind and soul is the realm of Idea, Thought, and Narrative, as well as a substrate of Earth-616[101] and the top, outermost layer of Universal Eternity itself. This is supported by how, in order to fix the universe's magical ley line system, Doctor Strange had to "operate" on Eternity within the Astral Plane to fix the tear within Eternity's "artery".[30]Also, the mystic gods known as the Vishanti reside within the Astral Plane and use it as a conduit through which Earth's magicians can tap into her wisdom and power,[25] further confirming that the Astral Plane is part of the "mystic universe". Magic also helps to form and maintain the shape of all of Earth-616 as well as the totality of everything,[15] and all of the Abstracts, conceptual beings who exist beyond and above the standard infinite-dimensional universe, are sustained by magic in its purest, most fundamental form.
The Higher-Dimensional Potency of Magic
- Baron Mordo, a high-tier wizard, using what appears to be a standard magic attack, slaughtered Baroshtok, an extra-dimensional being with control over his entire realm.[102]
- Magic is stated as "The mystical, invisible transactions that pull and push power like currents through the realms", referring to the Ten Norse Realms (which are each universes). Thus, magic is a force that travels through and between these 10 universes and affects all 10 of them as well, making it 4-dimensional.[103]
- As stated below, Doctor Strange, Doctor Druid with the power of the three Celtic War Goddesses, and Doctor Doom all combining their magics managed to overpower the magic of Doom's Shadow, an non-physical embodiment of Doom's repressed emotions and desires that was drawing his energies from "beyond the cosmos" (making his powers 4-dimensional), and then sealed him back in Doctor Doom's body.[104]
- Since they also seemed to not use any special magic blasts when matching the 4-dimensional energy blast from Doom's Shadow, this would likely make the standard magic blasts (and their powers) for all high-tier and above sorcerers be 4-dimensional as well, especially as several high-tier sorcerers have fought and endured magic blows from each other. Thus, high-tier sorcerers would have the basic powers of magic (as listed above) on a 4-dimensional level.
- As support, magic at its core has been stated to be a force that requires one to transcend the normal universe[105] as well as the physical realm[106] in order to master it, with magic and the forces of the occult being stated to exist on a higher plane.[107]
- The Faltines, who are higher-dimensional entities, are stated to be entirely made of magic.
- With magic, one can condense particles from higher dimensions.[108]
- In higher realms, magic force is all that matters, and in higher dimensions, magic supersedes physical laws and is the only energetic medium that can effect change.
- In Doctor Strange & Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment, Strange and Doom went to Mephisto's realm, which is infinitely transcendent of their own universe, with Strange's magic Shield of the Seraphim protecting him and Doom during their travel to Mephisto's realm. Strange and Doom using magic blasts were then both repeatedly shown to be capable of killing the creatures in Mephisto's realm (which as mentioned infinitely transcends the normal universe), and Strange's magic shield repeatedly protected him, Doom, and Doom's mother's soul from the fires of Mephisto (with Doom using magic to help Strange block a blast from Mephisto in the 1st scan and also seemingly in the last scan right before Mephisto decides to instead BFR them).[109]
- Magic is stated to be the likely basis of M-theory that posits 11 dimensions of space-time, and is stated directly in reference to the magic of a Loki disguised as Scarlet Witch.[42]
- Magic, as stated below in the descriptions for Basic P&A and as stated above, is basically summed up as altering the underlying information of the universe through sufficiently powerful symbolism to achieve a bunch of random effects. Or, as Loki puts it, you tell a story so perfect that the universe believes it for a second,[55] something also stated here.[56] This means that it is affecting the fabric of the universe itself, aka Earth 616, aka Universal Eternity. Also, magic is stated to be the practice of making the universe bend to one's will[57] by speaking words of power.[110] Thus, that would make magic 1-A in potency.
- In addition, magic as a whole within the universe exists within Universal Eternity, who along with personifying the entire Earth-616 universe is also the personification of magic, with Eternity's veins and arteries distributing it throughout the universe.[30]
- Doctor Strange himself can casually interact with the fabric of Eternity using magic.[111]
- Magic helps to form and maintain the shape of all of Earth-616 as well as the totality of everything.[15]
- All of the Abstracts, conceptual beings who exist beyond and above the High 1-B universe, are sustained by magic in its purest, most fundamental form.
- The Enigma Force, which is the very spirit of Eternity, without which Earth-616 itself instantly collapses, is mystical in nature.
- The Eternity Mask was created by medieval occultists cutting off a piece of Eternity himself, so even low-level magicians can interact with the fabric of Eternity.
- As support, Illyana Rasputina with the Soulsword, simply due to its ability to disrupt and nullify magic, was able to use this ability to affect the very fabric of Limbo, which is pan-dimensional[92] (which for Earth-616 means Infinite-Dimensional) and is described as a realm that transcends all realities and all planes of existence, and interfaces with all of creation,[93] as well as a plane where all times are one[94] due to the realm being both forged and shaped by magic.[95]
Powers and Abilities
These are the powers and abilities of raw magic on its own, not applying to sorcerers but instead applying to the nature of magical energy itself.
- Abstract Existence (Type 1: Concepts, Symbols, Metaphors & Stories; As described above, magic at its core is pure symbology and stories.)
- Nonduality (Type 2) & Nonexistent Physiology (Nature 2; All Aspects; Magic is the in-between, the fraying edge between reality and unreality.[45] One of the many mystical dimensions in the mystical universe, all of which are governed by magical energies, is the Astral Plane,[24] which is accepted as a Nonexistent (Nature 2) realm due to it being stated as "the realm of mind and spirit that exists between being and non-being".[112]. The realm of Lord Chaos and Master Order, who are the respective abstract embodiments of Chaos and Order in the universe and whose realm is stated to both lie between the polarities of actuality, being a universe of dualities where all dichotomies blend together and cease to exist[38] and is a realm where fact and fiction meld into one,[91] is repeatedly[39] stated[37] to be[39] a realm made[33][34][35] of magic.[89])
- Resistance to the following:
- Information Analysis, Information Manipulation (Type 1), Mathematics Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation & Data Manipulation (A Doctor Doom who had exchanged his technological prowess for increased magical power stated that magic was "Beyond numbers, beyond theorems", and viewed quantum physics as "quantum dogma" that magic was beyond.[14])
- Physics Manipulation & Law Manipulation (Magic is outside and opposite the concepts of logic,[11] and as mentioned above is completely opposite and separate from the laws of physics. Magic works where the laws of science do not.[13] Magic is lawless in nature.[45] Loki states that magic by its very nature is the antithesis of the "rules" of reality.[113] How magic works is not nearly as important as that it works.[8] In higher dimensions, magic supersedes physical laws and is the only energetic medium that can effect change. Magic can bypass the slow mechanics of creation, such as natural laws and rational processes, and are the "cheat codes" for reality. Magical energies are chaotic and ungoverned by natural laws.)
- Unconventional/Limited Resistance to:
- Space-Time Manipulation (In the Mystic Realms, which are governed solely by the precepts of magic rather than by the laws of the normal scientific universe, the laws of time and space are entirely different from the normal universe, as "up [is] frequently down and time is unpredictable".[25] Time can have no meaning when magic is unleashed.[114] As mentioned above, magic itself has repeatedly been stated to exist before time itself, even before the multiverse.)
- Due to both having existed well before time itself did, as well as making up the mystic realms which have entirely different laws of time and space compared to the normal universe, this makes magic energy itself an Acausal (Type 4) energy, though this does not apply to the nature of individuals who simply use magic.
- Causality Manipulation (In higher dimensions, magic is the only energetic medium that can effect change, and magic can bypass the slow mechanics of creation, such as rational processes.)
- Cosmic Awareness & Extrasensory Perception (Even beings like Galactus are unable to track those who use mystic barriers to guard themselves.[115] Even advanced scanners that can detect most cloaking technology can't detect magic.[116])
- Also counts as Magic energy itself having Stealth Mastery
- These are the powers that come from using any magic, regardless of what type or spell, and should thus be attributed to any and all magic users.
- Magic
- Magical Aura
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Information Manipulation (Type 2), Subjective Reality, Law Manipulation & Reality Warping (Magic is a conceptual system that allows an individual to control the natural world (including events, objects, people, and physical phenomena).[3] The five elements of magic are also noted as the five elements of "all-that-is",[4] something which is later mentioned in the same story by Universal Eternity itself,[41] and are independent of creation due to having existed before the Marvel Multiverse's conception and even having existed before time itself did[16] (which is also stated here[17] and here[18]). Magic is also one of the 6 elements that makes up the shape of the universe and the totality of everything.[15] Gamma Radiation, a Type 1 Concept of its own, contains magic[43] as part of its very nature. All of the Abstracts, conceptual beings who exist beyond and above the standard infinite-dimensional universe, are sustained by magic in its purest, most fundamental form. The Enigma Force, which is the very spirit of Eternity, without which Earth-616 itself instantly collapses, is mystical in nature. Magic is outside and opposite the concepts of logic and can replace them if they are destroyed.[11] "Magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly "[55] and those stories echo through space and time back to the start of all things, mixing with the All-That-Was and sparking something new, such as the mythical Gods of the Marvel Universe as well as the 10 Norse Realms (each of which is its own universe), becoming so big and mad and brilliant that they go back in time and change other stories.[56] Doctor Doom tells Loki that magic is essentially a higher narrative into the flow of events, imposing a narrative upon reality, imposing a story, a fiction into reality and willing it to become true. To be a creature of magic is to be a creature of story. Right after this, he states that he himself is a creature of magic, which makes him a creature of story.[59] Doctor Doom also stated that all reality warpers have magic within their bodies and that disrupting their magic removes their reality warping powers,[117] and Jim Jaspers states that sorcerers can move reality about.[118] Magic is symbol and metaphor, and can be contained within metaphorical stories while in itself contain possible questions, such as "What if the future was unwritten, the present uncontained? What if we could go anywhere, do anything, be anyone? What if we were free? What couldn't we do, on the day all our cages open? What does the bridge to anywhere look like?". Stories turn moments into power--moments like this--and a teller of tales can harness that power, even in the moment.[119] Scarlet Witch states that magic is rewriting the structure of the universe according to how much you believe you can.[120] As mentioned above, in the "Mystic Universe" (the half of Earth 616 that is purely magical in nature), none of the laws of the scientific universe work normally,[29] as they are dominated by the chaotic precepts of magic.[25] Magic is bending and shaping reality to one's own ends,[121] and is about splitting open the world around you and being able to read the mysteries inside like a book as well as knowing how to stitch and sever them like a surgeon.[122] Doctor Strange stated that sorcerers have little patience for the laws of nature.[123] Iron Man states that Doctor Strange, as the main sorcerer who Iron Man is familiar with, represents "a world without rules" in regard to the nature of magic.[124] Magic has no rules (in direct contrast to science), is immeasurable and unpredictable, and creates beings of pure metaphor.[43] The realm of Lord Chaos and Master Order, who exist as the forces that shape and sustain reality as a whole (Order being responsible for giving the universe shape and stability and Chaos responsible for giving it movement and dynamism[91]) and whose realm is stated to both be the fulcrum of existence, from which all that is springs forth[38] and also stated to lie between the polarities of actuality, being a plane where all dichotomies blend together and cease to exist,[38] is repeatedly[39] stated[37] to be[39] a realm made[33][34][35] of magic,[89] and simply travelling in this realm warped Thanos's body.[38] When anyone uses a magic spell, even a novice entirely unaware of their own magic abilities simply making a wish, they are making the universe bend by speaking words of power,[57] and magic is stated to be just a way of telling the universe to bend to your will.[125] Magic and Chaos are linked, abetting the undoing of physical absolutes.[73] The mystic dimensions within the mystical half of the universe have their fundamental properties governed by magical energies, including the Astral Plane itself,[24] something also stated here.[25] Loki states that magic by its very nature is the antithesis of the "rules" of reality.[113] Magic is the in-between, the fraying edge between reality and unreality. A hidden string secretly linking all things that only the adroit may tug free. It is the place none can follow, an implication lurking behind words, the coil of rope before it cinches in purpose. There is even magic intent in the driving of a dagger.Even a hero's name possesses magical power,[52] something also stated here[126] and here.[127] In higher dimensions, magic supersedes physical laws and is the only energetic medium that can effect change. Magic can bypass the slow mechanics of creation, such as natural laws and rational processes, and are the "cheat codes" for reality. It also can circumvent all physical laws and is the "cheat code" of creation. Magic is all about the breaking down of scientific constants. As noted above, the nature of magic is heavily focused around symbols and metaphors, with this connection being summed up by the genius scientist Paul, who states that: "Reality...all matter, is information. Math, physics, quantum mechanics... all attempts to symbolize the information so it can be manipulated. We wondered if we could compress the information into a higher form of symbology", and that once Paul and his fellow scientists discovered how to use this symbology, "Imbued with the right symbology, a piece of tech could create matter or achieve perpetual motion. We'd found the cheat code to reality." [128])
- Space-Time Manipulation (Narrative is composed of time and space,[64] so since magic is described above as imposing a narrative upon reality, magic must also have the ability to affect space and time. Magic has been stated repeatedly[70][71] to be greatly interconnected with time, timelines, and time travel. Time loses its meaning when magic is unleashed.[114] Even creating a basic mystical disguise involves using magic to displace space proportionate to real mass.[129] "Magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly ",[55] and those stories that become magic can echo through space and time back to the start of all things, mixing with the All-That-Was and sparking something new, such as the mythical Gods of the Marvel Universe as well as the 10 Norse Realms (each of which is its own universe), becoming so big and mad and brilliant that they go back in time and change other stories, especially as "maybes" and "might-bes" such as "I dunno.", "I can't remember.", and "What if?" are just magic words that make anything possible.[56] The realm of Lord Chaos and Master Order, who exist as the forces that shape and sustain reality as a whole (Order being responsible for giving the universe shape and stability and Chaos responsible for giving it movement and dynamism[91]) and whose realm is stated to be the fulcrum of existence, from which all that is springs forth,[38] is repeatedly[39] stated[37] to be[39] a realm made[33][34][35] of magic.[89] Iron Man states that Doctor Strange, as the main sorcerer who Iron Man is familiar with, represents "entropy reversal, hyperbolic geometry, and sawing probabilities in half" in regards to the nature of magic. A dash of magic mixed into Ted Sallis's blood caused a tear in space-time after he was injured in a car crash.[130])
- Causality Manipulation & Probability Manipulation (Magic creates synchronicities (definition for synchronicity here) as well as strange and meaningful coincidences.[70][71] Sometimes magic itself is just coincidence.[74] Magic allows one to control the happening of events of the natural world.[3] Magic is also indicated to be tied to destiny.[70] Magic at its core is "simply change-little catastrophes". As noted above, magic involves telling stories to the universe, and those stories that become magic can echo through space and time back to the start of all things, mixing with the All-That-Was and sparking something new, such as the mythical Gods of the Marvel Universe as well as the 10 Norse Realms (each of which is its own universe), becoming so big and mad and brilliant that they go back in time and change other stories, especially as "maybes" and "might-bes" such as "I dunno.", "I can't remember.", and "What if?" are just magic words that make anything possible.[56] Magic can bypass the slow mechanics of creation, such as natural laws and rational processes, and are the "cheat codes" for reality. One of the many mystical dimensions in the mystical universe, all of which are governed by magical energies, is the Astral Plane,[24] which among other things is the realm of Narrative.[101] Mia, despite not having any awareness of her own magic capabilities or how to use them, was able to alter causality and have herself placed in a remarkable guardianship despite her dire circumstances simply by invoking her magic powers through a wish that bent the universe to her will.[57] Doctor Doom tells Loki that magic is essentially a higher narrative into the flow of events, imposing a narrative upon reality, imposing a story, a fiction into reality and willing it to become true.[59] The realm of Lord Chaos and Master Order, who exist as the forces that shape and sustain reality as a whole (Order being responsible for giving the universe shape and stability and Chaos responsible for giving it movement and dynamism[91]) and whose realm is stated to be the fulcrum of existence, from which all that is springs forth,[38] is repeatedly[39] stated[37] to be[39] a realm made[33][34][35] of magic.[89] Iron Man states that Doctor Strange, as the main sorcerer who Iron Man is familiar with, represents "entropy reversal, hyperbolic geometry, and sawing probabilities in half" in regards to the nature of magic. To be a magician, even one with only basic skill, is "to have chance at your beck and call".[131] In higher dimensions, magic supersedes physical laws and is the only energetic medium that can effect change.)
- Plot Manipulation ("Magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly ",[55] and those stories mix with the All-That-Was and creating new things, becoming so big and mad and brilliant that they go back in time and change other stories.[56] Doctor Doom tells Loki that magic is essentially a higher narrative into the flow of events, imposing a narrative upon reality, imposing a story, a fiction into reality and willing it to become true. To be a creature of magic is to be a creature of story. Right after this, he states that he himself is a creature of magic, which makes him a creature of story.[59] Magic is symbol and metaphor, and can be contained within metaphorical stories while in itself contain possible questions, such as "What if the future was unwritten, the present uncontained? What if we could go anywhere, do anything, be anyone? What if we were free? What couldn't we do, on the day all our cages open? What does the bridge to anywhere look like?". Stories turn moments into power--moments like this--and a teller of tales can harness that power, even in the moment.[119] The nature of magic being tightly connected to that of stories is also greatly explored here.[60] One of the many mystical dimensions in the mystical universe, all of which are governed by magical energies, is the Astral Plane,[24] which among other things is the realm of Narrative.[101])
- Chaos Manipulation (Enhanced Law Manipulation & Subjective Reality; All magic requires chaos.[132] The realm of Lord Chaos and Master Order, who are the respective abstract embodiments of Chaos and Order in the universe and whose realm is stated to both lie between the polarities of actuality, being a universe of dualities where all dichotomies blend together and cease to exist[38] and is a realm where fact and fiction meld into one,[91] is repeatedly[39] stated[37] to be[39] a realm made[33][34][35] of magic.[89] Magic and Chaos are linked, abetting the undoing of physical absolutes.[73] Magic is outside and opposite the concepts of logic, and can replace them if they are destroyed.[11] The precepts of magic are naturally chaotic.[25] Magical energies are chaotic and ungoverned by natural laws.)
- Further Subjective Reality (Doctor Doom states that "Magic is driven by will. See what you want, imagine it, then make it happen!". Later, Merlin states that magic is powered by belief, and that for one to affect their own magic, they must will it to change.[133] Similarly, it is shown that just the belief that a set of normal nails were the holy nails of the True Cross was enough to give said nails actual magic power, enough that a bat with the nails hammered into it was able to harm a demon.[134] Magic can even come from simple wishes (which are made of hopes, dreams, and joy), albeit such magic is only temporary to those without magic potential. With magic, anything one wishes is but a thought away.[51])
- Non-Physical Interaction & Soul Manipulation (Magical attacks and spells can affect and completely destroy spirits and astral forms.[135] When a Doombot once attacked Taskmaster, it added some basic magic to its normal blasts that damaged Taskmaster's very spirit and left him feeling like part of himself was taken from him.[136] An enraged Doctor Strange shattered the inhuman soul of a living gargoyle with a normal magic attack.[137] The sheer power of Dormammu's magic was ripping through Doctor Strange's physical and astral bodies.[138] Doctor Strange casually interacted with a magician's astral form in order to both cut it off from the dimension of Cinnabus and then snip off a small part of said Astral form to make sure the connection was permanently cut.[139] Strange was also able to fight off a child's astral form turned into a spiritual warrior, freeing the imprisoned soul within.[140]When Doctor Strange's magic energies backlashed, it affected and harmed both his physical body and astral form.[87] A wave of sheer mystic force exerted by Doctor Strange sent a spirit-like alien reeling back, before Strange himself used his magic to capture and control the incorporeal alien.[141] A sorceress who served Baron Mordo easily captured Doctor Strange's astral form with a simple magic trap, and would've been capable of smashing Strange's astral form alongside her subordinate had their mystic bolts struck him.[142] A group of magic rings of negative, nihilistic force created by the Sons of Satannish wrapped around and threatened to crush Doctor Strange's astral form.[143] Asmodeus used magic to summon psychic tentacles made of Ether that were capable of grabbing Doctor Strange's astral form and threatened to crush it as easily as they could his physical body.[144])
- This grants even basic magic all the powers of affecting an Astral Form, which is supported by how one of the many mystical dimensions in the mystical universe, all of which are governed by magical energies, is the Astral Plane.[24] This is supported by how, in order to fix the universe's magical ley line system, Doctor Strange had to "operate" on Eternity within the Astral Plane to fix the tear within Eternity's "artery".[30]
- Magical Statistics Reduction (A sorcerer's soul contains/is connected to their magical power, and to take one's soul is to take their reserve of magical power,[145] so to damage/destroy the soul as mentioned above would also weaken their magical power. This connection between a magician's soul and their magic power is supported by Doctor Strange referring to his mystical powers as his "astral energies",[146] and his magic attack is once referred to as an astral blast.[147] Also, when Doctor Strange suffered a backlash of magical energies from overusing a certain type of magic, not only did this backlash of his own magic affect and harm both his physical body and astral form, but Strange then discovered that the same magic beings he was initially drawing magic energy from were now drawing magic energy from Strange's own astral form (meaning his soul).[87] Also, one of the 4 types of basic magic, Eco-centric magic, is powered by one's own spiritual energy.[1] Magic is also stated to be based largely on the flow between the soul and the mind.[148] Also, to absorb the magical energies of various Himalayan monks, Astrid Mordo planned on draining their minds, bodies, and souls dry to fill herself with magical power, indicating that all 3 are connected to one's magical reserves of energy.[149] It was also stated by Belasco that the soul is the very instrument through which one exercises their command over magic, and Doctor Strange gave a sizable portion of his magical power to Doctor Doom by giving him a fragment of his soul to add to his own.)
