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VS Battles Wiki


Loren is a mercenary turned adventurer after his previous mercenary group got wiped out.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-C

Name: Loren

Origin: The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary

Gender: Male

Age: Late 20s

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Instinctive Reaction (Can react to danger before it appears due to his intuition as a mercenary), Enhanced Senses and Extrasensory Perception (Can see in the dark, can see the energy of beings and mana), Expert Swordsman, Aura (Every powerful being gives off an aura), can induce Fear to the point of knocking people unconscious with a combination of his battle aura and No Life King abilities, Soul Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Corruption, Necromancy and Power Absorption (With drain aura he can drain the life, energy and soul of everyone around him which kills them and can corrupt their bodies into undeads), Non-Physical Interaction (With silver weapons he can hit intangible beings like ghosts), Resurrection and Immortality (Type 4) (Shayna is convinced that if he dies she can bring him back to life as an undead), Summoning (From dead corpses he can summon death knights and undead dogs), Berserk Mode (Can increase his stats with berserk mode), minor Air Manipulation (His swings are so strong they generate air currents that act as a minor shield), Healing (His coat has a slight healing enhancement), Damage Reduction (His coat has a damage reducing enhancement), Statistics Amplification (Can amplify his strength with mana), Power Nullification (His sword can nullify energy and his armor has anti-magic properties)

Soul Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Corruption, Power Absorption (Has a natural resistance to all these effects as well as having a protective buff cast on him), Fear Manipulation (Resisted the effects of a fear aura), Curse Manipulation (His sword has protections against curses)

Attack Potency: Building level (Destroyed a stone altar with an attack from his sword), higher with berserk mode and stat amps

Speed: Superhuman with Subsonic attack speed and reactions (Deflected multiple arrows), higher with berserk mode

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Lifted a carriage and swings around a huge blade like its nothing)

Striking Strength: Building level (Destroyed a stone altar with an attack fro his sword), higher with berserk mode and stat amps

Durability: Building level (Should be the same as his physical strength, Tanked a fireball with minor injuries and also tanked the attacks of an undead dragon)

Stamina: High (Fought against undead for an entire night and did not sleep the night before and after before getting into a fight with a vampire)

Range: Standard melee range with greatsword, tens of meters with drain aura and fear aura

Standard Equipment: Greatsword, enhanced armor

Intelligence: High, a very competent strategist and fighter.

Weaknesses: After using his berserk mode his body gets too torn up to continue fighting, however it seems to last until the fight ends and he can prolong it with his drain aura.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
