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VS Battles Wiki

You people misunderstand me. You call me 'Satan' and 'devil,' but... do you know my crime? I loved God too much. And for that, he betrayed me—punished me. Just as he's punished you. After all, how could God stand idly by while that man broke into your home and butchered your family in their beds? There are only two rational answers, Nick—either he's sadistic, or he simply doesn't care. You're angry. You have every right to be angry. I am angry, too. That's why I want to find him—hold him accountable for his actions. Just because he created us doesn't mean he can toy with us, like playthings.
~ Lucifer

You know why God cast me down? Because I loved him. More than anything. And then God created... You. The little... hairless apes. And then he asked all of us to bow down before you—to love you, more than him. And I said, "Father, I can't." I said, "These human beings are flawed, murderous." And for that, God had Michael cast me into hell. Now, tell me, does the punishment fit the crime? Especially, when I was right? Look at what six billion of you have done to this planet, and how many of you blame me for it.
~ Lucifer to Dean

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You really thought you could double cross me? Me?! You know, I invented the double cross, like, literally.
~ Lucifer to Crowley


Lucifer, also known as The Devil, Light Bringer, The Morning Star, and Satan, is the second of the four Archangels created by God and is his favorite son. He is also a fallen archangel, and the first fallen angel. He is a recurring character, was the main antagonist of Season 5, and the secondary antagonist of Season 7 and Season 11. Likewise, he is the original ruler of Hell and the creator of demons, seen by them as a father figure and their god. As the second-born Archangel, he is the younger brother of Michael, and older brother of Raphael and Gabriel.

According to Gabriel, Lucifer is, or at least was, God's favorite and most beloved celestial, but when God asked for all angels to bow down to humanity, Lucifer refused both out of jealousy and wounded pride over being commanded to bow to what he saw as a broken, flawed, and murderous species and no longer feeling he was God's favorite creation. This was caused by the Mark of Cain corrupting him and boosting his dislike towards humanity. He waged a war against God but was eventually cast out of Heaven by God, and banished to Hell by Michael. All of Azazel's actions were motivated with the goal of eventually releasing Lucifer from his cage in Hell.

Like all other angels, Lucifer must have the permission of a strong enough human to use as his vessel, as he can not forcefully possess a person. Being an archangel, Lucifer possesses much more power than any normal angel, every pagan, and also every demon and species of monsters, most of whom deify him, thus being among the most powerful entities the Winchesters have ever encountered. But his power causes regular vessels to decay and required to drink vast amounts of demon blood or possess either his true vessel (Sam Winchester) or an alternate, more stable vessel (Castiel).

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 3-B, possibly 3-A | 3-A | 3-A

Key: Possessing Nick | True Vessel | Supercharged by Jack's grace

Name: Lucifer, Satan, The Devil, The Serpent, The Morning Star, The Light Bringer, The Dark Prince, The Deceiver, The Abomination, Lu (by Michael)

Origin: Supernatural

Gender: Male

Classification: Archangel

Age: Billions of years old (Older than the universe)

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, and 3), Reality Warping, Incorporeality, Regeneration (High, including his grace albeit slowly), Matter Manipulation (Sub-Atomic level), Telekinesis, Telepathy, Teleportation, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Electricity Manipulation, Photokinesis, Astral Projection, Dream Walking, Limited Power Bestowal (Can grant his human vessel total control over his powers), Invisibility, Supernatural Senses, Healing and Resurrection (Resurrected Sam and Maggie, healing their wounds in the process), Soul Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Life and Death Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Time Stop, Power Removal (For lower beings), Sleep Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Enhanced Senses (Angels can see things normally invisible to humans as well as the true nature of a being), Voice Mimicry, BFR, Non-Physical Interaction (Can physically grab non-corporeal beings), Illusion Creation, Absorption (Can absorb souls and graces of other angels), Portal Creation/Dimensional Travel (Michael, even while having most of his power restrained by a Supernatural handcuff, could open a rift to Purgatory, a place that exists unbound by the physical reality. Lucifer should have the same ability as he is an archangel), Resistance to Fate Manipulation, Immunity to Soul Manipulation (As he lacks one) and to Time Manipulation

Attack Potency: At least Multi-Galaxy level, possibly Universe level (Stronger than Gabriel. Could somewhat match Alternate Michael, but was eventually defeated) | Universe level (His True Vessel allows him to use the full extent of his power without having to hold back. Should be on par with Alternate Michael, when the latter had his own True Vessel) | Universe level (Far superior to Jack and True Vessel Alternate Michael. Can kill archangels with his raw power alone)

Speed: Subsonic+ movement speed with Massively Hypersonic+ reactions | Subsonic+ movement speed with Massively Hypersonic+ | Subsonic+ movement speed with Massively Hypersonic+

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 | At least Class 5 | At least Class 5

Striking Strength: At least Multi-Galaxy level, possibly Universe level (Stronger than Gabriel. Can harm Alternate Michael with physical blows) | Universe level (Should be on par with Alternate Michael, when the latter had his own True Vessel) | Universe level (Stronger than any archangel, easily surpassing even Alternate Michael when the latter had his True Vessel)

Durability: At least Multy-Galaxy level, possibly Universe level (Could withstand Michael's physical blows) | Universe level (via power-scaling from Michael) | Universe level (Was able to tank some of Micheal's punches)

Stamina: Infinite

Range: At least Low Multiversal (Extends across timelines, and he can teleport almost anywhere, including separate dimensions)

Intelligence: Immensely High. Extremely Manipulative and possessing extensive knowledge as a result of being one of the oldest beings in existence.

Weaknesses: Holy Oil (to an extent), Archangel Blade, Angel Sigils (banishing only), powerful spells from the Book of the Damned can temporarily paralyze and render his power useless, Lance of Michael, can be trapped inside a cage created by God, needs a vessel to stay in the living realm

Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Lucifer (Supernatural)