- Types of Non-Physical Interaction:
- Even basic magic, as noted above, can interact with Astral Forms, which asides from being one's mind, soul, and personal concept are also Nonexistent (Nature Type 2, Aspects 1, 2 & 3) in nature and are Type 1 Abstracts.
- Magic has been shown to capable of affecting[115] and even choking out[150] Galactus, a Nondual (Type 2) being who exists on multiple planes of existence simultaneously.[151][152] Also, even though Galactus routinely manipulates Hyperspace/Subspace (a High 1-B realm) and uses it as a means of fast travel alongside his Heralds,[26] notes that he is incapable of breaching mystic barriers,[27] needing help to breach them.
- Note: The Galactus being choked by the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak in the second scan is from Earth-691, not Earth-616, but since Earth-691 is directly branched[153][154] from Earth-616, its Galactus should be the same as the one from Earth-616 in nature, as should the nature of its magic.
- Magic has been shown to affect Type 1 Abstracts such as Nightmare[155] himself,[73] whom is stated to be an ancient conceptual entity.[156] with one example of him being affected by magic shown here[157] (though in general Doctor Strange's magic has affected (and in some cases even harmed) Nightmare on many occasions).
- Asides from Nightmare, Strange has been shown capable of affecting other Fear Lords, such as the Lurking Unknown[158] as well as D'Spayre.[159] Fear Lords in general are extradimensional representations of abstract concepts[160] and conceptual entities who embody the collective fears of all mankind.[161] They are incarnations[162] of different fears, being conceptual entities as much a part of existence[163] as Eternity without which fears cease to have meaning.[163]
- Another example of magic interaction with abstracts is in Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #34, when Doctor Strange, Doctor Druid, and later Doctor Doom encounter Doom's Shadow, who is stated to literally be Doom's Jungian Shadow (as well as all the feelings Doom has ever repressed). When Strange and Druid begin fighting Doom's Shadow, Strange's magic is able to visibly interact with it, but is only unable to do much because of Doom's Shadow being vastly stronger, and with the help of Doctor Doom and Doctor Druid, the 3 are able to use their magics together to seal Doom's Shadow, which once again calls itself the personification of Doctor Doom's internal good, back within Doom himself to restore his positive side and good intentions. This shows that magic can directly interact with Abstract Emotions, as well as part of one's personal concept (in this case their Jungian Shadow).[104]
- Using magic, Doctor Strange was able to destroy objects and kill beings from the Second Dimension, a 2-dimensional realm of living ink where drawings come to life and which Strange described as abstract in nature. Strange also described Stygmata (and by extent other inhabitants of the 2nd dimension) as "creatures of shadow and symbol".[50]
- Magic has also been shown to constantly affect Dormammu and other Faltines.[164] All true Faltines are incorporeal due to being abstract, higher[3]-dimensional[165] entities of pure energy,[25] while Dormammu himself is also a literal concept, a shared belief among all of his followers, and so long as there are those who worship him, energy shall form itself to become him,[166] making him an Abstract Entity (Type 1: Type 3 Concept).
- Limited Invulnerability Negation (Magic has also been shown to be capable of affecting[167]and binding[168] Mephisto, despite Mephisto being invulnerable against physical assault and only being vulnerable to an attack on the metaphysical level.[169])
- Holy Manipulation & Immortality Negation (Type 7; Cynthia Von Doom using basic magic was capable of fighting off and killing many vampires alongside Blade, and Doctor Doom earlier had heavily implied that magic worked better against those with vampire blood.[170] Doctor Doom stated that the Flames of the Faltine could eliminate the demonic forces controlling a group of teenage girls.[171] Two inexperienced magic users could still harm the demons of Hell with their magic attacks.[129] Doctor Strange's magic attacks were referred to as theurgic in nature.[172] Kaluu's magic could keep an army of demons at bay.[173] When Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom went to Mephisto's demonic realm, their magic blasts were then both repeatedly shown to be capable of killing the demonic creatures there,[109] which is confirmed here.[25] Dracula views magic as being just as deadly to him as the Holy Cross itself, also viewing the two as similar in nature.[174])
- Immortality Negation (Type 2 [Low-Godly] & Type 6; When Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom went to Mephisto's demonic realm, Strange and Doom using magic blasts were then both repeatedly shown to be capable of killing the creatures in Mephisto's realm, even though demons can usually shrug off losing their physical bodies and just send their essences into another creature's body.)
- Immortality Negation & Regeneration Negation (Type 3 [Mid]; Magic can kill demons, even though mortals and their weapons are virtually useless in killing demons. This is shown to be because they would regenerate from normal wounds. Magic can kill vampires, even though vampires are able to heal from their heart being stabbed in seconds though it paralyzes them,[175] survive gunshots through the head and even its complete destruction[176][177])
- Life Manipulation (Magic is stated to be life itself, with the Sorcerer Supreme possessing so much magic that the sheer amount of "life" makes the Sorcerer Supreme the antithesis of Lady Death's champion, the Harvestman.[178][179] The life of magic is also stated to be the exact opposite of death.[180][181] Doctor Strange's magic powers are described as "life-giving".[164] Magic is life, with the magic of the mystic beings known as the Trinity of Ashes being entirely opposite of the power of Lady Death.[182] There is magic behind all living things.[183])
- Physics Manipulation (The basic magic emitted by a Galactus who had absorbed various magic entities was warping the rules of science all over the universe,[184] and was corrupting the laws of physics.[25] As mentioned above, in the mystic universe (a half of Earth 616 that is pure magic in nature, in contrast to the "normal" scientific universe), none of the laws of the scientific universe work normally.[29] Magic and Chaos are linked, abetting the undoing of physical absolutes.[73] Magic allows an individual to control the natural world (including physical phenomena).[3] Magic is all about the breaking down of scientific constants.)
- Matter Manipulation (Magic affects physical matter, and supernatural/magical forces can change or infest physical matter)
- Biological Manipulation & Environmental Manipulation (Magic can affect environments and biologies for eons.)
- Durability Negation (Magic has been repeatedly shown to bypass non-magical defenses, shields, and resistances, such as here,[185] and it is hinted at by Doctor Doom that those without magic are unable to resist any magic attacks.[186] Also, it is stated here[147] by Doctor Strange that magic attacks can negate magic shields that non-magic attacks cannot, something which is shown when a demon-possessed Wolverine is able to break Strange's mystic shield due to being bathed in demonic magic,[187] and is also shown here.[188] Physical blows did nothing to Doctor Strange's magic shield, with the only thing capable of penetrating it being Scarlet Witch's hex blast due to its mystical qualities.[189] The magic of Scarlet Witch's shield let her easily penetrate the shields of an alien ship.[190])
- Vibration Manipulation (A normal mystic blast from Paradox vibrated a Doombot's armor to the point of shredding it.[191])
- All users of magic, even those who only use basic magic, have the following:
- Passive Probability Manipulation/Supernatural Luck (Arnie Green, a man with untapped mystic potential that he had no knowledge about, had been lucky all his life in various circumstances due to the mystic capabilities hidden within him.[192] Doctor Strange himself experiences similar luck, and indicates that it was due to the nature of magic.[74] Those who possess the potential for magic are unnaturally lucky all throughout their lives even before they realize their magical capabilities, with their skills at harnessing this luck only increasing as they learn to tap into their magic power, with luck being described as the "step-brother of true magic",[131] and Vincent Stevens himself increased his own unnatural luck just by flaring his own magical aura.[131])
- Enhanced Senses & Extrasensory Perception (All those with magical abilities can sense Astral Forms.[156] Even a Doctor Strange with only a tiny bit of magic could see demons that were invisible to normal humans, with Punisher only seeing them when holding a magic minigun.[193] Those who can see magic energy, which would include all magic users, can also see invisible things such as invisible warning lasers. Anywhere magic lives, magicians can sense and know what the rest of mankind cannot.)
- Resistance to all the basic powers of magic listed above: All sorcerers are capable of channeling magic energies all throughout their body, and can also endure being blasted with magic attacks either reflected at them or shot at them from other sorcerers, even those who have barely any experience or skill with magic.[194] This resistance to magic likely scales to the level of skill that a sorcerer has (as seen below), which is supported by many advanced wizards fighting and taking magic blasts from sorcerers at their level. Also, it is hinted at by Doctor Doom that those without magic are unable to resist any magic attacks,[101] something which he also states here.[186]
These are the basic spells and powers known by most if not all sorcerers, including minor ones, in addition to the basic powers of magic listed above.
- Empowerment
- Astral Projection
- Flight and Levitation
- Energy Projection (With standard magic blasts, such as the Bolts of Bedevilment.[156] Some sorcerers, such as Doctor Doom, can summon pillars of energy from the ground.[195])
- Telepathy (Doctor Strange mentally sent for Rintrah to come to his headquarters.[104] A Doctor Strange who was unable to move due to the risk of an explosion was able to telepathically communicate with Doctor Druid.[196] Doctor Strange and Wong were also able to have a telepathic conversation with magic.[197] Doctor Strange telepathically communicated with sorcerers across the world to warn them of the Empirikul.[78] Aged Genghis sent a telepathic message across the entire world to all sorcerers who he deemed capable candidates for the title of Sorcerer Supreme, on a magic frequency that only the selected magicians could hear (as confirmed by Doctor Doom, a skilled sorcerer himself).[109] Doctor Strange once telepathically summoned Hulk to come to his location without even realizing it.[198] Doctor Strange could telepathically plant a thought in Spider-Man's mind.[199] Doctor Strange using a simple spell was able to read Morgana Blessing's mind.[138] Doctor Doom using magic entered Susan Storm's mind and discovered the presence of Storm's alternate personality known as Malice.[186] Doctor Strange was able to look inside the heart of a mystic ghost in order to find and read its memories.[200] Despite being attacked by an explosion from a cursed individual whose mind was magically guarded, Doctor Strange was able to telepathically look inside the exploding individual's mind in the split second between the individual's magic shields disappearing and the individual's death.[201] Doctor Strange and Rintrah were capable of easily communicating with each other telepathically.[202] Doctor Strange could read the mind of a man in the house next to the one where Strange was at.[203] Nicholas Scratch could read Reed Richards' mind.)
- Underwater Breathing (The Winds of Watoomb can allow a person to breath underwater.[204] Using magic, Doctor Strange gave himself the ability to breath underwater.[172])
- Weapon Creation (Doctor Strange casually used magic to create a sword.[50] All sorcerers are capable of manifesting a certain artifact that, as an object of power, is both a reflection of the wielder's nature and a weapon.[205] Doctor Strange turned a butter knife into a flaming mystic sword.[206] Doctor Strange created magical copies of Claymore mines as well as a magical axe to fight a demonically-possessed Punisher.[207])
- Enhanced Senses & Enhanced Extrasensory Perception (Doctor Strange's senses allow him to see magic creatures and the magic behind all living things, "a reality behind that oblivious to mortals"[183] (him sensing magical creatures is also shown here,[208] here,[203] here,[203] and here[83]), as well as sensing aether and ley lines "as unconsciously as you may notice a slight breeze".[183] Doctor Doom can sense the mystical properties within a magical object.[209] Mekri Ra, despite being tortured to death by Kulan Gath, could still sense the astral form of Doctor Strange that had travelled back to Ra's time period.[210] Doctor Strange can also casually sense and see invisible demons and the spectral echoes of the recently deceased.[9] A past version of Doctor Strange could sense the killing intent of the Three Mothers.[211] Strange, Wong, and other sorcerers have no issue seeing Bats, the ghost of a dog. Learning to sense and speak to the spirits of the dead is considered a simple task for even novice magicians.[129] Strange could even sense an incoming sorcerer that was 100,000 miles above Earth, even when he was travelling trillions of miles in an instant.[29] Wong was able to sense Strange's presence in a city after teleporting from another dimension,[212] and easily sees through the disguise of a demon hiding inside a person.[213] Magicians are capable of sensing the soldiers of the Empirikul even when they cloak themselves and are thus invisible to normal pedestrians.[78] Wong can easily sense Strange's astral form.[83] Doctor Strange's mystic senses let him realize when Mordo's soldiers had found him,[214] and let him detect Spectres from the Dark Dimension, which cannot be detected by normal humans.[215] A sorceress working for Baron Mordo was able to detect Doctor Strange's astral form with her mystic senses.[142] Dormammu's mystic senses allowed him to sense and dodge an attack from the G'uranthic Guardian.[216] Even with his magic supply heavily depleted, Doctor Strange could still sense nearby spirits.[217] Spider-Man compared Doctor Strange's mystic senses to his own Spider-Sense.[218] Doctor Strange can sense the condition of someone's internal organs.[219] Rintrah, despite being a magic novice at the time, could sense the magic power of a elemental demon outside of Doctor Strange's home, and could sense that it was a powerful opponent.[220] Doctor Strange could sense the despondence of a man in the house next to the one where Strange was through his heat auras.[203] Doctor Strange could also casually detect a device hidden inside a man's coat.[221])
- Resistance to:
- Illusion Creation (Casey Kinmont, despite being relatively inexperienced in using magic, was able to see through the illusion of a demon pretending to be a human.)
- Resistance to:
- Damage Boost (Doctor Doom was able to apparently boost the power of his punch with magic.[222] Also shown by Doom here.[195] Wiccan was able to use magic to amplify the power of his punch.[223])
- Intangibility (Doctor Strange can casually phase his body parts through walls,[172] and Wong can casually walk through walls.[224] A cult leader used magic to phase his hand through Topaz's body so that he could place a magic totem right next to her heart.[225] Doctor Strange made himself, Melinda Morrison, and Spider-Man all intangible as to easier enter his Sanctum Sanctorum without being noticed.[218] Doctor Strange can also make himself intangible with an Incantion of Insubstantiality.[218])
- Summoning (Doctor Doom stated that he summoned a magic book from another dimension.[133] Doom also views rituals of summoning as "childish" examples of magic. After magically sending a group of heroes away from his location, it was noted that Doctor Strange could have also summoned them right back had he wanted.[21] An amnesiac Clea who was relatively inexperienced with her magics was capable of summoning a large amount of tentacles to attack a group of passersby.[226])
- Fire Manipulation (With the Flames of the Faltine, which can also be hurled at the opponent in the form of either a fireball or a wide net and can only be snuffed out by an equal magic force, not by water.[156] The Transmogrification of Fire Spell allows one to transform fire into an item of beauty, such as harmless flowers.[156] A seriously wounded Baron Mordo incinerated a man with a gesture.[227])
- Resistance to:
- Fire Manipulation (Using magic, Scarlet Witch had no issue swallowing fire.[190])
- Resistance to:
- Ice Manipulation (The Icy Tendrils of Ithalon can freeze an opponent with ice that is at Absolute Zero in temperature.[228])
- Water Manipulation (Doctor Strange used a small spell to keep the rainfall from touching his home.[220]
- Weather Manipulation, Air Manipulation & Electricity Manipulation (Doctor Doom can create thunderstorms as shown twice here.[229] Morgan Le Fay, while in the body of another woman, could instantly create a tornado.[230] Also seen here.[231] The Ancient One casually created a large snowstorm to prevent Stephen Strange from leaving his castle. Doctor Strange created strong winds with the Mists of Munnipor and Winds of Watoomb to extinguish a large fire. The Winds of Watoomb in general create large gusts of wind upon being cast. Doctor Strange could fly around a large fire fast enough to create a vortex that snuffed the fire out. Doctor Strange even in his astral form could unleash the Maelstrom of Madness, a vortex of magic energy. Doctor Strange manipulated the wind to bring a girl's balloon back to her with just a softly-muttered invocation. Dormammu used the Winds of Watoomb to create a vortex in order to blow away a rebel army.[216])
- Reconstruction (Doctor Strange entirely put together a bomb that had been detonated using magic. The Vishanti Spell of Self-Worth and Cleanliness can instantly restore one's immediate surroundings.[156] Doctor Strange used an incantation to fix an antique idol that Morgana Blessing had smashed.[232])
- Size Manipulation (Wong states that he knows a shrinking spell.[197] Doctor Strange shrank himself down to the size of a dust mote.[233])
- Animal Manipulation (Doctor Strange conjured several bees to free him of honey.)
- Perception Manipulation & Further Subjective Reality/Reality Warping (The mystical art of "perception reality" involves using one's own mental images and magically projecting them outwards to change what others see, with the user's projections becoming reality itself.[234])
- More Perception Manipulation (Doctor Strange distorted Yandroth's aim with a mystic gesture.[235])
- Earth Manipulation (Morgan Le Fay, while in the body of another woman, could create a giant arm from the Earth.[230] During her fight with Merlin, Morgan Le Fay dragged burning rock from below the ground to throw at him.[236] Doctor Strange can make the earth beneath him rise up and cover him as a shield. Doctor Strange opened up a chasm in the ground that swallowed two hostile mystic creatures. Baron Mordo summoned flaming meteors to attack Doctor Strange.[237])
- Limited Technology Manipulation (Even basic students of magic know spells that prevent machines such as copy machines from jamming.[234])
- Memory Manipulation & Sleep Manipulation (Doctor Doom using magic casually makes his younger counterpart fall asleep, then makes it so that his younger counterpart will forget meeting him.[70] The "Spell of Hoggoth" causes sleep and forgetfulness.[3] Doctor Strange casually wiped the short-term memory of a few men so that they would forget his identity.[138] Doctor Druid casually wiped the memory of a nearby explosion from an entire hospital.[196] Doctor Strange casually puts a little girl to sleep with a spell.[238] Wong puts someone about to attack Monica Rambeau to sleep.[239] Doctor Strange using a simple spell puts a patient to sleep.[50] After reading an enemy's mind, Doctor Strange then removed his memory of the encounter and of his goal to hunt Strange down with a simple memory block. Doctor Strange wiped the memories of a group of scientists with a Spell of Forgetfulness. Doctor Strange easily puts Brigand to sleep with a mere magic gesture.[123] Doctor Strange put Melinda Morrison to sleep with a mystic sphere.[218] Doctor Strange made an entire group of people forget about the night's events. The Mists of Morpheus can put both friends and enemies alike to sleep with ease due to the spell's power, depending on the intention of the caster.[156] Doctor Strange wiped the short-term memory of two men chasing him and Clea with just a gesture and a murmured phrase.[240] Doctor Strange casually teleported a man from his home to Broadway and made it so that the man would have no memory of Strange, Clea, or the events of the past day.[241] A simple mystic pass from Doctor Strange removed the short-term memories of a group of passersby.[143] Doctor Strange made Wong and Sara Wolfe forget all their memories of him, and later restored all their memories. Doctor Strange also quickly put a group of workers to sleep with a hurried sleep-spell, and could put an entire audience to sleep with a muttered spell.)
- Life Manipulation (Morgan Le Fay brought a set of armor to life.[242])
- Magic Nullification (Nicodemus West could invoke the Sands of Nishanti, which render anyone in their vicinity unable to use any magic for three minutes, although they do not affect one's physical power. Zelma Winston also invoked them to negate the magic of Loki and Doctor Strange, although they did not remove Loki's divine strength.[243])
- Time Manipulation/Stop, Time Travel, Reality Warping, Causality Manipulation & Age Manipulation (Magic is one of the ways one can use chronokinesis, which allows one to tamper with and alter the structure of reality, manipulate the inexorable flow of time as well as the general causal sequence of events, reorder past events, freeze time, time travel, slow down or accelerate the progress/aging of objects, localities and/or people, and altering a person's personal timeline, which could include aging or rejuvenating them against their will.)
