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Marvel Magic Explained
Here's what I've learned about magic. Magic knows no master. It belongs to neither gods nor man. It is the in-between. The fraying edge between reality and unreality. A hidden string secretly linking all things that only the adroit may tug free. It's a threshold crossed only be rote or by rites. A clandestine path choosing who among the ceaseless quests fumbling toward divinity are the truly worthy. It is the moon's gentle glissando of tides and all the liminal pools of life it leaves behind – each one glimmering and small and infinitely lonely. It is the place none can follow, and implication lurking behind worlds, the coil of rope before it cinches in purpose – to rescue or ruin. There is magic even in the intent driving a dagger. One may become adept in magic's navigation; but never in its dominion. Because magic rules itself. And mortality simply bears witness.


There are many types of magic in the vast and complex history of Marvel Comics. However, while all the magic types are different to varying degrees, and some are definitely more well known than others, all share basic elements and powers (as well as basic potency that is likely higher-dimensional due to its connection to the vast cosmology of Marvel), and many magic users in Marvel have access to and/or resistance to multiple types of magic in Marvel.

Of course, the most well-known school of magic is that of sorcery, which consists of 4 different types of magic (3 normal ones and one forbidden to all but the most powerful sorcerers): Ego-centric Magic (which is tapping into one's own spiritual energies), eco-centric magic (tapping into the power of the environment, the elements, and the world around you), exo-centric (calling upon extra-dimensional beings for magic power, which is a powerful but incredibly risky practice), and the forbidden art of necromancy, which is incredibly risky but can also bring great power to a skilled enough wizard despite the terrible price,[1] something also stated here[2] and here.[3]

Magic as an Independent Universal Concept

Magic itself was created both during[4] and by the Fifth Cosmos, also known as the fifth incarnation of the Marvel Multiverse,[5] meaning that it came far before the current incarnation Marvel Multiverse that is Omniversal Eternity (as Omniversal Eternity is the Eighth Multiverse, with the entire pre-2015 Marvel Multiverse being just the Seventh Multiverse). Also, not only is the Fifth Cosmos repeatedly referred to as "The Time[6][7] of Magic",[4] but it came out before the Sixth Cosmos, which is when science was created, which is supported by how it has been repeatedly[8] noted[9] that magic is[10] entirely different[11] and independent[12] from science.[13] Examples include how a gun made by Reed Richards that could nullify every type of scientific energy did absolutely nothing to the magic energy of a Doctor Doom who was wearing the Skin Armor[14] and how magic and science lie on opposite sides of the axis of power in the universe, helping to form and maintain the shape of the universe and the totality of everything.[15] Also, it has been stated that books and scrolls of magic has existed before time itself did[16] (also shown here[17] and here[18]), further supporting the notion that magic is a concept that existed before the universe itself did while also being one of its fundamental elements. Magic is also stated to exist across all realities,[19] with each reality being an alternate variant of Earth-616. Even when the vast majority of the entire High 1-A Marvel multiverse was destroyed[20] by the Beyonders in the 2015 Secret Wars event, this was not shown to have affected magic itself, as Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom both retained[21] their mystic capabilities[22] without any shown issues even before the multiverse was fixed.

Within Universal Eternity itself, the wiki's own Marvel Comics Cosmology explanation page explains how the Mystic Universe is the parallel half of the scientific universe[23] within Universal Eternity, expanding all the way through the High 1-B structure of Subspace. The Mystic Universe is the home of the mystic realms which Doctor Strange mingles with, being separate from the science-based domains, and the fundamental laws and properties of the mystic dimensions within this realm are governed by magical energies as opposed to the laws of physics,[24] something also repeatedly stated here.[25] This division does not extend solely to the Earth's Dimension, and instead spans all of Subspace as well, since Galactus, who routinely manipulates Hyperspace/Subspace (a High 1-B realm) and uses it as a means of fast travel alongside his Heralds,[26] notes that he is incapable of breaching mystic barriers,[27] as travel through nonphysical, mystical space is not his element. Also, the realm of the mystic gods known as the Vishanti, a realm which as explained below is the same as the mystic universe, has endless dimensions.[28] The list of all the mystic dimensions/realms within the Magical Universe can be seen here.[24]

This mystic half of the universe is also a place where none of the laws of the scientific universe work normally,[29] as it completely lacks the concepts of (scientific) logic found within the scientific universe (with magic taking their place)[11] and its outermost realms are made of unscientific and colorful abstractions.[25] Doctor Strange himself has also stated that Eternity, along with being the personification of the entire universe (Earth 616) is also the personification of magic, with Eternity's veins and arteries distributing it throughout the universe,[30] with Marvel's universe of Earth 616 being High 1-B in nature as explained here. Also, as Eternity encompasses both the scientific universe and the mystic universe, the two were returned to the singularity at the origin of his being[31] when destroyed by Galactus, and then brought back into existence when the raw potential in it is unwound by Doctor Strange.

