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Eldritch gods. Cosmic horrors. Things beyond our understanding. To merely gaze upon their form is to abandon all hope.

The only thing protecting all of reality from the final coalescence of insanity and terror... is the fact that the unspeakable gods wait dreaming. Their awakening under aligned stars heralds the end.

Today... the stars are aligned.

~ Ln'eta's Narration


Ln'eta, also known as Ln'eta the Starspawn, is one of the three heroines of the comedy-horror Dating Sim Sucker For Love developed by AKABAKA. She is an ancient eldritch horror, an Outer God whose calamitous avatar slumbers beneath the buried, Cyclopean City of R'lyeh, waiting for the moment in which the stars will finally align, so that she may finally awaken and bring about the ultimate end of all reality. At least, that is, until the protagonist performed a ritual and summoned her just for the purpose of dating her.

She is an obvious parody of Cthulhu from H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 5-B, likely Low 2-C | At least Low 1-C

Key: Avatar | True Self

Name: Ln'eta, Ln'eta The Starspawn, Cthulhu

Origin: Sucker For Love

Gender: Inapplicable (Assumes Female Form)

Age: Inapplicable (Older than time and reality)

Classification: Cosmic Entity, Eldritch Horror, Outer God

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 3, 4, 5 and 9), Regeneration (Unknown degree. Regenerated from her last boyfriend ramming a boat through her), Incorporeality, Higher Senses, Higher-Dimensional Existence (The protagonist describes Ln'eta's kind as "fourth dimensional girls with non-euclidian geometry and curves I can literally get lost in"), Abstract Existence, Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation & Law Manipulation (Distorts space, reality and the laws of physics with her mere presence, with the effects becoming irreversable and quickly spreading to the whole universe the longer she manifests), Madness Manipulation (Type 2 and 3), Fear Manipulation, Corruption (Type 2), Dream Manipulation, Mind Manipulation & Empathic Manipulation, Aura (Overwhelming, Fear-inducing and Catastrophe-inducing), Flight, Teleportation, Telepathy, Magic, Illusion Creation (Can hide her true self and the true state of existence from the eyes of her followers), Acausality (Type 2, After Darling performs the final ritual and Ln'eta destroys all reality, she slumbered again and created a new reality. And Outer Gods are unaffected by the destruction of reality (including past, present and future) and in the new reality they are aware of everything that happened in the previous one), Chaos Manipulation & Enhanced Senses (When the Outer Gods awaken, all of reality comes to an end, and as Darling progresses through the rituals, all of reality descends into chaos. Also when you look at avatars of Outer Gods and the beings created by the chaos they brings, they all feel it), Avatar Creation, Shapeshifting, Size Manipulation, Large Size (Type 3 for her True Appearance), Dimensional Travel & Portal Creation, Hyperpolygloty (Is able to speak virtually every language in the cosmos, including English, R'lyehian, Mandarin, Spanish, French, Arabic, ASL, Parseltongue, Elvish, Undercommon, Swedish, etc.), can perfectly pronounce Worcestershire Sauce

Attack Potency: At least Planet level (Comparable to her rival Estir, whose real body is the Planet-Star Carcossa, a mobile, living dwarf star the size of a small planet which shattered the Earth upon contact in a bad ending), likely Universe level+ (Ln'eta stirring and eventual awakening lead to the total collapse and annihilation of the universe and reality as we know it) | At least Low Complex Multiverse level (Our universe and everything that humans understand as "reality" is only the result of Ln'eta's dreaming as she slumbers in the Outer Depths beyond time and space, with it all vanishing completely the moment she wakes up)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Can traverse the universe and travel beyond the stars) | Immeasurable (Time doesn't exist in the Outer Depths, being an illusion which only applies to the lower realities which are naught but the dreams of the Outer Gods)

Lifting Strength: At least Planet level (Comparable to Estir) | Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Planet level, likely Universe level+

Durability: Unknown (Ln'eta's avatar isn't made of three-dimensional matter or even fully physical by human definitions, and her humanoid form is only an illusion generated by the mind's inability to perceive her real appearance) | At least Low Complex Multiverse level

Stamina: Unknown | Infinite

Range: At least Planetary, up to Universal

Standard Equipment: None notable | Her diary wherein she writes about the dreams she's had

Intelligence: Hard To Quantify (Is an immeasurably ancient higher-dimensional Eldritch God possessing vast, unfathomable cosmic knowledge about the true nature of reality and its purpose, the merest glimpse of which could drive a human to utter insanity, but otherwise displays regular intellect and emotion when interacting with humanity)

Weaknesses: Can only awaken and manifest when the "Stars Are Right", can be weakened and banished through rituals written in Muu's Dating Survival Guidebook | None Notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Ln'eta