- Mind Manipulation (Using a basic spell, Doctor Doom was able to enchant Wiccan into thinking he had removed his powers, when in reality Wiccan still possessed all of his powers.[244] Dr. Druid stated that he could hypnotize a group of Chinese Soldiers if he could get close enough to them.[104] Doctor Druid was also capable of taking control of the Hulk and having a mental battle with another psychic inside the Hulk's mind, the strain of which forces Hulk unconscious.[245] Morgan Le Fay using magic turned a Venom symbiote-wearing Mac Gargan against his comrades.[246] Doctor Doom's magic is stated to let him control weaker minds, something that lets him control Hood's mind even as Corrupter tries using his secreted glands to try and subvert Doom's will, which in turn allows Doom to make Hood shoot Corrupter.[247] Marie Laveau could easily mind control a group of people.[248] Morgan Le Fay as well as any of her followers can swap their minds with a targeted individual. The Roving Rings of Raggadorr can mind control a person and leave them with no memory of the incident. Even in his astral form, Baron Mordo could easily mind control the servant of the Ancient One. Doctor Doom causally used mind control to make three guards hug each other instead of stopping him .[249] Doctor Strange used magic to make a group of wannabe disciples spread the word that he was not in need of a disciple. The Rings of Raggadorr can be used for mind control.[156] An evil sorcerer serving Baron Mordo easily forced a weaker sorcerer to look into his eyes and then serve him willingly due to the latter having a weaker mind, and this same sorcerer could maintain his control over the minds of dozens of cultists at once. Xandu mind-controlled a pair of thugs by imposing his will on them with a hypnotic bolt of sheer force.[199] Doctor Strange used the Silent Spell of the Seraphim to briefly rob a guard of his consciousness.)
- Explosion Manipulation (A incredibly casual spell from Doctor Strange makes a monster from another dimension explode.[16])
- Illusion Creation (Doctor Doom can manifest many illusory duplicates of himself to fool enemies, and used the Images of Ikkon to disguise Nadia Wasp.[171] A simple magic illusion could disguise all of Strange Academy and the area around it.[16] Sorcerers can also easily disguise themselves with a glamour of concealment. Doctor Strange created an illusion of himself dying to fool and distract Dagoth. Doctor Strange on multiple occasions has easily created many illusory copies of himself, and can even gave each illusory copy the power of hypnotism. Using magic, Baron Mordo could disguise his body and voice to perfectly replicate those of Sir Clive Bentley. Rasputin created an illusion of a ghost to intimidate a Prime Minister. Doctor Strange used a simple illusion to make his robe appear as normal clothing, and shortly afterwards proceeded to make two thugs believe that they had entered a demonic realm in order to frighten them into renouncing their villainous behavior, and he later used magic again to disguise his garbs as normal clothes. He can also disguise the clothes of those around him in addition to himself. The Images of Ikkon can create multiple variations of oneself, mask the fantastic as the mundane, or produce the appearance of an entire fleet of invading forces.[156] Rintrah uses spells of concealment to appear human, often taking the guise of famous actors.[156] The Holcate Illusion of the Fears reveals to the target one of their own dark personal fears and temporarily makes an illusion of said fear, though the caster must expose one of their own personal fears to the mystical being known as Holcate in return.[156] Doctor Strange could disguise himself as a Mindless One. Doctor Strange fooled a robot by creating multiple images of himself from mist to distract it. Doctor Strange created an illusory image of himself sleeping while he left his room. Doctor Strange in an instant disguised himself and Rintrah using a quick spell. Kaluu cast a Spell of Concealment to disguise himself, Rintrah, and Enitharmon, and later cast a spell of disguise on Rintrah and Enitharmon. Doctor Strange used an illusion spell to fake his own death, and could in an instant disguise the Eye of Agamotto as a common medallion.)
- Automatic Translation (Doctor Strange also used it on a group of 6-dimensional soul eaters.[203] There is also the commonly known Spell of Translation.[156] Doctor Strange also used a simple translation spell so that he and all nearby people could understand what Bats, a dog, was saying.[250])
- Invisibility & Stealth Mastery (Mia, despite being a novice at using magic, was able to learn a simple spell to both make herself invisible and make it so that no one could hear her.[205] Using the Crytorryk Spell of Invisibility.[156] Doctor Strange created a psychic shield that also made him unseeable by human eyes.[144] Doctor Strange can make himself invisible, used a mystic sphere to make Melinda Morrison invisible, and right after made Spider-Man invisible.[218] Doctor Strange created a mystic fog to hide the laboratory of his friend, Jonas Hilt, from those who would wish and stop Jonas Hilt from analyzing a magic potion that could cure all diseases,[251] although the sorcerer Nicodemus West was able to get past this mystic fog, kill Hilt, and steal the potion. Doctor Strange casually made himself invisible.[252])
- Energy Manipulation (Sorcerers can restrain or imprison enemies with the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak[109] [the most common magic spell used for restraining opponents], the Emerald Bands of Exador,[253] or other magic spells. The Spikes of the Seraphim allow one to attack the enemy with magic spikes.[254] Doctor Strange can create a flaming whip to attack his enemies with using a magic spell.[10] Even when heavily weakened and in an unknown dimension whose very nature was threatening to kill him, Doctor Strange was able to draw upon the mystic energy of the realm to create a mystic envelope around himself, protecting his body from further harm.[255] The Bolt of Retrieval can be used to grab or take an object.[256])
- Forcefield Creation (Most sorcerers can create the Shield of the Seraphim,[156] a barrier which can deflect almost every kind of force directed against it, from magic blasts to bullets to cosmic rays to laser beams. The shield can also be used to surround and capture an enemy.[3] They were used by Doctor Strange to block an attack a hundred times stronger than his own.[257] He could also block blasts from other candidates for Sorcerer Supreme that were multiplied a hundredfold.[109] An injured Doctor Doom was still able to create an energy shield strong enough to block a punch from Kulan Gath.[222] Doctor Strange casually summoned the Shield of the Seraphim right in front of him without even moving, easily guarding against a punch that contained all the power that Baron Mordo had built up for months on end. The Icy Grip of Ikthalon shielded Doctor Strange from a demon's Chaos Flames. Doctor Doom can create a mighty sphere around himself, and can even prepare a defensive spell strong enough to effortlessly block attacks from Iron Man's Model Prime Suit.[258] Doctor Strange easily put a forcefield up around himself right before a group of cultists could blast him with magic. The Flames of the Faltine can be used to create a forcefield around one's body,[156] as shown here. Sorcerers can also put up the shield of Colotor's Protective Spell if they need to shield themselves on the fly and with a mere thought.[156] Doctor Strange used the Shield of the Seraphim to shield Victoria Bentley from all harm,[259] and later created bubbles of mystic force to protect Clea and Bentley as they were sent back to the Earth dimension.[260] Doctor Strange created a psychic shield that also made him unseeable by human eyes. Doctor Strange created a psychic shield with a mere moment's thought. Doctor Doom even while slightly wounded and without his armor could quickly throw up a magic forcefield strong enough to block a point-blank blow from The Thing.[261])
- Blood Manipulation (Merlin was able to control a lake of sacred blood and make it rise up and cool the weapons that Sir Percy had just finished forging.[262] Nicodemus West used magic to coerce the white blood cells of a man named Reginald Pavlish into attacking his cancer, which they did, but Pavlish's white blood cells then proceeded to attack the rest of his body and destroy it from the inside out. Nicholas Scratch would've transmuted Human Torch's blood had he not been stopped.)
- Poison Manipulation (Baron Mordo attacked Doctor Strange with Spikes of the Seraphim that were poisoned with flowers from another dimension.[254])
- Light Manipulation (With the Pure White Light of Nirvalon.[257] Illumination spells are a simple matter for even novice magicians.[263] The Moons of Munnopor can shine a bright and powerful light.[156] The Flames of the Faltine can be called upon to illuminate chambers.[156] Doctor Strange used the Shades of the Seraphim to create a powerful light that briefly blinded Umar.[264] Doctor Strange could briefly blind and repel Nightmare with the Seven Suns of Cinnabus.[163] Clea created a magic beacon of light to help a submerged Doctor Strange find his way up to the surface.[265] Doctor Strange, Clea, and the Eye of Agamotto all unleashed various beams and attacks of light to repel the attacks and imprisonments of Asmodeus.[266] Clea used a mystic light to lead her through a dark sewer tunnel.[267] Rintrah used a spell to illuminate a room so that he and Topaz could see better.[268])
- Enhanced Holy Manipulation (The Rings of Raggadorr work even better against demons than they do against mortals.[156] Standard sorcery in general is described by Kaluu as "purity and light", in direct opposition to Black Magic.[269] No evil sorcerer can withstand to even look at the symbol of the Vishanti.[270])
- Passive Resistance to:
- Illusion Negation (The White Light of Nirvalon is described as pure in nature and can dispel illusions or dark energies.[3])
- Further Spatial Manipulation (The Strange Academy is able to fit its large area within a much smaller space with a simple spatial compression displacement enchantment.[16] Sorcerers can move through realities by folding space-time.[156] Doctor Strange opened an abyss in the Dream Dimension to dispose of Nightmare's dream demons.[271] A badly weakened Doctor Strange bent space and time to teleport from his home to the Ancient One's Himalayan temple, though the damage to his body caused by cancer caused these spells to nearly fail.[272])
- Further Time Manipulation (There are stated to be temporal spells that are considered to be low level.[197] Doctor Strange compressing time with one of his spells is viewed as being a relatively trivial matter that he is capable of quickly doing. Sorcerers can move through realities by folding space-time.[156] With the Spell of Yesterdays, a sorcerer can send a person back in time to a certain event based on one of said person's memories, though the spell can only be cast if the target is mentally and physically still.[156] Doctor Strange used a simple Spell of Temporal Displacement to prevent a stranger from getting near Clea, instead putting him in front of a lamppost.[271] A badly weakened Doctor Strange bent space and time to teleport from his home to the Ancient One's Himalayan temple, though the damage to his body caused by cancer caused these spells to nearly fail.[272])
- Existence Erasure: The Flames of the Faltine are capable of erasing people from existence.[273]
- Portal Creation & Dimensional Travel (Many examples shown of both abilities all throughout Marvel Comics. Doctor Doom with a minor spell could weaken the barriers between dimensions to open up portals.[274] Doctor Doom can also open multiple portals at once for himself and his Doombots to use to attack enemies from all sides.[195] Using a chant, Morgan Le Fay could enter a pocket dimension where none could follow her.[275] Doctor Doom created a portal to pull Meggan out of Hell.[276] Doctor Strange created a portal that caused Thunderball to get hit by his own energy blast.[228] Doctor Strange easily created a portal in mere seconds to ambush Nicodemus West alongside Wong and Night Nurse.[253] Sorcerers can choose to travel to nearly any dimensional plane in Universal Eternity, even pan-dimensional realms like Hell, the Dark Dimension, or the Realm of Nightmare himself.[156] Some sorcerers choose to travel between realities simply by taking shortcuts through nonlinear dimensions.[156] Doctor Strange easily travels to a world between realities in pursuit of Xander.[277] A Doctor Strange who was not at his full magical capabilities casually sent Loki to what was implied to be another dimension using a simple portal spell.[278] Doctor Strange easily created a portal from his home to Port-Au-Prince.[279] By ripping a small hole in reality, Clea could use a "transtep jump" to travel from the Dark Dimension to Earth.[280])
- Note: The range of this portal creation and dimensional travel is "At least Interdimensional, up to High Hyperversal to Outerversal", as they are capable of travelling even to the likes of Hell and the Realm of Nightmare himself[156] (with Doctor Doom easily making a portal to Hell with magic[281]), as Hell is a pan-dimensional reality infinitely transcendent[109] of the universe, and Nightmare's realm is in the Astral Plane,[282] which is 1-A in dimensionality. Also, as mentioned above Clea could travel through a magic portal from the Dark Dimension to Earth, with the former being a Splinter Realm adjacent to the pan-dimensional realm of Limbo.)
- Metal Manipulation (An angry Doctor Strange easily created magical chained restraints to trap Brigand,[123] and later with the same ease created magical chained shackles and a chained metal gag to restrain and silence Nicodemus West, although West escaped shortly after due to his own magic talents. Strange could also create a similar metal gag around the mouth of the President of the United States. The Chains of Krakkon can be summoned to entrap and hold others, often preventing them from utilizing their powers.[3])
- Paralysis Inducement (Morgan Le Fay's magic attack paralyzed Doctor Doom's armor, creating mystic barriers that left Doom unable to move.[283] Doctor Doom could casually immobilize Blade with a simple Holding Spell, although he stated that Blade's vampiric blood made him more vulnerable to the spell.[170] A Strange who had lost most of his magic power could still easily paralyze the giant Googam with the magic spell known as the "Stillness of Malwa". A shaken Doctor Strange who had just woken up after a mental battle with Nightmare could still casually paralyze a hospital intern with a gesture. Doctor Strange easily paralyzed a demon with a simple spell. Using the Rings of Raggadorr and the power of the Vishanti, Doctor Strange prevented one sorcerer from speaking (which in turn prevented him uttering spells) and then immobilized all of the sorcerer's henchmen.[214] The Ancient One could casually hold Stephen Strange motionless above the ground, and shortly after Baron Mordo could easily paralyze Stephen Strange.[284] Doctor Strange easily immobilized a man possessed by a spirit-like alien.[141] Rasputin easily paralyzed a guard with a spell that would only wear off in the morning. Doctor Strange easily paralyzed his opponent with a finger and utterance of "be still".[201] A younger version of the Ancient One immobilized Kaluu's army for a day with a simple spell, but was immobilized by a spell from Kaluu himself shortly after. Kaluu also casually immobilized a group of policemen for an hour with a simple spell. Doctor Strange casually paralyzed Topaz with a spell of immobility.)
- Biological Manipulation & Curse Manipulation (Baron Mordo could prevent Doctor Strange from speaking to the Ancient One of Mordo's treachery or even approaching the Ancient One, all while using magic restraints on Strange that no one else could see.[284] This mystical gagging spell was later used by a cult leader to prevent one of his thugs from revealing any information to Doctor Strange.[201] Doctor Strange using some simple magic gave painful face boils to an attacking monster and caused it to retreat. By using the spell "Sting of Wasps", Dormammu could cause Doctor Strange's skin to erupt in boils, and shortly after turned Doctor Strange's bones to jelly by simply uttering "Bones to Jelly".[225] Doctor Strange removed the mouths from a large group of demons with a mere gesture and an utterance of the word "quiet".[225] Doctor Strange states that he has truth spells that can (usually) force someone to tell the truth.[201] With a minor spell, Doctor Strange greatly increased a man's hunger to an unnatural degree. Baron Mordo's daughter transferred Mordo's cancer into Doctor Strange's body, with Mordo later transferring the cancer back into his own body.[149] Doctor Strange can alter his body's metabolic rate to accelerate his hair growth with a simple spell.[285])
- Darkness Manipulation (With the Vapors of Valtorr.[146] Using Doctor Strange's body and magic, Dormammu unleashed a bolt of purest darkness against Strange.[287] Doctor Strange blinded Voltorg by casting a shroud of darkness upon it, with even the machine's scanner circuits rendered useless.[235] Doctor Doom shielded himself using dark magic to create a barrier of darkness.[247])
- Energy Corruption (Doctor Doom using magic could corrupt the energy flow of Iron Man's armor and leave him defenseless.[288])
- Fire Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Sense Manipulation & Status Effect Inducement (The Vapors of Valtorr can blind, sedate, silence, or burn an opponent, and are described as "overwhelming and corrosive",[195] and their corrosion can even dissolve mystical barriers.[156] The Rains of Raggadorr can dissolve a hostile magic fungus on one's body without harming the user. Merlin temporarily blinded a group of soldiers with ease.[289]
- Statistics Reduction (The Vapors of Valtorr can physically weaken an opponent.[156])
- BFR (Doctor Doom banished a magical creature called a Chronosite from Earth, and later banished a demon from the moon named Anamelech from the mortal plane of existence with a spell along with all of Anamelech's arcane artifacts.[171] Doctor Strange stated that a simple exile spell could banish most spirits, only failing against one spirit due to special circumstances. Banishing otherworldly entities such as demonic spirits or mind maggots is usually a simple task for Doctor Strange. Rasputin almost succeeded in banishing Doctor Strange's astral form to the nether-dimension of Limbo had Doctor Strange not distracted him with a telepathic attack. Doctor Strange sent a group of cultists to Australia, later sending their leader to the same location. The Conjurer's Cone is a simple spell that can send an enemy to a faraway dimension.[156] The Mists of Munnopor can be used to banish.[156] Doctor Strange magically scattered a group of heroes to the wind to save them from God Emperor Doom's wrath.[21] A simple spell called the Spell of Transference can easily banish items to another dimension or dimensional plane. Doctor Strange used a simple spell to send a group of revelers away so that he could talk to the Black Knight and Victoria Bentley alone. Even while blinded, Xandu could cast a spell to forcibly send Spider-Man to another dimension.[199] A magician can invoke the power of Hoggoth to use a spell of banishment and choose whether to send a target either to somewhere else in the universe or even to another dimension, with skilled magicians being able to choose the location where the target ends up.[3])
- The range of this BFR is Interdimensional.
- Healing (Low-Mid, Doctor Doom healed his arm after Skaar sliced it down the middle.[290] Doctor Doom also healed Wiccan's wounds.[291] A young Emily Bright, despite being inexperienced with how to properly use her magic, was able to completely heal her fatally wounded dog.[16] Doctor Strange can heal a stab wound he received to his stomach with the Scarlet Sutures of Cyttorak.[292] Nicodemus West, despite having relatively limited knowledge of sorcery, was able to completely heal a mortally wounded girl whose internal injuries were "beyond medical help", doing so "as effortlessly as a composer arranges a song". The Teresing Boost Spell of Health can allow a sorcerer to grant someone an enhanced capability to fight off disease and injury, and can keep alive someone who would otherwise succumb to a fatal wound.)
- Purification (Types 1 & 3) & Resistance to: Madness Manipulation (The Vapors of Valtorr protected Doctor Strange from Nightmare's Mystic Maze of Madness, and "cleansed [his] mind and heart".[293] Colognener's Preparation Spell "scrubs clean" a person's soul and cleanses their mind and body to ensure optimal magical performance.[156] Doctor Strange dispelled a magical hypnotic trance that had been cast to put a taxi driver in a catatonic state.[144] Doctor Strange used a spell of purification to cleanse his body of a poisonous cloud of powders,[294] and even when severely weakened he could use what little magic he had to filter corrosive gasses out of his body.[295])
- Purification (Type 2; Doctor Doom banished a demon out of Madame Masque's body[296] Doom can also revert the effects of the Penance Stare. Doctor Strange can exorcise a spirit or even a higher-dimensional Hell Lord like Dormammu with the Seven-Ringed Exorcism of Aelantus, although the spell does not work if the host is a willing one.[297] After a Zom-possessed Doctor Strange defeated a large group of heroes and left them corrupted by his defensive magic, Wong removed the negative effects of the spell with a Reversal Spell .[298] The Rings of Raggadorr can be used for common exorcisms.[156] The Mists of Munnopor combined with the Vapors of Valtorr can be used for a spell of exorcism.[156] Doctor Strange removed the mental control from Baron Mordo's hypnotized cultists, stripping them of their mental corruption and mystic power as well.[299])
- Teleportation (Doctor Strange easily teleports both himself and Daimon Hellstrom.[300] Many sorcerers use one spell or another to teleport, such as the Teleportation Spell of the Vishanti and the Gorgerell Transportation Spell.[156] The M'Casta Spell of Item Transference teleports an item from an enemy's hand to the hand of the spell's caster.[156] Doctor Strange casually teleported a man from his home to Broadway. Doctor Strange teleported the Darkhold to Baron Mordo's castle with a spell of transport. Baron Mordo intercepted a man in a burst of green flames.[301])
- Psychometry (Clea used magic to show Valkyrie the backstory of The Hulk.)
- Matter Manipulation (At least Molecular, likely Macro-Quantum; On Kanna's homeworld, where magic was commonplace, she indicated that magic was used to casually manipulate electrons.[102] It is heavily implied that creating food with magic by using individual molecules is a relatively simple matter for sorcerers, albeit not quite as easy as using standard ingredients.[72] Doctor Strange transformed the molecules of the air into solid pellets and hurled them at Dormammu. Doctor Strange alternating molecular action with one of his spells is viewed as being a relatively trivial matter that he is capable of quickly doing. Doctor Strange could congeal the clouds below Dormammu and solidify them. Doctor Strange repelled an incoming electric attack by manipulating the electrons around him to block it.)