Also, this "mystical universe"[32] is both governed and inhabited by Lord Chaos and Master Order themselves and is also the home of the Vishanti,[33][34][35] two of the Universal Abstracts who are a crucial part of the substance of Universal Eternity and the three mystic gods of sorcery, respectively. This realm of theirs is stated to lie between the polarities of actuality and between fact and fiction,[36] being a universe of dualities[37] where all dichotomies blend together and cease to exist, and be the fulcrum of existence, from which all that is springs forth,[38] and contains "strange, myriad dimensions" and "inconceivable realities".[38] Some magic races even claim to draw their power from the realm of[39] Lord Chaos and Master Order, and when Doctor Strange himself called upon them to defeat the In-Betweener, their own power amplified the magical forces of his spells, indicating a similarity between their powers and Strange's own magic.[40]

The five elements of magic are also noted as the five elements of "all-that-is",[4] something which is later mentioned in the same story by Universal Eternity itself.[41] Magic is also believed by in-universe scholars to be the basis of M-Theory, a real-life theory of eleven-dimensional physics.[42] Similarly, it is stated that everything that is consists of two halves: science and magic,[43] with magic and science lying on opposite sides of the axis of power in the universe, helping to form and maintain the shape of the universe and the totality of everything,[15] and it is stated that that the two forces of science and magic are intertwined within all things.[44] Even Gamma Radiation, a Type 1 Concept of its own, contains magic[43] as part of its very nature. Magic is even stated to be a conceptual system that allows an individual to control the natural world (including events, objects, people, and physical phenomena).[3] Magic is also simultaneously outside the concepts of logic yet can also replace them.[11] It is also stated that magic "is the in-between, the fraying edge between reality and unreality. A hidden string secretly linking all things that only the adroit may tug free. It is a threshold crossed only by rote or rites, a clandestine path choosing along the ceaseless quests fumbling towards divinity are the truly worthy. It is the moon's shifting of tides and all the pools of life said tides leave behind. It is the place none can follow, an implication lurking behind words, the coil of rope before it cinches in purpose, to rescue or ruin. There is magic even in the intent driving a dagger. One may become adept in navigating magic, but never in dominating it. Because magic rules itself, and mortality simply bears witness".[45] It is also stated to be irrationality embodied as part of its nature.[46]

Magic is also stated to "not make sense" and is "symbolism weaponized",[47] with Wiccan stating magic to be "metaphor" that causes symbols and reality to be the same thing.[48] In relation to this, the connection between magic and symbolism itself is also important to understanding the basic elements of magic. The basis of all the various types of symbols was summed up by the genius scientist Paul, who states that: "Reality...all matter, is information. Math, physics, quantum mechanics... all attempts to symbolize the information so it can be manipulated. We wondered if we could compress the information into a higher form of symbology", and that once Paul and his fellow scientists discovered how to use this symbology, "Imbued with the right symbology, a piece of tech could create matter or achieve perpetual motion. We'd found the cheat code to reality." [49] The connection between magic and symbology is also noted by both Doctor Strange and Stygmata (the ruler of the 2nd dimension, an abstract 2-dimensional realm of living ink where drawings come to life), with the latter stating that drawings and tattoos are both symbols, and because of that they have meaning, which is just another way of saying that they have magic. Doctor Strange then agrees and mentally notes that that symbols and sigils are the tools of sorcerers.[50] Magic was also stated here to be symbol, metaphor, and also signifiers of power, with magic turning symbols and metaphors into the true reality.[51] Even a hero's name possesses magical power,[52] something also stated here[53] and here.[54]

Asides from being pure symbology at its core, another crucial part of the nature of magic is that it is based on stories as part of its very concept. The most notable example of this is Loki stating that "Magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly ",[55] and those stories that become magic then echo through space and time back to the start of all things, mixing with the All-That-Was and sparking something new, such as the mythical Gods of the Marvel Universe as well as the 10 Norse Realms (each of which is its own universe), becoming so big and mad and brilliant that they go back in time and change other stories, especially as "maybes" and "might-bes" such as "I dunno.", "I can't remember.", and "What if?" are just magic words that make anything possible.[56] In further support of this, magic at its core is stated to be the practice of making the universe bend to one's will by speaking words of power,[57] and magic is stated again to be just a way of telling the universe to bend to your will.[58] Also, Doctor Doom tells Loki that magic is essentially a higher narrative into the flow of events, imposing a narrative upon reality, imposing a story, a fiction into reality and willing it to become true. To be a creature of magic is to be a creature of story. Right after this, he states that he himself is a creature of magic, which makes him a creature of story.[59] Magic is also stated to create beings of story and metaphor, and to be immeasurable, unpredictable, and not bound by any laws or rules.[43] The nature of magic being tightly connected to that of stories is also greatly explored here.[60]

