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The remnants of nowadays caldera, also known as Fish Canyon Tuff.


Around 28-26 million years ago, a super-volcanic eruption known as La Garita super-eruption invaded the Oligocene as one, if not the most energetic occurrence throughout the entirety of Earth’s history, only behind the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event and other cosmic phenomena.

Although gradual, and a different type of volcano which oozed large amounts of flowing lava in contrast to its neighboring caldera, the impact left on early prehistoric life is presumed to were quite notable, nevertheless.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 6-C

Name: La Garita super-eruption, Fish Canyon tuff eruption

Origin: The Real World

Classification: Volcanic Eruption

Powers and Abilities: One of the largest volcanic eruptions in Earth’s history, which ejected huge amounts of harmful gases and ash fallout. Released around 1,200 cubic miles (5,000 km3) of flowing lava, which most likely impacted plant and animal wildlife, as well as environmental global conditions.

Attack Potency: Large Island level (Estimated to be around 240-250 Gigatons worth of TNT. Regarded as being 5000x more potent than humanity’s strongest crafted device, the Tsar Bomba, and wreaked havoc on what is nowadays known as Colorado. Due to the sheer size of the caldera, scientists even proposed making a new VEI of 9 thanks to the approximate devastation the eruption caused, whereas the limit for most supervolcanoes is 8).


Discussion threads involving La Garita Caldera super-eruption