- Telekinesis (Baron Mordo was able to make his castle levitate in the air whenever he was absent.[137] Doctor Doom can manipulate targets with hand gestures,[302] and was also able to make his magic armor float with telekinesis. Emily Bright was capable of telekinesis since infancy.[16] Morgan Le Fay said that Merlin hurled shooting stars from the sky at her during their battle.[303] Even a Doctor Strange with a heavily depleted magic supply could easily use telekinesis. Doctor Strange could also use waves of mystic force to prevent Clea from flying by pushing her back to the ground. Doctor Strange put a group of individuals safely in orbit around a large planet. With just a gesture, Clea could telekinetically sweep up all the garbage in an alley and use it to pin three men to a brick wall. A weakened and near-death Baron Mordo crushed a man into a ball with a gesture.[301])
- Statistics Amplification, Power Bestowal & Energy Absorption (Kaluu in the past enchanted the weapons of his soldiers as to increase their power. An illusion of Cynthia Von Doom taught Doctor Doom how to use magical energy transference to strengthen and empower his physical form. Alice Gulliver can infuse the bullets of her guns with magic. Those with unbreakable resolve and raw courage can resist magic attacks that would otherwise be lethal, even from those vastly superior to them in magic power. The Rings of Raggadorr can be used to enhance one's speed.[156] Sorcerers can also draw on the environment around them for magic, using one of the 4 basic types of magic known as Eco-Centric Magic.[1] The power of spells can be strengthened by sheer force of will.[10] Xandu mind-controlled a pair of thugs and gave them super-strength, to the point that Spider-Man was overpowered by the two, as well as immunity to pain.[199] A heavily weakened Doctor Strange amplified his magic power by drawing upon the remaining magic of the entire Earth dimension,[81] even though this amount was at an unusually low level due to the Empirkul having drained most of it earlier. Doctor Strange turned a butter knife into a flaming mystic sword.[304] The "Skill of the Seraphim" can boost one's agility and coordination, while the "Speed of the Seraphim" boosts one's speed.[3])
- Immersion & Dream Manipulation (Also, Doctor Strange can enter someone's dream to fight their horror, and can create portals to literally jump into a person's mind and memories within the collective consciousness of all human beings.[123] Doctor Doom was able to casually trap someone in a painful and realistic nightmare with a spell.[305] Doctor Strange was able to travel through paintings in order to stealthily enter the Sanctum Sanctorum.)
- Cloth Manipulation (Doctor Strange easily made the clothing of a trio of gangsters disappear. Rintrah used a minor spell to fix Doctor Strange's torn clothes,[306] and used a simple weaving spell to repair a man's clothes.)
- Elemental Manipulation, Weapon Creation, Forcefield Creation & Minion Creation (Ecocentric magic allows sorcerers to harness the elemental substances of earth, air, fire, and water and turn them into weapons, shields, and minions.[3])
- Life Manipulation & Transmutation (Doctor Strange can turn a silver handgun and its bullets into flies.[253] Doctor Strange also casually turned a man into snow for a few seconds.[307] Doctor Strange turned Baron Mordo's Spikes of the Seraphim into fragrant blossoms with a Simple spell of Elemental Transformation.[254] Baron Mordo with a single sentence turned Wong's staff into magic ropes that wrapped around him.[254] Clea turned a small army of gangsters into snakes. An amnesiac Clea casually turned a man into a pig, and soon after turned multiple police officers' guns into snakes. Doctor Strange turned a mutated eel-man back into its original self as a normal electric eel. Sorcerers can dissolve their own physical essence into light to travel between realities.[156] The Mists of Munnopor can be used to transmogrify, and Doctor Strange once used their power to turn the wings of attacking demons into lead.[156] The Transmogrification of Fire Spell allows one to transform fire into an item of beauty, such as harmless flowers.[156] An amnesiac Clea easily fused a woman with the metal wall of her cell, killing her in the process. Doctor Strange solidified the very air to trap a group of creatures in a crystalline structure. Doctor Strange turned a pair of guns into harmless toy guns with a gesture.)
- Time Travel ("Breaching time" to travel back millions of years to the time of the dinosaurs is heavily implied to be a casual and simple magic,[72] it is later both stated and shown to be easy even for adept students of magic.)
- Necromancy (Even adept sorcerers at Strange Academy are taught on how to bring normal people back to life,[308] with the art of necromancy viewed as a relatively simple magic to learn.[309] This is Not Combat-Applicable for low-tier sorcerers.)
- Empathic Manipulation (Doctor Strange threw a wave of pure sadness at an army of Empirikul soldiers.[76] While pretending to be unconscious, Clea telepathically used a Sympathy Spell to conjure a magic circuit that connected the psyches of Nick Fury, Pamela Hawley, and Morgana Blessing, routing them through Doctor Strange's body.[310] Seduction spells can be performed even by basic students. Clea took Zelma Winston's emotional bliss and gave it to a demon, briefly debilitating the demon long enough for it to be contained.[311] The Vishanti Spell of the Spiritual can instantaneously calm down an individual full of adrenaline, anxiety, fear, or rage, and can often calm down the spell's caster as well.[156])
- Body Puppetry (Doctor Strange could use magic to forcibly control a man's fingers and make him drop the books which he was trying to steal.[241] An amnesiac Clea who was relatively inexperienced with her magics forced a large group of people to bow down to her. Doctor Strange stopped Baron Mordo in his tracks by taking command of the muscles in his body.)
- Transformation (Marie Laveau could transform into a wolf-like creature.[312] Baron Mordo travelled as a cloud of smoke through a phone line before reforming into his normal body.[313])
- Damage Transferal (Zelma Winston, despite her limited knowledge of magic, was able to use a Spell of Transferance to transfer a magical poisonous sickness from the body of a near-death Doctor Strange with nearly no magic power into her own body, albeit the sickness would've killed her had Strange not given her body some of his own magical antibodies.[314] Baron Mordo's daughter transferred Mordo's cancer into Doctor Strange's body, with Mordo later transferring the cancer back into his own body.)
- Sealing (Pixie states that sealing spells and entrapment wards are common among shamans and mages across most cultures, and was able to perform such a spell without prior knowledge using only her most rudimentary magic skills.[315] Sorcerers can restrain or imprison enemies with the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak (the most common magic spell used for restraining opponents), the Emerald Bands of Exador, the Rings[156]of Raggadorr,[3] the Bands of Belasco, or other magic spells. Doctor Strange has had to seal the Spirit of Mammon away with magic multiple times over the course of a year. Doctor Strange with a simple spell sealed the entrance to another dimension in order to prevent any more incursions from a spirit-like alien race.[141] Doctor Strange sealed a demon in a box for eternity with the Seal of Morpheus. Doctor Doom used a magic attack which wrapped around and restrained one of the mind-controlled sorcerers attacking him. Sorcerers can trap their opponents in the Conjurer's Sphere of Containment, and then begin to shrink the sphere if they wish to compress and crush their opponents. Doctor Strange attemped to bind Stygyro with the Rings of Raggadorr, though the latter broke free of them. Doctor Strange even in his Astral Form could seal the demon Ningal away in a block of mystic amber. Doctor Strange rendered the Darkhold's power harmless by containing it with the Glowing White Sphere of Nirvalon.)
- Sealing/Forcefield Creation Negation (The Rings of Raggadorr can break bonds, containments, or barriers.[156] The Mists of Munnopor can be used to break barriers.[156])
- Additional Limbs (Doctor Strange can create large floating hands made of magic to attack and/or grab his opponents, also doing so here. Cagliostro was shown to be capable of creating magical arms that can strangle an opponent to death even when the target is well away from the caster.[316] Doctor Doom can easily summon the Awful Arm of Azazoth to restrain his opponent. Nicodemus West created a large metal arm from the floor to attack Doctor Strange. Sorcerers can summon the Demon-Claws of Denak to attack their enemy, although the cost of doing so can often lead to a week's worth of nightmares.[156])
- Creation (An alternate Doctor Strange from a "What If" Universe states that creation magic (conjuring something from nothing) comes naturally to most magicians, with created objects being the purest extension of a sorcerer's soul, and Doctor Strange taught Magik how to wield it as her most basic lesson into the usage of healthy magic.[317])
Resistance to:
- Fire Manipulation (A simple spell shielded Doctor Strange when he passed through a pit of liquid fire.[286])
- Transmutation (It is indicated that sorcerers have no issue with dissolving their own physical essence into light to travel between realities,[156] implying that they can revert their bodies back to normal without issue.)
- Antimatter Manipulation (Doctor Strange's magical forcefield protected him, Doctor Doom, and the imprisoned soul of Doom's mother from Doctor Doom's antimatter bomb.[109])
- Radiation Manipulation (Doctor Doom casts a spell that protects himself and the people with him from the Ascension Engine's radiation.[318])
- Mind Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Perception Manipulation & Empathic Manipulation (After mentally repelling Onslaught's telepathic hate plague, Doom cast a spell to keep himself shielded from said hate plague.[319])
- Acid Manipulation (A weakened Doctor Strange was still able to protect himself from a creature's digestive fluids using a mystic envelope that was covering his body at the time.)
Enhanced Resistance to:
- Spells that are more advanced than basic spells and thus have mainly been shown being used by renowned and talented sorcerers, especially those who are candidates for Sorcerer Supreme. Any sorcerer on this level should be capable of also using all of the spells and powers described in the Lower-Level Sorcery and Basic Magic sections, and on a far greater scale.
- Enhanced Resistance to: Basic Magic, Disease Manipulation & Poison Manipulation (Those who have practiced sorcery for years have built up magical antibodies within their bodies that protect them from magical poisons and sicknesses that would kill lower wizards.[314] Also, sorcerers with this level of skill can resist magic attacks[144] that would kill "minor mystics" in an instant.[320] Also, it has also been shown that weapons and items that affect minor users of magic and/or basic magics do nothing to the magics of higher-tier sorcerers, who can also crack the magic wards of basic magic users with ease.[321])
- Resistance to: Power Nullification (Even though nullifying magic is the signature power of soulblades like the sword and dagger,[322] as they nullify magic energy,[323] neutralize mystic beings,[324] disrupt all magical spells and entities,[325] banish demons in single strokes[326] and destroy anything of magical origin,[327] and can disrupt any arcane spell or entity.[95] the skilled sorcerer Wong was able to easily block the Soulsword using magic without being affected at all, while also being capable of removing the Soulsword's own power.[263] Similarly, the skilled sorcerer Doctor Doom also easily blocked the Soulsword with a magic shield without his enchantment being broken or negated.[195] Also, it has also been shown that weapons and items that affect minor users of magic and/or basic magics do nothing to the magics of higher-tier sorcerers, who can also crack the magic wards of basic magic users with ease,[321] and that more skilled sorcerers can easily resist the magics and negate the mystic resistances of those with only basic understandings of their magic power,[328] especially as mystic skill and training is a prime factor in one's magic capabilities.[3])
- Note: The gap between high-tier sorcerers and those on the level of the Sorcerer Supreme (which are both described below) in terms of magic skill is consistently shown as far smaller than the gap between higher-tier sorcerers and the lower-tier/basic sorcerers and magic users. High tier sorcerers such as Doctor Doom and Baron Mordo have constantly been portrayed as comparable to Sorcerer Supremes (albeit still inferior), have fought them on relatively even terms in battles of magic, and/or have been shown to be capable of affecting them with magic spells despite their enhanced resistance to mystic attacks. Thus, high-tier sorcerers and mystics of the Sorcerer Supreme tier both share 1 layer of magic potency/resistance above baseline for all the P&A of Basic Magic.
- Also, spells cast by incredibly powerful sorcerers (such as Umar) can only be dispelled/nullified by potent enough counter-spells cast by another sorcerer with enough magic power (such as Doctor Strange), indicating that strong enough spells and magicians can only have their magic nullified by a spell/magician of comparable power. In addition, Vincent Stevens just by flaring his aura increased his own unnatural luck enough to override the passive Supernatural Luck of a novice magician.[131]
- Resistance to: Power Nullification (Even though nullifying magic is the signature power of soulblades like the sword and dagger,[322] as they nullify magic energy,[323] neutralize mystic beings,[324] disrupt all magical spells and entities,[325] banish demons in single strokes[326] and destroy anything of magical origin,[327] and can disrupt any arcane spell or entity.[95] the skilled sorcerer Wong was able to easily block the Soulsword using magic without being affected at all, while also being capable of removing the Soulsword's own power.[263] Similarly, the skilled sorcerer Doctor Doom also easily blocked the Soulsword with a magic shield without his enchantment being broken or negated.[195] Also, it has also been shown that weapons and items that affect minor users of magic and/or basic magics do nothing to the magics of higher-tier sorcerers, who can also crack the magic wards of basic magic users with ease,[321] and that more skilled sorcerers can easily resist the magics and negate the mystic resistances of those with only basic understandings of their magic power,[328] especially as mystic skill and training is a prime factor in one's magic capabilities.[3])
- More Advanced Soul Manipulation, Immortality Negation (Type 7) & Death Manipulation (The magical arms that Cagliostro summoned were threatening to kill Dracula in a matter of seconds despite his undead immortality until the latter broke free, and were described as capable of "reaching within" one's very spirit.[316])
- Further examples of Advanced Soul Manipulation (Doctor Strange was also able to take the souls of Silver Surfer and Thanos and send them to another plane of reality where their standard powers did not work normally.[329] Morgan Le Fay's telepathy was capable of twisting Spider-Woman's mind and soul.[330] When a Spider-Woman whose Astral Form had been removed from her body tried reentering it, Morgan Le Fay initially blocked it with bio-electric energies, and when Magnus tried to use magic to help Spider-Woman, Morgan turned his magic against Spider-Woman and trapped her astral form between dimensions.[331] Morgan Le Fay used her powers to drag multiple souls back in time from the present day to the Middle Ages and uses them as fodder against Spider-Woman.[332] Doctor Strange transfused a fraction of his soul, Kanna's soul, and Bats's soul into Casey Kinmont's body to replace Casey's own missing soul. Doctor Strange returned Spider-Man's soul from Xandu's body to his own and vice-versa, albeit he exploited Xandu being stunned.[218] Doctor Strange bound a spell[250] to Zelma Winston's soul.[278] Baron Mordo created an etheric blade with magic and used it to sever the connection between Astrid Mordo's body and soul, putting her in a coma.[149])
- More Advanced Astral Projection (More skilled sorcerers have access to more powers in their astral form, such as retaining the ability to use their magic spells.)
- Immersion (Doctor Strange entered a dream with an astral projection)
- After being killed and having her body be disintegrated, Morgan Le Fay managed to survive (and stated that she also survived "psychic death") and waited for centuries in an alternate Astral Realm for her revenge against Spider-Woman.[331]
- Are capable of returning to their physical body even if it is forcefully separated from their body.
- Dimensional Travel & Interdimensional Range with their magic attacks (Doctor Strange was able to travel through dimensions while in the 1940's to find the Dormammu of that time period, and then break a dimensional wall to channel that past Dormammu's energy into an attack on the present Dormammu who was in the body of a man who was also in the 1940's[310])
- Attack Reflection (Doctor Strange using magic hurled the mystic lord Tazza's magic attack back at him. Doctor Strange lifted a distorting curse put on him by Dormammu that turned his bones to jelly, before turning the spell on Dormammu (who was possessing a physical body) with double the strength.[225] Doctor Strange managed to break free of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak when Doctor Doom attempted to restrain him with them, before turning the Bands against Doom to trap him instead.[109] Doctor Strange easily blocked a magic blast from Jimaine, before turning the attack on her and bending it to his will as to restrain her with it, something that he stated any "mystic true" was capable of doing. Doctor Strange used the Bolts of Bedevilment once to reflect The Hobgoblin's projectiles back at him. Colodor's Reversal Spell can return the magical energies of even the most powerful offensive enchantments back against the attacker.[156] Doctor Strange easily deflected a psychic bolt and sent it back at its creator, and could reverse Baron Mordo's mystic bolts back at him.)
- Probability Manipulation Negation (Doctor Strange removed a bad luck hex from Spider-Man.[333])
- Immortality (Type 6; An ancient member of the Darkholders cult, before being murdered by Morgan Le Fay for sabotaging the return of Chthon, performed a ritual preventing his spirit from passing on to the afterlife, allowing him to act freely in spiritual form and lurk his burial ground once his body crumbled to powder, then returned by simply possessing someone.[334])
- Shapeshifting (Clea used the Tenth Transformation of Targios to transform herself and Doctor Strange into hawks.[335] Doctor Strange morphed his Astral Form into that of Dracula's deceased wife in order to trick and then frighten him.[174] Baron Mordo shapeshifted into the form of Morgana Blessing's cat.[313])
- Teleportation Manipulation/Negation (The staff of Strange Academy can redirect hostile teleporters to the dimension of Limbo.[336] Doctor Doom redirected Doctor Voodoo's teleportation spell to a dimension of his choosing.[337])
- Cosmic Awareness & Advanced Extrasensory Perception (At least 4-D, likely far higher potency, and inter-temporal/dimensional range; Doctor Doom using magic senses that he'd inherited from his mother was able to sense/detect that the metal known as Mysterium was made from energies beyond of the universe and "outside of the cosmos", and that the energies originated from the White Hot Room. Doom also stated that the energies he sensed in Mysterium were "shackled to the material world", meaning that they were originally beyond the standard universe.[338] Doctor Strange could sense Morgana Blessing's presence in another time period, and only couldn't sense Baron Mordo's temporal location due to Mordo magically cloaking his presence.[138] Doctor Doom could sense an invisible Hood's presence.[339] Doctor Strange can usually sense other Sorcerers Supreme in their own home dimensions.[340] Baron Mordo, despite being sealed in a magic prison, can sense Doctor Strange using magic clairvoyance to watch him. Doctor Strange can sense the aftermath residue of a magical attack, and can even sense the echoing whisper of lives taken by sorcery. Despite being in a different time period, Doctor Strange could still sense Rintrah's psychic emanations across time and space.[13] Doctor Strange could also detect a psiomystical shockwave that threatened to unravel the fabric of the universe, with him describing the shockwave as supradimensional in nature (with supradimensional meaning higher-dimensional). Many high-tier sorcerers sensed that Mephisto was about to turn back time.)
- Stealth Mastery & Resistance to Clairvoyance (The Mists of Valtorr can conceal one from being detected by magic or technology.[341] The Teleportation Spell of the Vishanti goes through a path in lower dimensions that even sorcerers cannot detect.[156] Doctor Strange stated that Doctor Doom could magically cloak himself from Strange's magic detection, and that if he magically detected Doom, it would only be because Doom wanted him to.[342] Baron Mordo could cloak his temporal location from Doctor Strange.[138] A simple spell from Baron Mordo hid his incoming presence even from the mystic senses of Doctor Strange and the Ancient One. Doctor Strange can disguise his mystic aura.[343] Powerful mystic forces have consistently been able to cloud the Orb of Agamotto's scrying and otherwise jeopardize it, examples of which include Kulan Gath concealing himself from the Orb, Umar shrouding the Dark Dimension behind mystic vapors to escape the Orb's monitoring, the mere presence of the mystic principality Ikonn blackening the Orb, and the outcome of Dormammu and Eternity's battle being beyond the Orb's power to investigate)
- More Advanced Teleportation (Doctor Strange teleported nearly all of Manhattan's population to a safe location.[157])
- Aura & Telekinesis (Using a spell, Doctor Strange created an aura around himself that pushed away all the people around him, even making a man float in front of him.)
- Fusionism (Stygyro merged with a creature under his command using magic. Doctor Strange fused a group of Nightmare's demons into a single congealed mass, killing them in the process.)
- Existence Erasure (Magnus stated that, if he was still at his prime level of magic power, he could have erased the physical evidence of Jessica Drew's existence.[331] Doctor Strange used a spell of cosmic fire to evaporate Yandroth's blaster into nothingness.[10] Wyn, the sole servant (or "Avatar) of the magic entity known as The-Powers-That-Be and as the result a skilled sorcerer himself, threatened in a letter to have the Black Swans "removed from all existence".[205])
- Deconstruction (Using magic, Doctor Doom was able to easily deconstruct multiple alternate universe Doombots that were infused with the Power Cosmic to the point of being compared to the Silver Surfer.[101] Doom was also able to use Deconstruction with magic here[344] and here.[345] A much younger version of the Ancient One could easily deconstruct a Mindless One with magic.)
- Higher-Dimensional Manipulation & Greatly Advanced Spatial Manipulation (Morgan Le Fay even in her astral form can weaponize the very substance of the Astral Plane (with Doctor Strange himself being able to block this higher-dimensional energy) and can even use it to create a body for herself.[346] While this dimension was confirmed to not be the same as Marvel's more well-known Astral Plane, it is repeatedly stated to be beyond space and time and outside of the standard universe.[331])
- Further Time Travel (Using a person's blood, a sorcerer in their astral form can travel to that person's past.[210] On a whim, Baron Mordo travels to the past to ancient Camelot.[347] With a thought, Baron Mordo sent himself and several others he was holding somewhere to Earth's past (although he needed to use a nearby person as an anchor for his time travel), and uses his magic to prevent Strange from pinpointing where in the timestream he was at, with Strange himself soon time-travelling after Mordo. As a matter of fact, it is stated that for sorcerers like Doctor Strange, time travelling can be done "with magical ease".[138][310] Even as an Astral Form, Magnus was able to create a rift between time and space in order for him and Spider-Woman to travel back in time in their Astral Forms.[332] Merlin took Doctor Strange back in time by travelling through a special dimension known as the Backroads of Time. Doctor Strange easily travels back in time with Clea. When amplified by the Orb of Agamotto, Rintrah could transport himself and Pip back in time to the age of the dinosaurs (albeit only with the Orb's magic power boosting him), with Doctor Strange shortly after travelling to said time period with just his own magic and then travelling through time back to the present day with ease.[13] Kushala used the Winds of Watoomb to travel through time and space.)