This connection between magic and stories even extends to the very gods of Marvel themselves,[61] as they themselves are creatures of story that aren't "real" like physical beings are.[62] In fact, Gods in their true forms are even stated to be entirely abstract in nature, and are "stories", stories which can only be interacted with and affected by other Gods of a similar cosmic standing,[63] or by being affected on the symbolic level.[64] As mentioned above, the Gods themselves are stated to be stories so good that they became magic, and those stories proceeded to echo through space and time back to the start of all things, mixing with the All-That-Was and sparking something new, such as the mythical Gods of the Marvel Universe as well as the 10 Norse Realms (each of which is its own universe), becoming so big and mad and brilliant that they go back in time and change other stories.[56] Also, Doctor Doom tells Loki that magic is essentially a higher narrative into the flow of events, imposing a narrative upon reality, imposing a story, a fiction into reality and willing it to become true. To be a God is to be a creature of magic, which is to be a creature of story.[59] The Elder Gods themselves were created by the Demiurge Primordial as literal aspects[65] through a mystical birth.[66] Amora the Enchantress even states that the nature of Gods as stories leaves them vulnerable to the story-based nature of raw and pure magic.[67] Words are ideas cast down from the platonic firmament, and the stories created from those words turn into things that last for eternity. Magic is also described as an ethereal concept that relies on faith and conviction. The magical essence of something is also stated to be the same as the very idea of it[68], and the beings known as the Faltines, described as abstract in nature, are entirely made of magic. Dormammu himself, a being described as a literal concept, is made from a combination of the magical Flames of the Faltine as well as the mystical energies of the Dark Dimension, further establishing the conceptual nature of magic.

This notion of magic being connected to the laws of the universe is further stated as such: "The first step to mastering the Arcane Arts is recognizing the patters that others don't see. (...) The second step to mastering the Arcane Arts is recognizing that patterns can change", with the patterns in question largely including the laws and concepts of the universe. For example, a pattern noted is the standard numerical pattern of "1,2,3,4", but the scan notes that to change the pattern is to change it to "1,2,3, π".[69] In higher realms, magic force is all that matters, and in higher dimensions, magic supersedes physical laws and is the only energetic medium that can effect change.

In addition, magic has been stated repeatedly to be greatly interconnected with time, timelines, and time travel.[70][71] showing how magic is connected in Marvel to not just the spatial aspect of the universe but also time itself within the universe. Not just that, but should the rules of magic itself be changed, the changes would reverberate forward and backwards across time and across all realities.[19]

Magical energy is everywhere, and lies within many places, such as the bodies of magical users, the Earth, and the air.[72] To understand and use magic, you must "become one with all things",[16] and magic can exist on any planet where there is life.[73] Once, when Doctor Strange had lost virtually all of his standard magic, he regained some of his magic back through drawing upon the magic energy from the very Earth itself.[74] Also, there is a ley system of magic ley lines that spans across the entire globe, which is described here.[3] The Ancient One once told Doctor Strange that "a world without magic would be no kind of world at all",[75] a claim supported by how when the Earth itself was stripped of its magic by the Empirikul, it briefly resulted in global chaos and collapse[76][77] (with Strange sensing beforehand that the entire Earth was full of magic but was being bled dry of said magic),[78] yet even then the magic[79] gradually returned to the Earth (and the other dimensions that the Empirikul had attacked)[80] as time passed,[81] which was accelerated by Loki using Earth's own hidden reserves of remaining magic (which also further confirms that magic was not totally drained from Earth, just severely reduced). Magic is in all things and can be collected from them, if you know where to look, even simple trinkets and objects.[82] Magic can also be found in realms between dimensions, such as the Nexus Point known as Fandazar Foo (which was described as overflowing with magic until it was attacked by the magic-destroying forces of the Empirikul).[83] Even the very sun itself is largely mystical in nature,[84] something which is also indicated here.[85][86]

In short, Magic is a Metaphysical Aspect of the Marvel Universe and is also a Type 1 (Independent Universal) Concept, giving all those who can use even basic magic in Marvel Type 1 Concept Manipulation. As magic is also pure symbology and story at its core, this makes magic an Abstract (Type 1: Stories, Symbols, and Concepts), further supported by the notion that all forms of magic are represented by aspects/incarnations that embody them,[87] such as the Mindless Ones being expressions of magical energy and vibrational patterns between magical dimensions.[88] Not to mention, since the Realm of Lord Chaos and Master Order, which is repeatedly[39] stated[37] to be[39] a realm made[33][34][35] of magic,[89] is stated to lie between the polarities of actuality as well as between fact and fiction,[36] being a universe of dualities where all dichotomies blend together and cease to exist,[38] this would make innate magic (which makes up the entirety of this realm) a Nondual (Type 2) energy. This is supported by how magic is stated to be the in-between, the fraying edge between reality and unreality.[45]

As for its potency, there is the above statement that the five elements of magic are also as the five elements of "all-that-is",[4] something which is later mentioned in the same story by Universal Eternity itself,[41] not to mention that the magical universe is the 2nd half of Universal Eternity itself, parallel to the High 1-B scientific universe of Earth 616. In addition, magic as a whole within the universe exists within Universal Eternity, who along with personifying the entire Earth-616 universe is also the personification of magic, with Eternity's veins and arteries distributing it throughout the universe[30] (and Marvel's universe is High 1-B, as explained here).

