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A dashing phantom thief who leaves a blue rose as her calling card. A master of disguise, she slips through even the tightest security in pursuit of her prey. She returns all she steals, seemingly doing it for sport, but is there more to her story?


Lapis is a legendary and notorious phantom thief known by many as The Blue Rose. She always announces her arrival with a blue rose and a card, laying claim to some particular item and is seemingly unable to be stopped by any force, always getting away with her prize in the end, with said prize ending up back in the possession of their original owners, whomever they may be. Her true identity is a mystery to most everyone but herself and has crossed paths with Euden on more than one occasion, though she always escaped before he could bring her to justice.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 5-A, higher with Shapeshifting

Name: Lapis, Belladonna (real name)

Origin: Dragalia Lost

Gender: Female

Age: Likely late teens to early 20s

Classification: "The Blue Rose", Water-Element Manacaster User

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Stealth Mastery, Smoke Manipulation & Light Manipulation (Via smoke bombs and flash bombs), Afterimage Creation and possible Illusion Creation and Duplication (Via Rose Illusion, Blue Mirage and Rose Refrain), Skilled Marksman, Longevity, Shapeshifting (Can change into any dragon that Euden has formed a pact with for a limited time), Magic, Water and Light Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm ghosts), Statistics Amplification (Aramitama increases her strength by 20%, while Nigimitama increases her defense by 35%; Gains additional strength and health with wyrmprints), Statistics Reduction (The Free-Spirited Opera wyrmprint reduces one's own strength by 10% and has a 10% chance to lower the opponent's strength by 10% for a short time), Self-Healing (Via Sakimitama, which regenerates health slowly while Nigimitama is in effect; Wyrmprints with the Last Recovery or Healing Doublebuff effects gives the user a 14% regen buff when HP is below 30% HP or a 3% regen buff when granted a defense buff, respectively), Forcefield Creation (The wyrmprints A Brief Repose and A Bouquet can bestow a one-time shield which can block up to 30% of her health in damage and a life shield that blocks damage up to 15% her total health respectively), Resurrection (The Beneath the Boughs wyrmprint sacrifices 50% of the user's dragon gauge to bring them back to life if they get killed in combat), Instinctive Reaction (With The Genius Tactician, the user is able to dodge any reasonably avoidable attack automatically once every 30 seconds), Power Nullification (Fantastic Flight can remove one beneficial buff from the opponent, including Kai Yan's Adamantine Shield; Via Fury Penetrator, Frenzy Res and Spectral Shield Penetrator to a limited extent), Limited Resistance Negation (Dispelling an opponent's buff or barrier lowers their resistance to water attacks by 5%), Damage Boost (Graceful Bullet increases in power by 20% for every stack of the "Stronger Bullets" buff she has, as well as 5% for any other buffs she has accumulated, up to 80% total; Aramitama increases her critical rate by 12%; Dispelling an opponent's buff or barrier, as well as landing 30 consecutive attacks in a row, induces a stack of the "Stronger Bullets", which adds 4% to the critical attack rate for a short time; Various wyrmprints increase her flurry strength, her force strike strength, her strength when attacking an opponent in a broken state, etc.), Various abilities via shapeshifting, including Fire Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, etc., Resistance to Fire Manipulation by 10% when she lands ten or more consecutive attacks, Statistics Reduction via Dull Res, Petrification via Petrify Res, Soul Manipulation via Soul Eater Res, Heat Manipulation via Scorching Air Res, stun, as well as damage from specific High Dragons

Attack Potency: At least Large Planet level (Should be comparable, yet superior, to Berserker and Base Euden, who could fight dragons such as Midgardsormr on even ground), higher with Shapeshifting

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Able to dodge direct cloud-to-ground lightning attacks from the likes of Jupiter and Thor)

Lifting Strength: At most Class Z (Should be comparable, yet inferior, to Ifrit, who pushed the moon out of a solar eclipse)

Striking Strength: At least Large Planet level, higher with Shapeshifting

Durability: At least Large Planet level, higher with Shapeshifting

Stamina: Very high

Range: Hundreds of meters with her manacaster and water magic

Standard Equipment: Smoke bombs, Light bombs, "Ame no Torifune", Various wyrmprints

Intelligence: Gifted (Is extremely skilled in the art of infiltration, including avoiding any detection, disguises, and learning the layout of any place she intends to rob. She is also able to make a swift escape if cornered via the use of her different smokescreens and flash bombs)

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Fantastic Flight: Lapis rushes forward towards the opponent and throws a card at their feet, before leaping backwards into the air and firing an explosive round that damages the target and anyone else nearby. This technique also removes a beneficial buff from all who was hit by the attack.
  • Graceful Bullet: Lapis fires a round from her pistol that explodes into a heart-shaped cloud, before twirling her manacaster and resting it on her shoulder with a huff. This attack grows more powerful the more stacks of the "Stronger Bullets" buff she has, as well as any other beneficial buff she may have. This attack also consumes all of her Stronger Bullets buffs.
  • Rose Illusion: Lapis throws up a smokescreen and seemingly disappears, and various ghostly apparitions of her appear, attacking from various angles and disappearing shortly afterwards. She then reappears where she initially disappeared on the battlefield.
  • Blue Mirage: Lapis causes several apparitions of herself to appear on the battlefield which attack alongside her, and will disappear when enough damage is dealt to them.
  • Rose Refrain: Lapis disappears similarly to Rose Illusion, and illusionary copies of Lapis appear on all sides of the opponent. Half of them then attack in a wide circle around themselves, while the other half performs a wide spinning attack towards the center of the battlefield and flips backwards before fading. Lapis reappears similarly to Rose Illusion as well.


For a list of different weapons and wyrmprints, as well as their different effects in battle, see here and here.

For a list of Void Weapon bonuses and what abilities they equate to, see here.

Notable Matchups

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Lapis