- Further Space-Time Manipulation (Even as an Astral Form, Magnus was able to create a rift between time and space in order for him and Spider-Woman to travel back in time in their Astral Forms.[332] Baron Mordo displaced a spell book a few moments in time that left it intangible in the present.[137] Stygyro collapsed Doctor Strange into a 2-dimensional form and shattered his very existence into a million shards with the Planes of Pohldahk. Doctor Strange froze an amnesiac Clea in a moment of time. Doctor Strange used magic to nullify Yandroth's time warp.[235] One of Doctor Strange's spells temporally displaced Shanzar and Lucian Aster as a mere side effect. Doctor Strange made Stygoro, who had become a living star, go supernova. Doctor Strange slowed down time within the proximity of a young girl. Doctor Strange's Conjurer's Sphere was affecting and speeding up the flow of time around it as a mere side effect of its use. After Doctor Voodoo fused a large group of cultists into a tree, Doctor Strange used a time spell so that the fusion would last for "all the ages to come".
- More Advanced Dream Manipulation (Doctor Doom can enter the Dreamtime and travel through the dreams of others. Doctor Strange once used a spell to absorb four billion nightmares. Doctor Doom was able to casually trap someone in a painful and realistic nightmare with a spell.[348])
- Passive Enhanced Forcefield Creation (Doctor Strange's invisible, automatic shields protected him from Voltorg's atomic lightning,[235] which the scientist Supreme Yandroth claimed had the power to hurl stars from its path.[10] Strange having passive forcefields is also shown here. Morgan Le Fay created a force field around the entire nation of Atlantis to protect it from physical harm, which was protected by the force of Earth itself.[349] Clea also defended Harvestman Doctor Strange with the Citadel of Cyriont. Doctor Strange can protect himself with a shield of invisible force. Doctor Doom's armor has magical wards as part of its defense.)
- Resistance to:
- Matter Manipulation with Forcefields (Atomic; Doctor Strange's invisible, automatic shields protected him from Voltorg's atomic lightning,[235] which the scientist Supreme Yandroth stated was the "lightning of the universe that could bind or destroy all matter".[10])
- Resistance to:
- More Advanced Reality Warping (Baron Mordo was able to telepathically shift a house into separate dimension (noted as an "unreality") all while mentally battling Doctor Strange.[313])
- More Advanced Dimensional Travel (Doctor Strange was able to part reality and exit the threshold of Kulan Gath in order to prevent the latter from sensing himself, Doctor Doom, and Conan.[350] Baron Mordo teleported to another dimension outside space and time to escape Doctor Strange after being defeated.[351] Doctor Strange casually travelled between dimensional planes to find Baron Mordo.[138] Doctor Strange using an incantation carried both himself and Doctor Doom to Mephisto's realm of Hell, which is described as "infinitely transcendent" of their reality.[109] Doctor Strange teleported himself and a hostile sorceress to another plane of existence.[106] Skilled sorcerers can travel to the Infinite Embassy, which resides at the top of Earth-616's cluster of dimensions, of which there are an infinite amount.)
- The last feat is another instance of Dimensional Travel for sorcerers on this level having High 1-B Range.
- Even More Advanced Telepathy (Baron Mordo was able to match Strange in a telepathic battle that used "sorcerous combat".[313] Doctor Strange himself matched Moondragon, whose telepathy is comparable if not superior to that of Charles Xavier, in a telepathic battle.[352])
- For sorcerers on this level or higher, magic telepathy in general has been repeatedly shown as higher-dimensional in nature.
- Sealing, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 3) & More Advanced Empathic Manipulation (Doctor Strange, Doctor Druid with the power of the three Celtic War Goddesses, and Doctor Doom all combining their magics managed to overpower the magic of Doom's Shadow, Doom's Jungian Shadow and the non-physical embodiment of Doom's repressed emotions and desires, and then sealed him back in Doctor Doom's body.[104])
- Further Advanced Sealing (When used by a master of them, the Vapors of Valtorr can encase targets.[156] Baron Mordo compressed his daughter's physical form into a small red orb and transported it to another plane of existence.[149])
- More Advanced Purification (Type 2; Doctor Doom can revert the effects of the Penance Stare. Skilled sorcerers can use the Corelli's Exorcism Reversal Battle Attack, which can exorcise any unnatural force, and even works on beings as powerful as Agamotto.[156])
- More Advanced Purification (Type 1; When used by a master of them, the Vapors of Valtorr can cleanse mind and body.[156])
- More Advanced BFR (Doctor Doom sent Morgan Le Fay to 1 million B.C.[353] Through an incantation, Doctor Strange banished a living, demonic house to another space-time continuum, ,[354] and sent an army of Mindless Ones out of the Earth Dimension with an incantation and back to the Faltine Dimension, which exists on a higher plane than even the Dark Dimension.[165] Doctor Strange using an incantation hurled a horde of demons out of the mortal plane back to their own plane. The Spell of Cosmic Banishment allows one to send a foe away "far beyond dimensional barriers".[156] Doctor Strange used the Crimson Bands of Cytorrak to send a monster to the furthest reaches of the mystic dimension known as the Quadriverse. Doctor Strange used an incantation to send Clea and Victoria Bentley from The Realm Unknown back to the Earth dimension.[260] Doctor Strange casually sent the Ancient Egyptian Queen Cleopatra from the present day back to her own time period. Baron Mordo and a weakened Doctor Strange sent Dormammu to the realm of Shuma-Gorath,[81] a realm where pan-dimensional demon lords like Mephisto and Satannish are stated to be "mice in a great temple".)
- The last feat puts the range of the BFR of high-tier sorcerers at "At least Interdimensional/Intertemporal, up to High Hyperversal", due to Dormammu being sent to a realm that is superior in nature to that of Mephisto and Satannish, who are both pan-dimensional/infinite-dimensional beings, as well as due to Strange banishing the Mindless Ones back to the Faltine Dimension, which exists in a higher plane of existence than the Dark Dimension, which itself is a higher-dimensional Splinter Realm that is adjacent to the pan-dimensional realm of Limbo.
- Antimatter Manipulation (Doctor Strange created a globule of antimatter around himself to both prevent onlookers from seeing him and to carry him back home.[260])
- More Advanced Teleportation (Doctor Strange was able to teleport himself, Clea, and Wong to his sanctum 3000 miles away with a simple spell.[137] Doctor Doom can teleport and change the destination of other teleporters, and has repeatedly shown himself to be capable of teleporting others across the globe with mere gestures. Doctor Doom could also teleport the Guardians of the Galaxy "light years hence" to different locations all across the galaxy. When Baron Mordo was punched by Doctor Strange, the two of them were automatically teleported into another dimension due to a spell Mordo placed on himself. Doctor Strange teleported The Thing and the Human Torch to Namor's underwater castle. Kushala teleported Doctor Strange to the Sanctum Sanctorum. Doctor Strange teleported his house to another plane of existence.[268])
- Sound Manipulation (Doctor Strange was capable of generating "sound beyond the very fabric of sound itself" in the form of waves of overwhelming energy which can make the likes of Baron Mordo reel in pain. Doctor Strange, Kushala, and a much younger version of the Ancient One repelled a group of mystical creatures by simultaneously attacking them with sound. Baron Mordo used the Clinging Clamp of Cyttorak to make a magic cuff wrap around Strange's neck and choke him, preventing him from speaking or even breathing until it disappeared.[254] Clea used a spell to muffle Victoria Bentley and prevent her from speaking at all. Baron Mordo gagged a man with a snap of his fingers.[301])
- Magnetism Manipulation (Doctor Strange created "an ethereal magnetic vortex".)
- More Advanced Memory Manipulation (Magnus even as an astral ghost could erase the memory of Jessica Drew from everyone across the globe, and while her close friends instantly broke free of this curse, he stated that this would not have been a problem had he still been in his prime.[331] After entering the mindscape through a portal of his, where Brigand's mind and memories were located, Doctor Strange threatened to erase all of Brigand's memories, including his knowledge of how to walk, talk, and clean himself.[123])
- Time Stop (Doctor Strange caused the flow of time to cease across the entire planet. Morgan Le Fay casually stops time despite not having a physical body.[230] Even in his Astral Form, Doctor Strange could freeze time, although he said that he could only do so for a short time.)
- More Advanced Law Manipulation (Doctor Doom was capable of channeling the power of Order to match Scarlet Witch's Chaos Magic.[355] Doctor Strange was capable of doing the same, and only failed due to outside interference.)
- Precognition (Doctor Doom stated that he has used sorcery to look into a hundred thousand futures, and discovered that the only one where humanity thrives is under his rule.[356] The Book of Cagliostro allowed Lilia Calderu to see that a young Wanda Maximoff would begin manifesting her power in two days.[357] Doctor Doom using magic could see two potential outcomes for Eddie Brock's actions.[70] Cynthia Von Doom foresaw that Blade would travel back in time to help her fight a group of vampires, also foreseeing that he had initially planned on killing her as well as the ramifications to the timeline of such an action.[170])
- Power Nullification & Power Absorption (Doctor Doom stripped and absorbed the power of Ceranda, a sorceress who can manipulate the magic within Thor's hammer, and depowered Skaar.[290] Morgan Le Fay through sorcery was able to block Scarlet Witch from using her magic.[358] Baron Mordo could gather the magical energies sent at him in an attack by Doctor Strange, and then use those to create a Conjurer's Sphere, which itself absorbs all the magical energies in an area (although if the user is not skilled enough, they risk having their own magic absorbed[138]), with Doctor Strange himself being capable of creating a Conjurer's Sphere later on without issue to absorb all magical force in the nearby area. Doctor Strange was able to create a sphere from the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak that drained a demon of all her power. When used by a master of them, the Vapors of Valtorr can negate unwanted charms put on others.[156] Doctor Strange removed the mental control from Baron Mordo's hypnotized cultists, and in doing so also stripping them of their mystic power. Doctor Strange used magic to nullify Yandroth's time warp. Doctor Strange nullified an incantation of attacking magical rings with his own spell. Doctor Strange used a counterspell to dissolve the magic trap of the Ribbons of Nihility that had been cast on him.[144] Doctor Strange rendered the Darkhold's power harmless by containing it with the Glowing White Sphere of Nirvalon. Doctor Strange can cast a magical Sphere of Nullification that cancels out all magic power inside of it. Astrid Mordo intended on draining the minds, bodies, and souls of a group of Himalayan monks of all their sorcerous power to give to herself.[149] Doctor Strange cast a magic spell which was draining Cyrus Black of all his magic power, only stopping due to being distracted, and magically stripped Anything Man of the power given to him by Omegatron. Baron Mordo drained the unique energies of a mutant just by touching her in order to reverse the effects of the cancer that was killing him.[359] The skilled sorcerer Wong was able to easily block the Soulsword using magic without being affected at all, while also being capable of removing the Soulsword's own power.[263])
- More Advanced Statistics Reduction (Doctor Strange reduced the magic energy of a magic gem that powered the entire bio-adaptable environment of Kryll City by 90%.)
- More Advanced Mind Manipulation (With the Images of Ikkon, Strange was able to mentally attack and knock out Galactus by reaching into the depths of his mind and conjuring images of the souls of Galactus's victims. Doom using a Spirit Reversal Spell was able to mentally cripple Sentry, albeit Sentry was mentally unstable at the time which Doom admitted made the effects more severe.[360] Morgan Le Fay could control most of the Inhumans with telepathy.[361] Doctor Strange telepathically manipulated the 6-dimensional mystic warlord Tiboro into fighting Doctor Strange without his wand.)
- More Advanced Necromancy (Morgan Le Fay summons an army of the dead.[275])
- More Advanced Summoning (Doctor Doom can summon hordes of Mindless Ones to overwhelm his enemies, and Morgan Le Fay can summon an army of demons. Baron Mordo, while at a different location, summons wraiths to intercept and attack Doctor Strange's astral form ,[362] and summons a giant tendril to grab and crash a bi-plane.[363] Baron Mordo used the Fangs of Farallah to summon a giant fanged mouth to attack Doctor Strange and Morgana Blessing,[313] despite the three of them being in a separate reality from Earth, and said mouth could grab its opponents with tendrils that can mentally torture them into insanity. Doctor Strange created an inter-dimensional portal which unleashed giant tentacles to attack a clone of Galactus.)
- More Advanced Illusion Creation (Morgan Le Fay created a grand illusion that fools Spider-Woman into thinking she was Morgan herself.[330] The Death Illusion Spell of the Shadow forces its victim to visualize themselves dying in a traumatic and realistic fashion.[156] Doctor Strange mentally showed a warlord from another dimension the outcome of a nuclear missile's detonation in order to convince him not to attack Earth. Doctor Strange used his Conjurer's Sphere to make Hobgoblin think that his grotesque face had been reverted back to normal.)
- Further Transmutation & Petrification (Morgan Le Fay turned Ares to stone, and Doctor Doom easily reversed this.[364] This is despite Gods being resistant to normal Matter Manipulation due to possessing different molecules to humans, allowing them to be unaffected by things such as a molecule freezing beam.[365] Baron Mordo transformed two thugs into monsters under his control that were strong enough to nearly overwhelm Spider-Man.[366] Doctor Strange can turn his opponents to stone with the Golden Gaze of the Gorgon, though the spell will eventually wear off. A spell from Doctor Doom permanently turned The Scorpius to stone. When Agamotto turned into a metal steam shovel, Doctor Strange turned his jaw to butter. Nicholas Scratch would've transmuted Human Torch's blood had he not been stopped.)
Resistance to:
- Death Manipulation(The magical aura that Doctor Strange put on Rena Butler prevented her from killing Doctor Strange with her death touch, which was shown to kill anyone instantly just from them touching her skin.[367])
- Gravity Manipulation(The Circle of the Seraphim can negate the suction power of a mystic whirlpool by surrounding the user with a protective ring of Anti-Force.[286] Doctor Strange's magic forcefields protected him and the Defenders from the incredibly high gravity of Shanzar's dimension, even when Shanzar removed his protection from Strange.[368])
All the powers of a High-Tier Sorcerer, including the powers of Basic Magic and those of a Low-Tier Sorcerer on a massively higher scale plus:
- Fusionism & Absorption/Power Absorption (Up to 1-A; Doctor Strange can unite with Eternity himself.[369] Could forcibly merge himself with the demon Arioch - who claimed to be "not even finite" and completely dwarfed Mephisto and Satannish in power and scope, rendering them akin to "mice in a great temple" - allowing him to fight evenly against Shuma-Gorath.[370] Clea casually absorbed a monster into herself, later releasing it against her enemies with said monster now being under her control.)
- Even more Advanced Dimensional Travel (Doctor Strange travelled with Beast to multiple alternate realities.)
- With each reality being an alternate version of Universal Eternity, the range of this dimensional travel would be Outerversal
- Even More Advanced Extrasensory Perception (At least 2-C range, possibly higher; Loki stated that the Sorcerer Supreme can sense magic in any realm,[113] which at minimum should include all 10 Realms of Yggdrasil, with each realm being its own universe. The Eye of Agamotto allowed Doctor Strange to sense whether or not a man had been possessed, and that he was surrounded by traces of foul magic.[202] Doctor Strange sensed a demonic force of great mystic power breaking into Earth's reality. Doctor Strange and Clea both sensed the Beyonder using the Orb of Agamotto to observe them in the Dark Dimension, even though the Beyonder himself was on Earth). Doctor Strange easily sees through a novice magician's cloaking spell.
- More Advanced Summoning (Doctor Strange could summon Lord Chaos and Master Order, and then harness their power to overwhelm the In-Betweener.[40])
- Even More Advanced Sealing (Doctor Strange, with the support of Clea and Rintrah, sealed away the Fear Lord D'Spayre, with all Fear Lords being transcendent in nature, existing in a higher dimension while viewing standard universes as "lower" in comparison. D'Spayre is also one of the Lords of the Splinter Realms,[371] which lie adjacent[372] to Limbo/Otherplace,[373] which is a pan-dimensional world[113] that encompasses all of space-time and all planes of existence, transcending all realities.[374] Doctor Strange and Clea also sealed away the Fear Lord known as the Lurking Unknown, who is of the same Higher-Dimensional Existence as D'Spayre. The Ancient One banished and imprisoned Baron Mordo "beyond the pale of space and time". Kaluu and Enitharmon could briefly restrain a Doctor Strange who had absorbed the power of Arioch, a demon who dwarfed Mephisto in power, with the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak.)
- Transmutation (Doctor Strange in a later fight with D'Spayre could turn the Fear Lord into a tiny ceramic ball and seal his soul away with a mere gesture.)
- More Advanced Telepathy (Doctor Strange and the Ancient One telepathically communicated despite being in separate dimensions/universes, allowing the latter to create a telepathic bridge to Strange that spanned multiple dimensions despite the "endless chasm" between them.[114] The Ancient One could telepathically communicate with Doctor Strange even after the latter had become an insubstantial dream in order to enter the Dream Dimension.)
- Regeneration, Healing &Immortality (Types 2 & 3, at least Low-Godly; Doctor Strange reformed his own physical form (as well as that of Spider-Man's) after both he and Dormammu shattered each other's essences across multiple dimensions.[375] Doctor Strange could have reconstituted the destroyed bodies of Galactus and his heralds had Death not stopped him. When Stygyro used the Planes of Pohldahk to collapse Doctor Strange into a 2-dimensional form and shatter his very existence into a million shards, Doctor Strange merged his body back together with an incantation before breaking free of his 2-dimensional form.)
- Light Manipulation, Further Holy Manipulation & Sense Manipulation (With the Eye of Agamotto, as shown here and here. The Eye of Agamotto's Light of Truth can blind, enlighten, block the vision of opponents, and numb their very senses.[156] The light of the Eye of Agamotto is powerful enough to repel and even briefly overpower Nightmare. The Eye of Agamotto can attack enemies with the Light of Day and Truth, which proved capable of repelling a pair of mystic vampire-like creatures.)
- Death Manipulation (With his magic powers, Strange killed the demon Kathulos by causing his body to rapidly wither away.[147] Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to bathe the Demon of the Mask in holy light in order to dissolve the Demon's evil essence.)
- Further Telepathy, Mind Manipulation & Memory Manipulation (The Eye of Agamotto can read one's mind to see whether they are telling the truth or not, while also leaving the target with no memory of the telepathic probing, and can even probe one's mind to find repressed memories. The Eye of Agamotto was also able to hypnotize a sorceress in the service of Baron Mordo. The Eye of Agamotto mentally broke Cyrus Black by awakening his inner feelings and realizations about himself.[163] The Eye of Agamotto could probe the mind of Ikonn, the mystic god of illusions who was higher-dimensional in nature. The Eye of Agamotto made everyone at a party forget about the supernatural incident that had just occured, with Strange choosing to let Kerwin Havelock keep his memories as a punishment for his reckless actions. The Eye of Agamotto broke through the mystic defenses that Umar had put on Oniri to protect his mind from telepathic intrusion.)
- Information Manipulation (The Eye of Agamotto filled Nebulon's mind with the information of all human history.)
- Illusion Negation & More Enhanced Resistance to: Illusion Creation (For a Master of the Mystic Arts, the line between reality and psychic illusion is well defined, making dispelling even a masterfully induced false perception is a simple matter.[352] The Eye of Agamotto allowed Doctor Strange to break out of Mephisto's illusion.[109])
- Further Forcefield Creation (The Eye of Agamotto can create an ionic screen to protect the user.[156])
- Invulnerability & More Advanced Resistance to: Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation & Pain Manipulation (Using Strange's magic power, Kaecilius was quickly able use wards to make himself immune to all harm, including all combat spells, weapons, and spells of hurt, spiritual destruction, and mental subversion.[376] Doctor Strange's body is protected by the Vishanti whenever he uses Astral Projection, to the point where even Baron Mordo was unable to hurt it, and can make his body inviolate to all harm whenever he uses Astral Projection in order to protect his immobile physical form. Kaluu, a sorcerer rivalling the Ancient One and Doctor Strange in mystic power and skill, could make the weapons of his soldiers invincible with a spell.)
- More Advanced Attack Reflection (Doctor Strange even in his astral form could reflect Umar's attack back at her. The Eye of Agamotto deflected a blast meant to hit Nighthawk.)