However, one of the best statements for Marvel Magic scaling in potency to the 1-A Marvel Universe of Earth 616 (aka Universal Eternity) comes from Loki's statements about magic, as he states that magic is "Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly ",[55] and those stories echo through space and time back to the start of all things, mixing with the All-That-Was and sparking something new, such as the mythical Gods of the Marvel Universe as well as the 10 Norse Realms (each of which is its own universe).[56] Similarly, Doctor Doom states that magic is essentially a higher narrative into the flow of events, imposing a narrative upon reality, imposing a story, a fiction into reality and willing it to become true.[59] Both of these statements indicate that a fundamental part of basic magic is altering the underlying foundation of Earth-616. In further support of this, magic is stated to be the practice of making the universe bend to one's will[57] by speaking words of power.

Also, The realm of Lord Chaos and Master Order, who are the heart of Eternity himself, being the forces that grant him form and movement respectively, and without which Eternity could not exist,[90] with their realm being stated to be the fulcrum of existence, from which all that is springs forth,[38] is repeatedly[39] stated[37] to be[39] a realm made of magic[89] where sorcerers draw their power from.[91] In addition, the demonic realm of Limbo, which is pan-dimensional[92] and is described as a realm that transcends all realities and all planes of existence, and interfaces with all of creation,[93] as well as a plane where all times are one,[94] is stated to be both forged and shaped by magic[95] and is described as a magical domain.[96] Similarly, the realm of Otherworld (also called Avalon), which is beyond[97] space and time (yet still has a location able to perceive and access Eternity itself),[98] the heart of creation, the special corner of the omniverse known as the core continuum, the point where all possibilities converge, where the boundary vanishes what humankind think of as reality and imagination,[99] and the nexus of all realities[100] is stated to be made of magic[97] and is magical by nature.[25] Also, one of the many mystical dimensions in the mystical universe, all of which are governed by magical energies, is the Astral Plane,[24] which along with being the realm of the mind and soul is the realm of Idea, Thought, and Narrative, as well as a substrate of Earth-616[101] and the top, outermost layer of Universal Eternity itself. This is supported by how, in order to fix the universe's magical ley line system, Doctor Strange had to "operate" on Eternity within the Astral Plane to fix the tear within Eternity's "artery".[30]Also, the mystic gods known as the Vishanti reside within the Astral Plane and use it as a conduit through which Earth's magicians can tap into her wisdom and power,[25] further confirming that the Astral Plane is part of the "mystic universe". Magic also helps to form and maintain the shape of all of Earth-616 as well as the totality of everything,[15] and all of the Abstracts, conceptual beings who exist beyond and above the standard infinite-dimensional universe, are sustained by magic in its purest, most fundamental form.

The Higher-Dimensional Potency of Magic

Powers and Abilities

These are the powers and abilities of raw magic on its own, not applying to sorcerers but instead applying to the nature of magical energy itself.

  • These are the powers that come from using any magic, regardless of what type or spell, and should thus be attributed to any and all magic users.

These are the basic spells and powers known by most if not all sorcerers, including minor ones, in addition to the basic powers of magic listed above.

Resistance to:

Enhanced Resistance to:

Resistance to:

All the powers of a High-Tier Sorcerer, including the powers of Basic Magic and those of a Low-Tier Sorcerer on a massively higher scale plus:

Resistance to:

Enhanced Resistance to:

More Advanced Resistance to:

List of Users who can use each level of Common Magic/Sorcery.

Magic users who are never shown using any spells besides basic blasts.

Magic users who have shown a few named and/or advanced spells. These magicians can likely use any and all Basic/Lower-Level spells, and resist Lower-Level Magic spells and powers.

Sorcerers who are far more skilled than lower-level users, especially candidates for the Sorcerer Supreme and Sorcerer Supremes of other realms/regions. As mentioned above, these magicians should be able of using all the powers of Basic Magic and all the spells of Low Tier sorcerers on a far higher scale, in addition to their own spells.

Doctor Strange, Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, as well as cosmic entities who use these spells and the Vishanti, who are the very gods of magic that provide the energy for said spells.