- More Advanced Fate Manipulation (Sorcerers with this level of mastery, such as Doctor Strange and the Vishanti, have mastered the four basic magics,[1] with one of these four being Eco-centric Magic. Thus, they would have mastered Weaver Magic, which is a specialized form of Ecocentric magic. Weaver mages can perceive the "threads of destiny" or "life-threads" surrounding all living things, and not just read them, but reconstruct them to weave desirable and undesirable fates.[3])
- Further Size Manipulation & More More Enhanced Statistics Amplification (Up to High 1-B, possibly higher; Using the Ancient One's magic knowledge, Wong was able to make himself both far larger and capable of harming and defeating a Faltine,[164] a being from a dimension that exists on a higher plane than even the Dark Dimension,[165] which itself is a Splinter Realm adjecent to the pan-dimensional realm of Limbo.)
- Damage Transferal & Attack Redirection (Up to High 1-B; Even while in his Astral Form, Doctor Strange was able to channel the energy blast of a past version of Dormammu that was attacking him, and use it to banish the present version of Dormammu from his host's body.[310])
- Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2 & 3; General Stephen Strange, the personification of the memories of Doctor Strange's experience from fighting in the War of the Seven Spheres, killed Boris Bathory,[134] who was described as immortal and unkillable by a member of W.A.N.D., despite the latter being an organization that specializes in using magic powers.)
- Further Time Manipulation (Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet stated that Doctor Strange could reverse his using the Time Stone to freeze his opponents.[377] Even without being able to call upon the power of any mystic deities, Doctor Strange was able to tear shards of time from Eternity's very being and use them to attack a mind-controlled Ancient One, each fragment containing centuries or even millennia.[256] With the Eye of Agamotto, Doctor Strange shattered a time loop.[114] The Eye of Agamotto greatly slowed down time around Omegatron so that a period of at most 5 seconds for Omegatron would be an eternity for the rest of the world.[378])
- Pocket Reality Manipulation & Law Manipulation (Doctor Strange created a "null space" which ran parallel to space-time itself, where constants such as space and direction and were under his full control.[379])
- Further Time Travel (The Ancient One sent Doctor Strange back in time, and later sent both himself and Doctor Strange back in time to Ancient Babylonia, although he had to enchant two candles in the present to serve as temporal anchors.)
- Even More Advanced Illusion Creation (Doctor Strange's magic illusion was able to fool Arioch, a demon who claimed to be "not even finite" and was from a dimension so vast that Mephisto and Satannish were "like mice in a great temple" in comparison, with Mephisto and Satannish both being pan-dimensional/infinite-dimensional demon lords. Doctor Strange imprisoned the Beyonder within a veil of illusion, and could have kept him there for all of eternity, something which the Beyonder himself does not deny.)
- Even More Advanced BFR (Doctor Strange hurled Baron Mordo throughout the far ends of the universe, until he ended up in "boundless time and space" and into a bleak void of everlasting nothingness. Strange also sent the Silver Dagger to the dimension of unreality through the Eye of Agamotto. Clea as Sorcerer Supreme sent the Midnight Suns to the Dark Dimension.[195] Doctor Strange and the Ancient One sent the Faltines through a portal back to their own dimension, which is a dimension that exists on a higher plane than even the Dark Dimension.[165] An angry Doctor Strange literally imprisoned Brigand within his own mind for eternity. The Ancient One used magic to banish a magical griffin to a place "beyond time" and used a spell to send a paralyzed Kaluu to the depths of Limbo, despite Kaluu having been on the other side of the globe. The Ancient One banished and imprisoned Baron Mordo "beyond the pale of space and time". Using the Book of the Vishanti, Asmodeus banished Doctor Strange and Clea to another dimension. Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to send the victims of the Demon of the Mask out of the Demon's dimension and back to their respective worlds and their periods in time. Doctor Strange stated that he could banish Black Cat to the Dark Dimension if he wanted. Doctor Strange used a spell to send the Ancient One across the "extradimensional heavens" back to Earth.)
- Void Manipulation & Power Absorption (With the Eye of Agamotto, Doctor Strange absorbed an opponent's mystic spells and turned them into nothingness. Using the Mystic Maze of Madness, Zom almost succeeded in turning Doctor Strange into a "nameless, shapeless nihility", but the latter survived due to his magic power allowing him to power through the attack.)
- Transmutation (Zom fused the Ancient One with a large slab of stone.)
- Even More Advanced Power Nullification & Power Absorption (The Eye of Agamotto absorbed and nullified Umar's mystic bolts. Clea's spell that banished the Midnight Suns to the Dark Dimension also nullified Illyana's magic. Using the Ancient One's magic knowledge, Zelma Stanton was able to briefly nullify the power of and even immobilize a Faltine, a being from a dimension that exists on a higher plane than even the Dark Dimension.[165] The Ancient One effortlessly dispelled the curse that Baron Mordo had put on Stephen Strange to prevent him from warning the Ancient One of Mordo's treachery.[284] Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to dissolve the magic restraints that Umar had put on him. The Eye of Agamotto can absorb the energies of another and burn through magical barriers. Doctor Strange shattered the spell of a weakened Zom using the Mystic Moons of Munnopor, and dispelled Xander's spell. Hoggoth casually siphoned Doyle's Dormammu's excess Faltine Magic. The Eye of Agamotto drained the magic and life essence of a creature made from Doctor Strange's own mystic energy. Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to drain the Wand of Watoomb of all its energy, even with the Wand's power exceeding that of Strange himself.[199])
- More Advanced Portal Creation (Doctor Strange could create a portal to Limbo to free Baron Mordo from his imprisonment there, along with Dormammu's other imprisoned victims, and with the Eye of Agamotto could open a portal to The Realm Unknown. Strange also opened a portal to a void where Earthly physics hold no sway.)
- Even More Advanced Empathic Manipulation &Soul Manipulation (By grafting a portion of his conscience onto General Strange's soul, Doctor Strange restored General Strange's remorse and empathy that he'd lost due to the hardships of the 5-millenia long War of the Seven Spheres.[292] The Eye of Agamotto made a sadistic and murderous spirit feel remorse for his actions by forcing him to feel the suffering of his victims and their loved ones.)
- Sense Amplification (The Eye of Agamotto can magnify Doctor Strange's vision.)
- More Enhanced Metal Manipulation (An exhausted Doctor Strange stated that he could've shackled Dormammu in chains of limitless force had he been at full strength.)
- Invulnerability Negation & Far More Advanced Existence Erasure (The Vishanti were able to erase a page in the Darkhold from existence when called upon by Doctor Strange to do so,[279] despite the pages of the Darkhold being repeatedly stated as indestructible.)
Resistance to:
- Dream Manipulation (Doctor Strange casts a spell every night to shield himself from Nightmare right before he goes to sleep.)
- Void Manipulation & Existence Erasure (Using his magic power, Doctor Strange resisted and reversed Dormammu turning him into nothingness. Later, Strange used his magic powers to break out of Zom's Mystic Maze of Madness, which was turning him into a "nameless, shapeless nihility".)
- Transmutation (Doctor Strange reversed having his legs turned to vapor by an Oniri who was empowered by Umar.)
- Madness Manipulation (Using mystic telepathy, Doctor Strange shielded Morgana's mind from going insane due to Baron Mordo's mystic torture,[313] with his own mind being visibly unaffected during this.)
- Radiation Manipulation (The Eye of Agamotto protects Doctor Strange from all radiation.[235])
Enhanced Resistance to:
- Spatial Manipulation (When Stygyro used the Planes of Pohldahk to collapse Doctor Strange into a 2-dimensional form and shatter his very existence into a million shards, Doctor Strange merged his body back together with an incantation and broke free of his 2-dimensional form.)
More Advanced Resistance to:
List of Users who can use each level of Common Magic/Sorcery.
Magic users who are never shown using any spells besides basic blasts.
- Mindless Ones
- Doctor Strange confirmed that their energy blasts are magical in nature.
- Hulk and rest of the Gamma Mutates:
- Gamma Radiation is both science and magic.[43]
- Ghost Rider
Magic users who have shown a few named and/or advanced spells. These magicians can likely use any and all Basic/Lower-Level spells, and resist Lower-Level Magic spells and powers.
- Apocalypse
- Wiccan (In Base)
Sorcerers who are far more skilled than lower-level users, especially candidates for the Sorcerer Supreme and Sorcerer Supremes of other realms/regions. As mentioned above, these magicians should be able of using all the powers of Basic Magic and all the spells of Low Tier sorcerers on a far higher scale, in addition to their own spells.
- Doctor Doom
- It was stated by both Morgan Le Fay and Cagliostro that he knows all of their spells. Dracula also confirmed that Doom studied under Cagliostro.
- Also, Kulan Gath repeatedly compared Doom to Doctor Strange and called them both Earth's strongest sorcerers.
- Candidate for Sorcerer Supreme, and was said by Scarlet Witch to even surpass Strange in magic knowledge (while this is not true, it shows how skilled of a sorcerer Doom is). Strange has also been concerned about Doom becoming Sorcerer Supreme should the position ever become open, having made sure that Clea would get the position in the event of his death so that Doom himself could not get it and noting that Doom knows some magic arts that even he does not.
- Alongside Doctor Strange, Doctor Doom was deemed one of Earth's top candidates for Sorcerer Supreme, from Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment.
- Strange himself indicated that the two of them were comparable in sorcery (calling himself and Doom "master sorcerers"), but still viewed himself as the better sorcerer.[380]
- Once portrayed as being comparable to Clea in a simulation.[381]
- Doctor Strange stated that he feared Doom more than he feared Tiboro, a 6-dimensional mystic warlord and sorcerer.
- Comparable if not superior to his mother Cynthia Von Doom, as her magic writings and items were how Doctor Doom began to master the mystic arts, who Doctor Strange praised as an extraordinary mystic of considerable skill.
- Morgan Le Fay
- Taught Doctor Doom a sizable portion of his magic skills, with Doom himself initially viewing her as one of the greatest magicians in history.
- Overpowered Doctor Doom in a magic battle, albeit she caught Doom by surprise.
- Candidate for Sorcerer Supreme
- Doctor Strange viewed her as a powerful magician.
- Baron Mordo
- Magik
- Scarlet Witch
- Wong
- Selene
- Candidate for Sorcerer Supreme
- A very skilled sorceress
- Satana Hellstrom
- Candidate for Sorcerer Supreme
Doctor Strange, Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, as well as cosmic entities who use these spells and the Vishanti, who are the very gods of magic that provide the energy for said spells.
- Doctor Strange (Especially with the powers of the Eye of Agamotto and his other magic equipment)
- Umar (Should have a level of magic knowledge comparable to Dormammu's.)
- Clea
- Defeated Umar.
- Stated to be Doctor Strange's equal.
- Was Sorceress Supreme after Strange died.
- Doctor Doom backed down from a confrontation after she showed off her power.[382]
- Dormammu
- Knows all of Strange's magic.
- Stronger than Doctor Strange
- The Vishanti
- The Ancient One (at peak of his power)
- Zom
- Eternity
- Lord Chaos and Master Order
- Likely The Living Tribunal
Other Types of Magic
Faltine/Dark Dimension Magic and Physiology
- Higher-Dimensional Existence/Potency & Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 1; The likes of Dormammu and Umar were able to kill Faltines using Faltine magic, with Faltines coming from a dimension that exists on a higher plane than even the Dark Dimension,[165] which is stated to be "many planes" above normal space-time. Dormammu, a Faltine, views time and space as "dirty little geometries" in comparison to the Dark Dimension. Time and Space were foreign phenomena to Dormammu. The Dark Dimension has more spatial dimensions than the 6.29 dimensions in "Man's Cluster". Even the edge of the Dark Dimension is "a place which is less than place and a time which is more than time". Dormammu indicated that he is outside the standard concept of time entirely.[81])
- The Dark Dimension is a Splinter Realm adjacent to Limbo/Otherplace, which is a pan-dimensional realm that encompasses all of space-time and all planes of existence, transcending all realities with Earth-616 comprising an infinite number of such higher dimensions. As a matter of fact, the Dark Dimension is the largest of the Splinter Realms.
- This makes their HDE (Higher-Dimensional Existence) at least Infinite-Dimensional.
- Acausality (Types 1 & 4; The Faltines are of a higher dimensionality than the Dark Dimension,[165] where neither time nor matter is real, and time does not exist. Even the edge of the Dark Dimension is "a place which is less than place and a time which is more than time", where the laws of space time as such differ greatly from those on Earth. Dormammu, a Faltine, views time and space as "dirty little geometries" in comparison to the Dark Dimension. Time and Space were foreign phenomena to Dormammu. Dormammu indicated that he is outside the standard concept of time entirely.[81])
- Immortality (Type 1; Umar, a Faltine in the body of a Dark Dimension resident, is ageless and can never truly die.[383] Dormammu indicated that he is outside the standard concept of time entirely and is also older than it,[81] which would scale to Umar as she is his twin sister and thus should be comparable in age.)
- Incorporeality (Faltines are beings of pure energy and lack any matter whatsoever,[165] and are described as sentient energy without matter.[25])
- Note: This would only apply to Dormammu and to Clea in her Faltine form.
- Precognition (Clea's half-Faltine, half-Dark Dimension nature lets her see the future. Clea's nature also let her foresee the Earth's destruction enough in advance so that she could shield herself and Wong from the explosion.)
- Extrasensory Perception (Clea could hear the Astral Forms of Isaac Newton and Doctor Strange communicating with each other.)
Resistance to:
- Magic Nullification (Techniques that nullify standard sorcery are useless against those who wield Faltine Magic, as the two magics are separate energies.)
- Corruption (Type 2; Can stay in the Dark Dimension without any issue for long periods of time, even though doing so was corrupting Emily Bright's body, and the Dark Dimension fusing with the Earth dimension turned most people into monsters.)
- Mind Manipulation (Doyle Dormammu broke free of Equation's mind control.)
- Transmutation (Clea, a half-Faltine whose other half is of descent from the Dark Dimension, could resist being transmuted after making contact with a gargoyle that instantly turned others into stone on contact with the effects wearing off eventually due to her inhuman heritage.[384])
- Void Manipulation (Clea, a half-Faltine whose other half is of descent from the Dark Dimension, withstood being hurled into the void between dimensions, and could endure being in a realm of non-existence.)
- Gravity Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation & Matter Manipulation (Macro-Quantum; Beings in the Dark Dimension are unaffected by the gravity of the Dark Dimension, and as a result its spatial fabric, being notably weaker than that of Man's Universe, even though this irregular gravity removes electrons from all atoms and/or shoots them into the nuclei, rendering all electrical forces nonexistent. The Faltine dimension is one completely bereft of matter.[25])
- Law Manipulation (Those native to the Dark Dimension are unaffected by the fact that it is a realm where the "rules of man" do not apply.)
- Matter Manipulation (The Dark Dimension is one of the Mystic Realms, and the Mystic Realms are inhabited by beings who can circumvent the natural, rationalistic laws of physical matter)
- Death Manipulation (Umar, a Faltine whose body is stuck as that of an inhabitant of the Dark Dimension, survived having her own Spell of Death being reflected back at her.)
- Reality Warping (John Priest's wish-making, which works by bending reality, is entirely useless against mystic beings.)
- Fire Manipulation (With the Flames of the Faltine, which can also be hurled at the opponent in the form of either a fireball or a wide net and can only be snuffed out by an equal magic force, not by water.)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Dormammu's Faltine Flames could dissolve Eternity's substance.)
- Metal Manipulation (Dormammu casually silenced Doctor Strange by creating a metal clamp on his mouth.)
- Empowerment (Whoever rules the Dark Dimension can increase their power by draining the power of their worshippers or draining the mystic barrier that keeps the Mindless Ones from attacking the Dark Dimension.)
- Attack Reflection & Power Modification (A creature created by Umar was capable of not just reflecting Doctor Strange's mystic attack but also turned the blast into Faltinian Flames and multiplied its power a hundredfold.)
- Darkness Manipulation (Dormammu stated that he and Umar could draw upon the darkness of both energy and matter and spread it all across the Dark Dimension and to other dimensions, with Umar shortly after using the darkness within herself to attack Dormammu and attempt to ensnare him in a cocoon of darkling night.)
- Weather Manipulation/Electricity Manipulation/Air Manipulation (Even while she was in the Dark Dimension, Umar could unleash a thunderstorm on Earth in order to attack Doctor Strange.)
- More Enhanced Extrasensory Perception (Umar could sense any disturbances across the Dark Dimension once she became its sovereign ruler.)
- Statistics Reduction (Dormammu cast a spell that weakened The Ancient One's abilities until it was removed)
- Shapeshifting (Dormammu and Umar could make their own bodies physical by using the matter that they had accumulated to morph their own bodies, giving themselves the appearances of inhabitants of the Dark Dimension. Umar could disguise herself as an old woman.[385])
- Extrasensory Perception (Doctor Strange stated that Dormammu could sense any attempt at telepathic communication that Strange tried.)
- Paralysis Inducement (Dormammu casually paralyzed Wong and Sara Wolfe, making it so that they could not move their bodies, talk, or even have shed a tear without Dormammu's permission. Umar casually paralyzed Tyrannus with a gesture.)
- Power Absorption, Willpower Manipulation & Soul Manipulation (Upon trapping Doctor Strange (whose soul was stuck inside the body of a rat), Dormammu intended on grabbing Strange's Astral Form out of the rat, draining all of Strange's remaining power and willpower, and then crushing his astral form, only being stopped by Strange possessing the Wings of Needless Sorrow. Umar and Dormammu can absorb matter into themselves.)
- Energy Manipulation/Transmutation & Further Power Absorption (Even mere "tax collectors" in the Dark Dimension are capable of draining a person of a portion of their mystic energies and then turning said energy into a tiny solid ball to make it easier to carry.)
- Further Soul Manipulation (Dormammu threatened to rip out and destroy Strange's soul)
- Biological Manipulation, Fusionism & Soul Manipulation (Dormammu used a spell to have the physical and mental essences of Doctor Strange and Clea endlessly merge into one another. When Emily Bright absorbed Faltinian Flames, they attached themselves to both her blood and to every cell in her body.)
- Power Absorption & Mind Manipulation (Dormammu stated that the spell can also be used to drain one's power and their mystic knowledge.)
- Death Manipulation (Umar tried killing Clea by launching a Spell of Death at her.)
- Law Manipulation (Dormammu intended on stripping the "Rule of Law" from the mortal world.)
- Size Manipulation (Umar easily made herself large enough to dwarf Thor in size before unleashing a magical attack against him.)
- Light Manipulation (The Flames of the Faltine can be called upon to illuminate chambers. Dormammu caused a flash of blinding light.)
- Animal Manipulation (Dormammu took over a group of rats and spoke to Baron Mordo through them, before using them to attack Mordo.)
- Plant Manipulation & Corrosion Inducement (Umar attacked Thor by creating large thorny vines with sap that burned like acid and seared the skin.)
- Petrification (With the Stone Prison of Umar. Dormammu using magic created a special type of rain that upon hitting its target(s) turned into glue and quickly solidified)
- Power Nullification (Dormammu casually stripped Thor of his magic powers and Iron Man of his armor. Umar casually cancelled out Thor's winds.)
- Transmutation (While empowered by Umar's magic, Oniri turned Doctor Strange's legs to vapor, although Strange reversed the spell with sheer magic power. Umar and Dormammu killed their father Sinifer, a fellow Faltine, by transmuting him into dark, dead matter, and could make their own bodies physical by using the matter that they had accumulated to morph their own bodies.)
- Petrification (Dormammu casually turned Hulk into crystal, which Umar later undid with ease.)
- Mind Manipulation (Clea stated that Umar could break a person's mind and pick through the fragments. Dark Dimension inhabitants can erase the minds of others. Using Dormammu's power, Baron Mordo commanded all sorcerers across the globe to inform him if they detected Doctor Strange. Even while in the Dark Dimension and unable to enter Earth, Dormammu could mind-control a man on Earth into being Jack the Ripper. Umar could use magic to mentally control the Mindless Ones, despite them literally lacking[386] a mind,[387] meaning that she mind-controlled a group of beings with no mind at all. Similarly, an Emily Bright who was being gradually mentally and physically corrupted by Faltine Magic was capable of mentally controlling the Mindless Ones. Dormammu mentally controlled Scarlet Witch.)
- Metal Manipulation (Dormammu created chains made of sheer mystic energy to wrap around Doctor Strange.)
- Empathic Manipulation (Umar magically increased Thor's natural concern for Lady Sif in order to make Thor act hastily.)
- Madness Manipulation (Type 2; Clea stated that Umar could break a person's mind and pick through the fragments.)
- Weather Manipulation (Umar could create a storm that spanned multiple dimensions[114])
- Portal Creation & Energy Manipulation (Umar created a portal between Earth and the Dark Dimension in the shape of a giant mouth, with said mouth also being capable of restraining an enraged Worldbreaker Hulk with its oversized tongue. Umar was also capable of creating energy tendrils that were strong enough to somewhat restrain Red She-Hulk. A humanoid figure created by Umar's magic could crush Thor with an energy field possessing the weight of "a score of planets".)
- Immortality Bestowal (Types 1, 2 & 3; Clea stated that Dormammu could casually grant a person immortality just to torture them for eternity.)
- Telekinesis (Umar attacked Doctor Strange with a wave of psychic power, doing so again later with a sweep of her hand. Umar also lifted herself and Hulk using magic telekinesis into her bedchambers at the top of her palace.)
- Matter Manipulation &Durability Negation (Atomic; Dormammu using mystic flames congealed the very atoms around Doctor Strange in order to immobilize him. The Flames of the Faltine made from Dormammu's energy could burn and alter every single molecule in Galactus's body.)
- Corruption (Type 1), Power Bestowal, Healing & Resistance to: Disease Manipulation (When a young Doyle Dormammu had an inoperable brain tumor that not even Doctor Strange could cure, Dormammu imbued Doyle with Faltine magic that cured the sickness. However, this also corrupted Doyle Dormammu's body, giving him Faltine Magic powers and making his head resemble that of a Faltine's.)
- Immortality Negation (Type 2, Low-Mid; Emily Blight using Faltine Flames one-shot and instantly killed Iric, an Asgardian, even though Asgardians can survive without their hearts for 5 minutes as long as the heart is then put back in the body.[388])
- Stealth Mastery (Clea used her magic to conceal Doctor Strange's presence from Umar's magic senses.)
- Sealing (Dormammu sealed the Eye of Agamotto in a shell of darkness.)
- Time Manipulation (Dormammu gave Baron Mordo a spell to put the Ancient One in a Mystic Time Trap so that Strange's magic senses would not be able to locate him. Clea made an attacking thug fade into thin air with a Spell of Temporal Vanishment. Dormammu warped time around Loki.)
- Void Manipulation &Existence Erasure (A casual Dormammu easily cast a spell which quickly turned Doctor Strange into sheer nothingness, only failing due to Strange's magic powers letting him resist the spell. With Dormammu's power, Baron Mordo unleashed the power of the Stygian Void and would've caused Doctor Strange to "fade into nothingness" had Strange not managed to teleport himself to another dimension. Dormammu wiped out a couple of disrespectful minions and "consigned [them] to oblivion unending". Clea made an attacking thug fade into thin air with a Spell of Temporal Vanishment. The Flames of the Faltine are capable of erasing people from existence.[389])
- Illusion Creation (Umar fooled an exhausted Doctor Strange by making a Mindless One look like Clea with a magic illusion. Umar also conjured an image of Lady Sif that led Thor to getting hurt in order to make Thor view the Great Game between Odin and Dormammu. Clea used a magic illusion to disguise herself as Oniri in order to deceive Umar, with Oniri himself being disguised as Clea.)
- Limited Power Absorption (Doyle Dormammu could siphon all of Emily Bright's Faltine magic into himself.)
- Sealing (Umar restrained Doctor Strange with magic bonds, although the Eye of Agamotto let Doctor Strange destroy them.)
- Spatial Manipulation & Dimensional Manipulation (Dormammu casually pinched the fabric of space to trap the Baxter Building in the folds of the fabric of the universe, making it such that it would take those trapped inside months to reach the sidewalk even if they did not notice any visible changes. Dormammu and Umar taught King Olnar how to break the barriers between the Dark Dimension and other universes, as well as how to absorb said universes into the Dark Dimension.)
- Forcefield Creation (Dormammu and Umar created a great mystic barrier that confined the Mindless Ones to a mere pocket of the Dark Dimension. The Flames of the Faltine can be used to create a forcefield around one's body,[156] as shown here)
- Sound Manipulation (The rebels against Umar's rule in the Dark Dimension could use spells to make their targets voices forcefully lowered to whispers in order to prevent anyone nearby from hearing them shout. Dormammu cast a spell of silence on a tribe of wizard-hosts in the Dark Dimension that prevented them from speaking and forced them to communicate with telepathy. Dormammu also imitated Clea's voice through magic.)
- Telepathy (Despite being unable to speak normally, the mystic outcasts of the Dark Dimension could communicate with Doctor Strange using magical telepathy.)
- BFR (Dormammu banished his minions to Limbo, and banished Baron Mordo to the Dimension of Demons. Umar using magic hurled Clea into the void between dimensions. Dormammu banished a weakened Umar to a pocket dimension. Umar used a spell of vanishment to send Doctor Strange's house to a "fathomless void". Dormammu sent Doctor Strange and Clea to a distant netherworld.)
Users: Clea, Dormammu, Umar (though Umar's physiology [such as her HDE] only scales to that of the Dark Dimension, not the Faltines)
Chaos Magic/Hex Magic
- Further Nonduality (Type 2) & Abstract Existence (Type 1) for the magic itself (Chaos Magic is the earliest primordial glint of cosmic understanding and happenstance. The improbable, impossible spark of life flaring up - that was chaos magic. It is neither purely constructive nor destructive and is not limited between good or evil. It is the possibility of both, neither, and everything in between. A die you cast. A balance wheel moving between life and death.)
- More Enhanced Chaos Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Causality Manipulation & Life Manipulation (Chaos Magic is like Entropy, constantly moving towards a state of disorganization.[84] Chaos Magic is to work in chaos as others work in clay, to weave together the improbable and unnatural, and is all about negatively altering probability. Hex Magic alters probabilities and shatters them. Scarlet Witch reversed a field of non-causality using hex magic.[390] Chaos Magic is the earliest primordial glint of cosmic understanding and happenstance. The improbable, impossible spark of life flaring up - that was chaos magic. It is neither purely constructive nor destructive and is not limited between good or evil. It is the possibility of both, neither, and everything in between. A die you cast. A balance wheel moving between life and death. Scarlet Witch's hex blasts by nature cause instant calamity to all they touch. A gun will jam right when it's about to shoot its target due to Chaos Magic. Scarlet Witch's hex-sphere increased the probability that her enemies' attacks missed her and her comrades.)
- Law Manipulation, Reality Warping & Physics Manipulation (With Chaos Magic, "Newton's Laws becomes Newton's Suggestions" and all of reality bends to the will of the user.[129] Chaos Magic is like Entropy, constantly moving towards a state of disorganization,[84] and its probability-alternating nature is connected to the very chaotic fabric of the universe itself.)
- Causality Manipulation Negation (Even basic Chaos Magic allowed Doctor Strange to badly affect the embodiment of the power of change itself, forcing her to briefly disperse as its Catastrophe Magic (a magic of change) was halted by the Chaos Magic.)
- Power Nullification (Wanda's first release of magic as a child caused her to halt the magics of all the sorcerers around her.[204])
- Soul Manipulation & Soul Sealing (Scarlet Witch stated to Doctor Doom that she intended her blast [of what appears to be standard Chaos/Hex Magic] to not only kill him, but also seal his soul for eternity so he could watch her destroy the world.[391])
- Time Manipulation (Wanda's Chaos Magic is capable of creating "temporal shifts" as a mere side effect of its power.)
- Technology Manipulation (A blast of Hex Magic made Ultron's circuits disrupt and his molecular rearranger malfunction.)
- Transformation & Power Bestowal (During the "Contest of Chaos", Agatha Harkness lured Moon Knight and Taegukgi into a "Chaos Zone", a location filled with crystals made of Chaos Magic. Said crystal transformed MK and Tae into different forms of themselves, called "What-Ifs" and controlled their minds into fighting.
- Memory Manipulation (Their alternate versions spoke of previous events like they actually lived them, like Captain MK saying Khonshu is the president or his God version saying he was a man before becoming a god.)
- More Enhanced Causality Manipulation/Probability Manipulation & Space-Time Manipulation (Past, present and future are all the same to Scarlet Witch due to her mastery of Chaos Magic, as she can fold all three of them into tiny pieces and story them in a pocket dimension. These pieces are all possibilities, and her mastery of Chaos Magic means she has mastered infinite possibility.)
- Biological Manipulation (Scarlet Witch casually removes Nelson Gruber's mouth with a snap of her fingers, and could casually distort and strip the flesh from a group of Skrull soldiers.)
- Levitation, Teleportation & Transformation (Scarlet Witch stated that Chaos Magic gives her such abilities.)
- Weapon Creation (Scarlet Witch created mystic blades to use against her attackers, and can create a sword of mystic energy.)
- Energy Projection (Scarlet Witch can create pillars of energy from the ground to attack her enemies.)
- Age Manipulation (Scarlet Witch killed Recorder RE-404 by aging the machine by 5000 years in just 5 seconds.)
- Dimensional Travel (Scarlet Witch was shown easily travelling to Earth-9811.)
- As Earth-9811 would be an alternate version of Universal Eternity, the range of her dimensional travel would be Outerversal due to each M-Body of Eternity being a 1-A structure.)
- Statistics Amplification (With a glance, Scarlet Witch made Darcy Lewis capable of running as fast as Quicksilver for five seconds.)
- Portal Creation (Scarlet Witch could create portals both nearby her and right in front of her body to avert a lethal attack.)
- Healing (Low; Scarlet Witch healed Captain America's broken jaw.)
- Forcefield Creation (Scarlet Witch created an invisible mystic barrier to contain her enemy. Scarlet Witch can also create protective hex shields.)
- Curse Manipulation (Scarlet Witch made Loki unable to lie for an hour with a casual hex.)
- Law Manipulation (Scarlet Witch, Agatha Harkness, and Natalya Maximoff all channeled "Spells of Order" and tried using the power of Order itself to defeat the Abstract Entity known as Chaos.)
- Age Manipulation (The Abstract Entity Chaos, the origin of all Chaos Magic, briefly made Scarlet Witch rapidly age into an old woman simply by absorbing her into its body, almost killing her.)
- Transformation (Scarlet Witch easily transformed a group of hostile animals into harmless puppies.)
- Petrification (Scarlet Witch casually turns The Corrupter to stone.)
- Creation & Existence Erasure (Scarlet Witch used her hex powers to will her children into existence, before then erasing from existence upon realizing that they were not truly "real".
- BFR, Sealing, Illusion Creation & Pocket Reality Manipulation (Scarlet Witch can casually trap demons in pocket universes where they believe that they are beating her when in reality their dimensions are small enough to be put in jars.)
- Purification (Types 1 & 2; Scarlet Witch used a hex to remove a group of demonic hatchlings called The Brood from her body, and also purified a lake to the point of making it equivalent to holy water in its potential to harm a demon.)
- Transmutation (Scarlet Witch used Chaos Magic to turn solid earth into water, turned Magneto's metal barrier into flowers, and turned a being of fire into a statue.)
- Automatic Translation (Scarlet Witch used a translation hex to have a conversation with a Chinese woman, with her "dialect" being complimented.)
The Darkhold
- At least 1-A, possibly far higher.
- The Darkhold's power permeates through all realities,[392] making its potency at least 1-A given that it was likely referring to all the different Earths/realities of the multiverse.
- Support for this is how not only is it one of the 4 cornerstones of creation, but it has also been used numerous times alongside other magical artifacts against higher-dimensional threats, like against Chthon himself or against the Infinity Gauntlet. When gathered and used together with the three other artifacts, it was stated to form enough power to repair damage to the mystic half of Earth-616, allow Chthon to rule over creation through a human vessel in possession of them, and was shown directly able to banish Chthon himself,[393] with the last feat meaning that it could be even higher than 1-A in terms of raw potency and range due to Chthon being an Elder God.
- Unholy Manipulation
- Wind Manipulation & Resistance to: Power Nullification & Sealing (The energy that's emitted from the book can passively form hurricane winds despite the fact the room was magically sealed by Doctor Strange.)
- Stealth Mastery (It is immune to being tracked by Doctor Strange's locating spells.)
- Explosion Manipulation (A dragon that bites one of the pages causes it to release an explosion of energy from it that vaporizes the dragon and another monster nearby.)
- Invulnerability (The Darkhold's pages are said to be indestructible, and even Doctor Strange does not possess the power to destroy it.[394])
- Weapon Creation & Telekinesis (The Darkhold defended itself from Doctor Strange by creating daggers which it then threw at Doctor Strange, along with waves of pure eldritch force.)
- Death Manipulation (Can emit a cloud of Grey Death[395], with the Grey Death being capable of causing death instantly, from Werewolf by Night Volume 1 #3)
- Unholy Aura (The Darkhold emits a foul aura so strong that it could only be masked by putting it in a location with another equally evil aura.)
- Mind Manipulation & Madness Manipulation (Types 2 & 3; Reading from the book drives most people insane.)
- Corruption (The corruptive effects are greater when reading from the original, flesh-bound Darkhold.)
- Soul Manipulation (Using the Darkhold costs most people their souls.)
- Curse Manipulation, Limited Fate Manipulation & Death Manipulation (The pages are cursed, having been passed down between people over the centuries only for each person to end up dying eventually.)
- Life Manipulation & Age Manipulation (Living in proximity to the Darkhold can unnaturally extend one's lifespan, from Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #13)
- Additional Limbs (The Darkhold can be used by its wielder to create tendrils that will choke a nearby target.)
- Summoning (The Darkhold can be used to summon a minotaur warrior known as Dragonus, who will serve the book's wielder.)
- Empowerment (The Darkhold increased the power of two mystic creatures to the point they heavily pressure Doctor Strange when they easily lost to him in the past, even growing progressively stronger as they battle him, from Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #59. Made Dracula stronger than every before as well as resistant to magic even in the Astral Plane, from Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #62, when before he'd been weak to the holy nature of magic.)
- Existence Erasure (A spell from the Darkhold that empowered two hostile shapeshifters also erased them both from existence when one of them almost revealed Dracula's location.)
- Further (but Limited) Existence Erasure (The Darkhold contains the Montesi Formula, which when spoken will erase all vampires from existence [with Hannibal only surviving due to his friends resuscitating him and due to him having never consumed the blood of others])
- Necromancy/Corruption (The Darkhold allowed the first ones to wield it to revive their fallen enemies and turn them into the first vampires.)
- Text Manipulation& Purification (Type 2; After absorbing Chthon and subsequently gaining all the powers of the Darkhold, Scarlet Witch rewrote the influence of the Darkhold on Spider-Man, Black Bolt, Iron Man, Wasp, and Blade, removing the corruption from them.[396])
Hellfire and Demonic Magic
- Magic (Is stated to be mystic in nature)
- Hellfire Manipulation (Doctor Strange killed a group of demons by unleashing a circle of fire on them.)
- Magical Statistics Reduction (Hellfire weakens magical enchantments.)
- Soul Manipulation/Durability Negation & Resistance to: Water (Ghost Rider's hellfire burned Water Wizard's soul without even harming his body, and worked even when Ghost Rider was underwater.)
- Resistance Negation to Fire Manipulation (A hellfire blast from the Haazareth Three burned the Human Torch despite the latter resisting normal flames (such as his own) with ease.[397])
- Acausality (Types 1 & 4; The Hells are among the more distant of the mystic realms, with the mystic realms being where the laws of time and space are entirely different from the normal universe, as "up [is] frequently down and time is unpredictable". Also, in the Hells, things like time, space, and reality get nonlinear[398]
- Magic Aura (Even the Sons of Satannish, humans bestowed small amounts of magic power by Satannish, were noted to have mystical auras.[399]
- Further Support for Non-Physical Interaction & Soul Manipulation, as well as Extrasensory Perception (Demons can sense and harm Astral Forms.[400])
- Invisibility (Can often only be seen by magic users, as noted in the Extrasensory Perception section for Lower-Level Spells and Powers)
- Incorporeality (Are from a Are from a non-physical plane of existence.[401])
- Immortality
- Types 2 [Low-Godly] & 6; Demons can usually shrug off losing their physical bodies and just send their essences into another creature's body.
- Type 3 & Regeneration (Mid; Mortals and their weapons are virtually useless in killing demons. This is shown to be because they would regenerate from normal wounds.)
Resistance to:
- Matter Manipulation & Law Manipulation (Demons reside in the Mystic Realms, and the Mystic Realms are inhabited by beings who can circumvent the natural, rationalistic laws of physical matter)
- Reality Warping (John Priest's wish-making, which works by bending reality, is entirely useless against mystic beings.)
- Possession
- Power Nullification (Doctor Doom with demonic power casually takes away the powers of the Fantastic Four.[14])
- Physics Manipulation (Doctor Doom with demonic power uses a spell that repeals the law of physics all over Latveria.)
- Regeneration & Immortality (Type 2, At least Mid; A Doctor Doom whose magic power was amplified by the Nazareth Three [a trio of demons whom serve Mephisto and thus should be far below Mephisto] was completely unaffected by having his necked snapped 180 degrees and easily snapped it back into place.[14])
- Summoning (Doctor Doom with demonic power casually summoned an army of Mindless Ones that were capable of overpowering The Thing.[14] Asmodeus, having been bestowed magic from Satannish to amplify his own magic powers, summoned psychic tentacles made of Ether that were capable of grabbing Doctor Strange's astral form and threatened to crush it as easily as they could his physical body.[144])
- Further Spatial Manipulation (The demon Ningal viewed spatial manipulation as a "simple feat" for one such as himself.)
- Transmutation & Illusion Creation (Doctor Doom with demonic power casually turned the Human Torch's fire into a blizzard, made Reed Richards not visually realize that he had turned his blaster into a pile of flesh, eyes, and bones, and later casually turned a car and passersby into monsters. The Sons of Satannish, having been bestowed magic from Satannish to amplify their own magic powers, turned Doctor Strange's psychic shield into stone.)
- Sealing & Void Manipulation (The Sons of Satannish, having been bestowed magic from Satannish to amplify their own magic powers, used the Ribbons of Nihility to trap Doctor Strange in a cube of nothingness and non-being, described as "a place which is not a place" that is described as a sorcerous void which no minor mystic could survive for even an instant and also as a ball of nothingness.)
- Portal Creation (Doctor Doom with demonic power could casually open portals to Hell.[14])
- Forcefield Creation: With Blood Walls, which can be used to keep out certain types of people (such as only adults)
- Earth Manipulation & BFR : Despite being a relative novice at demonic magic, Talia was capable of making the Earth trap and swallow Stefen Skarr's body, and would've sent him to Hell had Doctor Strange not intervened.
- Since Talia's BFR would've sent Stefen Skarr to the pan-dimensional realm of Hell, the range of this BFR is High 1-B
- Death Manipulation (After receiving some power from Mephisto to amplify her own magic, Cynthia Von Doom's spell instantly killed the child population of an entire village as a mere side effect of its demonic magic power despite her magic blast only targeting a single Latverian soldier, along with some soldiers near the target of the magic blast who hadn't even been touched by the blast.)
- Curse Manipulation: The Cipher of Death can kill a person if drawn on something that person owns and uses/touches (like a shirt or pillow), and even when just drawn on the side of a car can result in the deaths of those driving it.
- Disease Manipulation: One type of demonic cipher can be used even by novices in demonic magic to inflict various diseases on others, with the severity and length depending on the cipher's size and color[402]
- Curse Manipulation: The Cipher of Death can kill a person if drawn on something that person owns and uses/touches (like a shirt or pillow), and even when just drawn on the side of a car can result in the deaths of those driving it.
- Teleportation & Extrasensory Perception (Doctor Doom with demonic power casually located Valeria Richards a moderate distance away and teleported her into his hands,[14] and could teleport Reed Richards to where he was initially standing.)
- Technology Manipulation (The raw demonic magic from the Haazareth Three warped, changed, and melted Reed Richards's machinery. The magic from a demonically-possessed Madame Masque was corrupting the energy systems in Iron Man's armor and causing the hardware to fail,[403] doing so again in their next confrontation].[404])
- Limited Biological Manipulation (Doctor Doom with demonic power used magic to intentionally maim/scar half of Reed Richard's face.)
- Plant Manipulation (A Doctor Doom with demonic power made plants grow out from inside of the Thing's body, despite the latter's body being made entirely of rock.)
- Extrasensory Perception (The Haazareth Three sensed Reed Richards and Doctor Strange using magic clairvoyance to see them.)
- Energy Manipulation (Doctor Doom with demonic power created a magic gag around Reed Richard's mouth.)
- BFR (Asmodeus, having been bestowed magic from Satannish to amplify his own magic powers, banished his own minions to the realm of Tiboro, also known as the 6th dimension.)
- Immortality (Types 2 & 3), Regeneration (High-Mid) & Biological Manipulation (While using demonic magic, Doctor Strange survived and regenerated from making his own body explode into streamers, with him even controlling said streamers during his fight with Nightmare in order to hamper the latter.)
- Dimensional Travel (High 1-B; Demons can travel to the Infinite Embassy, which resides at the top of Earth-616's cluster of dimensions, of which there are an infinite amount.)