  • Doctor Strange (Especially with the powers of the Eye of Agamotto and his other magic equipment)
  • Umar (Should have a level of magic knowledge comparable to Dormammu's.)
  • Clea
    • Defeated Umar.
    • Stated to be Doctor Strange's equal.
    • Was Sorceress Supreme after Strange died.
    • Doctor Doom backed down from a confrontation after she showed off her power.[382]
  • Dormammu
    • Knows all of Strange's magic.
    • Stronger than Doctor Strange
  • The Vishanti
  • The Ancient One (at peak of his power)
  • Zom
  • Eternity
  • Lord Chaos and Master Order
  • Likely The Living Tribunal

Other Types of Magic

Faltine/Dark Dimension Magic and Physiology

Resistance to:

Users: Clea, Dormammu, Umar (though Umar's physiology [such as her HDE] only scales to that of the Dark Dimension, not the Faltines)

Chaos Magic/Hex Magic

The Darkhold

Hellfire and Demonic Magic

Resistance to:

All Innate and Standard Powers of Hellfire and Demonic Magic as well as the powers of Demon Physiology, but on an unfathomably greater scale plus:

Resistance to:



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Marvel Tarot
  2. Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z (Vol. 1) #7; 2009
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Defenders (2021) #3
  5. Ultimates 2 #100
  6. Ultimate Avengers (Vol. 4) #2
  7. Ultimate Avengers (Vol. 4) #4
  8. 8.0 8.1 Fantastic Four #500
  9. 9.0 9.1 Dr. Strange (2020) #1
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Strange Tales (1951) #165
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #19
  12. Uncanny X-Men #491
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #35
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Fantastic Four (1998) #70
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 G.O.D.S. #7
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 Strange Academy #1
  17. 17.0 17.1 Doctor Strange (2018) #19
  18. 18.0 18.1 Marvel Premiere #9
  19. 19.0 19.1 Young Avengers Vol 2 #9
  20. Ultimates Vol. 2 #6
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Secret Wars (2015) #4
  22. Secret Wars (2015) #3
  23. Doctor Strange (2018) #13
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #12 ; Mystic Dimensions - From the Journals of Ian McNee
  25. 25.00 25.01 25.02 25.03 25.04 25.05 25.06 25.07 25.08 25.09 25.10 25.11 25.12 25.13 25.14 Marvel Universe: Map by Map
  26. 26.0 26.1 Super-Villain Classics, May 1983
  27. 27.0 27.1 Doctor Strange – Sorcerer Supreme #43, May 1992
  28. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #33
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Doctor Strange (2018) #12
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 Strange Vol. 2 #4
  31. Doctor Strange Vol. 5 #17
  32. Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #15
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 Silver Surfer Vol. 2 #06
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 34.6 Silver Surfer Vol. 2 #07
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #31
  36. 36.0 36.1 All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update Vol 1 #3
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #17
  38. 38.00 38.01 38.02 38.03 38.04 38.05 38.06 38.07 38.08 38.09 38.10 Thanos Quest #1
  39. 39.00 39.01 39.02 39.03 39.04 39.05 39.06 39.07 39.08 39.09 39.10 39.11 39.12 39.13 39.14 Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #16
  40. 40.0 40.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #28
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Defenders (2021) #5
  42. 42.0 42.1 The Mighty Avengers Vol. 1 #27
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.5 Immortal Hulk #13
  44. Immortal Hulk #20
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #2
  46. Young Avengers Vol. 2 #8
  47. Dark Avenger: Ares #2
  48. Empyre #5
  49. Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #22
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 Dr. Strange (2020) #3
  51. 51.0 51.1 Resurrection of Magneto #1
  52. 52.0 52.1 New Avengers (2015) #11
  53. New X-Men (Vol. 2) #37
  54. Hellstorm: Prince of Lies #16
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 55.4 55.5 Loki: Agent of Asgard Vol 1 #1
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 56.5 56.6 56.7 Loki: Agent of Asgard #17
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 G.O.D.S. #2
  58. Doctor Strange (2023) #17
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 Loki: Agent of Asgard Vol 1 #6
  60. 60.0 60.1 The Immortal Thor #6
  61. Immortal Thor #1
  62. Young Avengers Vol. 2 #6
  63. Moon Knight Vol 9 #8
  64. 64.0 64.1 Loki: Agent of Asgard #6
  65. Immortal Thor #5
  66. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #11
  67. Immortal Thor #9
  68. Thor Vol 6 #27
  69. Mystic Arcana: Magik
  70. 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 70.4 70.5 Venom (2021) #25
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 Dark Avengers# 176
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 Strange Academy #3
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 73.4 Scarlet Witch (2016) #14
  74. 74.0 74.1 74.2 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #80
  75. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #4
  76. 76.0 76.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #6