All Innate and Standard Powers of Hellfire and Demonic Magic as well as the powers of Demon Physiology, but on an unfathomably greater scale plus:
- Higher-Dimensional Existence (Infinite-D; Hell lords share a level of existence with their realms, whose entireties they can demonstrably warp with ease, with netherworlds being pan-dimensional realities infinitely transcendent[109] of the universe)
- Immortality (Types 1 & 4) & Resurrection (Hell Lords are able to resurrect in a short period of time, as many of them have shown. They are all also at least thousands of years old, with Mephisto being billions of years old)
- Immortality (Type 8; After Mephisto was destroyed, Dr. Strange deduced that so long as evil remains in the heart of men, it will not be overlong before he is reborn, something also indicated here. Seeing as all Hell Lords are similar in nature due to all of them being embodiments and aspects of evil and of human fears, the other Hell-Lords should share this form of immortality.)
- Abstract Existence (Type 1) & Incorporeality (Hell Lords share a level of existence with their realms, and are spawned from the primal energies of the original Elder Gods, and as they were shaped by the fears of early humans they became embodiments and aspects of the fundamental force of evil.[25])
- BFR (An angry Mephisto banished Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom from Hell.[109] Satannish's power is often invoked for spells of banishment.)
- Darkness Manipulation (Satannish disguised himself as Mephista's very shadow.)
- Further Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Law Manipulation & Magic (Each Hell-Lord is responsible for one of the magical principles of the universe.[405])
- Passive Necromancy, Animal Manipulation & Blood Manipulation (The mere imminent presence of both Mephisto and Satannish on Earth was causing the dead to rise from the grave, blood to pour out from the sewers, and both rats and cockroaches to swarm the houses and streets of New York.[406])
- Empowerment (Hell Lords become more powerful the more souls that they amass.[25])
Resistance to:
- Law Manipulation (In their own realm; In his native realm of Hell, where he reigns supreme, Mephisto answers to no laws of reality but his own.[109])
- Law Manipulation & Physics Manipulation (In a Hell-Lord's realm, science does not function, only magic does
- Magic cannot be used to conjure scientific objects or objects that were created by scientific means.[407]
- Using too much magic can kill the user, especially if they are weak, already injured or suffering from a physical illness, and/or unskilled, such as how Asmodeus's already-weak heart gave out due to him using too much magic in his battle against Doctor Strange.[408]
- Mysterium, a mineral from the White Hot Room, can nullify all forms of magic, even those as powerful as the Trinity of Ashes, who rival the High 1-B Vishanti.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Marvel Tarot
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (Vol. 1) #7; 2009
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Defenders (2021) #3
- ↑ Ultimates 2 #100
- ↑ Ultimate Avengers (Vol. 4) #2
- ↑ Ultimate Avengers (Vol. 4) #4
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Fantastic Four #500
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Dr. Strange (2020) #1
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Strange Tales (1951) #165
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #19
- ↑ Uncanny X-Men #491
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #35
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Fantastic Four (1998) #70
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 G.O.D.S. #7
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 Strange Academy #1
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Doctor Strange (2018) #19
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Marvel Premiere #9
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Young Avengers Vol 2 #9
- ↑ Ultimates Vol. 2 #6
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Secret Wars (2015) #4
- ↑ Secret Wars (2015) #3
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2018) #13
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #12 ; Mystic Dimensions - From the Journals of Ian McNee
- ↑ 25.00 25.01 25.02 25.03 25.04 25.05 25.06 25.07 25.08 25.09 25.10 25.11 25.12 25.13 25.14 Marvel Universe: Map by Map
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Super-Villain Classics, May 1983
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Doctor Strange – Sorcerer Supreme #43, May 1992
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #33
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Doctor Strange (2018) #12
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 Strange Vol. 2 #4
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 5 #17
- ↑ Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #15
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 Silver Surfer Vol. 2 #06
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 34.6 Silver Surfer Vol. 2 #07
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #31
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update Vol 1 #3
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #17
- ↑ 38.00 38.01 38.02 38.03 38.04 38.05 38.06 38.07 38.08 38.09 38.10 Thanos Quest #1
- ↑ 39.00 39.01 39.02 39.03 39.04 39.05 39.06 39.07 39.08 39.09 39.10 39.11 39.12 39.13 39.14 Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #16
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #28
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 41.2 Defenders (2021) #5
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 The Mighty Avengers Vol. 1 #27
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.5 Immortal Hulk #13
- ↑ Immortal Hulk #20
- ↑ 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #2
- ↑ Young Avengers Vol. 2 #8
- ↑ Dark Avenger: Ares #2
- ↑ Empyre #5
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #22
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 Dr. Strange (2020) #3
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 Resurrection of Magneto #1
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 New Avengers (2015) #11
- ↑ New X-Men (Vol. 2) #37
- ↑ Hellstorm: Prince of Lies #16
- ↑ 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 55.4 55.5 Loki: Agent of Asgard Vol 1 #1
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 56.5 56.6 56.7 Loki: Agent of Asgard #17
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 G.O.D.S. #2
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2023) #17
- ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 Loki: Agent of Asgard Vol 1 #6
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 The Immortal Thor #6
- ↑ Immortal Thor #1
- ↑ Young Avengers Vol. 2 #6
- ↑ Moon Knight Vol 9 #8
- ↑ 64.0 64.1 Loki: Agent of Asgard #6
- ↑ Immortal Thor #5
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #11
- ↑ Immortal Thor #9
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #27
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: Magik
- ↑ 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 70.4 70.5 Venom (2021) #25
- ↑ 71.0 71.1 71.2 Dark Avengers# 176
- ↑ 72.0 72.1 72.2 Strange Academy #3
- ↑ 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 73.4 Scarlet Witch (2016) #14
- ↑ 74.0 74.1 74.2 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #80
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #4
- ↑ 76.0 76.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #6
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #9
- ↑ 78.0 78.1 78.2 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #5
- ↑ Doctor Strange/Punisher: Magic Bullets #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #17
- ↑ 81.0 81.1 81.2 81.3 81.4 81.5 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #16
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #21
- ↑ 83.0 83.1 83.2 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #3
- ↑ 84.0 84.1 84.2 Fantastic Four (2022) Annual #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #24
- ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #25
- ↑ 87.0 87.1 87.2 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #83
- ↑ Captain Britain and MI13 #8
- ↑ 89.0 89.1 89.2 89.3 89.4 89.5 89.6 Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #18
- ↑ What If? Vol. 1 #32
- ↑ 91.0 91.1 91.2 91.3 91.4 91.5 www.marvel.com/articles/comics/ultimates a brief history of order and chaos
- ↑ 92.0 92.1 Black Sun: Wolverine and Thunderbird Vol 1 #1
- ↑ 93.0 93.1 X-Men: Black Sun #1
- ↑ 94.0 94.1 X-Men: Black Sun #4
- ↑ 95.0 95.1 95.2 New Mutants #50
- ↑ New Mutants: Special Edition
- ↑ 97.0 97.1 Excalibur (1988) #47
- ↑ Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #227
- ↑ Fantastic Four Vol. 3 #10
- ↑ Excalibur Vol. 4 #9
- ↑ 101.0 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.4 Marvel 2-In-One #6
- ↑ 102.0 102.1 Doctor Strange (2018) #7
- ↑ Thor (2020) #33
- ↑ 104.0 104.1 104.2 104.3 104.4 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #34
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #56
- ↑ 106.0 106.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #57
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #30
- ↑ Scarlet Witch (2023) #3
- ↑ 109.00 109.01 109.02 109.03 109.04 109.05 109.06 109.07 109.08 109.09 109.10 109.11 109.12 Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2023) #17
- ↑ War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2
- ↑ X-Factor Vol. 1 Annual #9, May 1994
- ↑ 113.0 113.1 113.2 113.3 Doctor Strange #381
- ↑ 114.0 114.1 114.2 114.3 114.4 Strange Tales (1951) #155
- ↑ 115.0 115.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42
- ↑ New Avengers (2015) #3
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #14
- ↑ Excalibur (2019) #23
- ↑ 119.0 119.1 The Immortal Thor #1
- ↑ New Avengers (2015) #12
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #85
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #13
- ↑ 123.0 123.1 123.2 123.3 123.4 Doctor Strange: The Oath #3
- ↑ Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2023) #17
- ↑ New X-Men (Vol. 2) #37
- ↑ Hellstorm: Prince of Lies #16
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #22
- ↑ 129.0 129.1 129.2 129.3 Strange Academy #2
- ↑ X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing #1
- ↑ 131.0 131.1 131.2 131.3 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #68
- ↑ Fantastic Four (2022) Annual #1
- ↑ 133.0 133.1 Iron Man: Legacy of Doom #4
- ↑ 134.0 134.1 Doctor Strange (2023) #4
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol 2 #6
- ↑ Avengers: The Initiative #31
- ↑ 137.0 137.1 137.2 137.3 Marvel Premiere #12
- ↑ 138.0 138.1 138.2 138.3 138.4 138.5 138.6 138.7 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #50
- ↑ Death of Doctor Strange #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2023) #2
- ↑ 141.0 141.1 141.2 Strange Tales (1951) #118
- ↑ 142.0 142.1 Strange Tales (1951) #143
- ↑ 143.0 143.1 Doctor Strange #175
- ↑ 144.0 144.1 144.2 144.3 144.4 144.5 Doctor Strange #176
- ↑ Death of Doctor Strange #3
- ↑ 146.0 146.1 Marvel Premiere #5
- ↑ 147.0 147.1 147.2 Marvel Premiere #8
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #24
- ↑ 149.0 149.1 149.2 149.3 149.4 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #87
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 #25
- ↑ Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #3
- ↑ The Thanos Imperative #3
- ↑ Marvel Two-In-One (Vol. 1) #69; 1980
- ↑ Galactic Guardians (Vol. 1) #1; 1994
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2018) #14
- ↑ 156.00 156.01 156.02 156.03 156.04 156.05 156.06 156.07 156.08 156.09 156.10 156.11 156.12 156.13 156.14 156.15 156.16 156.17 156.18 156.19 156.20 156.21 156.22 156.23 156.24 156.25 156.26 156.27 156.28 156.29 156.30 156.31 156.32 156.33 156.34 156.35 156.36 156.37 156.38 156.39 156.40 156.41 156.42 156.43 156.44 156.45 156.46 156.47 156.48 156.49 156.50 156.51 156.52 156.53 156.54 Doctor Strange: The Book of the Vishanti: A Magical Exploration of the Marvel Universe
- ↑ 157.0 157.1 War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #38
- ↑ Hulk (2021) #14
- ↑ Hercules: Fall of an Avenger (Vol. 1) #2; 2010
- ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #8; 1986
- ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual (Vol. 1) #2; 1992
- ↑ 163.0 163.1 163.2 163.3 Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #34; 1979
- ↑ 164.0 164.1 164.2 Doctor Strange (2018) #11
- ↑ 165.0 165.1 165.2 165.3 165.4 165.5 165.6 165.7 Doctor Strange – Sorcerer Supreme #22, August 1990
- ↑ Doctor Strange (1974) #7
- ↑ Infamous Iron Man #12
- ↑ Defenders Vol. 1 #100
- ↑ Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #45
- ↑ 170.0 170.1 170.2 Blade (2006) #2
- ↑ 171.0 171.1 171.2 Avengers Vol. 7 #7
- ↑ 172.0 172.1 172.2 Marvel Premiere #7
- ↑ Strange Tales (1987) #13
- ↑ 174.0 174.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #14
- ↑ Tomb of Dracula Vol 1 58
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 520
- ↑ Blade Vol 4 2
- ↑ Strange (2022) Issues #7
- ↑ Strange (2022) Issues #8
- ↑ Strange (2022) Issues #9
- ↑ Strange (2022) Issues #10
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2023) #9
- ↑ 183.0 183.1 183.2 Doctor Strange Vol. 5 #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2018) #15
- ↑ Mighty Avengers #9
- ↑ 186.0 186.1 186.2 Fantastic Four (2014) Annual #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #41
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #53
- ↑ Avengers #115
- ↑ 190.0 190.1 Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #62
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #66
- ↑ Doctor Strange/Punisher: Magic Bullets #6
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual #3
- ↑ 195.0 195.1 195.2 195.3 195.4 195.5 Midnight Suns #2
- ↑ 196.0 196.1 Dr. Strange (2020) #4
- ↑ 197.0 197.1 197.2 Marvel #5
- ↑ Giant-Size Defenders #4
- ↑ 199.0 199.1 199.2 199.3 199.4 Doctor Strange #179
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise #1
- ↑ 201.0 201.1 201.2 201.3 Doctor Strange Vol. 3 #2
- ↑ 202.0 202.1 Strange Tales (1987) #4
- ↑ 203.0 203.1 203.2 203.3 203.4 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #1
- ↑ 204.0 204.1 Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch
- ↑ 205.0 205.1 205.2 G.O.D.S. #5
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #79
- ↑ Punisher Vol. 13 #11
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #3
- ↑ Iron Man #249
- ↑ 210.0 210.1 Savage Avengers #11
- ↑ Death of Doctor Strange #2
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #15
- ↑ Doctor Strange Annual Volume 5 #1
- ↑ 214.0 214.1 Strange Tales (1951) #130
- ↑ Strange Tales (1951) #131
- ↑ 216.0 216.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #24
- ↑ Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #3
- ↑ 218.0 218.1 218.2 218.3 218.4 218.5 Spider-Man/Dr. Strange: The Way to Dusty Death
- ↑ New Avengers Vol. 3 #20
- ↑ 220.0 220.1 Strange Tales (1987) #2
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #5
- ↑ 222.0 222.1 Savage Avengers #10
- ↑ Young Avengers (2013) #11
- ↑ Strange (2022) #6
- ↑ 225.0 225.1 225.2 225.3 Doctor Strange Vol. 3 #4
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #22
- ↑ X-Factor Vol. 1 #204
- ↑ 228.0 228.1 Dr. Strange (2020) #2
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #13
- ↑ 230.0 230.1 230.2 Iron Man #209
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: Magik
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #10
- ↑ Marvel Premiere #10
- ↑ 234.0 234.1 Strange Academy: Finals #1
- ↑ 235.0 235.1 235.2 235.3 235.4 235.5 Strange Tales (1951) #166
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: Black Knight
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #24
- ↑ Dr. Strange (2020) #1
- ↑ Monica Rambeau: Photon
- ↑ Doctor Strange #174
- ↑ 241.0 241.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #17
- ↑ Spider-Woman#5
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #384
- ↑ Avengers Children's Crusade #7
- ↑ Incredible Hulk #211
- ↑ Dark Avengers #4
- ↑ 247.0 247.1 Invincible Iron Man #596
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm
- ↑ Invincible Iron Man #593
- ↑ 250.0 250.1 Doctor Strange #382
- ↑ Doctor Strange: The Oath #2
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #10
- ↑ 253.0 253.1 253.2 Doctor Strange: The Oath #4
- ↑ 254.0 254.1 254.2 254.3 254.4 Doctor Strange: Nexus of Nightmares
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #49
- ↑ 256.0 256.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #54
- ↑ 257.0 257.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #69
- ↑ Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #2
- ↑ Doctor Strange #171
- ↑ 260.0 260.1 260.2 Doctor Strange #173
- ↑ Infamous Iron Man #2
- ↑ Mysic Arcana: Black Knight
- ↑ 263.0 263.1 263.2 Strange Academy #15
- ↑ Strange Tales (1951) #153
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #18
- ↑ Doctor Strange #177
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #30
- ↑ 268.0 268.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #7
- ↑ Strange Tales (1987) #10
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #43
- ↑ 271.0 271.1 Doctor Strange #180
- ↑ 272.0 272.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #86
- ↑ X-Factor (Vol. 1) #232; 2012
- ↑ Excalibur (1988) #37
- ↑ 275.0 275.1 Iron Man #150
- ↑ Captain Britain and MI3 Annual #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #20
- ↑ 278.0 278.1 Doctor Strange #385
- ↑ 279.0 279.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #16
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #67
- ↑ Captain Britain and MI3 Annual #1
- ↑ Alpha Flight (1983) #67
- ↑ Dark Avengers #4
- ↑ 284.0 284.1 284.2 Strange Tales (1951) #115
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #71
- ↑ 286.0 286.1 286.2 Strange Tales (1951) #154
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #2
- ↑ Mighty Avengers #9
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: Black Knight
- ↑ 290.0 290.1 Hulk #606
- ↑ Avengers: Children's Crusade #4
- ↑ 292.0 292.1 Doctor Strange (2023) #10
- ↑ Marvel Premiere #3
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #46
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #81
- ↑ Invincible Iron Man #5
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2023) #3
- ↑ New Avengers Annual Vol. 1 #2
- ↑ Strange Tales (1951) #160
- ↑ Giant-Size Defenders #2
- ↑ 301.0 301.1 301.2 X-Factor Vol. 1 #203
- ↑ Doctor Doom (2019)
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: Black Knight
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #79
- ↑ Infamous Iron Man #2
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #9
- ↑ Doctor Strange #181
- ↑ Strange Academy #7
- ↑ Strange Academy: Finals #2
- ↑ 310.0 310.1 310.2 310.3 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #51
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 Annual #1
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm
- ↑ 313.0 313.1 313.2 313.3 313.4 313.5 Doctor Strange Volume 2 #49
- ↑ 314.0 314.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #20
- ↑ X-Men (Vol. 3) #15.1; 2011
- ↑ 316.0 316.1 Dracula Lives, Vol 2 #1
- ↑ What If? Magik (Vol. 1) #1; 2018
- ↑ FF Vol 1 #8
- ↑ Loki: Agent of Asgard #7
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #6
- ↑ 321.0 321.1 Strange (2022) #1
- ↑ New X-Men (Vol. 2) #40
- ↑ Magik (Illyana and Storm Limited Series) (Vol. 1) #4
- ↑ New Mutants (Vol. 1) #20
- ↑ Rom Annual (Vol. 1) #3; 1984
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: The Book of Marvel Magic (Vol. 1) #1; 2007
- ↑ New Mutants (Vol. 1) #21; 1984
- ↑ Strange Tales (1951) #159
- ↑ Silver Surfer #59
- ↑ 330.0 330.1 Spider-Woman #41
- ↑ 331.0 331.1 331.2 331.3 331.4 Avengers #240
- ↑ 332.0 332.1 332.2 Spider-Woman #50
- ↑ Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #115
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Annual (Vol. 1) #22; 1988
- ↑ Doctor Strange (2023) #11
- ↑ Strange Academy #16
- ↑ Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #1
- ↑ Sword (2020) #7
- ↑ Secret Invasion: Dark Reign
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #4
- ↑ Avenging Spider Man #8
- ↑ Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #3
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #71
- ↑ Fantastic Four 2018 #40
- ↑ Fantastic Four 2018 #43
- ↑ Avengers #241
- ↑ Marvel Premiere #12, 14
- ↑ Infamous Iron Man #2
- ↑ Fantastic Four #401
- ↑ Savage Avengers #8
- ↑ Marvel Feature Volume 1 #1
- ↑ 352.0 352.1 Infinity Abyss #3
- ↑ Dark Avengers #4
- ↑ Strange Tales (1951) #120
- ↑ Avengers & X-Men: AXIS, Issue 3
- ↑ Doomwar #3
- ↑ Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch
- ↑ Avengers Vol. 3 #81
- ↑ X-Factor Vol 1 #203
- ↑ Mighty Avengers #10
- ↑ Fantastic Four- Atlantis Rising #2
- ↑ Strange Tales Volume 1 #121
- ↑ Doctor Strange Volume 4 #24
- ↑ Dark Avengers #3-4
- ↑ Avengers Vol 1 #14
- ↑ Untold Tales of Spider-Man: Strange Encounter
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #19
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual #2
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol 2. #10
- ↑ Strange Tales Vol. 2 #13-14
- ↑ Magik (Vol. 1) #3; 2000
- ↑ Magik (Vol. 1) #1; 2000
- ↑ Marvel Tarot (Vol. 1) #1; 2007
- ↑ Black Sun: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1; 2000
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 #58
- ↑ Death of Doctor Strange #5
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #33
- ↑ Marvel Feature #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #63
- ↑ Infamous Iron Man #11
- ↑ X-Men Vol. 6 #15
- ↑ Strange (2022) #1
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #9
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #44
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #6
- ↑ Strange Tale Volume 1 Issue 154
- ↑ M.O.D.O.K. Assassin Volume 1 Issue 3
- ↑ Thor #603
- ↑ X-Factor (Vol. 1) #232; 2012
- ↑ The Avengers #235
- ↑ Avengers & X-Men: Axis #6
- ↑ Doctor Strange Volume 2 #59
- ↑ Mystic Arcana #1, #4
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 1 #81
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #13
- ↑ Darkhold Omega
- ↑ Fantastic Four (1998) #69
- ↑ Hellstrom: Son of Satan #3
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #6
- ↑ Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #14
- ↑ Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #5
- ↑ Ghost Rider (2022) #21
- ↑ Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #3
- ↑ Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #5
- ↑ Captain Britain and MI13
- ↑ Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #8
- ↑ Doctor Strange: The Oath #5
- ↑ Doctor Strange #177
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