  77. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #9
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #5
  79. Doctor Strange/Punisher: Magic Bullets #1
  80. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #17
  81. 81.0 81.1 81.2 81.3 81.4 81.5 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #16
  82. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #21
  83. 83.0 83.1 83.2 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #3
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 Fantastic Four (2022) Annual #1
  85. Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #24
  86. Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #25
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #83
  88. Captain Britain and MI13 #8
  89. 89.0 89.1 89.2 89.3 89.4 89.5 89.6 Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #18
  90. What If? Vol. 1 #32
  91. 91.0 91.1 91.2 91.3 91.4 91.5 www.marvel.com/articles/comics/ultimates a brief history of order and chaos
  92. 92.0 92.1 Black Sun: Wolverine and Thunderbird Vol 1 #1
  93. 93.0 93.1 X-Men: Black Sun #1
  94. 94.0 94.1 X-Men: Black Sun #4
  95. 95.0 95.1 95.2 New Mutants #50
  96. New Mutants: Special Edition
  97. 97.0 97.1 Excalibur (1988) #47
  98. Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #227
  99. Fantastic Four Vol. 3 #10
  100. Excalibur Vol. 4 #9
  101. 101.0 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.4 Marvel 2-In-One #6
  102. 102.0 102.1 Doctor Strange (2018) #7
  103. Thor (2020) #33
  104. 104.0 104.1 104.2 104.3 104.4 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #34
  105. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #56
  106. 106.0 106.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #57
  107. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #30
  108. Scarlet Witch (2023) #3
  109. 109.00 109.01 109.02 109.03 109.04 109.05 109.06 109.07 109.08 109.09 109.10 109.11 109.12 Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment
  110. Doctor Strange (2023) #17
  111. War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2
  112. X-Factor Vol. 1 Annual #9, May 1994
  113. 113.0 113.1 113.2 113.3 Doctor Strange #381
  114. 114.0 114.1 114.2 114.3 114.4 Strange Tales (1951) #155
  115. 115.0 115.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #42
  116. New Avengers (2015) #3
  117. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #14
  118. Excalibur (2019) #23
  119. 119.0 119.1 The Immortal Thor #1
  120. New Avengers (2015) #12
  121. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #85
  122. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #13
  123. 123.0 123.1 123.2 123.3 123.4 Doctor Strange: The Oath #3
  124. Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1
  125. Doctor Strange (2023) #17
  126. New X-Men (Vol. 2) #37
  127. Hellstorm: Prince of Lies #16
  128. Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #22
  129. 129.0 129.1 129.2 129.3 Strange Academy #2
  130. X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing #1
  131. 131.0 131.1 131.2 131.3 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #68
  132. Fantastic Four (2022) Annual #1
  133. 133.0 133.1 Iron Man: Legacy of Doom #4
  134. 134.0 134.1 Doctor Strange (2023) #4
  135. Doctor Strange Vol 2 #6
  136. Avengers: The Initiative #31
  137. 137.0 137.1 137.2 137.3 Marvel Premiere #12
  138. 138.0 138.1 138.2 138.3 138.4 138.5 138.6 138.7 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #50
  139. Death of Doctor Strange #1
  140. Doctor Strange (2023) #2
  141. 141.0 141.1 141.2 Strange Tales (1951) #118
  142. 142.0 142.1 Strange Tales (1951) #143
  143. 143.0 143.1 Doctor Strange #175
  144. 144.0 144.1 144.2 144.3 144.4 144.5 Doctor Strange #176
  145. Death of Doctor Strange #3
  146. 146.0 146.1 Marvel Premiere #5
  147. 147.0 147.1 147.2 Marvel Premiere #8
  148. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #24
  149. 149.0 149.1 149.2 149.3 149.4 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #87
  150. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 #25
  151. Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #3
  152. The Thanos Imperative #3
  153. Marvel Two-In-One (Vol. 1) #69; 1980
  154. Galactic Guardians (Vol. 1) #1; 1994
  155. Doctor Strange (2018) #14
  156. 156.00 156.01 156.02 156.03 156.04 156.05 156.06 156.07 156.08 156.09 156.10 156.11 156.12 156.13 156.14 156.15 156.16 156.17 156.18 156.19 156.20 156.21 156.22 156.23 156.24 156.25 156.26 156.27 156.28 156.29 156.30 156.31 156.32 156.33 156.34 156.35 156.36 156.37 156.38 156.39 156.40 156.41 156.42 156.43 156.44 156.45 156.46 156.47 156.48 156.49 156.50 156.51 156.52 156.53 156.54 Doctor Strange: The Book of the Vishanti: A Magical Exploration of the Marvel Universe
  157. 157.0 157.1 War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2
  158. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #38
  159. Hulk (2021) #14
  160. Hercules: Fall of an Avenger (Vol. 1) #2; 2010
  161. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #8; 1986
  162. Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual (Vol. 1) #2; 1992
  163. 163.0 163.1 163.2 163.3 Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #34; 1979
  164. 164.0 164.1 164.2 Doctor Strange (2018) #11
  165. 165.0 165.1 165.2 165.3 165.4 165.5 165.6 165.7 Doctor Strange – Sorcerer Supreme #22, August 1990
  166. Doctor Strange (1974) #7
  167. Infamous Iron Man #12
  168. Defenders Vol. 1 #100
  169. Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #45
  170. 170.0 170.1 170.2 Blade (2006) #2
  171. 171.0 171.1 171.2 Avengers Vol. 7 #7
  172. 172.0 172.1 172.2 Marvel Premiere #7
  173. Strange Tales (1987) #13
  174. 174.0 174.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #14
  175. Tomb of Dracula Vol 1 58
  176. Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 520
  177. Blade Vol 4 2
  178. Strange (2022) Issues #7
  179. Strange (2022) Issues #8
  180. Strange (2022) Issues #9
  181. Strange (2022) Issues #10
  182. Doctor Strange (2023) #9
  183. 183.0 183.1 183.2 Doctor Strange Vol. 5 #1
  184. Doctor Strange (2018) #15
  185. Mighty Avengers #9
  186. 186.0 186.1 186.2 Fantastic Four (2014) Annual #1
  187. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #41
  188. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #53
  189. Avengers #115
  190. 190.0 190.1 Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1
  191. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #62
  192. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #66
  193. Doctor Strange/Punisher: Magic Bullets #6
  194. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual #3
  195. 195.0 195.1 195.2 195.3 195.4 195.5 Midnight Suns #2
  196. 196.0 196.1 Dr. Strange (2020) #4
  197. 197.0 197.1 197.2 Marvel #5
  198. Giant-Size Defenders #4
  199. 199.0 199.1 199.2 199.3 199.4 Doctor Strange #179
  200. Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise #1
  201. 201.0 201.1 201.2 201.3 Doctor Strange Vol. 3 #2
  202. 202.0 202.1 Strange Tales (1987) #4
  203. 203.0 203.1 203.2 203.3 203.4 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #1
  204. 204.0 204.1 Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch
  205. 205.0 205.1 205.2 G.O.D.S. #5
  206. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #79
  207. Punisher Vol. 13 #11
  208. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #3
  209. Iron Man #249
  210. 210.0 210.1 Savage Avengers #11
  211. Death of Doctor Strange #2
  212. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #15
  213. Doctor Strange Annual Volume 5 #1
  214. 214.0 214.1 Strange Tales (1951) #130
  215. Strange Tales (1951) #131
  216. 216.0 216.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #24
  217. Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #3
  218. 218.0 218.1 218.2 218.3 218.4 218.5 Spider-Man/Dr. Strange: The Way to Dusty Death
  219. New Avengers Vol. 3 #20
  220. 220.0 220.1 Strange Tales (1987) #2
  221. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #5
  222. 222.0 222.1 Savage Avengers #10
  223. Young Avengers (2013) #11
  224. Strange (2022) #6
  225. 225.0 225.1 225.2 225.3 Doctor Strange Vol. 3 #4
  226. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #22
  227. X-Factor Vol. 1 #204
  228. 228.0 228.1 Dr. Strange (2020) #2
  229. Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #13
  230. 230.0 230.1 230.2 Iron Man #209
  231. Mystic Arcana: Magik
  232. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #10
  233. Marvel Premiere #10
  234. 234.0 234.1 Strange Academy: Finals #1
  235. 235.0 235.1 235.2 235.3 235.4 235.5 Strange Tales (1951) #166
  236. Mystic Arcana: Black Knight
  237. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #24
  238. Dr. Strange (2020) #1
  239. Monica Rambeau: Photon
  240. Doctor Strange #174
  241. 241.0 241.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #17
  242. Spider-Woman#5
  243. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #384
  244. Avengers Children's Crusade #7
  245. Incredible Hulk #211
  246. Dark Avengers #4
  247. 247.0 247.1 Invincible Iron Man #596
  248. Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm
  249. Invincible Iron Man #593
  250. 250.0 250.1 Doctor Strange #382
  251. Doctor Strange: The Oath #2
  252. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #10
  253. 253.0 253.1 253.2 Doctor Strange: The Oath #4
  254. 254.0 254.1 254.2 254.3 254.4 Doctor Strange: Nexus of Nightmares
  255. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #49
  256. 256.0 256.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #54
  257. 257.0 257.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #69
  258. Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #2
  259. Doctor Strange #171
  260. 260.0 260.1 260.2 Doctor Strange #173
  261. Infamous Iron Man #2
  262. Mysic Arcana: Black Knight
  263. 263.0 263.1 263.2 Strange Academy #15
  264. Strange Tales (1951) #153
  265. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #18
  266. Doctor Strange #177
  267. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #30
  268. 268.0 268.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #7
  269. Strange Tales (1987) #10
  270. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #43
  271. 271.0 271.1 Doctor Strange #180
  272. 272.0 272.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #86
  273. X-Factor (Vol. 1) #232; 2012
  274. Excalibur (1988) #37
  275. 275.0 275.1 Iron Man #150
  276. Captain Britain and MI3 Annual #1
  277. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #20
  278. 278.0 278.1 Doctor Strange #385
  279. 279.0 279.1 Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #16
  280. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #67
  281. Captain Britain and MI3 Annual #1
  282. Alpha Flight (1983) #67
  283. Dark Avengers #4
  284. 284.0 284.1 284.2 Strange Tales (1951) #115
  285. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #71
  286. 286.0 286.1 286.2 Strange Tales (1951) #154
  287. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #2
  288. Mighty Avengers #9
  289. Mystic Arcana: Black Knight
  290. 290.0 290.1 Hulk #606
  291. Avengers: Children's Crusade #4
  292. 292.0 292.1 Doctor Strange (2023) #10
  293. Marvel Premiere #3
  294. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #46
  295. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #81
  296. Invincible Iron Man #5
  297. Doctor Strange (2023) #3
  298. New Avengers Annual Vol. 1 #2
  299. Strange Tales (1951) #160
  300. Giant-Size Defenders #2
  301. 301.0 301.1 301.2 X-Factor Vol. 1 #203
  302. Doctor Doom (2019)
  303. Mystic Arcana: Black Knight
  304. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #79
  305. Infamous Iron Man #2
  306. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #9
  307. Doctor Strange #181
  308. Strange Academy #7
  309. Strange Academy: Finals #2
  310. 310.0 310.1 310.2 310.3 Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #51
  311. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 Annual #1
  312. Mystic Arcana: Sister Grimm
  313. 313.0 313.1 313.2 313.3 313.4 313.5 Doctor Strange Volume 2 #49
  314. 314.0 314.1 Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #20
  315. X-Men (Vol. 3) #15.1; 2011
  316. 316.0 316.1 Dracula Lives, Vol 2 #1
  317. What If? Magik (Vol. 1) #1; 2018
  318. FF Vol 1 #8
  319. Loki: Agent of Asgard #7
  320. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #6
  321. 321.0 321.1 Strange (2022) #1
  322. New X-Men (Vol. 2) #40
  323. Magik (Illyana and Storm Limited Series) (Vol. 1) #4
  324. New Mutants (Vol. 1) #20
  325. Rom Annual (Vol. 1) #3; 1984
  326. Mystic Arcana: The Book of Marvel Magic (Vol. 1) #1; 2007
  327. New Mutants (Vol. 1) #21; 1984
  328. Strange Tales (1951) #159
  329. Silver Surfer #59
  330. 330.0 330.1 Spider-Woman #41
  331. 331.0 331.1 331.2 331.3 331.4 Avengers #240
  332. 332.0 332.1 332.2 Spider-Woman #50
  333. Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #115
  334. Amazing Spider-Man Annual (Vol. 1) #22; 1988
  335. Doctor Strange (2023) #11
  336. Strange Academy #16
  337. Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #1
  338. Sword (2020) #7
  339. Secret Invasion: Dark Reign
  340. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #4
  341. Avenging Spider Man #8
  342. Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #3
  343. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #71
  344. Fantastic Four 2018 #40
  345. Fantastic Four 2018 #43
  346. Avengers #241
  347. Marvel Premiere #12, 14
  348. Infamous Iron Man #2
  349. Fantastic Four #401
  350. Savage Avengers #8
  351. Marvel Feature Volume 1 #1
  352. 352.0 352.1 Infinity Abyss #3
  353. Dark Avengers #4
  354. Strange Tales (1951) #120
  355. Avengers & X-Men: AXIS, Issue 3
  356. Doomwar #3
  357. Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch
  358. Avengers Vol. 3 #81
  359. X-Factor Vol 1 #203
  360. Mighty Avengers #10
  361. Fantastic Four- Atlantis Rising #2
  362. Strange Tales Volume 1 #121
  363. Doctor Strange Volume 4 #24
  364. Dark Avengers #3-4
  365. Avengers Vol 1 #14
  366. Untold Tales of Spider-Man: Strange Encounter
  367. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #19
  368. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual #2
  369. Doctor Strange Vol 2. #10
  370. Strange Tales Vol. 2 #13-14
  371. Magik (Vol. 1) #3; 2000
  372. Magik (Vol. 1) #1; 2000
  373. Marvel Tarot (Vol. 1) #1; 2007
  374. Black Sun: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1; 2000
  375. Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 #58
  376. Death of Doctor Strange #5
  377. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #33
  378. Marvel Feature #1
  379. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #63
  380. Infamous Iron Man #11
  381. X-Men Vol. 6 #15
  382. Strange (2022) #1
  383. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #9
  384. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #44
  385. Doctor Strange Vol. 2 #6
  386. Strange Tale Volume 1 Issue 154
  387. M.O.D.O.K. Assassin Volume 1 Issue 3
  388. Thor #603
  389. X-Factor (Vol. 1) #232; 2012
  390. The Avengers #235
  391. Avengers & X-Men: Axis #6
  392. Doctor Strange Volume 2 #59
  393. Mystic Arcana #1, #4
  394. Doctor Strange Vol. 1 #81
  395. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #13
  396. Darkhold Omega
  397. Fantastic Four (1998) #69
  398. Hellstrom: Son of Satan #3
  399. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #6
  400. Doctor Strange Vol. 4 #14
  401. Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #5
  402. Ghost Rider (2022) #21
  403. Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #3
  404. Invincible Iron Man Vol. 3 #5
  405. Captain Britain and MI13
  406. Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #8
  407. Doctor Strange: The Oath #5
  408. Doctor Strange #177


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